Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Classified DLC Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 2-5 hours
- Total Trophies: 10 (1, 9)
- Offline Trophies:0
- Online Trophies: 10 (1, 9)
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, you can play on casual (=easy).
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 Easter Egg run + some quick playthroughs to mop up trophies
Welcome to the Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Classified DLC Trophy Guide! This DLC is available separately or as part of the season pass for COD BO4. It’s the first DLC pack and available at launch of Black Ops 4 the main game. It’s just one small zombies map (actually a remake of the zombies map in Black Ops 1). The trophies are fairly straightforward and quick to do, easier than the zombie maps in the main game.
How to Unlock Trophies in Zombies: Trophies can only be earned in Online Solo & Online Co-Op. You cannot unlock any trophies in custom game! I couldn’t earn any trophies offline either.
Go to Main Menu > Click on the Word “Zombies” > Click the colored Map Image in bottom right corner > Press to switch to Classic Mode > Select Classified Map > Select a Difficulty (Casual works for trophies!) > Press to Select > Press on Solo Match in bottom right corner OR press to invite friends. You can also play in public match with random players.
You can unlock trophies on Casual Difficulty (=easy) and even enable bots in solo games! Yes, playing with bots does unlock trophies. Be sure you are connected to the online services to unlock trophies.
Step 1: Survive to Round 20 in starting area (with bots on casual difficulty)
You can get two very easy trophies right away. Play a solo match with 3 bots enabled, and pick casual difficulty (=easy). Survive 20 rounds in the starting area. You can open up the doors and get wall-weapons, you just aren’t allowed to use the elevator that leads to the War Room. Then you get the two trophies “Power Struggle” & “The Highest Office”. The bots will do most of the work and can revive you.
Step 2: Miscellaneous
Mop up the remaining trophies and get to know the map so that the only thing you have left is the easter egg.
Step 3: Easter Egg
Do the easter egg for trophy “Cold War Remedy”.
Useful Tips, Tricks, and Guides:
Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Classified DLC Trophy Guide
A Trophy Guide by wolker4 & PowerPyx
For the main game you can find a Trophy Guides here:
Cold War Remedy In Classified, retrieve and equip the Project Skadi prototype |
Do the Classified Main Easter Egg for this trophy. Refer to the guide below for the full step-by-step solution: | ||
Breaking the Ice In Classified, shatter 115 zombies in a single game |
First, you need to go to the mystery box and get lucky to pull this map’s wonder weapon “Winter’s Howl”. Gather a big group of zombies, shoot them with the Winter’s Howl to freeze them, and then run into them or shoot them with another weapon so they break into pieces. You must do this to 115 zombies in total across a match (not 115 in one hit).
This is what the Winter’s Howl looks like: Alternatively, you can get the Winter’s Howl by doing the Main Easter Egg in Classified. See Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Classified Easter Egg Guide. This way you can do it after the easter egg and it gives you a sure way to get this weapon without having to get lucky at the mystery box. To make things even easier you can pack-a-punch it to the upgraded “Winter’s Fury”. |
Shock Value In Classified, kill 115 zombies with electric traps in a single game |
Step 1: Advance to the Laboratories Area (from starting area, take the elevator down to the War Room. From the War Room take a second elevator to the Laboratories).
Step 2: Turn on the Power in the Laboratories (one big power switch). Step 3: Next you must find two trap parts, both are found in the Laboratories area. One is in the “Morgue” room and one in the “Porcine Research“ room. Check these rooms carefully, the parts will have a blue outline around them. Step 4: Return to the starting area of this map. To the left and to the right of the starting room is the electric trap, but it needs to be assembled first with the parts you have collected (it looks like a metal detector, two “doors” in the middle of the corridor). Press on the metal detector doors to assemble the trap. It costs 1000 points to use and has a short cooldown period after that. Step 5: Now you just need to farm kills. Be sure to activate the electric trap at least once per round. It’s better to enable the trap in the corridor that has the elevator. Then you can camp in the elevator and watch the zombies walk through the trap. The few that spawn in the corridor you can shoot and if you get overrun use the elevator to flee. |
Power Struggle In Classified, reach round 20 without turning on the power |
See trophy “The Highest Office” (can be combined). | ||
Preemptive Strike In Classified, kill 50 Nova 6 Crawlers without letting them explode in a single game |
First you must turn on the power in the Laboratories area. Now each round crawlers will spawn in the Laboratories area (so stay in that area).
