Retro Rampage 4 contains 1 Collectible Locations in Astro Bot. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Retro Rampage 4 level in chronological order. Nothing is missable, everything can be replayed after the story.
- Bots: 1
Collectibles Overview:
Level Unlock Requirement: Camo Cosmos – Break the asteroid that appears all the way to top left.
Walkthrough: At the start use the jetpack powerup to destroy the 4 orange flying enemies above you. Now stand below the platforms under the green blobs in the middle and use the jetpack to kill them one by one from below. Kill the blobs on the top platform last. Then defeat the bunnies.
Bot: Malleable Mototist (Gran Turismo) – Reward for finishing this level.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Retro Rampage 4 level in Astro Bot.
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Astro Bot Walkthrough.
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