Battlefield V Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 (easier if you boost “Death from Above”)
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 20-25 hours
- Offline Trophies: 6 (0
, 3
, 3
, 0
- Online Trophies: 16 (1
, 4
, 8
, 3
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: Yes – all the story trophies can glitch out, see note in the Roadmap for a fix.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat story on the highest difficulty “Hardcore”.
- Does difficulty trophies stack?: Yes, beating in once on Hardcore also unlocks all other difficulty-related trophies for lower difficulties.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (Hardcore is available from the start)
Welcome to the Battlefield V Trophy Guide! This is a relatively easy and straightforward platinum consisting of mostly online trophies. There are two key tasks: beat the story on highest difficulty and reach 500,000 player score in Multiplayer (while working on 100,000 with each of the 4 classes). There are a few more miscellaneous online tasks but those can be done along the way as you rank up. There are collectibles in the campaign but they are not needed for trophies and can be skipped.
Step 1: Beat Story on Highest Difficulty (Hardcore)
The story is really short – consisting of only 9 missions (3 War Stories with 3 Missions each). You can start on Hardcore difficulty right away, it’s unlocked from the start. Beating the game on Hardcore unlocks the trophies for lower difficulties too. This isn’t too difficult. You have checkpoints just like on other difficulties. You do take more damage but can still withstand 4-6 hits at close range. Your health regenerates automatically. If you want, you can do a quick run on easy first to get to know the maps, up to you. A playthrough on Hardcore takes roughly 4-5 hours on first try. Refer to the trophy “Sins of the Father” for tips.
Step 2: Multiplayer (500,000 Player Score & 100,000 Score with Every Class)
The two big trophies in Multiplayer are to get 500,000 Score as a Player and 100,000 Score with each of the 4 Classes. The score you earn with classes counts towards your combined player score (so that’s 400,000 done already). You’ll want to switch to a new class after having reached 100,000 with one. In total the 500,000 will take around 15 hours depending on skill.
Class Progress can be checked in Title Screen > Profile > Statistics > Classes > Score. For your Player Score just add up the 4 Class values.
Fix for potentially glitchy story trophies: There are reports of Story Trophies not unlocking correctly. If it happens to you, just hit “Resume” on each of the War Stories to view their final cutscenes again and the trophies should unlock.
Battlefield V Trophy Guide
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World War Two Hero Collect all other Battlefield™ V Trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in Battlefield V to unlock Platinum. | ||
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Storyteller Complete the War Stories Under No Flag, Nordlys & Tirailleur on Medium |
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See trophy “Sins of the Fathers”. | ||
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Veteran Complete the War Stories Under No Flag, Nordlys & Tirailleur on Hard |
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See trophy “Sins of the Fathers”. | ||
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Sins of the Fathers Complete the War Stories Under No Flag, Nordlys & Tirailleur on Hardcore |
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Hardcore is the highest difficulty. It’s available from the start. Beating the game on Hardcore unlocks the trophies for lower difficulties too. The game is really short – consisting of 9 missions (3 War Stories with 3 Acts each), lasting for about 4-5 hours on Hardcore. There are checkpoints just like on any other difficulty. You take more damage but can withstand 4-6 hits at close range. Your health refills automatically after a few seconds.
Here are some tips:
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Lovely Complete Under No Flag War Story |
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Complete the 1st War Story “Under No Flag” on any difficulty. It consists of 3 Missions: Crossing Lines > Butcher and Bolt > Onslaught. | ||
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Store fuglar fanga ingi flugor Complete Nordlys War Story |
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Complete the 2nd War Story “Nordlys” on any difficulty. It consists of 3 Missions: Still and Silent > All is Ash > Wolf and Dog. | ||
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Ou La Mort Complete Tirailleur War Story |
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Complete the 3rd War Story “Tirailleur” on any difficulty. It consists of 3 Missions: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité Ou La Mort. | ||
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Off-hand In Multiplayer, kill 10 enemies with secondary weapons in a round |
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This is best done in Conquest because matches last the longest in this mode. Make sure you’re in the match from the start of the round so you have enough time for 10 kills.
Secondary weapons are pistols. Pick the “Ruby” Pistol, it has the highest rate of fire which gives you a better chance to land the final hit. The Ruby pistol is the first one you’ll unlock. You can equip it in the Title Screen > Your Company > Select Class > Sidearm > Ruby. Any other pistol works too but I found this one to be the best. Now kill 10 enemies with your pistol in ONE match (in the same match). You can’t do this across multiple matches. In Conquest you have more than enough time so it’s no big deal. Pistols work best at close range. Don’t bother aiming (don’t press |
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Enemy Attrition In Multiplayer, get 10 kills in a round |
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This will come together with “Off-hand”. The difference is that for this trophy you can use any weapon, vehicle or stationary gun to get 10 kills. In Conquest this is very easy as you have more than enough time to get 10 kills. | ||
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Hoist the Flag In Multiplayer, capture 10 flags in Frontlines |
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For this you must play Frontlines mode in Multiplayer. In this mode you must capture flags to push back the enemy. You must go to the flags and be there when they get captured (represented by the bar that fills up at the top of the screen in the flag’s radius). Captures that your team does without you won’t count. You must be alive and in the flag’s radius at the time of capture! | ||
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Globetrotter Play a round of Conquest on each of the launch maps |
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The following are the launch maps needed for this trophy (without DLC):
You have two options to get this: A) Play Conquest on the same server for long enough that it alternates between all maps. B) Search for specific maps through filters. Multiplayer > Advanced Search > Game Modes: Conquest > Maps: Your Missing Map > View Servers > Join. The second option allows you to find exactly the maps you’re missing. You only have to be there at the end of the round. You don’t have to be there when the match starts, so joining in and playing the round until the end is okay (or camping until the match ends). Write down your completed maps to keep track. If you’re lucky it will join you into a match that’s almost complete so you can get this done quicker. On your way to 500,000 Player Score you must play a lot of matches anyway and can combine this along the way. |
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Death from Above In Multiplayer, destroy 5 manned stationary weapons with a Airplane |
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By far the hardest and most tedious trophy in the game. It’s highly recommended you boost this with a friend (or leave your ID in the comment section below to find players).