This trophy is best done with the wonder weapon “Winter’s Howl” from the mystery box. Shoot the crawlers with it. The Winter’s Howl is a random drop from using the mystery box. |
The Highest Office In Classified, reach round 20 without using an elevator |
In Classified you may not use the elevator to the right of the starting room. So you have to stay in the general starting area (but you can buy open the doors).
You can do this easily with bots! Select the Classified Map in Classic Mode and put it on Casual difficulty (=Easy). Then click on Solo Match and add 3 Bots to the match. Buy open the doors around the starting area and get some wall-weapons. The bots will do most of the work, just don’t use the elevator that leads to the War Room! This will also unlock the trophy “Power Struggle”. |
Crawl for Help In Classified, while in last stand use a teleporter and then get revived in a single game |
For this you should get a friend to help you out and play in co-op together.
You must turn on the power in the Laboratories area. This will unlock Teleporters all over the map. Let the zombies kill you in front of a such a teleporter. Then crawl into the teleporter and make sure your friend follows you into the teleporter. It will teleport both of you to a random area. Your partner then needs to revive you. |
Step on the Gas In Classified, kill 50 zombies while affected by Nova 6 Crawler gas in a single game |
First, turn on the power in the Laboratories area. Then crawlers will spawn each round in the Laboratories (so stay in that area).
When you shoot them, they explode and release a green gas “Nova 6” that blurs the screen. Kill 50 zombies while affected by that green gas. Just run through the gas after it’s released. |
Pent-up-agon In Classified, complete 5 consecutive rounds without leaving the war room elevator in a single game |
There are 2 elevators in Classified. The first one that goes from starting area to War Room (small elevator) and the second that goes from War Room to Laboratories (big elevator).
For this trophy we need to go into the 2nd elevator, the bigger one that goes from War Room to Laboratories. You must stay inside this elevator without leaving it for 5 full rounds. That means from start to finish of a round and you can’t leave in between. If you do it in co-op, all players need to stay in the elevator for the trophy to pop! In Solo play be sure to disable the bots as they would mess this up. |
Going Everywhere Fast In Classified, use a teleporter 7 times in less than a minute in a single game |
You must first go to the Laboratories and turn on the power. This unlocks teleporters all over the map (in every area).
Now you must teleport 7 times in 60 seconds (through any teleporter, can be the same one multiple times). What makes this tricky is that it always teleports you to a random location. You need to study where each area’s teleporter is so that when you get ported there you know where the next teleporter is located. Be sure to get the Stamin-Up Perk. It lets you run faster and makes this a lot easier! You can assign it before the match via Create a Class to a perk machine of your choice. |
Reaper Reborn says
Breaking the Ice Trophy is Glitched for me. I’ve done both Casual and Normal 300+ kills by freezing and then running over them and shooting them and nothing …
Zed says
I did try round 20 in starting area, no trophy! is that glitched too, or it has to be done public?
Thank you!
PowerPyx says
Did you do it in custom game? Because trophies don’t unlock in custom.
I did it in solo match on easy with bots and unlocked just fine. Could be glitchy. Try again on a different difficulty, that often fixes the zombie trophy bugs.
Zed says
Hi there!
Huge fan of your work, for Breaking the Ice trophy. I literary hit round 32 no trophy. Please, do say its glitched also?
Zed says
Steven A. says
I’m playing with 2 other players. I myself have camped in the elevator alone for more than 5 rounds. I got in at the end of round 7, it’s not round 17 and the trophy still hasn’t popped. I’m playing on casual btw. I played on normal last time and it still didn’t give me the trophy.
Steven A. says
Crowlike says
I did it solo but i think it’s like with some other Trophys when you do it with more ppl and all of them must be in the elevator than.
Rav says
I have a problem with the Shock Value Trophy. When I camp in the elevator, only one or two zombies die before the trap is deactivated. (I counted them).This happens whether I activate it mid-round, at the and or at the start. So basically I would need to play up to 100 rounds that way. So I changed my tactic: I now lure all zombies into the biggest office, right intro of the trap and then I run to the trap and activate it. The problem here is, that the zombies start to stand in my way, so I can’t get past them and till I fired my shotgun there are already 10 zombies behind me and kill me instantly. Do you have any tips?
Rav says
Alright I did the trap trophy with the second tactic.
Oh and apparently the “Crawl for help” trophy can be done solo. As you know the players have 2 auto-rivives when they play solo without bots. I got the trophy that way