Wincestre (Winchester) contains 4 Mysteries in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Wincestre Mysteries Walkthrough will guide you through all Mystery Locations in the Wincestre Territory. None of the Mysteries are missable, you can still find everything in free-roam after the story. It’s recommended to collect everything as you go through the regions to level up.
Mysteries get marked by blue icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. Mysteries are side quests and other open world encounters. Finishing all Mysteries is needed to complete all Territories for the Completionist All the Way! trophy or achievement.
Also in this region:
Mystery #1: World Event (Mildberg the Miracle Legs)
Talk to the little girl at the marketplace. She wants to race you in a running contest. No matter how fast you run, she will win. After the race, this Mystery will end.
Mystery #2: World Event (Romeo and Aethelflaed)
When you get to the Mystery’s location, you’ll be shown an /
prompt. If you press it, you’ll notice a boy standing on top of the scaffolding on top of the church. Climb up to him to talk to him. He wants you to get a flower sitting on the tree branch below. Use the zip line and drop down halfway through to land on the branch. You need to time your landing jump, so this may require a few tries. Grab the flower and go back to the kid to end this Mystery.
Mystery #3: World Event (Aelfred’s Jewel)
Talk to the man. For this Mystery, we need to find a way into Cedric’s house. Go to the back of the house to find a wooden barricade blocking one of the windows. Shoot it and enter the house. Inside the house, talk to the Jeweller. Here you can choose to pay him 230 coins or use a level 4 Charisma answer. Once you’ve obtained the jewel, go back to Cedric. Speak with him and either return the jewel or keep it. This will end this Mystery.
Mystery #4: World Event (Asser)
Enter the church and talk to the man. If you look hard enough, you should notice that one of the lecterns is illuminated by a ray of light coming from one of the small upper windows while the other two aren’t. Go outside, climb up the scaffolding and move the obstacles blocking the light from the windows. Now go back to the man to end this Mystery.
That’s 100% of the Mysteries you can find in Wincestre Region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV).
For all other Mysteries check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Mysteries Guide. For the other Collectibles in this region check out the Wealth Guide and Artifacts Guide.
De Wispelaere Bart says
Thank you so much
Helen says
For Mystery #2, there is an alternative route to the flower that avoids jumping from the zip line: zip down and climb up the building to the left of where you land. From the roof, you can jump over to the tree and walk along the branches to the flower.
Ty says
You can also just climb up the tree— no zip lining necessary!
will says
only reason to zipline is for the angel comment to make kids seem in awe. but they do mock if you miss
Milly says
I beat the girl by calling my horse to which she replied god gives cheaters boils on their bums. Then I talked to her again and she thanked me for the challenge.
Chris O says
My game glitched. She stopped running early and I ran into her ending the race. She thanked me and gave me a journal of some treasure locations.
will says
on mine she clearly beat me, i was only just keeping on her feet and i got the book also.
JMK says
I walked about 3 steps after the initial conversation, she complimented me on my speed and gave me a journal.
“Mystery” complete :p
Mongo says
I used blinding rush to win and she didn’t call me a cheat
JellyJay says
On Asser I covered all the windows because he is no Ray of sunshine and it also completed
Caolan says
I beat the girl, just take the inside on every turn and you get the angel comment from he kids whether you go up o the roof or not. I just climbed the tree