Quick Item: Divine Statue Item Description: A secret medicine that fully restores Vitality and cures all status abnormalities. One small part of Ashina is exceedingly old. The ancient soil, rocks, and water that pervaded the land are said to have attracted the attention of the gods. The doctor Dogen studied the plants in the ancient […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Divine Confetti
Quick Item: Divine Confetti Item Description: Confetti imbued with a divine blessing made fro driving away apparitions. The paper is made ceremoniously, whereby pulp is spread thin using water from the exalted Fountainhead. As the gods bless the waters, so too will the confetti bless one who basks in it’s touch, allowing attacks to connect […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Mibu Possession Balloon
Quick Item: Mibu Possession Balloon Item Description: A Mibu balloon filled with fountainhead water, imbued with a blessing of good fortune. If one pops the vibrant green Mibu balloon and prays, those its water splashes upon will have a higher chance of obtaining items. “Mibu” means “aquatic life”, or “life born of the water”. The […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Gokan’s Sugar
Quick Item: Gokan’s Sugar Item Description: Sugar candy made by the Shinobi Hunters of Misen Temple, sustaining Gokan’s blessing. Reduces Posture damage taken for a time. Bite the candy and take the Gokan stance to impart its inhuman benediction. Misen monks are well-versed in the art of killing shinobi; an undertaking that demands a body […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Antidote Powder
Quick Item: Antidote Powder Item Description: A powerful antidote concocted by the Sunken Valley clan. Heals status abnormality “Poison”, and temporarily increases Poison resistance. Magnetite deposits are found in the Sunken Valley, but the place is dangerously toxic. Antidote powder is essential for anyone attempting to mine the ore. Locations: Ashina Outskirts: Outskirts Wall – […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Bundled Jizo Statue
Quick Item: Bundled Jizo Statue Item Description: Small Buddha effigy bound in red cloth. Raise in prayer between one’s palms to restore a node of Resurrective Power. To enswathe a Jizo statue is to express feelings of parental love. The bundle of cloth is to at least ensure that the little one goes on in […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Nightjar Monocular
Quick Item: Nightjar Monocular Item Description: A bamboo tube used to see distant objects. While shinobi already have good vision, looking through this tube with one eye enables one to see even further. The Nightjar Ninja serve Isshin Ashina, guarding the rooftops of Ahina Castle, their sharp eyes on the lookout for any would-be trespassers. […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Young Lord’s Bell Charm
Key Item: Young Lord’s Bell Charm Item Description: A bell charm received from an old woman, who asked that it be offered to Buddha. Bell charms protect their holders through Buddha’s divine protection. If one finds themselves an owner of another’s bell charm, offering it to Buddha on their behalf is common courtesy. The Sculptor […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Dousing Powder
Quick Item: Dousing Powder Item Description: Medicine for treating burns. Heals the “Burn” status abnormality, and for a time decreases Burn buildup, increases Burn resistance, and reduces damage from incoming Burn attacks. When fire is used on the battlefield, Dousing Powder is crucial for survival. Locations: Hirata Estate: Dragonspring – Hirata Estate – At the […]
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Oil
Quick Item: Oil Item Description: Plain Oil. When the jar breaks, the oil covers everything nearby. Enemies doused in oil are easily set alight, causing them to take additional Vitality damage from fire attacks and making them more vulnerable to the Burn status abnormality. Locations: Potential drop from common human enemies Usage: Used to increase […]