Biomutant Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 20 – 30 hours
- Offline Trophies: 47 (1
, 3
, 6
, 37
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 4 –
That’s Mine,
- Number of semi-missable trophies (would require some extra grinding if you don’t focus on these from the start): 5 –
Max Gains,
Pew Pew!,
Hack n’ Slash,
Stick it to Them
- Bugged trophies: 0 since Patch 2.02 [before 2.02 there were 2 glitched trophies that are now fixed:
Old World Gadgets (unobtainable with patch 2.01),
Toytinkerer (was bugged for some players)]
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, the game can be played on any difficulty
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Choosing “Continue” after completing the story puts you in NG+, can load a save before completing the ending to continue the same playthrough
- Release Date: May 25, 2021
Welcome to the Biomutant Trophy Guide! Biomutant is an open-world RPG created by developer Experiment 101, originally announced back in 2017. You play as a player-created bipedal animal, exploring a post-apocalyptic world where all humans have disappeared, but are replaced with different talking animals and hostile creatures. The game is very open-worldish in structure, with many different locations and characters to discover outside of the main story.
Step 1: Play through the Story and do Trophies in any order you like
Biomutant doesn’t have any sort of traditional forced progression structure to it, as after you finish the tutorial and exit the bunker you are lead through a bit more tutorial on the tribes in the game, then can basically do whatever you feel like. You can progress the main quests whenever you feel like, or just choose to run around the map and search for loot and find other characters to interact with. All trophies can also be completed before the actual end of the story, as there are still some story events after defeating the 4 World Eaters, which is the main end goal of the game.
Because there isn’t any specific order or roadmap to complete objectives in, here are some general tips and things to watch out for to save time:
- Save before each World Eater boss fight. Each fight has a missable trophy tied to it for doing something with the fight mechanics, and in the slim chance you don’t earn the trophy during the fight you would have to start a new playthrough to try again as you can’t replay the boss fights without reloading a save. This will take care of the 4 missable trophies (
That’s Mine,
- Save 16 upgrade points (for the trophies
Pew Pew! and
Hack n’ Slash), 16 Psi-Points (for the trophy
Electrified), and 12 Bio-Points (for the trophy
Stick it to Them). This will take care of all trophy-related abilities/perks. If you do this you can make a save, then purchase the trophy-related abilities/perks to pop the trophies, then reload your save if you then want to redistribute your points to other more useful perks.
- Pay attention to the trophy
Toytinkerer, it requires you to encounter a randomly spawning bear with a lantern 4 times and complete his side quests. This is completely luck-based, so paying attention to it from the beginning will save you a lot of hassle later. It can spawn any place, any time, it’s just random luck.
- Pay attention to the combat trophy
Wung-fu Master from the beginning. It requires you to defeat 50 enemies using your Super Wung-Fu ability which needs to be charged up in combat first. If you ignore this, it could result in additional hours of grinding just to farm these kills. Always use your Super Wung-Fu during every combat encounter until the trophy unlocks.
- Be on the watch for all different catchable animals: Sqvips (small orange squirrels & purple rodents for trophy
Zoo-do), Glittermoths (fireflies for trophy
Bugologist), and Pippis (dark birds for trophy
Flap-flap). Those animals can spawn anywhere. You can save yourself some grinding if you always grab the capturable animals when you see them! Also return to the two spots for Guppos (black fish for trophy
Angler) and Gumquacks (rubber ducks for trophy
Quack) from time to time because they always respawn in the same spot.
- Making good or evil choices doesn’t matter overall for earning trophies or for story progression. It also doesn’t matter what Tribe you ally with. Certain abilities require a minimum aura score to unlock, but you can gain an unlimited number of aura points by capturing Sqvips, then either killing them (evil point) or keeping them (good point). 30 is the highest point total required to unlock abilities.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Biomutant – All Forts & Outposts Locations
- Biomutant – All Side Character Locations
- Biomutant – All Old World Gadget Locations
- Biomutant – 30 Altar Locations (Psyionic Shrines)
- Biomutant – How to Get Best Weapon
Biomutant Trophy Guide
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Biomutant Platinum Trophy Unlock every Trophy in Biomutant |
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Earn all other trophies in Biomutant to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). | ||
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The Adventure Begins Escape Bunker 101 |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This is earned at the end of the first main quest “Bunker 101, which largely functions as the game’s tutorial before the open world becomes available. |
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Twinkle Twinkle Discover a Twinkle Crashsite |
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Discovering the Twinkle Crashsite is part of the side quest that you can take part in for Nova. She can be found in the Fnackyleaves region at Watchout, which is a large observation tower. She has you find a meteor that has landed nearby, and when you reach it and solve the interaction puzzle on it you earn this trophy. This is where you find Nova to accept this side quest: |
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Under the Table Win a Drinking Competition against Gulp |
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During the main questline you will automatically meet Gulp. After completing the main quest objective for another character called “Goop” you can return to Gulp and he will give you a side quest to locate some Radium Fluid for him. Go find it, then when you return to him he’ll want to have a drinking competition with you. Complete the short QTE and complete the side quest to earn this trophy. This is where you find Gulp to accept this side quest: |
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Wung-fu Master Defeat 50 Enemies using Super Wushu |
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Super Wushu (actually called Super Wung-Fu in-game) functions as a sort of ultimate attack or charged-up state that you can enter during combat. You will gain the ability to use it early in the story after obtaining the Klonkfist, then you can unlock abilities that grant charges towards Super Wung-Fu when used. Filling up 3 of the charges during combat by using different special attacks then allows you to hit ![]() ![]() You must land 3 combos to charge up the Super Wung-Fu. You can see what combos give you a Super Wung-Fu charge by looking at the Character Menu > Wung-Fu > click on different weapons and look which combos say “This is a Special Attack, hitting an enemy with it will fill up one Super Wung Fu icon”. Example: Using the Klonkfirst (early story weapon) use these 3 combos: You must alternate between different combos to add to your Wung-Fu Charge. You can’t spam the same combo buttons 3 times in a row. Find 2 different combos that are easy for you and alternate between those (Combo 1 > Combo 2 > Combo 1). You can see your Super Wung-Fu Charge by the number of white icons to the left of your character. Once you see 3 icons you can |
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Old World Gadgets Discover all 15 Old World Gadgets |
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» Biomutant – All Old World Gadget Locations | ||
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Thugs Defeat 25 Bandits |
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Bandits are a specific type of enemies that are found in Bandit Camps located around the map. There are 11 total of these spread around the world and can be seen by the specific square fort shape they have when looking at them on the map. Here’s one near the center of the map, just north-east of the tree of life.
