Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV) has 388 Wealth Locations (Ingots, Gear, Abilities, Cargo). This guide shows all Wealth by territory. You need to find all Wealth to 100% complete all regions for the Completionist All the Way trophy or achievement.
There are the following types of Wealth:
They are a type of Collectible that gets marked as golden dots on your map. To reveal the golden dots you can either synchronize the viewpoints or get within a few hundred meters of them. Getting close enough reveals what type of Wealth this golden dot is. In the bottom right corner of the world map you can see how many you have found in a region.
Some Wealth can be tricky to find, this guide will explain how to find each of them. Wealth that is hidden underground usually has an underground entrance marked nearby on the map. Some will require you to destroy wooden barricades that can be destroyed with arrows or you can carry an oil jar and make it explode. Some Collectibles require story progress in their particular region. The reason is that some buildings only become accessible as part of the story and cannot be entered before then.
As of Patch 2.00 there are no longer any missable Collectibles. Make sure you have updated the game. Prior to Patch 2.00 there used to be 2 missables (Wealth #12 & Wealth #13 in Jotunheim) – this has since been fixed. You can still return to all maps and collect everything after the story but it’s recommended to grab everything as you go through the regions to help you level up. Keep a manual save from the start of each region, in case something is bugged you have a way back.
Useful Links:
- Ledecestrescire (Level 20) = 28 Wealth
- Grantebridgescire (Level 20) = 21 Wealth
- East Anglia (Level 55) = 17 Wealth
- Lunden (Level 90) = 8 Wealth
- Oxenefordscire (Level 90) = 22 Wealth
- Sciropescire (Level 130) = 12 Wealth
- Cent (Level 130) = 27 Wealth
- Lincolnscire (Level 160) = 18 Wealth
- Essexe (Level 160) = 23 Wealth
- Suthsexe (Level 160) = 21 Wealth
- Eurvicscire (Level 190) = 24 Wealth
- Jorvik (Level 190) = 11 Wealth
- Glowecestrescire (Level 220) = 14 Wealth
- Snotinghamscire (Level 250) = 17 Wealth
- Wincestre (Level 250) = 10 Wealth
- Hamtunscire (Level 340) = 23 Wealth
Seer’s Hut (Dreams):
Ireland (Wrath of the Druids DLC):
- Dublin (Level 55) = 8 Wealth
- Meath (Level 55) = 15 Wealth
- Connacht (Level 55) = 18 Wealth
- Ulster (Level 55) = 28 Wealth
Francia (The Siege of Paris DLC):
- Melunois (Level 200) = 8 Wealth
- Paris (Level 200) = 9 Wealth
- Amienois (Level 200) = 12 Wealth
- Evresin (Level 200) = 11 Wealth
Isle of Skye (AC Odyssey Crossover DLC):
Svartalfheim (Dawn of Ragnarok DLC):
That’s all regions and their Wealth Locations in AC Valhalla. For everything else check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Marty Wild says
I can’t wait for Assassins Creed Valhalla!!
Arkonite says
In Ledecestrescire region, i visited many times all wealth locations, but i’m still missing one for 100% completion 🙁
I tried to change region, reload a save but it’s still the same problem.
I just spent more than 3 hours polishing the region to find this last wealth, it’s hopeless…
Any thoughts to solve this ?
PowerPyx says
Do you know which specific one you’re missing? Maybe it shows up later after some story progress or you need to get closer to it to mark it on the map.
The easiest thing to do: Load up old manual save before collecting in Ledecestrescire, compare all your wealth dots on your map with this guide. See which wealth dot is missing for you. Go there to see if it’s available. Without knowing which specific one you’re missing it’s a needle in the haystack sort of situation and hard to say if bugged or not.
Arkonite says
Thank you for your help 🙂
I solved my problem and for those who would encounter the same issue, here is how I proceeded.
First, i didn’t know which wealth was missing, i visited many times each location and all gears and skills had a cross ont the map. I killed all the wealth holders many times too.
But, finally, with an umpteenth reload of a save, the last wealth pop on a goliath (south of Repton).
Tiago says
hello guys in vinlad the i cant get the 100% because one wealth on vinlad in a camp on the boss, i dint notice i left and did the game 100% they i dint get the trophy i search and i saw 1 wealth missing in vinland i go to the zone and the guy is dead on the ground and i cannot loot him and he dont respawn amazing
PowerPyx says
If you already killed him before or if his body isn’t lootable, try placing a trap with
to explode the body (Explosive Corpse skill, left side of yellow skill tree). You may need to blow up the body a few times to make it disappear. Once it disappeared, fast travel away and come back, it should respawn the enemy. Kill him again and loot his body now to get the wealth. That should fix the issue. If you can’t even place the explosive on his corpse to blow it up, try fast travel back to England and returning.