Borderlands 3 has an easy Duplication Exploit or Glitch. It allows you to duplicate anything in the game – legendaries, weapons, all the money in your inventory, absolutely everything can be duped (duplicated).
Short Version: Basically, you can exploit the game’s save mechanic. Because it saves all weapons and items in an offline save you can back up your save, send the items to a friend or your 2nd account, copy back the save. Then you have your items back and the second player has them too.
The Exploit works best on PS4. On Xbox One it’s not recommended to do this as making a mistake can wipe your entire save game and it’s much too complicated to do.
How the Duplication Exploit Works
Prerequisites: You should either have created a second account and added it to your friends list OR have an Online Friend who will help you duplicate what you need. The method can also be adjusted to work in splitscreen.
Step 1: Place the items you want to duplicate in your inventory (can’t have them equipped). You can duplicate EVERY item in the game, not just weapons!
Step 2: Back up your save game. This is the crucial step for the duplication exploit as it allows you to give the item to another player, then copy back your save to get your items back too.
- On PS4: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Copy to USB or PS+ Cloud (if you use PS+ Cloud make sure you disable auto-uploads for BL3 or else it will overwrite your backup save automatically).
- On Xbox One: First off, on Xbox One the process is a lot more complicated and doesn’t always work so proceed with caution to not lose your items or save. The reason for this is that Xbox One doesn’t allow you to back up your save game on USB (only in the cloud)! This gives you far less control throughout this process. For now just make sure it backed up your game. To do this, exit the Game (exiting the game overwrites cloud save). Again, not recommended to go through the trouble on Xbox One but if you feel like experimenting you can give it a try.
- On PC: /documents/mygames/borderlands 3/savegames — the character files are the #.sav file (1.sav, 2.sav, etc.). Profile.sav is everything not on your character (Golden keys, stash, skins, etc.)
Step 3: Load up the game again. In pause menu select SOCIAL > Scroll the 4th tab MAIL > (PS4) /
(XB1) / click icon in bottom right corner (PC) to SEND MAIL > SELECT ITEM > SELECT RECIPIENT > CONFIRM SENDING MAIL
Step 4: Quit the Game Application, copy back the save game from Step 2. Now both you and the mail recipient’s account have a copy of the item.
- On PS4: Go to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Date on USB / PS+ > Copy to System Storage
- On Xbox One: As soon as items are sent, disconnect from Internet (so it can’t overwrite your cloud save) > press Home-Button > scroll down to Borderlands 3 > press Options > Manage Game > Saved Data > click Gamertag > Delete Saved Data > Delete from Console > if it still shows the save, delete it again until it’s gone > go back online so it can redownload your previous save > press Home-Button and restart the game > it will now sync / download your save from cloud! Again, on Xbox One this is a lot more trouble and not really worth doing, and the cloud save complicates things, this has a chance of losing you some game progress if the cloud save wasn’t up to date before deleting it!
- On PC: Copy save from your backup folder back to original save game file path – /documents/mygames/borderlands 3/savegames
Step 5: Send the same item(s) as often as you want by repeating Steps 3-4. Do note that if you send a lot of mail there will be a 1 hour cooldown before you can send new mail.
Step 6: The receiving player needs to go to PAUSE MENU > SOCIAL > MAIL > ACCEPT THE MAIL
And that’s it, now both players (sender and recipient) have a copy of the item. This way you can share your best finds with friends or even make multiple copies of items to sell them for money. But for money, there is a better way, which we’ll explore now.
Get Infinite Money Quickly
While sending items back and forth can also get you some money, it’s not nearly as effective as giving money to others in co-op or splitscreen. You can do this with a friend online or do it offline by yourself in splitscreen. For the splitscreen method the joining player must be logged into a PSN account so that it can make a save game for them to store money in.
The process here also relies in backing up and copying back your save game.
Step 1: Back up Save (see section above).
Step 2: In Co-Op / Splitscreen press /
on another player to trade. Give them your money and / or most valuable items.
Step 3: Copy back your backup save and give the money again.
Duplicate Golden Keys
Yes, you can duplicate Golden Keys in Borderlands 3 too and it works the same way as in previous games. You get golden keys from entering certain codes in the “SHiFT” Menu under Social Settings. You can use them on the golden box in Sanctuary and it gives you some of the best loot in the game scaled to your level.
Here are some that give you a gold key, if one of the SHiFT codes doesn’t work try the others:
How to Duplicate Golden Keys: Back up User Settings > Use Keys > Restore User Settings > Keep all Weapons and get your Keys back. This way you always have top notch weapons for your character level.
Those are all the ways you can duplicate items in Borderlands 3. Especially money can help to buy all the SDU Kits for more ammo and inventory space. Sharing Legendary Weapons with Friends can also be great during the endgame.
For more guides check out our full Borderlands 3 Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Alex says
On PC: /documents/mygames/borderlands 3/savegames — the character files are the #.sav file (1.sav, 2.sav, etc.). Profile.sav is everything not on your character (Golden keys, stash, skins, etc.)
PowerPyx says
Thank you, added it in now!
Cat says
I have a question about golden key replication. Can you tell me a little more detail about where to back up user information? I play on PS4.
Shadowalker13 says
When you go to upload your save data there’s another file called user settings
Logan says
Can you dup the gold keys player to player if so how
Corvus says
This isnt difficult on xbox at all.
-start game
-join game on second account
-sign out of second account
-rejoin with second account
(This creates a cloud save)
-go to network settings and go offline
-trade everything back
-quit game with main account
-hit xbox button, go to bl3 and hit start, manage game, delete save data of second account from console
-start game on main account
-go online
-join with second account
Everything is still there.
TerminalDStress says
I don’t think this will work with a digital copy.
Indio says
What i want is a good easy infinite ammo glitch. Something easy like the glitch in Handsome Jack Collection. That glitch works playing an unpatched disc copy.
Temp says
Not a glitch but I heard you can basically accomplish that with Moze’s skills.
Waco says
I just tried this and I didn’t get the key back or keep the items I received after opening the Golden chest. Not Sure what I did wrong. I did get back a gun I emailed to my friend though.
will mullan says
it sounds like you backed up and restored the game save data and not the user settings.
speedy says
Can you duplicate eridium?
Daniel Jones says
You don’t need to upload and download saves for golden key duplication. Just go on to the game still connected to the internet, once in-game, go to network and disconnect your connection, then just use your key, quit, reload, repeat.
Monte says
Hello, guys, is the Money Glitch still working? Somehow can’t do it. If I have everything clear and open the trading menu, I can’t hand over the money to my second player. Can someone help me? Thanks so much!
I was born without a name says
When you trade at the bottom it shows alot of zeros,thats money