During the quest The Stench of Treachery in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV) you have to find out who betrayed Soma. The suspects are Birna, Lif, Galinn. Soma will send you to do some quests with them to learn more about them. This takes place in Grantebridgescire.
When you report back to Soma you will have to accuse someone.
The traitor is Galinn.
Consequences of your Choice
- If you choose the correct traitor (Galinn), then Birna joins your clan at the end of Grantebridgescire story arc.
- If you choose the wrong traitor (Birna / Liff), then Birna will not join your clan and Soma will be disappointed with you.
The best choice here is to get it right and accuse Galinn. Soma will then kill him.
Terminator2468 says
This is correct
V says
I ran into a massive issue with this, I collected all the evidence decided it was Galinn then proceeded to take great caution when selecting him, it then in the following cut scene Lif is killed. I couldn’t load the previous save without undoing 7 hours of gameplay.
M says
Exactly the same happend to me..
Chris K says
It made me feel like I didn’t pick correctly because I was expecting Galinn to confess at the end. When he didn’t, and looked surprised at the end, I thought I picked the wrong one…
Thanks for the post so I can be confident I chose wisely.
Z says
I found birna with a bag of coin. She was across the river with the solders that’s attacked the city. So now I don’t know if she was the only traiter. Her death implies that she is.