Borderlands 3 (BL3) has 78 Named Locations in Pandora. This guide shows all of them for each zone on Planet: Pandora. This unlocks A Hundred Names For Sand trophy or achievement.
None of the named locations are missable! You can still discover all of them after the story in free-roam. You can go back to all relevant places during the endgame.
To keep track of your progress, open the map and hit the L3 / Left Stick. You can check this map by map or if you zoom out to the planet map select you can see the total progress on that planet.
Simply step into every named location, you just need to stand in the right spot. When you find something new it always says “Area Discovered” with the location name in the middle of the screen. There is no need to uncover (turn blue) the whole map, you just need to stand in the specific spots to register them.
It’s best to keep the locations for last and do all side missions first. The reason being that certain areas are locked behind specific side missions. After having done every main- and side mission in the game you will be able to access all places. Until then some named areas are unreachable.
For the named location on all other Planets see Borderlands 3 All Named Locations Guide.
The guide below lists the Zones in the same order as Pandora’s fast travel select. If you haven’t unlocked a zone yet you must advance further in the story.
- Sandblast Scar: 4
- The Slaughter Shaft: 1
- Devil’s Razor: 13
- The Great Vault: 2
- Cathedral of the Twin Gods: 5
- Destroyer’s Rift: 4
- Konrad’s Hold: 12
- The Splinterlands: 6
- Guts of Carnivora: 5
- Carnivora: 5
- The Droughts: 13
- Covenant Pass: 3
- Ascension Bluff: 5
The Purple Marker in the images shows the exact spot.
Sandblast Scar
Sandblast Scar Named Locations: 4
The Slaughter Shaft
The Slaughter Shaft Named Locations: 1
*Accessed through Konrad’s Hold
Devil’s Razor
Devil’s Razor Named Locations: 13
- Roland’s Rest
- ECHONet Hub37
- Phalanx Pass
- Buff’s Bluff
- Bollock’s Niche
- The Sin-A-Plex
- Dahl Refinery
- Sheega’s Kennels
- Cave-in Point
- Avie’s Fort (Side Mission: Boom Boom Boomtown)
- The Lonely Pillar
- Mesa Marron
- Dusty Acres
The Great Vault
The Great Vault Named Locations: 2
Cathedral of the Twin Gods
Cathedral of the Twin Gods Named Locations: 5
Destroyer’s Rift
Destroyer’s Rift Named Locations: 4
- Treacherous Path
- Treacherous Drop
- Crown of Tyrants
- Vault of the Destroyer (enter Vault after Endboss, no map data available)
Konrad’s Rest
Konrad’s Rest Named Locations: 12
- The Arrogant Approach
- Unused Escape Tunnel
- Turntide Shed
- Fallback Tracks
- Traitor’s Mess
- The General’s Perch
- Chapel of Unheard Prayers
- Last-Stand Yard
- These are No Mines (Side Mission: The Demon in the Dark)
- Bleedout Smithy
- Crawling Dungeons
- Angel’s Light
The Splinterlands
The Splinterlands Named Locations: 6
- Pitt’s Stop (bugged – doesn’t register for some players. Simply revisit the area by driving back in and out)
- Logan’s Spar (requires very specific positioning, small area)
- The Homestead
- The Rave Cave
- Sifted Mar
- Big Danny’s Chop Shop
Gut of Carnivora
Gut of Carnivora Named Locations: 5
Carnivora Named Locations: 5
The Droughts
The Droughts Named Locations: 13
- Crimson Command
- Varkid Valley
- Ellie’s Garage
- Ellie’s Scrapyard
- Super 87 Racetrack
- Eridian Dig Site
- Raider’s Drydock
- Sun Smasher Camp
- Warchief’s Domain
- Bloodbucket’s Chapel
- Pit of Fools
- Dahl Orbital Control
- Road to Ascension
Covenant Pass
Covenant Pass Named Locations: 3
Ascension Bluff
Ascension Bluff Named Locations: 5
That’s all Borderlands 3 Named Locations on Pandora and its zones. See Borderlands 3 All Named Locations Guide for the rest.
jrauch says
Do you still have to clear every inch of the map to blue or just get the named areas to pop? Just wondering if I have to go back over every map and run up into all the little corners.
PowerPyx says
No, just stand in the spot that makes the text “New Area Discovered” appear. Not the full map needs to be uncovered. Thanks for asking, I’ll clarify it in the guide!
Rob says
So i have all named locations however it wont give me the achievment did i do something wrong
Flo says
I didnt get a trophy
I have 78/78 in pandora
PelleAron says
I also have 78/78 on Pandora but still didn’t get the trophy, does anyone know a fix to this?
PelleAron says
It unlocked for me after I just went and visited Logan’s Spar in Splinterlands, even tho I had already discovered it.
