There are 9 Mycelium Network Activity Locations in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora (called Budding Watchers in-game). They respawn after about 24 hours real time have passed. For the Mushroom Navigator trophy/achievement you must complete 10 total. Since there are only 9 you must wait 24 hours to repeat one of them. They are big mushrooms, it’s important you loot the item reward to make it count as “completed”.
Important: On the in-game map they are called “Budding Watchers“. Only in the trophy/achievement list they are called “Mycelium Network Activities“. Mycelium Network Activity = Budding Watcher, they are the same thing, just named differently between the trophy list and in-game map. Remember they respawn after about 24 hours real time, that’s how you can get 10 despite there being only 9 different locations.
When unfogging the map they get marked on the map. The ones you haven’t discovered have purple icons, the ones you discovered have blue icons, and the ones you completed have green icons. None of them are missable, you can still find all of them after the story in free-roam.
At their location you will find a big mushroom, called the ‘Budding Watcher’. You must follow the roots of the mushroom along the paths where small white mushrooms grow. At the end of each path is a mid-size mushroom you must interact with. Then return to the big mushroom and follow the next path, repeat this until you followed all paths and activated all mushrooms. Then the big ‘Budding Watcher’ mushroom will open. Walk into the Budding Watcher and loot the item inside to ‘complete’ the collectible. They are all easy to do and just require some running around. All of them are found in the third region of the game called “Clouded Forest”.
All Mycelium Network Locations
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #1
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #2
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #3
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #4
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #5
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #6
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #7
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #8
Budding Watcher (Mycelium Network Activity) #9
To get the Mushroom Navigator trophy/achievement, wait 24+ hours real time then the Budding Watchers can be activated again. Repeat one of them for your 10th total activation to earn the trophy.
For all other collectible types refer to Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Collectible Guide.
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