Balloon Breeze contains 11 Collectible Locations in Astro Bot. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Balloon Breeze level in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Nothing is missable, everything can be replayed after the story.
- Bots: 7
- Puzzle Pieces: 3
- Lost Galaxies (Secret Level Exits): 1
Collectibles Overview:
Puzzle #1: on the left sunflower at the very start of the level. Use the ladybug to jump up.
Bot #1: hanging from a purple flower after crossing the spade, use ladybug to jump.
Lost Galaxy 1: after grabbing this level’s power-up, return to and push the previous ladybug and then jump, glide and use this level’s power-up to reach a pot in the middle of the sky. Slash the bamboo with the DualSense and then reach the entrance. To activate the entrance, you must use your thrusters in the metal ring surrounding the eyes. Use the level exit here and restart the level to clean up remaining collectibles.
Bot #2 (Special Bot): at the very top of the giant robot’s head.
Puzzle #2: when you reach the second rocket-shooting enemy, there will be two sunflowers and a log. Fly over the log while using your feet-lasers from doublejump, this will slice the log and reveals a wire. Pull the wire to get this.
Bot #3: after boarding the rocket, wait for the giant robot to water the pot. Then, check the purple flower on the left.
Bot #4 (Young Holidaymaker): on the island with the big pot and caterpillar, blow out the caterpillar to reveal this bot.
Bot #5: same area, on left side, inside the water can held by the giant robot.
Bot #6: after flying through electric mines, check the sky for a flying bee, it holds the bot.
Puzzle #3: above the blue whale floaty, in the air.
Bot #7: next to the spinning yellow-face floaty, on a small cloud floaty.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Balloon Breeze level in Astro Bot.
For more Collectible Guides, check out the complete Astro Bot Walkthrough.
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