You must fly a plane and destroy a stationary anti-air weapon (Flak / AA-Gun) that has an enemy sitting inside of it. This is best done in Conquest Mode with the bomber plane on the map “Arras”. Stay in the deploy screen and keep the cursor over your main base, the one with the flag icon. When a plane becomes available, select the bomber plane (the left one). Be quick before someone else grabs the plane. Once in the plane, press Make sure you finish the match for it to save your kills (don’t quit out). How to Boost:
Rinse and repeat the above tactic. Ideally, try to get 5 of these kills in one match. If you can’t, be sure to play the match until the end for your kills to save correctly (don’t quit out). Hitting the target is not too hard. Normally the problem is that people don’t use stationary guns but since your boosting partner is taking care of it, you remove the luck component and are done much quicker. |
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Fender Bender In Multiplayer, roadkill 5 enemies |
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Simply drive over 5 enemies (counts across multiple matches). This is best done with a tank. When you redeploy, keep the cursor on your base and wait for a tank to become available or try to be really fast at the start of the match to be the first to grab one. You can of course use other vehicles too, whatever is available. | ||
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Grim Reaper In Multiplayer, kill 30 enemies |
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Kill a combined 30 enemies across multiple matches (doesn’t have to be in one match). Will come automatically on your way to 500,000 Player Score. | ||
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Call ’em in! In Multiplayer, as a squad leader call in 2 reinforcements in a round |
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First you’ll want to make your own squad to ensure you’re the leader. Join any match (ideally Conquest), press Options-Button > Squads > ![]() To call in Reinforcements you need at least 2450 Squad Points which you get for anything you do (capturing objectives, killing enemies, helping your team etc.). Hold |
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Combat Engineer In Multiplayer, build 10 fortifications in a round |
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During any match (e.g. Conquest) press ![]() ![]() |
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Heads Down In Multiplayer, fully suppress 5 enemies |
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To “suppress” an enemy you need to shoot near them. Then you get some points with the on-screen notice “Enemy Suppressed”. The easiest option is to park a tank or another vehicle with a turret near an enemy flag in Conquest. Then use the turret to shoot up the flag area. Don’t shoot at enemies directly, just shoot near them. Then you’ll easily get lots of these enemy suppressions. Park your vehicle far enough away that enemies won’t kill you and keep firing at the flag area (accuracy isn’t important here after all). It counts across multiple matches, doesn’t have to be in the same match. | ||
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Jack of All Trades Earn 100,000 score as an Assault, Medic, Support and Recon |
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Class Progress can be checked in Title Screen > Profile > Statistics > Classes > Score.
You must earn 100,000 Score with each class (which is the same as XP). You get Score / XP for anything you do – helping team members, capturing objectives, hitting or suppressing enemies etc. For this trophy you’ll need 100,000 score with each of the 4 available classes. It takes roughly 4 hours per class. You should focus on objectives for this as they give the most points (e.g. flags in Conquest). Just play how you want with each class and enjoy the game. This also counts towards your 500,000 player score for the “Elite” trophy. |
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Eager Beaver Earn 150,000 score as a Player |
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See trophy “Elite”. | ||
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Elite Earn 500,000 score as a Player |
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This requires you to gain 500,000 score across all classes. It ties in perfectly with the trophy “Jack of All Trades” which requires you to get 100,000 score with all 4 classes, so 400,000 score is done with that. Afterward, just keep playing until this trophy pops.
Progress can be checked in Title Screen > Profile > Statistics > Classes > Score > Add up the scores of all 4 classes. In total this may take you around 15 hours but can be quicker depending on skill. Focus on objectives, e.g. flags in Conquest and helping your teammates (refilling their health, ammo, reviving them) for some additional quick points. Killing enemies is always good but gives less points than the objectives. |
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Last Man Standing In Multiplayer, have 3 squad members spawn on you |
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This will probably be your first trophy. Super easy, join any squad and when your teammates die they can choose to spawn on your position. Just camp in a safe area and wait for your squad members to spawn on you after they have died. | ||
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Not On My Watch In Multiplayer, perform 10 squad revives |
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Regardless of your Class, you can always revive your squad mates (outlined in green color). Squads can have up to 4 players. Make sure you join a squad of 4 people to make this easier (after joining a match, press Options-Button and pick a squad with one free slot). You don’t have to play as a Medic for this, any class can revive squad mates.
What’s important here is that only squad mates count, not other allied players (who are outlined in blue). It counts across multiple matches, doesn’t have to be in one match. |
Ben Scarborough says
Can’t wait to power through this!
Fede says
Can you die as long as you get the message log “stationary weapon destroyed” and the skull for the kill?
