Boom Boom Boomtown is a side mission in Borderlands 3 (BL3). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Boom Boom Boomtown Side Quest.
Boom Boom Boomtown is unlocked when you reach the region “Devil’s Razor” (Pandora) during main mission Blood Drive.
Planet: Pandora
Area: Devil’s Razor
Quest Giver: Tina / Brick
Requirement: Reach the region “Devil’s Razor” (Pandora) during main mission Blood Drive.
Recommended Level: 28
Reward: 6983 XP + Deadeye Decal (Unique Weapon Trinket)
Mission Info: Help the B-Team secure their new home!
- Ground Slam the bomb
- Talk to Brick
- Detonate Bomb
- Eliminate COV invaders
- Talk to Tina
Starting Location: Boom Boom Boomtown
The quest can start in two places – either from Tina or from Brick (both are found close together in Devil’s Razor). For the purpose of this walkthrough we’ll accept it from Tina!
Tina Location:
Brick Location:
Ground Slam the bomb
If you accepted the quest from Tina, she wants you to help with a bomb first. Walk up the stairs behind Tina. At the top you can find a board to jump down from. You must hit the bomb below with a ground slam – press the crouch button /
in mid-air to perform a ground slam!
Talk to Brick
Jump down and talk to the big guy holding the door.
Detonate Bomb
Brick opens the door. Some enemies are behind it. Just shoot the bomb that you ground-slammed down there. Boom goes the bandit!
Eliminate COV invaders
Follow Tina & Brick back to Boom Town, just up the road. Once there, shoot anything that moves! It’s mostly just Tinks and one Badass Enforcer. Tina and Brick will help.
Talk to Tina
And that’s it! Mission complete – just talk to Tina after clearing the place of enemies. You get the unique weapon trinket “Deadeye Decal” as a reward (a cosmetic).
This finishes Boom Boom Boomtown side mission in Borderlands 3. Now the next quests “Sheega’s All That” and “Life of the Party” can be accepted in Boom Town.
For all other Side Mission Walkthroughs, check out our complete Borderlands 3 Side Missions Walkthrough.
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