After you find the first one you will obtain a side quest called “Cleaning Up” which will then point you one at a time to the other Bandit Camps. Now just keep following this side quest until you unlock this trophy for defeating a total of 25 bandits between all the 11 camps. Each camp normally has around 4 normal enemies and 2 miniboss enemies. You should get the trophy within doing 6 bandit camps. |
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Tar-up Drown 5 Enemies in Oil during Combat |
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Oil is a hazardous liquid that can be found around the game world. If you (or normal enemies) enter it you will slowly sink and die if you aren’t able to escape the oil in time. For this trophy, you need to make 5 enemies fall into the oil and then sink until they die. You can do this by either sticking enemies to the Mucus Bubble ability then popping it when they are facing the oil to toss them in, or using the Telekinesis ability to pick enemies up and move them over the oil or you can use melee weapons to push them in. There are a few locations this can be done during the game. One good one is Puttiupper Plaza, located near the center of the map beside the Tree of Life root extending northeast. This is a large airstrip with a number of large oil ponds that will have groups of small normal enemies fighting normal enemies. You can grab the normal enemies and throw them into the oil around the area. Make sure you have the Oxygen Suit to survive in this area. You get a Side Quest for it automatically when entering any anti-oxygen area (such as this one here), but by this point you should have the side quest for it in your log automatically. Another possible location is Burblebottom/Brickbrack 11G located near the Northwest edge of the map, which is a location with a number of oil lakes located around it, with some small enemies you can move and throw in. If you find ones farther away you can try and drag them here. |
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Specialized Reach Level 25 with any Character Class |
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This trophy is awarded when you reach level 25 during a playthrough. The level cap for the game is at least 30+, so 25 should be reached fairly easily while working through the normal story and side content related to trophies. | ||
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Kneel Discover all 30 Altars |
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» Biomutant – 30 Altar Locations (Psyionic Shrines) | ||
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Pew Pew! Unlock all Gun Proficiency Skills |
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This trophy is awarded for unlocking all abilities under the Wung-Fu >Ranged Combat section of the ability menu. There are 5 different types of guns, where each has two unlockable special abilities that cost 1 and 2 upgrade points each. You need a total of 15 upgrade points to unlock all Gun Proficiency Skills.
If you wish to save the upgrade points for something else you can wait until you have enough extra to purchase all the remaining skills you need, make a save, purchase all gun upgrades to unlock the trophy, then reload the save to get your points back. If you’re missing a ranged weapon such as the Shotgun, you can buy the crafting parts at vendors in conquered Outposts, then via the Crafting Menu you can change the base type of your existing weapons (i.e. turning a Rifle into a Shotgun through crafting). |
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Hack n’ Slash Unlock all Melee Weapon Proficiency Skills |
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This trophy is awarded for unlocking all abilities under the Wung-Fu > Close Combat section of the ability menu. There are 5 different types of close combat weapons (Unarmed counts as a weapon), where each has two unlockable special abilities that cost 1 and 2 upgrade points each, plus 1 extra for the “Twin Silver Grip” skill to allow you to use dual wield melee if you don’t start on the Saboteur class. You need a total of 15 (or 16) upgrade points to unlock all Melee Weapon Proficiency Skills.
If you wish to save the upgrade points for something else you can wait until you have enough extra to purchase all the remaining skills you need, make a save, purchase all close combat upgrades to unlock the trophy, then reload the save to get your points back. |
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DNA Overload Re-code your DNA at a Cooling Tower Biopool |
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Biopools are located in radioactively contaminated areas around the game world. These can be found easily by the large reactor cooling tower and green pools around them on the map, like Bio Nucleus 6D in the below screenshot. In these areas there will be an underground area that contains a miniboss enemy, then when defeated you will be able to find a Biopool. Interacting with one of these Biopools allows you to spend 1 Bio-Point to change the character morph setup you picked at the beginning of the game. Do this one time at any of the Biopools to earn this trophy. |
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Max Gains Upgrade any 2 Attributes to 100 |
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*SEMI-MISSABLE* – Focus on this early on to avoid having to grind XP in the end
Your character has 6 different attributes with values that are set depending on what you do during character creation. When you level up you then gain points that you can use to add to any attribute +10 at a time. For this trophy, you just need to upgrade any 2 attributes so that they have a value of 100+. You will gain 250 attribute points at a minimum during the game because of the Specialized trophy, so just make sure to upgrade any 2 attributes to at least 100 while playing so that you don’t need to grind extra levels after other trophies. |
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Electrified Defeat 20 Enemies using the Ki-Spark Ability |
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Ki-Spark is a Psi-Power mutation ability that you can unlock using 16 Psi-Points when you have at least 30 Light Aura. When used you shoot lighting in front of you while consuming your Ki gauge. You need to defeat a total of 20 enemies using this ability. It doesn’t deal a lot of damage quickly so can be a slight pain to use depending on when you unlock it, so for the easiest time, you should weaken enemies with melee or firearms first, then just finish them off with Ki-Spark. Only the killing hit needs to be from this ability, it’s perfectly fine to weaken the enemies first.
The quickest way to get 16 Psi-Points is to find Altars (Psyonic Shrines). You need 30 of these for trophy |
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Stick it to Them Stick 25 Enemies to the Mucus Bubble |
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Mucus Bubble is a Biogenetics mutation you can purchase for 12 Bio-Points. When used it makes a bubble appear around you where you can then roll around and any enemies touched will stick to the bubble. Stick enemies to the bubble 25 times to earn this trophy. You can do this on the same enemy / enemies over and over until the trophy pops, it doesn’t need to be different enemies. You get Bio-Points by collecting green goo boxes throughout the open world (there are lots more than you need) or by simply defeating enemies in biohazard areas (the nuclear reactors on the world map that have green smog hanging over them). | ||
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Sproing! Bounce 50 times on a Fungus |
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Fungi is a Biogenetic power that you can unlock for 4 Bio-Points. When used you spawn a mushroom on the ground which bounces enemies or you into the air. For this trophy, you need to bounce on your placed Fungi a cumulative total of 50 times. You get Bio-Points by collecting green goo boxes throughout the open world (there are lots more than you need) or by simply defeating enemies in biohazard areas (the nuclear reactors on the world map that have green smog hanging over them). | ||
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Nautica Ride the Googlide across all Water Resistance Levels |
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The Googlide is a jetski-like watercraft that you obtain during the main quest from Goop at Subnautica Station. Once you obtain it you can summon it in most water areas using the mount menu. There are three different levels of water resistance that the Googlide can only go through if you have the appropriate level or higher motor equipped, with different motors being obtained by opening Googlide Wrekboxes. The water resistance levels are normal blue water at level 1, green water at level 2, and brown water at level 3. Drive your Googlide in each of these water types with the correct level motor or higher equipped to earn this trophy. If you manage to obtain a level 3 motor early from one of the boxes then you can just use that all the time as it works for all water resistance levels. | ||
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Heavy Metal Survive 5 minutes in the Mekton while in the Deadzone |
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The Mekton is a large mech suit that you unlock during the progression of the main story. You use it to enter the Deadzone, an area on the west part of the map that lacks oxygen, so the Mekton allows you to move around without running out of air. This trophy requires you to stay in the Mekton in the Deadzone for at least 5 minutes. You can either do this while exploring the area, or just wait in one spot until the trophy pops. | ||
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Rodeo Ride a Gnaut 500 meters |
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Gnoats (the trophy description misspelled them as Gnauts) are the animal mounts you can obtain during the game. You can first obtain them after the main quest where you take your first tribe outpost, where there will then be a new side quest nearby to acquire a mount, or a new main quest you come across on the way to the next outpost. Finish either of these to acquire a mount, then ride it for a total of 500 meters. | ||
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Toytinkerer Unlock all Automaton Upgrades |
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Automaton Upgrades are obtained by completing the “Mirage” side quests during the game. While running around after you complete the tutorial part of the story you will RANDOMLY encounter a large bear-like NPC holding a lantern just standing around. Go up to him and interact to start a “Mirage” side quest, where you fight one of the characters from your childhood memory. After the fight, you return to the present and can choose between one of four Automaton upgrades. Complete these quests 4 times (encounter the random bear 4 times) to unlock all the upgrades.