Nawaf says
Death from above trophy boost PSN:nawafalbakr
Hshxlucky7 says
I still need help with this
pad says
Death from Above boost add me – pad-man
Fox says
Psn is Foxeh for Death From Above trophy
Ruben says
Help boost please add me psn Ballistic_GymRat
Forzer101 says
Help me get the Death From Above trophy
Chris says
Psn icehockeystar202 still need help with death from above
Matthew Cooper says
PSN is Gumble_Monkey if anyone wants to help me with death from above
matttgo says
Can you help me? psn mathmicci
Ruben says
Help boost please psn ballistic_gymrat
z0zCRAIGz0z says
PSN – z0zCRAIGz0z
Boost for the *Death From Above*
Djamel says
I need someone to boost death from above with psn ID: ZombieKiller98nl
paul says
add Gaming-_-Mad for the boost aroplane 1 ps4
Darwin says
Add me solicito se can Boost,My PSN ID is dorg86.
Craig says
Willing to boost death from above, Psn: TheAirsoftPanda
Linus says
Death from above trophy boost pls. add MW3_KUNG
Mamarracho says
My ID is SweeneyEpiphany if anyone can help me to boost death from above
Adam B says
Boost partner.
Game tag – scarfaceajb
Thomas says
PSN ID: T-Dog109
Send me a message saying you’re from here. I’ll be available to do it from 6PM UK time most evenings. I will be on at 6PM tomorrow if anyone would be interested in doing it then.
Thomas says
*For the Death from Above trophy by the way.
David Fordahl says
Looking to boost Death from Above. PSN = usmc_hulk64
neahcrow says
I thought I read somewhere that you could exploit the single player trophies by playing through on easy and then switching the difficulty to hardcore at the end. Does anyone know if that is true?
Also, I’m willing to boost and help boost death from above: I’ll be online all Thanksgiving weekend. Send me a message on PSN if you’re interested. PSN: neahcrow
James says
Need to boost this. ID dawson001
Surgical_Assault says
Can someone help me out with info on the death from above trophy? All it says is select a bomber plane but all I can select is some shitty small plane that doesnt have bombs, I hope you done need to level up to unlock the bomber.
Bart says
Death from above trophy boost
PSN B-Wegrzyn90PL
leviathan says
a need help for the death from above trophies. id devildcloco
BART says
PSN name xBart997. I need help with Off-hand, road kills, and death from above 🙂
Michael Ciccone says
BoomstickMike is my GT for Death From Above boosting
Michael Ciccone says
PSN…forgot to mention
Michael Ciccone says
Got it last night. Done!
Vaughn says
Psn name is Vaughn_Johnson if anyone wanted to boost, I need the trophy as well. I will be on most days evening time (EST).
Erik Skalický says
anyone for death from above? we can do roadkills too
PSN: Pras0007
Darwin says
Add me so we can Boost,PSN ID is dorg86
C says
I’m keen 2 boost death from above trophy, add me, psn id makaveli-rip
shane says
Need to boost this. ID seadmon19
Omnicron2 says
Add me for Death From Above on PS4: Omnicron2
Jens Wind says
Want to boost this. Add me: JensWind21. Thanks
ali says
anyone can help me for death from above icant speaks english very good my bomber is max level 4
if anyone one can helps me psn Demon_single
Abdulrhman AL-Bash says
Add me rami-nice
cphour says
Need help with death from above, psn- cphour
Avp Edmond says
Need to boost Death From Above Trophy, this one really near impossible to get it,, PSN ID d272sridamai
i from asia region Malaysia will be in online 5pm evening until 1am midnight(my place timezone) hopefully we can help each other to get it for our trophy hunter
Kim says
Ready for the Death from Above trophy now.
PSN: kimmerliknudsen
Mark the Messages with BFV
spada 6 says
spada6 psn need to boost this. 3 hrs and 1 kill
Vinsanity says
Need help for the “death from above” trophy.
PSN: vincent-jannie
Time zone: Amsterdam
Vinsanity says
Got the trophy.
No help needed anymore.
Strydenn Valle says
Death from above trophy please: PSN ID: Strydenn
Jon says
Would love assist with death from above, or and any other multiplayer trophy. Just add me Soanes86. And will return the favour likewise. Cheers
Haydn says
Add me for Death from Above
HaydnSBE, I’m online all day
Jared says
I want to boost Death from Above.
PSN: OsuOrr
David says
Need death from above
Psn: The_Alpha_Djinn
David says
Looking to do Death From Above. PSN: FYYASKO25
Matt says
Boost this with me and I will help you psn – bubjesse
JhOnNY_HD says
Help for boosting death from above (spanish welcome)
Death From Above trophy
Kawica says
Need help with death from above.
psn id: kawica_pl
slawek says
I’ll be happy to help psn slawek2485
Kim says
Still need three kills.
Online now. Add: kimmerliknudsen
Mark the message BFV
Darksiders 3 says
When Darksiders 3 trophy guide is up?
Mikebot5000 says
Need help with death from above on now
Mikebot5000 says
Death from above help please. Mikebot5000
Paul says
Death from above trophy boost PSN: Rooooney1984.
Happy to help you get yours as well. Online for the next 12+ hours, just give me a message.
Mikebot5000 says
I will send you a request in a few hours once im home.
PWNutbutta8 says
Death from Above
PSN: PWNutbutta8
MSG me
Dean anderson says
Death from above needed Anderson619 from the UK I’m on every night if anyone can help cheers
Tom says
Hi, Death from above help please – Baton_01.
