Get Quick, Slick is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Get Quick, Slick Side Quest.
Get Quick, Slick is unlocked when you’ve started Hammerlocked.
Planet: Eden-6
Area: Floodmoor Basin
Quest Giver: Prisa
Requirement: having started Hammerlocked
Recommended Level: 24
Reward: 4080$ / 5716XP
Mission Info: Show off your drivin’ skillz with some high-flying out runner antics.
- Go to Prisa’s Garage
- Drive Prisa’s Outrunner
- Jump Ramps (1)
- Jump Ramps (2)
- Jump Ramps (3)
- Jump Ramps (4)
- Jump Ramps (5)
- Jump over Logs
- Do “The Big Jump”
- Destroy Pop’s Outrunner
- Take Pop’s Loot
Starting Location: Get Quick, Slick
Go to Prisa’s Garage
From where you’ve picked up the quest, it is just a few seconds to her garage. Head over there to start the test on your driving skills.
Drive Prisa’s Outrunner
Jump in her car, which is waiting in her Garage.
Now you will have to perform a series of jumps.
The first five will be very small ramps, where you don’t even need to boost but can simply take one after another. They are arranged in a counterclockwise pattern.
Jump Ramps (1)
Jump Ramps (2)
Jump Ramps (3)
Jump Ramps (4)
Jump Ramps (5)
Jump over Logs
Just after the fifth and last small ramp, there will be a bigger one where you need to jump over some wooden logs.
This time, you definitely need to boost – otherwise you will be too slow and can’t make it that far.
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Do “The Big Jump”
Now, you need to perform the Big Jump, which Prisa’s Pop used to do. It is a three-piece jump.
First, you need to take the ramp to the small section under the sky-crane-tracks and use it to bounce off to the next small “Island”. That is actually two out of the three jumps in one go.
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If you are on track, you can try to do the third and final leap in one go. But you don’t have to. If you can make a stop on the small “Island”, you can back up and align the jump perfectly. With a small boost, the final jump is still very doable.
Destroy Pop’s Outrunner
Once you have arrived at the destination, Prisa will contact us over the radio and asks us to destroy her late Pop’s car, before Bandits can claim and use it.
As your current car has no weapons, you need to get out and do it manually.
Take Pop’s Loot
When the car has exploded, you can claim your reward from the fridge in the corner to end this mission.
This finishes Get Quick, Slick side mission in Borderlands 3.
For all other Side Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Side Missions Walkthrough.
GegenscheinZ says
Any tips on the boost timing for the Big One? I just end up high centered on the edge of the wood platform on the plateau after the first/second jump. I boost off the ramp, clear the metal platform on the tower, then land on the wood with my rear wheels hanging off. EVERY TIME.
The car can no long move at this point, so I have to blow it up and hike back across the swamp to respawn the vehicle and try again.
GegenscheinZ says
*can no longer move
Jtsu says
I realize this is an old post, but for those who come across it. The car can boost 3 times in a row, and you can actually make this jump with a short run up (You don’t have to get a running start from halfway across the map). So drive to the ramp just before the big ramp, line up with the jump, then just drive straight. When you’re just before the ramp hit boost, hit boost again once in the air, then keep hitting boost. Also you don’t have to destroy the vehicle to respawn it so save your ammo. Took me a few tries myself. Hate driving missions in this game.
Andrew says
The big jump ramp won’t extend it’s to low
Caio Matias says
This bug broken my mission ?
William A. Kuns IV says
By a sheer stroke of luck, I managed “the big jump” in one single boost…on my first playthrough, and after around nineteen fails. I was under the mistaken impression that it MUST be done that way. Now, on my second playthrough, I couldn’t manage it, and learned that I could stop on that island to finish it and destroy Pop’s buggy. Oh, it’ll say “new parts added,” but that’s a lie. It added NOTHING to inventory.
Thanks for that island tip.