The character will continually appear during the game (even after getting all upgrades, they just disappear when you go near them), so if they disappear before you get to them you can’t miss getting any of the upgrades. |
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In the Green Possess more than 1000 Greenleaf |
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Greenleaf is the currency used with vendors in Biomutant. It is obtained by defeating minibosses, selling items, or picked up from “Green ATM” plants that can be found in the environment. Have more than 1000 at the same time to earn this trophy. | ||
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Elementary Obtain 10 of each Crafting Resource |
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There are 5 different crafting materials in Biomutant: Metal, Wood, Plastic, Rubber, and E-Waste. These are obtained either by destroying Resource Totems or disassembling gear items obtained while playing. Resources cap at 99 held at a time, and that’s a total you can easily reach while disassembling gear at the end of the game, so obtaining 10 of each should happen fairly quickly during gameplay. | ||
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Zoo-do Capture 20 Sqvips |
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Sqvips are small orange squirrel-like animals & purple rodent-like animals that can be caught during the game. You will encounter them first during one of the main quests before facing the Jumbo Puff world eater. You will first obtain them in an area in the Deadzone for the main quest, but they can be found all over the game world with no specific set spawn location. When you see one approach it and press ![]() |
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Quack Capture 20 Gumducks |
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Gumducks are a type of “animal” you are required to capture during the “Gumquack Hollow” main quest before facing the Porky Puff world eater. You are tasked with going into a location called “Gumquack Hollow” to capture these for Goop. Here’s the location: At the end of this tunnel location, there is a large room with shallow water in it, where you find a number of rubber ducks floating around, which are the Gumquacks you need to capture. This one specific area always respawns several Gumquacks, so to get 20 you can simply farm them by returning to this location a few times. The time for them to respawn seems to be based on actual time played (or possibly by doing things in the game world because they don’t respawn if you idle in the location), so you will want to return to this location every half hour or so while working on other things. This way you can capture additional Gumquacks until you picked up a total of 20. There should be 6 spawning each time you enter if they have all respawned properly, so this will take 4 trips total (3 after the one for the story). You can also find Gumquacks randomly in the Surfielago Region around the beaches, which is the south-eastern area where you can use the Googlide boat (but the fixed farming spot works much better). |
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Bugologist Capture 20 Glittermoths |
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Glittermoths are a moth/butterfly you are required to capture during one of the main quests before facing the Hoof Puff world eater. They look like fireflies flying around with glowing butterflies.
You acquire 5 automatically from the story when you go to the Glittermoth Cave. After this the best way to farm them is to spawn at Mito (side character), see the location below: Then follow the dirt path behind him to reach the campfire and rest until morning. Then go around and enter the Glittermoth Cave and go all the way through to the cliff edge on the opposite side facing Mito’s location. There will be possibly one of either a Sqvip, Glittermoth, or Pippi (sometimes more than one type will spawn). Then run all the way back through the cave to the cliff entrance, where the animals will also potentially spawn. Keep running back and forth to check for animals. Once it becomes nighttime and the animals don’t spawn anymore you can fast travel to Mito again and rest at the campfire.
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Flap-flap Capture 20 Pippis |
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Pippis are a dark-colored bird that you can capture during the game. They aren’t required for one of the main quests, but you will probably run into them during gameplay as they can spawn basically anywhere in the world. You can tell when near them because they make flapping and cawing noises like a bird would, and when found in the environment there will normally be a group of birds around them that will fly away when you approach, leaving just the capturable Pippi. If you want to farm these the easy way to do it is to go to where Lobo is located at the Blimpstation, as there are for some reason almost always 2 of them spawned in the area where she is like the above screenshot shows. |
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Angler Capture 20 Guppos |
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Guppos are a black fish that you are required to capture during one of the main quests before facing the Murk Puff world eater. They are all black with white eyes, and like Gumquacks seem to only have one specific spawn point, located in Guppo Grotto. At the end of the tunnel area you can find a group of them spawned in the shallow water in a circular room. You capture them by pressing Like Gumquacks this appears to be the only location that they spawn in, so you will need to return here after story to farm more of them, waiting around 30 minutes of game time before returning so that they respawn. They also appear in pairs of 6 at a time, so you will need to make at least 4 trips here total to obtain 20 of them. If you have trouble getting back in here, check the video above for how to do it after the story. It’s normal that the elevator will be closed off, but you can make a long jump through the open air vent at the start of the area, next to the elevator. |
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Bagman Buy an item from Honki |
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Honki is a side character located directly southeast of the World Tree in an area called Sprill Slope. When you meet him he’ll have you find two items for him that are nearby, then after returning with the second item he becomes available as a vendor. Buy any item from him regardless of value to earn this trophy. This is where you find Honki: |
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Adventurer Discover all 7 Environment Biomes |
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There are 8 named regions of the map in Biomutant, with them largely mapping to the 7 different biomes the game has. Going clockwise around the map from the starting area they are as follows:
During main quests events, Kluppy Dunes is the only area you aren’t actually directed to go to for anything, but there are two side characters located there so you will need to go there eventually. After you have entered each biome (text notification will show on the bottom left when you enter new biomes) you will be awarded the trophy. |
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Eye on the Road Discover and enter 3 Manholes |
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Manholes lead to locations called “Gutways”. You can find these normally in the middle of roads, and they can be seen on the map with the circular manhole with a light shining out of it. For this trophy you need to enter 3 different Gutways. You don’t need to complete the area, only enter it so it shows you being inside and giving the location objectives. Manhole Location #1 Manhole Location #2 Manhole Location #3 |
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Paragon Defeat All four World Eaters |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
This is earned once you defeat all four of the World Eaters, which is the main objective for the story. Choices made during the story or what tribe you side with doesn’t affect this. You always defeat all world eaters no matter what. This also isn’t the actual end of the story, there are some more minor things that you do before the end after defeating all world eaters. |
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That’s Mine! Detonate 3 Bangballs on the Porky Puff |
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*MISSABLE* During the first phase of the boss fight against Porky Puff, the Eastern World Eater, you will be driving around on the Googlide. To damage the Porky Puff you can drag the Bangballs (the mines in the water) over to it using your Googlide tether. Press |
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Snack-time Feed the Jumbo Puff World Eater 6 Sqvips |