PS. road kill and off hand is also in option 🙂
idotani says
Need help with fender bender and death from above. Just shoot a psn message to idotani or reply here.
mat says
give me ur psn id
JKatarn says
Need death from above PSN is JKatarn, not many people use those manned AAs, and when you finally get one, mosquitos are out to shoot me down…
JKatarn says
Forgot to say I am from GMT+8 timezone… Asia, just FYI
pad says
Death from Above boost
Cruzadercreep says
Need help death from above, ill help back ofc!??Ps4 name is : cruzadercreep
Anon920266 says
Sent a request
Kal El says
Please can anyone help me with death from above trophy I just need someone to seat on the station gun or the AA gun psn:ManOfSteelLv99
Fawaz says
Death from above trophy psn ID: fawaz80k95
Text me
Ardavan Dehghani says
Need help with death from above.
Psn: Ardimanowar
RikTooR Vu says
I completed all war stories on hardcore and i didint get the difficulty trophies! Help !!
Sykes says
Add me for death from above boost psn sykes143
Marco says
Need help with Death From Above
PSN: demoninsh
hayao says
need death from above
plz add psn:
hayao says
Done, thx!
Rich says
Death from above trophy boost, help needed. Will return the favour. Will be on all day Sunday UK time.
Psn : Rich4151
Drake21749 says
Need help with death from above trophy
Psn: Drake21749
Also Rich says
Death from Above trophy. PSN is PresidentGump. US Pacific Time
Reiss says
Psn – Reaper2k7 – death from above
FellowBattlefieldPlayer says
If someone does the “Jack of all trades” trophy and don’t want to check all the time for how many points let’s say medic has already, just look at the class rank
100000 class points is rank 11, if you reach it you can go to another class and do the same
beka says
need help with death from above.
psn JustBeka
abey17 says
Looking for help with the Death from Above trophy
aLoS says
Death from Above trophy. aLoS_SoL0
The last one is a Zero.
mylastgg says
Death from Above help needed! I’ll exchange the favor ofc : )!
id: mylastgg
mylastgg says
Nevermind, got it today with a partner!
Azaz khan says
lets help each other
Heratros says
Looking for help with the Death from Above trophy
I’ll exchange the favor !
Psn id: Heratros
Steven A says
So I completed Under no flag, nordflys, and tirailleur all in hardcore difficulty. But I didn’t get the trophies for completing them. Do I also need to do the last tiger for the trophy to pop? Or do I have to do them all over again…
Abdullah says
I really need help with Death from above trophy.
ID: asofcb
Kevin says
Looking for death from above trophy on PS4! PSN: CrispyBear_
Ashkanv2a says
Death from above
Jim says
From above trophy
Add jimkarl
Chris says
Still need help? I need it too!
Jason says
I’d be happy to do the trophy with you. I’m Grasoga on PSN. I can do it after 8PM EST each night.
Chris says
I need help with the death from above trophy! PSN: CBFvO
Jason says
I’d like to do this trophy w/ someone. Add Grasoga on PSN if interested. message me on PSN.
idotani says
Need Death from Above. If anyone can help I’ll return the favor. Psn: idotani
Federico says
Hello I can help and need help myself. We can get this done quickly from what Powerpyx is saying. I can log in about 3-4 hours from now if it works with you. I am adding you via my cellphone PS app
My user is:
REAL_Hordkall says
Hello! I would like to this trophy with someone.
Pm me: REAL_Hordkall
Chris says
Iv added you
kevin says
i would like to boost death from above with anyone.
GMT+1 (netherlands), would like to play on a european server.
Add me on psn: kevin-smits, and please mention bf5 trophy in the friend request
ITehJelleh says
I need the Death From Above trophy
If you can help me get it I will help you as well
PSN: ITehJelleh
Mel says
You avail today? Lets do the trophy
Richard says
need some help with death from above trophy
weng330 says
Looking to boost Death From Above together. US East. PSN: weng330. Please mention trophy. Thanks!
weng330 says
Obtained, thanks all!
sebatriani says
death from above boosting
psn: sebaSZX
ollie95 says
Looking for help with Death from Above,
PSN: ollie95
AE86fiend says
Looking for help with death from above , add me psn AE86fiend
turk--life says
Looking for help with death from above, help me guys :)) psn: turk–life
gluznesad33 says
Anyone down to boost “Death from above”? I’m from EU, so if you’re from EU too it might be a little less complicated. Just add me on PSN: gluznesad33 and mention this thread.
I’ll return the favour or course 🙂
David says
Add me 🙂 psn: rossohati
Chantelle says
Anyone here in February? Looking for assistance in death from above, add me: c-dewbz
TerribleFait says
Need help, ill also return the favour ofc.
Im from eu, add me: TerribleFait
alirezabrave says
for Globetrotter trophy does it different between squad conquest or conquest ?>
quarterskill says
ps4 looking for help to get death above trophy. quarterskill
Robbie says
Need help death from above psn is GOTyurSHOESon
1315 says
Psn TySoN95-
Death from above
MSG me
Azaz khan says
Lets help each other reply
Danijel says
Death from Above, PSN ID: PetitPouletZG
Kimmo Sakko says
Death from Above, PSN ID Tuplaliha, please help.
GG_Der_Noobgamer says
I also need death from above
PSN: GG_Der_Noobgamer
I’m speaking English and German
Kimmo Sakko says
Lets try, ill add you. Well see maybe tomorrow
J says
I’ve been trying for months to get death from above. I suck, I’m frustrated, I give up. Someone please help me
PSN: julchen9119
Kimmo Sakko says
Ill add you too, lets do this some day soon.
Noriyuki says
Death from Above boost: liemswie
if you need boost let me know, I be happy to help.
Azaz khan says
I need help plz
Azaz Khan says
Hi Need Help with the trophy Name: Death from Above
in Battlefield V
PSN ID: Azazgamer1
Mark says
Need boost for Death From Above Trophy!
