The Kevin Konundrum is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Kevin Konundrum Side Quest.
The Kevin Konundrum is unlocked when you’ve finished Hammerlocked.
Planet: Sanctuary
Area: Sanctuary
Quest Giver: Claptrap
Requirement: having completed Hammerlocked
Recommended Level: 24
Reward: 3060$ / 5716XP
Mission Info: Claptrap’s new best friend is on the loose! You’ve gotta help!
- Investigate the Commotion
- Take Freeze Gun
- Freeze Kevin
- Pick up Kevin
- Freeze and Pick up Kevins (1)
- Freeze and Pick up Kevins (2)
- Freeze and Pick up Kevins (3)
- Freeze and Pick up Kevins (4)
- Freeze and Pick up Kevins (5)
- Freeze and Pick up Kevins (6)
- Dispose of Kevins
Starting Location: The Kevin Konundrum
Investigate the Commotion
Talk to Claptrap in his room in the Cargo Bay and you’ll hear Ellie scream. Head over to see what the fuzz is about.
Turns out, there is a small creature running around peacefully. It is Claptrap’s new friend Kevin. Tannis insists that it has no place here and needs to be taken off the ship.
Take Freeze Gun
Go to the locker in the corner of the room, pick up the Freeze Gun
and equip it from the menu. It deals very little damage and won’t kill the creature. The weapon is called “Kevin’s Chilly” in the inventory (green rarity).
Freeze Kevin
Shoot Kevin about two seconds with the weapon until he is frozen rock-solid.
Pick up Kevin
Once is a block of ice, you can simply pick him up.
Freeze and Pick up Kevins (1)
Tannis will inform you that there are a total of six other Kevins on Sanctuary.
Four of them should be on the middle level, the last two on the upper deck, where the Bridge is also located.
Freeze and Pick up Kevins (2)
Check your mini-map for orientation to the objective markers and catch these small buggers.
Freeze and Pick up Kevins (3)
They can be spotted fairly easy with their purple color and a marker next to them.
Freeze and Pick up Kevins (4)
Freeze the next Kevin.
Freeze and Pick up Kevins (5)
Freeze and Pick up Kevins (6)
Once you have caught all six new Kevins, it is time to dispose of them.
Dispose of Kevins
Head to the airlock marked on the map and throw them out!
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Could we not simply have shot them? Oh well.
This finishes The Kevin Konundrum side mission in Borderlands 3.
For all other Side Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Side Missions Walkthrough.
Bret says
I have a problem with these claptrap missions markers disappearing is tgere a solution
adrian says
i have a problem with this side mission: this one (the kevin konundrum) and the baby dancer. How can i fix these??? Please help.
Michel says
The bug still exists on 2022, the only way around it is by finishing the quest on someone’s else world