Technical NOGout is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Technical NOGout Side Quest.
Technical NOGout is unlocked when you complete Hostile Takeover.
Planet: Promethea
Area: Meridian Metroplex
Quest Giver: Quest board
Requirement: Spawns in Meridian Metroplex after Hostile Takeover
Recommended Level: 14
Reward: 1172$ / 2069XP / Rare Grenade Mod “NOG Potion #9”
Mission Info: A scientist named Quinn has been working on some anti-Maliwan tech in his secret underground laboratory. Help him complete his experiments so Lorelei can get her hands on that tech.
- Check on Quinn
- Clear out Maliwan
- Locate Quinn
- Follow Quinn
- Drive NOG catcher
- Capture NOGs: 0/3
- Capture NOGs: 1/3
- Capture NOGs: 2/3
- Talk to Quinn
- Summon NOG
- Observe Quinn’s Upgrade
- Summon NOG
- Observe Quinn’s Upgrade
- Summon NOG
- Observe Quinn’s Upgrade
- Receive reward
Starting Location: Technical NOGout
Check on Quinn
Head to the Meridian Outskirts and follow the waypoint into a laboratory.
Clear out Maliwan
Once inside the laboratory you will notice there are a half dozen Maliwan enemies sprawled out. Take them out to secure the area and continue.
Locate Quinn
Follow the waypoint to the closet in the corner of the lab and and interact with the action marker to Knock.
Follow Quinn
As soon as Quinn realizes it is safe he comes out and introduces himself and wants you to follow him. He won’t go very far, he just goes to the center of the room and interacts with the computer.
Drive NOG catcher
Head outside of the lab and there will be a vehicle waiting for you, it is the NOG catcher. Hop inside to continue the quest.
Capture NOGs: 0/3
Head out into the spillway and locate the first runaway NOG located here:
Once you get up to him he will be alone, in the NOG catcher use your missile button ( or
) to catapult a orb at the NOG which will transport them away to Quinn. This is what a NOG looks like:
Capture NOGs: 1/3
After capturing the first NOG head farther down the spillway to the second NOG:
Once you see the NOG use your missile button again to capture this NOG
Capture NOGs: 2/3
After capturing the second NOG head to the final waypoint even farther down the spillway:
Use the same method to capture this final NOG, but be weary of the other vehicles driving around in this area, they will try to take you out.
Talk to Quinn
Head back to the laboratory and speak with Quinn who is standing by the computer.
Summon NOG
Head to the other side of the area over to the waypoint where there is a button for you to press. Press it using your action button to summon the NOG El Fuego.
Observe Quinn’s Upgrade
Simply wait and watch as El Fuego does his thing, rather unsuccessfully I might add.
Summon NOG
After El Fuego fails it’s time to try again, Give the button another push to be introduced to The Conductor.
Observe Quinn’s Upgrade
That’s right, you get to watch as The Conductor does his thing which while better than El Fuego’s attempt, is still a failure.
Summon NOG
After The Conductor fails we can give it one last shot. Hit that button one last time to see the final attempt, NOGodor Maximo
Observe Quinn’s Upgrade
NOGodor Maximo is a SUCCESS! Quinn is going to send the blueprints to Lorelei.
Defend Quinn
While sending the blueprints Quinn will get ambushed by Maliwan enemies. Defend him while he does his thing by doing what you do best, Shooting things in their face.
Receive reward
Head over to Quinn who is using his computer still and interact with his computer while he is typing to grab your reward, money and a rare grenade mod “Nog Potion #9”.
This finishes Technical NOGout side mission in Borderlands 3.
For all other Side Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Side Missions Walkthrough.
OldNerdSteve says
Completion of this mission also unlocks the Technical Pain Job “Thunderbird”. (Which is the same design as seen on the NOG Catcher vehicle)
OldNerdSteve says
me says
pain works, lol