PSN – Capt-Mark25
Macca says
Need Death from Above boost
PSN Luvs_2_squidge
Gniewosz says
Death from above
Psnid Gniewosz
21-24 CET tomorrow or weekend
Gniewosz says
Still looking, right now. 31-03-2019 9 P.M. CET PSN ID Gniewosz
rhys_evans_ says
Need help with death from above trophy, will help too! Psn id : rhys_evans_
László Bányár says
This trophy the last to platinum. My english is not too good , sorry.
But im very despereta how to do this f*/**** trophy. Please help!
PSNID: HunLatyaa
Thank you
Mustafa says
We can help each other ,I need this trophy too to get the platinum ,I will send to you afreind request
Mustafa says
This my ID : blackoutom084 I need help to get this trophy
Shalom90 says
Would like to boost this trophy with someone. PSN ID: Shalom90. Will reciprocate.
Night says
I can help you dude add nightsoldier-GR
Kozma says
Hi, i need someone for death from above…i’ll help top. Add me, kosuccio95 [PSN]
Bdog says
Add me for death from above
Rexry4 says
Need some help with death from above add me Id: rexry4
xenon_eleven says
Death from above help appreciated, ID: xenon_eleven
SR says
Who writes these guides? Hardcore is nearly impossible. 4-5 hrs my ass!
ZipZop says
Yeah, that’s trash. Hell, the entire mode is trash.
Wamzip says
Does anyone know if its possible to get the hoist the flag trophy now that dice have removed frontlines mode? I only got the game last week and this was next on my list dammit.
Arda says
I have the same issue. They better change the description of the trophy to capture 10 flags in any game mode.
biitti-janju says
I need help with death from above and roadkill trophies, thanks! ign: biitti-janju
Wamzip says
FYI many Multiplayer trophy are bugged at the moment:
Abdullah says
I need help please
I have more than 100,000 score in every class and i have way more than 500,000 and i didn’t get the elite and jack of all trades trophy!!
Abdulrahman says
Angrod says
Anyone find out a fix for this? I’m stuck at the same.
Fili says
Add for Death From Above.
PSN: MissFilisteen
Mark says
need help with death from above. psn xMrPinkx
sniperman192 says
Need help with death from above please message me at sniperman192
sniperman192 says
Psn by the way
Jon says
Add for Death From Above.
PSN: o_jon_n
Rexry4 says
Need some help with off hand
PSn: rexry4
Frasier says
Well I’m calling Death from Above bugged.
Did it 15+ times now. 10-11 on my own and 4 times with boosting with the help of Jon.
They were not towable AA’s. AA and guy in it killed/destroyed. Still didn’t pop. Even did 4 in 1 round.
Christian says
I’m I think the problem from what I’ve seen is that you need to destroy the AA/Flak completely to get the trophy, I’m having trouble also :/ I’m just trying to upgrade my plane so I can unlock the really big bombs so I don’t miss, but if you want to boost and try my username is TropickleRain
Frasier says
Yes, all of the kills I mentioned were with the “stationary weapon destroyed” + enemy killed.
Someone posted a link above to a EA topic about bugged online trophies and it’s very active. 360+ replies about especially the Death from above and jack of all trades trophies being bugged. So I guess we have to wait until they fix it.
RockNemesis says
Death from Above help needed ;)
My PSN si RockNemesis
Conor says
Death from above assistance please guys and gals,
Frasier says
Next patch will also address the trophy bugs they say.
Let’s hope it works. The patch will come out next week
Frasier says
Trophies are still not fixed. They will address it in patch 4.4. Which will arrive END OF AUGUST.
What a joke these devs are.
Trophies affected: Jack of all trades, Elite and death from above. All platforms have this problem.
PowerPyx says
Unfortunately, trophies tend to draw the short end of the stick when it comes to priority of fixes 🙁
I think we are lucky if they fix them at all (because most devs wouldn’t care to fix anything trophy-related).
Frasier says
You are absolutely right. You would expect it would be different this time since that trophy thread has 440+ replies now. So that would make it a priority.
I truly hope they fix it. Death from above is the last trophy for the platinum.
The EA guy in the thread said they would try to make it retroactive, so if you’ve done it it would auto pop. But then again, they said they would have fixed it with the last update but now they say it’s a full month later.
Thomas says
Can anyone help me with death from above please, username is gtwbob
matt says
anyone able to help with death from above??? psn is bigblueskydaddy
P-4-P-King says
I’ll add you
Amir says
i need to boost “death from above” trophy
psn id: cont-dracula
P-4-P-King says
Need to do death from above on PS4
PSN is P-4-P-King
I am in PST
Brad says
Need help with death from above
PSN: Newby32
Rafff says
If anyone wants to do death from above add me mr_rafff.
Alex says
I can help and i need help for death from above, add thekinglex
Alex says
Anyone can help me with death from above ? add me: thekinglex
I can help too if you don’t have it.
Tim says
Can someone help me? NaozumiXx is my PSN I need Death from Above and Road Rage if you did not get either trophy yet I will help who ever needs help.
Jorda says
This is far more difficult than a 4/10. Battlefield 1 story was far easier on hardcore
SLUGZ says
did you get it yet? if not. add me xXV_SLUGZ_VXx
AE86fiend says
I Need help with death from above trophy , add me psn : AE86fiend
Jin says
Need help with Death from above. PSN: Jinners_11
Sodin says
Hello mate do you still need help for “death from above”? I am in the same situation, I need to boost it. Add me if you need help; PSN : sodin
Abdullah says
Psn- yrn_xo5
I need help with death from above trophy
Robert says
Need help with death from above
PC Origin ISScyborg
Jake Pownall says
Need help with Death From Above trophy
PSN Sir-Snowblood
Jake Pownall says
Mario says
How do I get the “Hoist the Flag” trophy now that the Frontlines mode is not there?