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*MISSABLE* During the boss fight against the Jumbo Puff, in between the fight phases, it will perform an attack that will have it inhale air. During this animation shoot the Sqvips by pressing |
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Mariner Feed the Murk Puff 10 Guppos |
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*MISSABLE* During the fight with the Murk Puff it will eventually move into its shell and launch a bunch of green orbs at you. It will then stick its head out and there will be an |
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Gumshow Pull all Teeth from the Hoof Puff |
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*MISSABLE* During the fight with the Hoof Puff you can shoot at wounds that it has on the backs of its legs (can somewhat shoot through the front of the leg like the first screenshot below). Every time you shoot both the front ones the Hoof Puff will be temporarily stunned with its mouth hanging open. When it is like this you can hit |
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The Dragon Defeat or Subdue all five Rival Tribe Leaders |
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One of the main story objectives of the game is dealing with all of the tribes in the game. When you choose one to ally with at the start of the story you then take over other tribe outposts, then their main fort. After you take over two of the Tribe Forts you are given the option to either end the conflict early or continue it as you were. If you choose to end it early you automatically take over the other tribe outposts and earn this trophy. This is fine to do if you don’t want to continue doing it manually and doesn’t lock you out of any other trophies. | ||
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Conquest Take Over 6 Tribe Outposts |
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During the story you dealing with the other tribes to align them with your cause or subdue them so that they take your side. The way you do this is by taking over Tribe Outposts, then taking over their fort. Each Tribe has 3 Outposts, so you will earn this trophy after capturing all Outposts for the second tribe you go after. | ||
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Show-off Defeat Enemies using 3 Different Tribe Weapons |
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Tribe weapons are special unique weapons you obtain after defeating a Tribe. The first one you are given by your chosen tribe that you take over outposts with after you complete two outposts, then the others are obtained when you take over the Fort of other rival tribes. You have to take over at least 2 Forts for story purposes (after this you can choose to automatically unite all tribes which is fine and doesn’t impact any trophies). So you’d always have at least the 1 you get from your Tribe + 2 from Tribes you defeat automatically from the story.
You can equip these in the Gear Menu > Main Hand > Melee / Note that there are some Melee and some Ranged Tribe Weapons. You can tell which ones are your Tribe Weapons because they say “Tribe” in their name and start with the Tribe’s Name. The ones you got are also listed in the Character Menu > Wung-Fu (they have their own menu points under Close Combat / Ranged Combat). Also note that if one of your 3 Tribe Weapons is the Netra Tribe Grabbler (Ranged Weapon), it can’t kill enemies with its default |
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Conscious Complete all 20 Conscience Dialogues |
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Conscience Dialogues are the white/black aura choices you get throughout the story. This trophy says “all 20”, but there are far more than 20 opportunities to answer the conscience dialogues, and it seems to count them in an unknown way unrelated to what the game actually saves under the Journal > Dialogues > Conscience section of the Map menu. You will have many opportunities through the game during story and sidequests for these dialogues, so just keep playing and you will earn this eventually. If you feel like counting them from the start of the game whenever they occur you should earn this trophy after answering around 20 of them (but it is normal if it takes more and doesn’t pop at exactly 20). | ||
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Trek Discover all 6 Tribe Forts |
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Tribe Forts are the main base for the tribes in Biomutant. They are larger than outposts and located in unique locations within each tribe’s territory. For this trophy you need to find all 6 of them. Just going near enough to them for the icon to appear on the map is good enough for them to count as “discovered” for this trophy.
You can find map screenshots showing the locations of all Tribe Forts here: |
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Starstruck Craft a 7-star Weapon |
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Weapons have a star rating based on their overall quality and level of parts. When crafting weapons you can use high-quality parts along with upgrading the quality and material of a weapon at a bench to try and make a 7-star weapon, but that takes a lot of materials and requires finding high-quality parts first. An easy way to do this is to first obtain the Pri Murgel Sword, which is one of the best melee weapons in the game. You can obtain it by first going to Lumentower on the southeast corner of the world map, climbing the tower, and activating the lighthouse light to point you towards a hidden cave with a new sidequest. Follow the objective, and in the cave, you need to activate the 3 sections on the walls with writing on them to obtain the sword. The sword starts out at a 5 and a half stars rating with maxed-out quality and material. To get it to 7-star rating you just need to craft two add-ons into it. You can buy addons from the melee merchants at any outpost (the smith on the right side after entering a captured outpost). You can also find Addons in the world. When you buy them, make sure to buy those with a 1 star rating. Adding 2 x 1-star addons will bring the weapon to 7 stars total. |
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Hammertime Find and Equip 5 Different Mekton Upgrades |
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Gizmo can be found at the Chugyard by Bricktown, and he starts a main quest where you obtain parts to then be granted use of the Mekton. Inside the Deadzone, you can find crates that contain upgrade parts for it, and after obtaining the first crate you are given a sidequest you can track that will point you to more upgrade crates one at a time. There are a total of 14 crates you can find, but you will only need to find 2 or 3 of them, as each crate contains 2 – 3 parts. Once you have found them you can press ![]() |
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Riding the Wave Find and Equip 5 Different Googlide Upgrades |
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Goop can be found at Subnautica Station, and he sends you on the main quest to find parts for the Googlide. After you find the first one during the main quest you obtain the side quest “The Googlide”, which points you to the other 8 locations of Googlide upgrades. Each Googlide Wrekbox includes 2 items in it, so you only need to find 3 then equip any 5 parts other than the starting ones to earn this trophy. | ||
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Knockout! Deal more than 1000 Damage in a Single Hit |
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1000 damage may seem like quite a bit at the start of the game, but by the end it will be easy to do. Waiting until you have a 7-Star melee weapon like recommended in the trophy ![]() |
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Social Discover all 16 Side Characters |
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» Biomutant All Side Character Locations | ||
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End of the Rainbow Find out what’s at the End of a Rainbow |
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After you find Jumble at Bullibull Glade, he asks you to find an item for him at the end of a rainbow. Follow the quest markers to where you eventually find a chest that contains “Rainbow Concentrate”. The trophy pops right when you pick up this item from the chest. This is where you find Jumble to accept this side quest: |
Special Thanks / Credits
Big thanks to the following people for sending tips:
migix959595 = Glittermoth Farming Method
Headi says
Toytinkerer Trophy
I suddenly installed 2.01 before i know that there are bugged trophys. But on my game, i see the Bear 2 times. So actually on my game, its not bugged. I hope i can see him 2 times again to get all the upgrades 🙂
Thx for you guide. Good work
PowerPyx says
Did you install 2.01 before booting up the game for the first time?
