Holy Spirits is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Holy Spirits Side Quest.
Holy Spirits is unlocked when you complete Hostile Takeover and travel to Athenas.
Planet: Athenas
Area: Athenas
Quest Giver: Brother Mendel
Requirement: Complete Hostile Takeover and travel to Athenas.
Recommended Level: 15
Reward: XP / Money (Extra for completing optional requirement) / Epic Shield “Mendel’s Multivitamin Shield”
Mission Info: There’s an infestation in the monk’s most sacred site: The Holy Distillery!
- Follow Brother Mendel
- Enter cellar
- Clear Ratch gunk: 0/3
- Kill Ratch Broodmothers: 0/3
- Optional: Harvest Intoxivated Ratch livers: 0/5
- Destroy Ratch Nest
- Take bell striker
- Repair bell
- Ring bell
- Optional: Place intoxicated Ratch livers
Starting Location: Holy Spirits
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Follow Brother Mendel
Brother Mendel tells you the inside of the Holy Distillery is infested with Ratch, and wants you to clear it out for him.
Enter Cellar
Brother Mendel opens the cellar door for you to head down into the Holy Distillery.
Clear Ratch Gunk: 0/3
He instructs you to use the holy brew to clear out the Ratch gunk, as it’s apparently quite strong stuff. Shoot the marked cork on the barrel to the right of the doorway.
Kill Ratch Broodmothers: 0/3
You then need to clear out all the Ratch Broodmothers that have infested the cellar. They will spawn in each of the 3 marked locations after a short time, so pump some lead into them to take them out.
Optional: Harvest Intoxicated Ratch Livers: 0/5
After killing the first Broodmother and heading toward the next area, Brother Mendel asks you to collect the intoxicated livers from ratch that have died in the area. They are all located around the walls of this room, and they’ll have a bottle of moonshine sitting beside them. Go up to them and melee them to grab their livers. There are 4 of them in the first area, then another 1 in the second area that you need to remove the second gunk for.
Destroy Ratch Nest
After killing the 3 Broodmothers and heading into the second area past the gunk you’ll need to kill a large Ratch Nest enemy.
Take Bell Striker
Once defeated, it drops the striker for the “Bell of Inebriation” that Brother Mendel asks you to ring.
Repair Bell
Once you clear out the last Ratch gunk, place the striker in place to repair the bell.
Ring Bell
Now you can ring the newly repaired bell to summon Brother Mendel to open the door for you.
Optional: Place Intoxicated Ratch Livers
Before Speaking to Brother Mendel, place the livers in the barrel on the right to fulfill the optional objective.
Return to Mendel
Finally head over and speak to Brother Mendel to complete the mission and obtain your reward.
This finishes Holy Spirits side mission in Borderlands 3.
For all other Side Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Side Missions Walkthrough.
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