Please help
Matthew says
Hey, I still need the death from above trophy. Anyone keen to work through it?
Add me, Sik_Simsy
Konrad says
Need Help with Death from above my PSNiD: EagleCode1
Simon says
Hey guys anyone up for making a Frontlines game, that mode is dead so need enough players to make a game, can boost and alternate flags for people who need it.
My PSN is Ultimate7phoenix
Dont want to miss out on a platinum because of a dead server, too many of those about as it is
Ricardo says
Yo i can help u if u help in return add:WarSpiritUltra5 PSN
Ricardo says
Need help with Death from above trophy will help in return im active daily so add PSN: WarSpiritUltra5
DartDragon93 says
Hello, i need help with the trophy
-Death from Above
-Fender Bender
My PSN name is DartDragon93 or Mangas501
Add me so we can help each other or help me plz
Best regards
Mister_Deadzone says
Looking to boost Death From Above PSN: Mister_Deadzone
lake says
psn: bmker
will help others even if i already have trophy dont hesitate to message
Conman09 says
Can someone help me farm death from above it’s my last trophy till platinum
Tim says
Hey, can you make a couple quick updates to your trophy guide.
Death from Above trophy: This one has become way easier now.
1. Find 3 others to help you boost the trophy. I found 3 people by messaging everyone in public games seeing if they still wanted this trophy. Found 3 people fast.
2. Create a Community Game.
a. Map: Iwo Jima
b. Game Type: Conquest
c. Game Size: 64
d. Minimum number to start: 4 (This is very important.
e. Make a password (yes, the trophy unlocks with a password)
3. Create the game and message the other 3 people the game number and password
4. Everyone run to objective E, there are big guns beside it.
5. One person gets in a plane, and their squad mate stands beside the gun. When they stand beside the gun, a big green dot shows up for the bomber to easily target. This step is not required, but makes it so easy since the green dot is easy to find.
6. One person from the other team gets in the gun.
7. When the bombs hit, the other team mate revives them and rebuilds the gun.
Takes everyone about 5-10 minutes max.
Second trophy that can be boosted is the 500K trophy, and by default the 150K and 100K each class trophy.
Start a private match with 3 friends in Outpost.
Everyone go to the same outpost and one person capture the tower.
The other team plants a bomb
The original team defuses the bomb. Rinse and repeat.
We got 30-50K a match easy.
Turk--life says
@Tim, u sure?
Who wants to try what Tim said? Add me on ps4: turk–life
Luke says
I also need those trophies if people are up for playing
byPongo says
Need people for death from above. Add me: byPongo
Tyler says
Desperately need people to boost that damn death from above trophy.
PSN: beanietheman
Availale anytime thanks to this damn virus
David Lower says
Are people still playing the game. I’m thinking of getting it as it’s on sale?
Xeanor says
Need help for “Death from Above” trophy
PSN ID : xeanor
Bruno says
Looking for help getting Death from Above trophy.
bknoe64 I usually play between 7-11pm ET thanks
Frank says
Looking for help with Death From Above trophy… add frankybris_ thanks
Luke says
I’m also looking to do death from above
PSN eluxi
Sander says
Need a partner for Death from Above as well. Message me IISN24II
Flow says
Hey i want to boost ‘death from above’ just add or message me, thx
ID: CrazyChiller1990
Polaris says
Please help me wiith “Death from above” trophy
Psn: PolarisV2
Gheezer-Meister says
Will boost Death From Above. If we can get 4 people total, we can do a private match with just the four of us and it still counts.
El_Infiernito96 says
Are you still looking get this trophy? I’ve been wanting to get this one for a while but its impossible
Psn Id: El_Infiernito96
hulioborracho says
I have played on all the conquest maps for the Globetrotter trophy and don’t give it to me, does anyone know anything? 🙁
kuronokensh1 says
EA Support Forums
You can read on this..i get the same problem
kuronokensh1 says
Want to boost death from above..message me if you want..if you’re from indonesia, you can talk bahasa with me..need 3 people to private match 2 vs 2 for this..
Psn : kuronokensh1
Angelo says
Psn: angman28
Death from above trophy
Nautico1901 says
Lets do it.
PSN: Nautico1901
Miami time zone
Dominic says
PSN: villenadominic
Nautico1901 says
Lets do it.
PSN: Nautico1901
Miami time zone
btzcher says
Anyone up for Death from above?
PSN: btzcher
Nautico1901 says
Lets do it.
PSN: Nautico1901
Miami time zone
Nautico1901 says
Anyone up for Death from above?
PSN: Nautico1901
Miami time zone
João Pedro says
Just added u. If u still want to boost.
Send u a message on psn
My ID KabaL75
João Pedro says
Death from above ! Pls help
KabaL75 Brazil
Isaac says
Still need help? Psn:TheTruth852
Nautico1901 says
Yes. Me and a friend (we need 4 players) will try Death From Above trophy tonight (eastern time).
Send me a message on PSN: Nautico1901
Nautico1901 says
Next monday (dec 28 2020) I wil be at a community server caled Death From Above.
Feel free to join @ 9pm GMT -3.
We need 4 players.
Rule: get 1 kill, got killed 1 time
My PSN ID: Nautico1901
Jordy says
Need someone to help boost the death from above throphy. I dont play regularly tho so would have to plan it.