In my case, and some folks I talked to, the 1.01 patch was installed first. Then after the next patch the Bear disappeared. It could be that having a save game of an older patch version first and then upgrading is what’s messing it up.
Right now my sample group for this is quite small, but from those people nobody ever saw the bear again after the patch dropped.
Curious to hear from more players over the next days if they still see the bear or not.
Headi says
I installed the game and before the first start, i patched to 2.01. I installed on Saturday. I dont know when the patch goes live. Actually i have 3 of 4 Upgrades from that trophy.
Headi says
Sorry for posting again. Trophy unlocks now after i get the Bear 4 times and fight the boys 🙂
PowerPyx says
Thanks for confirming. At least it’s not completely unobtainable (just for some players where the bear doesn’t spawn anymore).
PowerPyx says
Based on the reports I’ve got so far, it seems to break only if you go from version 1.00 (or 1.01) to 2.01.
As long as you have 2.01 patch installed before booting up the game for the first time it should pop Toytinkerer just fine. With digital version it downloads the patch automatically with the game so no way to mess anything up. But disc players should make sure to have 2.01 fully downloaded before ever booting up the game to avoid the bug.
The same should work for Old World Gadgets? If anyone can confirm getting Old World Gadgets trophy, having started with 2.01 patch installed from the beginning, that’d be great.
abero says
>The same should work for Old World Gadgets? If anyone can confirm getting Old World >Gadgets trophy, having started with 2.01 patch installed from the beginning, that’d be >great.
I started with the patch installed and now have found way more than 15 gadgets according to your guide but haven’t got the trophy. so i can’t confirm, that starting on 2.01 would correctly unlock the trophy.
Haikrazon says
I let the patch install before booting the game and Toy Tinkerer worked perfectly fine for me, however, the Old World gadgets did not 🙁
PowerPyx says
Thanks, based on your comments Old World Gadgets is still completely unobtainable even with “clean” 2.01 save. I changed back the bug warning to what it said before.
Just Toytinkerer seems fixed if you start on 2.01. That one only breaks if you go from a 1.00 / 1.01 save game to a 2.01 save game (bear stops spawning).
As someone else posted here, the devs confirmed the Old World Gadgets trophy will be fixed in next patch.
Steve says
You can add Under the Table as a possible bugged achievement/trophy. It didn’t unlock for me.
Anonymous says
Thank you for the trophy guide. Not happy about the glitched trophies and RNG trophies but the rest of them seem easy enough. I was planning on playing Biomutant after Resident Evil Village but maybe I’ll wait for the glitched trophies to be fixed.
PowerPyx says
Hey guys,
trophy guide & collectible guides are all done!
Very unique game with deeper RPG mechanics than I expected. Thought it’s quite impressive coming from a relatively small development team (and this being their first game). This one’s a relaxing trophy hunt.
PhantomFear94 says
Awesome, looking forward to this. As I’ll be playing on Xbox, kind of hoping the bug isn’t a thing for me because you can’t uninstall patches through disc copies there.
Daniel Szabo says
hy guys
if i play on ps5 the trophys count for ps5 or just ps4?
RezMeDude says
Just PS4 for now until a PS5 version is released. Then we’ll have to see if a cross-save feature is possible that should allow for a insta-plat or if we need to do it all over again.
GSuS says
The 6 tribe forts is probably also bugged. Got all 6 and trophy didn’t come. Started last week without a patch, then installed the 2.01 patch.
Kimochi says
Do you recommend the game?
desmod99 says
Hello guys. I have a disc version. Should I start offline without the latest patch because of these bugged trophies?
PowerPyx says
For trophies that’d probably be best, yes.
The game has lots of blackscreens and crashes on 1.00, but at least the trophies seem to work okay.
An alternative would be to play with 2.01 patch, which fixed the crashes and blackscreens. Then for the last 1-2 unobtainable trophies reinstall and start a new game offline on 1.00. Luckily, you can get all World Gadgets after the first few main quests, maybe 2h of gameplay to get that far and find them all.
Personally, knowing the trophy bugs I’d start on 1.00 and rather take the crashes and blackscreens.
Raz says
What if i start the game as in fresh start in version 2.01 the trophies will still glitch? Ty in advance.
Surtur101 says
I started on version 2.01 and the bear who gives automaton upgrades has spawned for me. So it would seem if you have an earlier save with a previous patch it can glich the trophy. But if you start with 2.01 it should be Ok
PowerPyx says
Quick note – the trophies are still not syncing.
If you are already playing the game and trophies don’t show up on your trophy list, don’t worry. It’s because Sony hasn’t put them live on the servers yet. The trophies are still stored on your console and will sync retroactively once the list goes live (none of the earned trophies are lost).
You should be able to view the trophies while offline, so just disconnect from the internet in console settings and they should show up.
That’s also why the current formatting of the trophy guide is missing trophy images, which will be fixed once the list is live.
Dramarko says
Will you update this guide once the unobtainable trophy becomes obtainable? Just curious where to keep checking. Thanks for the great guides!
PowerPyx says
Of course I will 🙂
4ipuxa says
my first impression of the game “WOW this game is bad, like seriously bad, idk how they can sell for 60usd its ridiculous” maybe the feeling will change later idk
ihate4ipuxa says
Then don’t buy it, also thank you for the insightful review into the game, really helpful
Pexego says
Just started the game today with 2.01 patch and Toytinkerer trophy popped up correctly.
Pexego says
Can confirm that “Old World Gadgets” trophy did not pop starting a game from the beginning with 2.01.
Nzombi says
Hi Guys,
I went nearly 26 hours in the game and just finished the third Worldeater for me (Hoof Puff)
and just need 1 last to finish the game.
I already have all other trophies except the Glittermoths. I am currently at 6 (counting the ones in the main quest) and went the last 2 hours without spawning one.
Any advice?
Nzombi says
Edit: alright i may have found a solutions to farm Sqvips and Glittermoths.
I noticed when i went afk in a large field and came back, i moved and critters started to spawn.
So i experimented and found that you can spawn from Sqvips to Glittermoths to Pippis and even flameflies.
Just stay afk 2 to 5 min in a big field and move your character and camera you’ll hear critters spawning.
Nicolomeus says
Ki-Spark is a Psi-Power mutation ability that you can unlock using 16 Psi-Points when you have at least 30 Light Aura. When used you shoot lighting in front of you while consuming your Ki gauge. You need to defeat a total of 20 enemies using this ability.