KAdamsy1 says
78/78 no trophy
KAdamsy1 says
Got this very late last night by doing the following which i saw on another forum their problem was there spliterlands was stuck at 14/15.
i had 78/78 locations for pandora without a trophy pop, goto Pandora – Splinterlands – Pitt’s Stop Fast Travel point run to check a ride and deploy vechile and drive it to the next area which isn’t far, soon as it said i was entering the next area which i had already discovered to my surprise both my pandora and find all locations trophy popped.
Might be worth ago for anyone stuck like me
Shiaar says
April 2022 and this is still the “fix” for this issue… THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Eric says
To anyone with 78/78 on Pandora, or 223/223 without the trophies, I can confirm the statistic tracking in the director can just be wrong. I had 78/78 on Pandora without the trophy, so just decided to go back through every area. After driving through “Reckless Risers” location in Sandblast scar, it said “Area Discovered” despite having already ridden through this area with my co-op partner. Lo and behold, the trophy for Pandora and All Locations popped. So chances are the game shows you’ve gone to all locations, when in actuality it missed triggering one. The solution is to simply go back through every location. Not ideal, but better than starting over.
This is why others have reported success by revisiting Logan’s Spar, for example. For them, that was the location the game didn’t properly register. Your “glitched” location may be different, so just hit them all. Good luck.
Aerchion says
The named locations trophy is bugged. I have Every location and stil iT says 77/78 location same for promethea
TomP says
I unlock the last zone of Promethea on Pandora, Devils Razor by discover Avie’s Fort, you have to really be on the marker from the pic.
FranconianX says
I have an issue with Destroyer’s Rift. It only says 3/4 despite running through the level three times and got all location names on the screen (access through portal in Nekrotafeyo).
Taylor says
I have been to every location in Devil’s Razor multiple times, and it still says 12/13 locations. Any idea why?
queeny says
i’d like to point out Konrad’s Hold is bugged on Locations! im forever stuck on 11/12. i went around the cycle of it several times despite nothing registering. i thought i needed General’s Perch but nope. im not sure what to do now. rip 100%?
Emerald_Knight45 says
When I go to my stats for pandora it says 77 of 78 found but when I go to each individual area it says I found them all. I hope they fix these bugs soon because I’m 3 trophies from a plat and that’s kinda big for me only having 4 lol
Matt1yu says
I had the same issue. Try going to The Slaughter Shaft if you haven’t already. It’s a map transition from Konrad’s Hold that you aren’t led through during any quests. Doesn’t show on the galaxy map until you’ve been there and unlocked the Fast Travel.
Tim says
The slaughter shaft in Konrod’s hold gave me the last location.
Dj says
What’s the area you can’t access right before you go to “the path of sacrifice”? It’s blocked by two doors with no way to open them.
PowerPyx says
Nobody knows, I suspect entrance to future DLC mission. It’s inaccessible for everyone as of now (and luckily doesn’t count as a named location).
iMouaad says
I got pandora’s trophy and ive only 77/78 locations visited but im sure i ve visited all of them,
splinterlands has 6 locations been to 6 of em, but th game says 5/6
mac_attack says
For anyone still having issues with Splinterlands, I found the exact location that pops the Pitt Stop marker. Just after you enter from Devil’s Razor, walk the left wall until you see the map start to split. Head into the small, darked-out on the mini map and it should pop. I did go to Logan’s Spar first and not sure if that helped.
Cort says
This works!!!!
Jon says
Great guide, thanks!
Noticed that The Great Vaults second location is unnamed “Troy Calypso Boss Fight”? Are you certain that it isn’t “Vault of the Architects”?
Deadlock says
That makes more sense, i have been rackijg my brain trying to get the location to pop.
EJP says
Want to return to Pandora for missions such as Angels and Speed Demons, among others. Am at lvl 30, and cannot get back. Drop will not function. What’s going on, and how do I fix it???
PowerPyx says
Keep playing the story. After the story you can go back everywhere. During the story it’s normal that you can’t visit certain planets at certain times.
Becca says
This took forever, I had 78/78 already. But Logan’s Spar did the trick for me!
DaemonThanatos says
Thanks to your guide, I was able to get the trophy to pop (seems like just about everyone had the same problem and solution: Logan’s Spar, which did the trick for me as well).
BloodyRutz says
Be aware it is completely messed up after the latest update (Mayhem 2.0)
Mangeox says
Yes, nothing works for me since the Mayhem 2.0 upgrade, i don’t have the trophy…
Big smoke says
Same here literally just went back through the whole of pandora double checked everything even the slaughter as well and nothing no trophy and i have 78/78. Makes going through all the other planets pointless atm
Belmont says
Actually I believe Pandora is the only issue at the moment. I can confirm as of yesterday that I got the trophies for all the other planets by following this guide.
M1SSKT says
I’ve literally followed this guide and gone through every place and triggered the locations again. I’m not missing a single thing… Still no trophy. So frustrating!
PowerPyx says
They apparently broke the location trophies even more with the last patches >_>
Can only wait and hope for the developers to fix it at this point.