Add me on: Panda-Jordy
Olem007 says
Hi Jordy, still need some help? I would need the same. PSN: Olem007
Manu says
Hi Jordi, Hopefully you can help with “death from above” please? I’ve added you, ID Pegapunk8. thx
Olem007 says
Hi, need help with Death from the above trophy? Is anybody interested?
PSN: Olem007
Flash52 says
Icould help as I also need this trophy
Tony says
Hi. If you have not got this trophy yet I’m also looking for help with this one. GMT. PSN; Batonsandmace.
Naruhan says
I’m also looking for this trophy. Someone of y’all still interested?
MM123 says
please post your PSN id, i will add anyone who is willing to help with the online trophies. i will help in return anyone who needs it as well 🙂
Flash52 says
psn Imagine-Wagons–
Olem007 says
Hi flash52, I will send you an psn invite later so we can see from there
shadow says
I want to boost death from above mostly
ID: shadow-ahedgehog
If you will to help me also for fender bender and off hand I will be grateful
it’s little difficult to do off hand trophy ..
shotting enemies more than 7 times not dying then reloading and get dead!
shadow says
Only Need fender bender and off hand now
MM123 says
The game will be on PS Plus soon, are you will to help me with death from above and fender bender, off hand. I will do the same in return for two you need
shadow says
@MM123 sure, what is your PSN?
or add me on the ID I posted above
Marx says
Hey shadow will you help me to please i need this trophy GT ThE_MaRx_MaN89
shadow says
Update: Im no more need to boost I just earned them all … thanks to everyone who helped me ❤️
Dav says
Hey if anyone want to use a boost please add me up Mood_Master69_
Death from above seems to be really tedious but we can try to work it out together.
Dav says
Should be CookieMaster_69 lol that was the previous name
Sujera says
If someone want to boost and help add me Sujera
Barabus says
Looking to get Death from Above trophy. Community mode with 4 players preferably?
PSN: B_A_Barabus
Sadam says
I need death from above can you help me my psn is Sadam923
tHeShaGsteR says
In desperate need of Death From Above Trophy. I’ve attempted it for 8 hours with no success and getting shot out of sky.
PSN: tHeShaGsteR
ElHano says
Need help for boosting death from above and 10 kills with secondary firearm. If closed sessions still work then I’m looking for 2 players to help out me and a friend. If closed works theres a way to boost xp too.
tHeShaGsteR says
ElHano what’s your PSN I’ll message you so we can find one more and attempt the death from Above
Drusifer1787 says
Hey i just downloaded the game free on psn. Need help and willing to assist for “death from above”
Psn : Drusifer1787
Luke says
hey need to do this death from above trophy on BF5. Still. lmao
PSN: lukeylukenib
Varledir says
Need assist / Willing to help for “Death from Above” trophy
PSN: Varledir
SethGrey1 says
PSN: SethGrey1
I’m in for Death From Above.
Barabus says
I’m to set up a Community Game on May 8 (tomorrow). If you’re interested post a reply here. 1 kill, 1 death. Rinse repeat until we’re done. Need a minimum of 4 players.
tHeShaGsteR says
I’m interested in filling one of those spots!
PSN: tHeShaGsteR
REAPER_1987 says
Yeah let’s go! I’m down for boost. Can get any other MP trophies people need too and xp
Dav says
PSN CookieMaster_69
Drusifer1787 says
Hey is that spot open
Nikolai says
SethGrey1 says
PSN: SethGrey1
I’m in for Death From Above.
Hotellsix says
Hi everyone, looking for help to boost death from above trophy. Psn: hotellsix
Looking for boost for Death from Above.
PSN: JavaScript-mysql
John says
Looking for a death from above boost PSN: tipsy-gypsy
RedWolfff says
If anybody is down to go for Death From Above Trophy please hmu. I’m available most of the time. PSN: RedWolfff
Mustafa sulfy says
Mate i added you you if you want me to help you and help me
bayek says
i’m looking for a death from above partner to boost PSN: Mr-Tripladoppia
Spencer says
Like everyone else, I’m hoping for help with the death from above trophy and I’m willing to help you get it as well 🙂
Spencer says
Almost forgot, PSN is spencercam1
Subset_76 says
Psn: Subset_76
Send me a msg and we will try
Noizeconstructor says
XP boost on outpost (plant & defuse) – no kill
Community games:
Outpost – Arras
“xp boost boms no kill”
Fell free to join
budi maulana says
Hello, I Need help with Death from above trophy. And Of course Im willing help too.
Jonathan says
Death from above boosting, take turns
PSN: FattassXD
mozag says
death from above boost anyone?? ;(
psn blurryfacee96
Alexfoy1989 says
Death from above trophy boost
Psn alexfoy1989
Matt says
death from above trophy boost
PSN: matthewcrawford
Chris says
Death from above trophy boost
Message me to sort out details. UK time
PSN: ChrissyA7X
Andrew P says
Death from above trophy boost. Online all day add me up
Psn: Rp-Toronto
Matt says
Hey all. Looking to boost death from above trophy. It would take me a lifetime to do this legit as not the greatest pilot! Obviously I will help too.
PSN: cattmook
Adam says
Need help to boost Death from Above, will help back
PSN- Bibliophile213
Gabriele says
Death from above psn the_nacked
Piotr says
Death from above help needed. Must admit, I am a terrible pilot, they wouldn’t let me even use the simulator so that I don’t crash it irl.