What does it mean exactly?
Do I have to make sure that I play on light aura from the beginning?
PowerPyx says
No, you can play the dark side and get light aura points by talking to side characters or catching animals. It’s not missable in any way.
If you play for the good side from the beginning you will get to 30 light aura quicker though. I had like 80+ light aura after catching the animals and talking to all side chars.
Mytre says
“Elementary” trophy doesn’t pop for me 🙁
Foes anyone have the same problem?
Mytre says
OK. The trophy popped but i don’t know why.
4ipuxa says
2.01 Digital version got the trophy Toytinkerer.
Also the Panda appearences may be level tied, its didnt look that random.
GPAP360 says
The Toytinkerer guy have fixed spawn and works on 2.01.
Just found a route that you can “farm” to spot him and only get about 10-20 per try.
chocolatehooker says
What is the route? I have beat the game and have been running around for hours, only found him twice.
Salt says
Where is this farm spot??
Fox says
Thx for the Roadmap. My last trophy was the glittermoth one.
Perhaps a better Chance to catch some glittermoths:
Complete all Mito Quests and walk along the ways in this red sand area at day. (At Night there are only fireflies). Still annoying, but i’ve got more glittermoths after completing all Mito Quests and walk all over this area.
RedWolfff says
So “Old World Gadgets” Trophy is still glitched if you start with the newest patch from the start? I only have digital ps5 so it looks like I’ll have to wait for a patch to start the game.
4ipuxa says
ADVarZery says
Fix for trophy coming in next patch. Got a reply from devs on Twitter.
PowerPyx says
That’s good news. Do you have the link to the tweet?
ADVarZery says
David says
Automatically allying with the other tribes has locked me out of the Show-off trophy. I now can’t pick up the rest of the tribe weapons.
PowerPyx says
No worries, you can’t get locked out of this one.
As the trophy says you only need to defeat enemies with any 3 tribe weapons, not all of them.
You already have 3 by this point, see the trophy guide. 1 automatically from the tribe you allied with, 2 from the tribes you conquered. No way to miss this, you always get 3 tribe weapons no matter what.
Dolan says
Is there a way to see which altars you’re missing?
PowerPyx says
Only way would be to revisit each one, if you can’t interact with it you’ve already used it before.
migix959595 says
Hey Pyx i have a solution for 3/4 animal spawn (sqvips, glittermouth and pippi).. sqvips and pippi is simple and your guide is helpful, for glittermouth this is the sure spawn:
1) fast travel to MITO position
2) go to fire camp near and rest until dawn
3)go into glittermouth cave
4) you find sure 1/2 animal (glittermouth, sqvips and pippi)
5)return to entrance of cave
6) re enter en cave and find other animal(not sure glittermouth but probably)
7) when arrive the night the animal dont spawn
8)do fast travel to mito and repeat entire procedimentl
i hope that help a lot of person that have problem with glittermouth
Greatings from Italy and sorry for my bad english..!
Pexego says
+1, worked for me. I got like 10 Glitters on 20 minutes.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added this in, credited you at end of guide.
Haikrazon says
Can confirm! Thank you for this awesome advice! Not the most convenient route, but definitely better than finding them naturally in the world! I managed to average about 2 per day cycle, 4 runs back and forth through Glittermoth Cave.
migix959595 says
Thanks for credited ?
Ricowtje says
There actually is a spawn point for a glitterbug. A little tedious, but reliable.
In the glittermoth cavern at the end of the path of the area with the praying shrine, there is a spawn point for the sqivs, black bird and glittermoth. Just catch it, run back to the shrine, wait 2-5 minutes and it will have spawned again.
Bean says
So, just to double check, I could install the game now, download to update 2.01, and I should be able to get all of the trophies except the old world artifact one? So then, I can just get that one afterwards in about an hour if needs be?
DjBatfink says
Defeat Enemies using 3 Different Tribe Weapons
So i’ve took over the Forts and choose to automatically unite all tribes, but I only have the Jagni Tribe Spear & Netra Tribe Grabbler, I don’t have anymore, any idea why?
DjBatfink says
I worked it out now, it was the Boomerang I needed a kill with
Shinoki says
you should also get a bumerang from the clan you choosen.
Xxllunderscoreykwhat says
How did you get a kill with the Netra Tribe Grabbler?
Ryan says
Ok so i never opened the game i only started it after 2.01 downloaded and i can confirm old world gadgets is still glitched.Im in the town/island in the SE called Hobydunk and there is a stove old world gadget i can see its interact icon from range but if i get closer the prompt disapears and i cant interact with it.
Ryan says
Whoops nevermind i guess you got to do a quest first for this one its near village check youtube.
Ola says
I think the fireflies count towards the bugologist trophy, cause im sure i didn’t catch 20 of the glittermoths..
4ipuxa says
they dont.
i counted in the cave. when my count hit 20 the trophy popped.
Haikrazon says
Hey guys! Having trouble with the Conscious trophy. I will say, I started speeding through the game and not doing many side quests, however, I have all World Eaters defeated, and am trying to clean up all the Side Character quests, but I haven’t had a light/dark prompt in quite a while. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Riley says
Do the rescue missions for those monks/strangers, where you get them out of a cage. I was able to easily get it by following that.
4ipuxa says
completed the game today. can confirm that every trophy works except Old World Gadgets.
also i was almost level 40 so no issue with skills or attribute trophies, i didnt complete all the side quests, at best 35-40% my estimate.
wrote to the developer about trophy not unlocking issue via email provided on their website.
will update if they answer
4ipuxa says
they replied. i quote
“Its fixed in the upcoming patch.” but no date of patch release etc
Ottomansons says
Hi, did you get a reply from the producer about bugs trophy?I have the left last trophy.
Josh says
Is anyone else locked out of Guppo Grotto after finishing that area’s World Beast? I take the elevator down but I can’t open the door. It’s the last trophy I need besides the Old World Gadgets one. Help would be appreciated.
PowerPyx says
Normal. Check the video, it shows how to get back in 🙂
BodyChipper says
This got me too. That jump is tricky from the railing and I can’t imagine that was the intended way to return to that room for a trophy with an animal that ONLY spawns in that one place. Not sure why but I had to spam the X+X+R2 wung fu move to make the distance. If I jumped regularly I would just fall and could not double jump.
Ryanszn says
Might be a good news for those who played digital version 2.01 and could not get “old world gadgets” trophy.
I played digital version 2.01 right from the beginning. Along the way I was pretty sure I found way more than 15 gadgets and no trophy popped up. Then I checked this guide and understood why. I thought I could only wait for another patch to fix this…
But just now when I finished my last hit on the final boss Lupa-Lupin, like a miracle to me, the “old world gadgets” trophy popped…and then the platium…
I don’t know why but for anyone who cannot get this on the way, make sure you find enough gadgets before the final boss and see if the trophy popped once you defeat Lupin.
