Grantebridgescire contains 15 Mysteries in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Grantebridgescire Mysteries Walkthrough will guide you through all Mystery Locations in the Grantebridgescire Territory. None of the Mysteries are missable, you can still find everything in free-roam after the story. It’s recommended to collect everything as you go through the regions to level up.
Mysteries get marked by blue icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. Mysteries are side quests and other open world encounters. They include the following types: Cairns, Offering Altars, Flytings, Treasures of Britain, World Events, Legendary Animals, Lost Drengrs, Daughters of Lerion, Animus Anomalies, Fly Agarics, Standing Stones. Finishing all Mysteries is needed to complete all Territories for the Completionist All the Way! trophy or achievement.
Also in this region:
Mystery #1: World Event (The Devout Troll)
You need to make the monk angry. Start by equipping a torch and burning his thatched roof, then go in the house and smash all the crates and pots you see. Do the same outside, then finally murder the cow. The monk will eventually stand up, so take the key from the stool he was sat on and then go behind the house next to the river and open the door to the outhouse. You’ll come across a grisly scene and have to fight the now very pissed off monk. Kill him and you’re done.
Mystery #2: World Event (The Wound Wands of Friends)
This is probably the toughest Mystery in the game. You have the impossible task of picking one of two irrelevant dialogue choices and then pressing when prompted.
Mystery #3: World Event (Degolas the Beautiful)
You’ll need to head into the house, pick up four crates and throw them outside. However, your health will deteriorate fairly quickly so use the bushes in the garden for berries to heal if needed. Once done, follow the girl down the hill and fire an arrow at the platform Degolas is standing on to break it. Follow them back to the house and speak to Degolas.
Mystery #4: Offering Altar
You’ll need to offer 10 Bullhead (Small) fish for this one. This means either going fishing for them by building the fishing hut at the Settlement and obtaining the rod or by getting wet and jumping in the river yourself to melee/shoot the fish. The river that runs past the Settlement is the best place for Bullhead (Small) as larger sizes won’t count.
Mystery #5: World Event (Winchell the Robesfree)
First of all, these guys are the worst ‘nudist’ colony ever. Underpants colony perhaps? Anyway, you need to head down into the little camp and steal the crate full of clothes (shown in the screenshot below). Run back up the hill, hopefully dodging the angry underpantists on the way, and deposit the crate next to Winchell. This quest can be a bit buggy. If the quest doesn’t proceed you must bring him some more crates. If that doesn’t work, fast travel to Norway, come back and try dropping off the crate again.
Mystery #6: World Event (The Lord of Norsexe)
Talk to the king, then turn 180 degrees and head out into the water where you come across a shipwreck. Dive straight down and loot the body on the riverbed. Go back to the king and you will have a dialogue choice. The top choice ends the mission whilst the latter means you have to fight him and kill him.
Mystery #7: World Event (The Cult of Saint Guthlac)
Pick up the crate and follow the man south-west down the road to his friend’s house. Simply place the crate outside the house and you’re done.
Mystery #8: World Event (The Infinite Noise of Men)
Pick any dialogue choice you like, then talk to Sebbi (the ‘worker’ brother) in his house. Make another dialogue choice (the result is the same) and head outside to watch the two brothers duke it out. The only way to stop it is to burn the farm down, so shoot the oil jars in the garden and watch the destruction. Talk to the children afterwards to finish this.
Mystery #9: Standing Stones
Climb the tree just outside the circle of stones and adjust your camera to match the symbol ahead of you as shown below.
Mystery #10: World Event (The Walloper)
Challenge and then defeat the old man in a simple first fight then head over to the locked door. Open it, loot the treasure and you’re done.
Mystery #11: Flyting (Fergal the Faceless)
Speak to the woman, who gives you a key. Use it on the door to the house next to her and start your duel. In this particular instance, any of your choices will work and you get the same result. If the woman doesn’t spawn you must advance the story further.
Mystery #12: World Event (The Doom Book of Cats)
Talk to the guy about his rat problem and then walk east and talk to the woman outside a house. You’ll need Level 2 Charisma (gained from Flyting) to convince her to give her your house key. Do so and free the cats, then go and talk to the man again.
Mystery #13: World Event (Path to the Wind-Blue)
Equip a torch and use it to light the brazier. Then follow the man and light two more. After that, you’ll need to get into the boat and row across the small river to the next brazier, which is already lit. Wipe out the Saxons stood here and then head into Soham Hideout and kill every enemy. After this, speak to the man.
Mystery #14: Fly Agaric
You need to light three of the five braziers to complete this. Pick the ones that are situated in front of gates, or alternatively, look at the solution below.
Mystery #15: Daughter or Lerion (Goneril)
It is recommended to be at least Power level 90 before taking on this fight as it’s a step up from story bosses and even Zealots. Goneril likes to vanish and duplicate, so using abilities isn’t recommended as they’ll likely miss. Your best tactic is to constantly dodge and hit her with light attacks because she staggers if her powerful rune attacks don’t land. Parrying will also land you an opportunity for a quick attack. Always be on the move, getting hits in when you can, and she’ll go down with some patience.
That’s 100% of the Mysteries you can find in Grantebridgescire Region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV).
For all other Mysteries check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Mysteries Guide. For the other Collectibles in this region check out the Wealth Guide and Artifacts Guide.
Blue says
I narrowed it down. I did # 14. It has no black x in its locale and won’t let me do it again. Last one I need!! Help anyone.
Tony says
Me too. Now what?
Bouy says
Mystery #2 LOL ? really hard
Tom says
#6 is a reference to Gollum from the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series.
Shadowalker13 says
With Winchell the Robe less, if you wait for the nudists to turn hostile before fleeing the event seems to complete upon delivering the box.
Odinsatanas says
You can also take the obvious route that I’m really surprised isn’t in the guide hahaha… You take your clothes off. They accept you as a nudist, time skips ahead as you party and they all pass out. Casually leave with the crate..
Hayden says
I did the Mystery #13 but I think because I did a raid at the Saxons place it isn’t working because all the enemies are dead but the dude keeps following me not knowing what to do
Aofofdeu says
Mystery #5 try it after unequipping everything. When you reach nudist camp, theyy will fall asleep after a very brief cutscene. Dont skip it. Then simply get the box and run to questgiver.
Aero_X_999 says
Mystery #13 is bugged because I killed all enemies before I started that World Event started and it didn’t do anything after lighting all braziers.
Costa says
I have just #14 left. But it won’t show as a mystery and there is no black x in its location. I’m just stood by the mushrooms and it won’t let me do anything. Has anyone been across this?