Blade29demon says
Guys ive figured how to get past the glitch, basically with the new update everything get reset every time you restart the game, especially all the locations, the work around i found was…
1. Go offline
2. In a single sitting revist every location in a particular planet, for eg. you need to go to every area Pandora and be in the vicinity of the location like the how the guide mentions and see if it says “Area Discovered” almost all locations expect the ones on Covenant Pass seem to be affected…It took me hardly 25 min to finish the whole of pandora and for all locations discovered trophy you need to revisit all of the locations without exiting the game…Got all the location trophies doing this after this update… hope it helps?
Blade29demon says
And keep an eye out for “Area discovered” can also confirm that using the guide is the quickest way to pop all trophies
Joyce says
You’re a Gaming Genius!
Belmont says
This is a stupid question but how did you play the game offline? Once I started or log out it send me back to the menu. Game isn’t playable unless you are log in on a profile embedded to your game ID.
Driver0 says
Thx man, it worked!
Kerio says
Yeah good advice but… nope, still not working. Did each area one by one considering the order on the map list, double checked with this guide, triple checked with “area discovered” or “now entering XXX” if I wasn’t sure for EACH location, I was already 78/78 before that run, I’m still 78/78 after the run, in one game, still no challenge for pandora.
Not even wanting to try for eden-6 and promothea that are one same state of “all area discovered, all missions done, all challenges completed, all chest emptied” but challenges say I’m not done.
Ocelot84 says
Hi Powerpyx, the location trophies which are currently bugged are preventing me from obtaining the platinum and I have contacted gearbox support to enquire about a possible fix for this bug, but no reply as yet.
Would it help if someone of your reputation made them aware of this? This has been ongoing for months and there are many people are cannot obtain the trophies due to these bugs, and as far as I am aware, the devs haven’t made any comment on them.
Hopefully sorted soon!
PowerPyx says
The devs know of this problem. They just don’t care, unfortunately.
Collectible Counters & Tales from the Eridian Slabs have been bugged since day-1 and still not fixed, in fact they made it way worse by also breaking Named Locations now.
Wouldn’t get my hopes up. I saw some people in the comments saying they got the location trophies by visiting them all in 1 sitting but that takes a long time and not sure if this is a 100% working fix or only working for some (try at your own risk).
Belmont says
PowerPyx –
Just FYI Vault of the Architects is the name of the vault we walk in right after the Troy Calypso boss fight.
ElpheTheGecko says
Done, at the end I did all the locations in one session and worked, ¡¡Dont forget visit the vaults!! Both after defeating Troy and The Destroyer. Thanks for the guide, this game is full of bugs :s
Jonathan says
i’m having troubles i re did pandora 2 more times after i beat the game to nothing popping up. ITs soo frustrating on a problem going on since september still not fix. anyone got any ideas? i got all 223/223 locations.. pandora 73/73 and nothing
stathis says
pandora has to be 78/78…you re missing something…
Stathis says
Worst thing is that game crashes if you try to (re) discover the locations in one sitting… But I noticed this… First you have to go offline (first screen triangle and choose offline)…Second check these areas…Flood Basin in Eden 6 and the Droughts and Covenant pass in Pandora from me worked fine… The areas were saying Now entering not Discovered… DONT VISIT THEM AGAIN…If you do that, game crashes and you loose all progress… Then follow Powerpyx guide…it is perfect…Start with Pandora…this planet seems to be completely messed up…Cross your fingers and spend at least 3 hours revisiting the areas…For now this seems to be the only way…Good luck…
Lawrence says
Do you have to do all 78 with no stop?
PowerPyx says
There’s a bug on the latest game update that requires you to get them all in one go without closing the game or reloading an old save to pop the trophy. However, if you never installed the latest patch you don’t need to get them in one go. This might be fixed in the future (hopefully).
Tyler Morrison says
How do I revisit Treacherous Path? I can’t seem to get back up there
Lexi says
Pull up planet Nekrotafeyo
Go to zone Pyres of Stars
Step into the floating portal orb, right in front of you
Run forward to the jump up
pemamah says
I followed this guide and got the achievements for Discover all named locations in Pandora, Eden6, Promethea, and Nekrotafeyo. I also have 223/223 locations, but Master of All Your Survey still locked. Is it because I don’t finish Takedown at the Guardian Breach? Do I have to finish it to get the achievement?
necro says
Thank you for this
Mokefic_PS4 says
Hi, there.
A played the whole game in coop. My friend received all the trophies after 78/78, and I did not. I tried the splinterlands stuff (30 min at least) what you can see also on youtube as a solution, but no success. Than I said it, I will go through all the locations again. I turned me in offline (Local) -it was also suggested somewhere- and started based on this play through here. I was at devil’s razor/10 when the hundred names, the master of all you survey and the platinum popped up each after another. Ohhh…that was my lucky day!
don’t think, that it has something to do with the offline mode, rather you have to check all the places again.
Hope this will work also for others! Do not give up! This is the way….
Xiv says
says i have 88/98 locations on pandora…