Ryanszn says
Important edtion: IT WAS Not the final fight, it was the first time I fought Lupin. Trophy popped when I landed the final blow to him. Turns out there’s another final fight later…
hashtagtylerh says
This didn’t work for me 🙁
Antonio says
I also have the digital version, I’m sure I did almost all the gadgets I tried again to kill the final boss and no trophy
4ipuxa says
you are either very lucky or just trolling.
tried it and it didnt work, i have the save before last fight and a lot of gadgets collected.
paweł says
hello I have problems with That’s Mine! trophy I don’t can take bomb.please help
Ankain says
Hello. I have problem. I have play game on 2.01 patch but when i read its trophy glitch i delate game and play in game version 1.0.0 but i have now 20 lv and never see this bear with lamp. I must play again becouse its buggy ? Or i dont have lucky?
Cocka says
Very likely that its bugged for you.
Better wwit for next patch.
Pennywise says
Don’t know if anyone else experienced this, but the bugologist trophy (collect 20 glittermoths) is glitched for me
4ipuxa says
glittermoth cave you can farm them there -> run to the end of the cave turn around if you have 0, then wait a bit it should spawn at least 1, then jump down sleep at the campfire nearby, then repeat till you have 20.
most likely you didnt catch enough.
i counted each one and once i hit 20 it popped.
Felled says
Same situation here.
I am pretty sure I caught more than 20, but the trophy never pop out.
This is the last trophy left. Wondering if I can get it on NG+?
But I am too tired to try….this game is kinda boring.
Joseph Marques says
The “Old World Gadgets” trophy popped for me today. I started on patch 2.01, but I was not trying to get this trophy, I did not get all 15 different gadgets even (missing piano).
I was fighting on a small ship on the sea, and the trophy just popped.
I already defeated Lupin, but not all World eaters.
Cobrame says
Seems that the trophy pops on using or killing 100+ With super wushu….
…im verifing this right now i can only think that on the trophy list is next to the 50 kill with super wushu so maybe it was just wrong netcode on the trophy….i will update later!
desmod99 says
Hi. I’m having an issue with the main quest The Rival Tribe. I captured all outpost already but the outpost Murkadorpus is bugged for me. When I come to the quest mark nobody’s there and I can’t do anything. When I enter the outpost it kicks me off. I tried to reinstall the game but it didn’t help. Any idea what should I do or I’m missing something?
desmod99 says
OK another bugged trophy for me. I found all 23 characters and no social trophy. f* this game
4ipuxa says
There is a workaround for Old Gadgets trophy. I tested and it worked.
What you need to do is use Super Wung Fu a lot of times, for me it was 100+ before the trophy popped. So the method is grindy, recommend crafting low damage assault rifle and use its wung fu to feel charges and then its use and repeat.
hashtagtylerh says
Just use it or kill enemies with it?
hashtagtylerh says
Has anyone else tried this? I’ve been grinding for about 1.5 hours now and nothing has happened, not saying it’s fake but I think it would’ve popped by now
MiG1978 says
I can confirm this workaround!
I try this Method 1 Hour ago and it works fine.
After I found all of the gadgets, one quest with the raylighters were buggy.
I turn to middlehard and find a bandit camp left.
Then I start to fight only with Wung-fu, to charge for super-Wung-fu.
Then only activate it (no kills) about 100 times, and the Trophy pops up, Right before the Platin Trophy.
I play the digital version 2.01.
Thx for this workaround!
The Huntsman says
You are surprisingly correct. I play on Xbox, but as I get more Wung Fu kills I can see my bar gradually going up. It is incredibly slow, but I just went from 45% progress to 47% progress. Only problem I’m having is my save is so far in the game that there aren’t many enemy locations left. I don’t know if any respawn after the tribe war so I’m going to hope there are enough enemies for me to get it.
Ricardo Corrêa says
Works for me! Thanks a lot!
yoyo says
i can confirm that this method helped me get the old world gadgets trophy.
if you can’t wait for the upcoming patch you can do this instead. it took me about 1.5 hour to get it
risserton says
i’ve been doing the super wung fu for the past couple hours, trophy still hasnt popped! do i need to get kills with it, or just pop it 100+ times, i just wanna make sure im doing it correctly! thanks!
Slate_M says
For catching the Guppos and Gumducks, all it took for them to respawn for me was fast traveling somewhere else then returning to the spawn location immediately. Makes it slightly easier if people want to get them done right away.
For example, after the story quest for catching Guppos, I fast traveled to Pichu Fortress and went straight to the sewer area where the fish spawn, caught all 6, then fast traveled back to the fortress and repeated 3 times. This also worked for the Gumducks.
risserton says
Alright just got the Old world Gadget trophy to pop, im playing on digital 2.0.1! i farmed the super wung fu, kills and just activating, did that for about 2 hours, nothing, i went around and collected more side quest gadgets i had sitting around the map, and after collecting most of them (still had 4-5 left on the map to collect) i killed 3 enemies with super wung fu, and trophy popped, happy to have my plat, and move on from this game! hope this helps!
4ipuxa says
Guys. Would like to say a few words for a workaround for Old World Gadgets trophy.
I said it was grindy, and it is psychologically hard because there is no way of knowing if its working, i tried it only because the game is bad and i wanted to get the plat and be done with it.
I used low damage assault rifle and its Wung fu( X X R2) and (Circle Square R2) and ( X X R2) then Super Wung Fu (R1+L1), i did not kill enemies with it, activated waited for it to run out and then repeated. It took 100+ activations i dont know the exact number, at some point i started counting i was at 70 activations when the trophy popped but i did at least 30 or even 70, cant tell because i didnt count.
If you find this method tedious better wait for a patch, because it needs at least around an hour to pull off, but dudes it works, i see that other people confirmed it and i am not the only one.
ps this method went faster than farming for Glittermoths for me which was exhausting.
Raz says
It worked for me i just spammed super wung fu on lupin (the true final boss fight) alternating gun and melee wung fu after defeatng him i reloaded my save file not the cleared file but the save file just before the fight and the trophy just popped.. btw i started in 2.01 digital version.. dnt really understnd why this method worked but it did solve my prblm with old world gadgets..
Ash says
Thank you so much man! It actually worked!
BodyChipper says
FWIW, I started playing on 2.01, physical copy. The bear did not show up for me until I was level 18, but then showed up every level or so as I meandered around the map. Toytinkerer popped up no problem after the 4th encounter.
Also, I’ve heard it said that the trophy description for the old gadgets is wrong. You are supposed to complete all 15 gadget side quests possibly, and the previous requirement or this new super wung fu trick is actually a glitch.
PowerPyx says
You don’t need to “complete” the side quests for Old World Gadgets. At least that wasn’t needed before the 2.00 / 2.01 patches. Finding 1 of each type was enough to pop the trophy.
