The First Vault Hunter is the 20th main story mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The First Vault Hunter Main Quest.
The First Vault Hunter is unlocked when you complete The Great Vault.
Planet: Sanctuary
Area: Sanctuary
Quest Giver: Tannis
Requirement: Complete The Great Vault
Recommended Level: 31
Reward: Money + Cosmetic item
Mission Info: The end has begun, but there’s still a chance to avert the apocalypse. The legendary first Vault Hunter, Typhon DeLeon, thinks he can help. They say never meet your heroes, but, maybe make an exception just this once.
- Return to Sanctuary
- Go to Lab
- Analyze slab
- Go to bridge
- Navigate to Nekrotafeyo
- Use drop pod
- Go to coordinates
- Clear camp
- Redirect power
- Go to coordinates
- Enter Cave
- Follow Grouse
- Meet Typhon
- Follow Typhon
- Place Pandora Vault Key
- Place Eden-6 Vault Key
- Place Promethea Vault Key
Starting Location: The First Vault Hunter
Return to Sanctuary
Fast travel back to Sanctuary if you’re done in the Vault area.
Go to Lab
Tannis says you should head over to her lab to investigate the Eridian slab she has in there.
Analyze Slab
Interact with the large Eridian Slab to use the analyzer. After this you can now use the Analyzer on the other slabs located around the game world, and use it to enter the Eridian Proving Grounds.
Go to Bridge
When you’re ready to continue, head up to the bridge.
Navigate to Nekrotafeyo
Head over to the console and set your destination to Nekrotafeyo.
Use Drop Pod
Go down to the hold and use the drop pod one more time to get to the planets surface.
Go to Coordinates
Head to the location marked on your map to go meet Typhon DeLeon. When you reach the vine wall, go up and melee it to get through.
Clear Camp
Once you reach the large outdoor area, clear out all the animals in the area.
Redirect Power
Head over to the marked spot and melee the vines to get rid of them, then press the button to reroute power to the Catch-A-Ride.
Go to Coordinates
Grab a vehicle from the now powered Catch-A-Ride, and head over to the marked location.
Enter Cave
Head through the now see-through rock to go forward.
Follow Grouse
Grouse greets you when you enter the cave, follow him back into the area.
Meet Typhon
Heed past the robots to go over and meet Typhon.
Follow Typhon
Follow Typhon over to the large canyon, and he’ll explain a bunch of stuff to you.
Place Pandora / Eden-6 / Promethea Vault Key
Head over to each of the marked pedestals to place all the Vault Keys you current have on their spots. Typhon will talk a bit more then you’ll complete the mission.
This finishes The First Vault Hunter main mission in Borderlands 3. Now the next quest Footsteps of Giants becomes available.
Next Up: Footsteps of Giants
For all other Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Walkthrough.
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