Will help back in anything needed.
psn sallow-braganza
Nathan says
Death from above
David says
Anyone wanna boost death from above with me? I’ve helped several people get it, but others leave as soon as they get it themself.
Add me if you wanna boost eachother
PSN: Litraphy
SilentBOB321 says
Looking to get the Death from Above trophy and the Fender Bender trophy if you have the time. Would be great if we could get enough people to get start a community match b/c I am a terrible pilot.
psn: SilentBOB321
Time zone: MST (GMT -06:00)
InoxidavelMente says
Add me: InoxidavelMente.
SilentBOB321 says
MahSkillz says
Death from above
PSN: MahSkillz
Sam A says
Who wants to get together for a run of Death From Above. We can obviously trade off if you need to.
Add me: EgoManiac–
chalimol says
Death from above
I need help, please add me
Guy Pedley says
Death From Above
9-11pm UK time.
Guy Pedley says
Got the trophy
InoxidavelMente says
Looking to get the Death from Above trophy and off-hand.
Would be great if we could get enough time because I am a terrible pilot.
PSN: InoxidavelMente
Thank you.
Alex says
Need Help with Death from above I can also help if you also need it
PS4: TwoDs-
Z says
I need help with death from above. Will help back.
PSN: Ephrilia
Omar says
Need help with death from above.
Will help back.
Madai Bence says
Need help with death from above.
Will help back.
PSN: GuruHD03
damien says
Hi I need help too, add me. My psn user name is: cloudsfable
Clint says
Oceanic times ok?
Shaheen Al-Zuraiqi says
Hi! I need help with, “Death From Above,” guys!
Id: Shehinius
Timezone: +3:00
Tried this with a group and they all flaked. EU time zones would be best!
RunNGun1020 says
Looking to boost Death From Above today!
TheHairyHero says
Looking for help with some trophies.
PSN – TheHairyHero
Clint says
Looking for Death From Above
PSN: Rockapesmakr
Franek says
I need help Death From Above.
psn: franek188
Furainto says
Need help with Death From Above. I’ll help you back.
Psn: Fennec_Friend
Nathan says
Need help with Frontline trophy.
I have a server up,
Original-Nate- #06148
Psn – Original-Nate-
Will also help out anyone that needs death from above
RunNGun1020 says
I can help with Frontline if you help with death from above
Blud_munney says
Trying to find someone to boost this and front lines trophy
RunNGun1020 says
I’ll help with death from above for sure
RunNGun1020 says
I’m online for the next few hours. Anyone wanna boost Death From Above? I’ll help with whatever, just need that one.
PSN: RunNGun1020
souravkutuliac says
Let’s do death from above.
Danny says
Anyone wanna boost death from above and the Frontlines one?
Koreypepper says
Anyone wants to boost this add me
souravkutuliac says
Pls help with death from above
V1LLAN89 says
Can someone help me with Death From Above please? I’m on now
RunNGun1020 says
Death From Above trophy farm right now. Have 2 players, will help anyone who needs it!
PS4: RuNGun1020
Send message and we can get it over with!
Joe says
shooter4202012.. let’s do this
Brad says
Any tips? on 500,000 score, and 100,000 with each class?? I have WAY over that now, and still no unlocks… All classes are 13+
Nathan says
Looking to Boost the hoist the flag, Globetrotter, and death form above trophies.
PSN ID – Floatslikerock
Message me if you can help!
DarkMan says
I need help with death from above and I’ll help you get the trohoy as well.
Send me a message on PSN and maybe we can fix a time to do this trophy.
Skyheart says
I need help with death from above trophy. Let’s help each other.
PSN kmwong88
MunMun1985 says
I need help with death from above trophy.
Eddan says
Add me for Death from Above – PSN: Eddan_98
Col-Crazy88 says
Add me for Death from above.
Psn: Col-Crazy88
Sam says
Can someone help me for death from above thank u 🙂 Will return favour!
PSN : goldsnafu1
Marc says
Can someone hekp me for death from above
Psn : The-Dasp
Alex says
Hey do you still need the trophy? if so add me on psn: legeendary_pkmn
Jake says
Need help with 5 car kills and airplane kills add me if you can help always willing yo help back
Mutasi says
Hey do you still need help?
If so add me,psn:mutasi890.
Javi says
I need help with Death From Above trophy
My PSN ID is Javibot1
Siavash says
Add Me The303Rifle
Brandon says
Need help with death from above trophy, need two ppl for a custom game. Add aznninjabro
CaneZ says
Need help with Death From Above Trophy add me
Sayed Aboalhassan says
PSN Q8Lotus
For all online trophies we’ll go through together
NeyZzor says
Hello I need help for the trophy hoist the colours in frontline. I can help for other trophies too
Please add me : NeyZzor
Deadlyshaver says
Hi all, need help with Death from Above trophy and Hoist the Flag. Need 2 more people for a custom game and we will return the favor.
PSN: Deadlyshaver
Phil says
Looking for help with Death From Above will return the favour. Please put BF5 boost in message.
Psn II-kaneda-II
UK time GMT (please Europe only as time difference is always a problem further than that)
Dylan says
Help me with death from above plz
Psn: zombiekiller885
Alex says
Guys i know is 2024 but i need help boosting this. “ Death from above” trophy.
Add me on PSN: Deltaforce2032
I can help you in an other trophy that i have the game on.
Jim says
Looking to Boost some of the online trophies.
Add me: CPTNJimSparrow
Ali says
Help me with death from above plz
Psn: ali_abbas00744
Chris says
Looking for boosting partner
Psn HighAllTheTime69
Furkan says
Lets do it