I think what happened is that the patch glitched out the phone booth counter, when you find 1 it jumps to 2/5 instantly so the tracking is wrong on that one.
BodyChipper says
Right, I saw that too. Lots of confusing info lol/
Sounds like they dropped the 2.02 update for PC, so we’re just waiting on the fix for consoles now.
Avane82 says
Please someone help, i was cleaning the remains trophys while waiting the next patch and dicovered yet another FULL GLITCHED trophy… The SOCIAL one…
I dicovered all 23 chars and it did not pop… PS5, 2.01.
Here On the page of all locations, more ppl r claiming its glitched also…
Pls update the guide.
PowerPyx says
I got it fine while updating from old patch to 2.01 (PS5), so did other people.
I think the only solution would be to delete all saves and find all characters again in one go in a new game. Takes maybe 2h or so to play through prologue and visit them all again, you can find them right away after prologue. Doing it on 2.01 patch on PS5 is fine, that’s also how I got the trophy.
Morgan27 says
I’m having trouble with the social trophy. I’ve met 22/23 of the side characters and talked with them all on multiple occasions (accepted their side quests and chatted with them) and it still won’t pop. Not sure where to go from here.
PowerPyx says
Sounds like you’re missing one character. Try the 23rd character, see if it pops then.
BodyChipper says
Sanity check:
I still need to find a few more glittermoths for that trophy, but besides old gadgets I have everything else done besides the final story missions which I will do tonight.
From what you’ve said, my best course of action is to simply finish the game on this save file, then delete the game, reinstall but do not update beyond 1.00 (I have the disc version), then quickly start a new game and run to each old gadget once and I should be good?
If it’s between doing that for 1-2 hours and waiting on the patch, I’d rather just finish it now.
PowerPyx says
I’d finish off all possible trophies (=Glittermoths & story in your case). Then I’d downgrade to 1.00 and go for the Old World Gadgets there. Problem with potential patch in the future is that we don’t know if it will fix it retroactively (i.e. if you already started on 2.01). Better to just bite the bullet now and run through it on 1.00.
BodyChipper says
That’s what I figured. I have everything but this trophy now and backed up my NG+ save files to the cloud and turned off auto-upload there just in case. I’ll try this tonight and hope that it works (fingers crossed).
crazycat says
ive just done this and the platinum popped which is great, but when i go back online it doesnt show up as having achieved the platinum in my trophy list even after synching to PSN
BodyChipper says
Mine didn’t either, but once I reconnected to the network and synced it came back.
Lorreskill says
For me is the “Quack” thropy the last one to Platinum, but the rubber ducks do not respawn at al…
Tried to re-install the game, with and without patch 2.01.
Any toughts on this?
H3llMafia says
Just got 2.02 on Playstation and can confirm it popped Old World Gadget trophy once I got my 15th gadget (I had 9 before). I started on digital version 2.01.
Now to run around and get this bear to spawn!
Lifthrasil says
Installed the new patch for Biomutant and didn’t have to recollect Old World Gadgets through new game. As I had all old world gadgets done, I just had to continue my playthrough and they counted
Anxiethanos says
After 2.02 installed and I continued, Old World Gadgets popped.
PowerPyx says
Old World Gadgets & Toytinkerer seem to be fixed on Patch 2.02.
Updated the glitch warnings in the guide for these.
Biocide3000 says
Updated to 2.02, collected all the old world gadgets and not only 1 of each and still didn’t pop for me? Any ideas?
PowerPyx says
Had you collected them BEFORE the patch 2.02 went live or AFTER?
From what I heard of others, they had to collect their missing Gadget(s) and then it popped. Maybe if you already had 1 of each before the patch it doesn’t work. More confirmation needed.
Pooh says
Well unfortunately same here. Right now I’ve got three gadgets fully finished and the rest at at least two found and still no trophy. I found six additional ones (with one completely new) after the patch and nothing. So it is now set to finding all of them or I don’t know… Still bugged.
Biocide3000 says
I think I had 1 of each except Spiral Groover, had collect the first Spiral Groover only after new patch.
Biocide3000 says
Loaded an old save where I was still level 14, ran around and got the rest of the old world gadgets, trophy popped, but had to go to Thoroughfare for the spiral groover, couldn’t find the 1 as per the guide.
Pooh says
I got it. It came out it was the 18th gadget on my list… The one from the quest Find the radionics in Big Nucleus 7H.
Shanks says
I miss the last object of the automaton, the bear does not spawn … is there rotation that I can follow or can I do something?
i updated to 2.02
Bleed_DukeBlue says
I’m having problems with this too. I’m playing the disc version offline ok patch 1.00 having never updated, and I got the bear to spawn 3 times. Now, no matter what I do, I can’t get it to show up again.
YourQueen says
I have the same problem. It spawned 3 times and now i can’t find the last one.
Mitch says
Thanks heaps for this guide !
When it felt like the trophies weren’t gonna pop I followed a few videos and bam they popped. Hang in there guys ! Finding the 16 side characters doesn’t include finding the side characters you find in the mission !
One one gadget counts for finding the old world loot ! ie only one projector works if you find 5 !
Good luck !
By the way for an indie game, it’s sick ! And I hope they get another chance with more funding and a bigger team ! I want to see their full potential !
YourQueen says
With the 2.04 update it is no longer possible to upgrade the pri murgel sword to a 7 star weapon, since the ad-on slots have been removed. Any idea how to easily upgrade another weapon to a 7 star weapon?
Sam says
Mine is 8 star and I used all slots.
paul says
does the bear spawn on ng+? still cant get the bear to spawn after 20 hours of gameplay for toytinkerer. any tips for people that have unlocked it
Deanokapitcheno says
Any help on the panda?? Is there any official location for him to appear?? says
No help, nothing with this scam game. This game is garbage says
This bear toytinkerer trophy is the worst trophy in years, literally I found him twice in the game and then he stopped spawning. I adjusted the FOV on purpose to keep looking and been roaming for 6 hours straight and never found him. I don’t know what is wrong with this game the game changed weather 50x times. Night and day and I still cannot find this damned thing! I am not going to bother anymore. I HATE BEARS and this specific one is going to hold my platinum off. I am done with this game.
Salt says
Are you guys sure that toy tinkerer trophy isn’t missable?? The bear doesn’t spawn anymore.
Armyof28388 says
I’m on the Xbox, I can’t get Nautica achievement to pop. Any suggestions?
Caruban says
The Guppos respawn when loading a save, so you don’t have to make that awful jump. Just catch the Guppos, save your game, load the new save, and the pond will be full of Guppos again. I just got all 20 in about 2 minutes.
Tom says
As of November 2023 I can say confidently that the Toytinkerer trophy is DEFINITELY still bugged, at least on the PS5 version.