Gear is a type of Collectible in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This guide shows where to find all Gear Locations in AC Valhalla (Weapons, Armor, Shields). They are needed for the Completionist All the Way trophy or achievement (100% Completion).
Gear count as Wealth Collectibles. On the world map they are marked by this icon: . You can still access all regions after the story to find them.
Gear requires you to find hidden chests. These chests contain weapons, shields and armor. They are the main method to get new items. This guide also lists which gear chest unlocks which type of item exactly, so you can quickly find the ones you want.
For a region by region guide of all Wealth refer to this guide: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla All Wealth Locations
Gear #1: Yngling Seax Weapon – Fine Dagger – Raven Gear
Inside a house in Stavanger. You’ll have to climb in through a hole in the roof and drop down.
Gear #2: War Hammer Weapon – Fine Hammer – Raven Gear
On a platform hanging from a tree in the Maurauder’s Den. Jump to it.
Gear #3: Bone Biter Weapon – Fine Dane Axe – Wolf Gear
Inside the house in the middle of the island.
Gear #4: Recurve Bow – Fine Predator Bow – Raven Gear
Head down the ladder into the underground room to find this chest.
Gear #5: Iron-Star Weapon – Fine Flail – Bear Gear
Inside a house, just walk through the door.
Gear #6: Skadi’s Wrath – Fine Light Bow – Bear Gear
Head into the church and head to the back of the room. Climb over the partition, unbar the door and head down the stairs and through the cellar to claim this.
Gear #7: Hidden Ones’ Gloves – Superior Bracers – Raven Gear
Located in the Ratae Bureau. You’ll have to shoot the hook holding the block to break through the floor, then work your way through the cellar.
Gear #8: Hrafn Guard – Fine Light Shield – Raven Gear
At the back of the temple, climb onto a wooden platform attached to a tree and aim your bow through the crack in the temple wall to shoot the lock off the door. Then go through the door and destroy the wooden partition in the corner to find the chest.
Gear #9: Huntsman Helm – Superior Helmet – Wolf Gear
Firstly, you’ll need to pick up the key from the longhouse (shown in the screenshots below). Then, unlock the door signified by a secret passage icon, then head through the linear path to the Gear.
Gear #10: Huntsman Cloak – Superior Cloak – Wolf Gear
At the north-western edge of Templebrough Fort, head into the watchtower, shoot the hooks holding the blocks and jump into the hole.
Gear #11: Sepulcher Axe – Fine Dane Axe – Raven
In Offchurch, on the main story path you’ll enter a room with a Skirmisher who holds a key. Kill him, loot him for the Offchurch Door Key then enter the room next to him where the chest is. You can loot it after the unmissable story fight and cutscene. You can still come back here later by entering the catacombs from the church in the middle of the enemy camp.
Gear #12: Fyrd Spear – Fine Spear – Raven Gear
In Offchurch’s crypt. Just before the room with the Skirmisher and the key, turn to the left and spot an explodable wall you can destroy. Head through, dive underwater and swim down through the hole to find this chest.
Gear #13: Huntsman Vambraces – Superior Braces – Wolf Gear
During the events of World Event (Skal to Your Wealth), Mystery #2 in Ledecestrescire, you will automatically end up in an underground pit right next to this chest.
Gear #14: Kite Shield – Fine Heavy Shield – Bear Gear
In a hut, surrounded by a number of special enemies.
Gear #15: Huntsman Armor – Superior Torso – Wolf Gear
Inside another building in Ravensburg next to an Ability Rune Wealth.
Gear #16: Housecarl’s Axe- Superior Bearded Axe – Wolf Gear
With the key obtained from the nearby Brandisher enemy that holds a piece of Ingot Wealth (also marked by gold dot on map), open the door to the hut and obtain this.
Gear #17: Huntsman Breeches – Superior Pants – Wolf Gear
In Soham Hideout, in a hut.
East Anglia
Gear #18: Magister’s Cloak – Superior Cloak – Raven Gear
In a chest a Serpent’s Landing. Firstly you need the chest key which can be picked up from a table outside the other red tent in this area (shown below).
Gear #19: Thor’s Helmet
You will not be able to obtain this until later in the game. You need three daggers obtained from defeating three Daughters of Lerion: Goneril (Grantebridgescire), Cordelia (East Anglia) and Regan (East Anglia). Firstly, find the secret entrance to the underground catacombs (shown in the screenshot below). Head down the linear path until you come across a statue with three slots in its back, one for each dagger.
Gear #20: Magister’s Mask – Superior Helmet – Raven Gear
While raiding King’s Bury, force open the door in the main church building.
Gear #21: Plank and Buckler – Superior Heavy Shield – Bear Gear
Head into the large cave system until you come across a guard in your way, next to a key. Take the key then head on down the linear path, breaking through a wooden wall. You’ll then come to an explosive wall, which the note nearby tells you that you can destroy with a well-aimed torch throw through the gap above it. Do so then head in for the chest.
Gear #22: Carolingian Longsword – Superior Great Sword – Bear Gear
In the middle of Forest Hideout, in a tent.
Gear #23: Briton Shield – Superior Light Shield – Wolf Gear
During the story mission ‘Walls and Shadows’, you’ll investigate the tunnels under the Temple of Mithras. To continue, you’ll need to destroy a boarded section of the wall with an arrow. To the left of this is the chest.
Gear #24: Iron-Cloud – Superior Light Bow – Raven Gear
First you’ll need the key, which is located in the same building by sliding under a hole in the wall behind a shelf which you can move. Then use the key on the chest.
Gear #25: Hidden Ones’ Mask – Superior Helmet – Raven Gear
Inside the Londinium Bureau. To get inside, first find the tall structure that is a circle of wooden poles. Climb up and Leap of Faith down into the water. Instead of climbing out, dive down again and to the left to find a wooden panel you can destroy underwater. Swim through and eventually climb up and you’ll see a blocked wall. Go around the other side and destroy the oil jars through a window to open the wall. Step through to grab this chest.
Gear #26: Blacksmith’s Hammer – Superior Hammer – Bear Gear
Firstly, you need to loot the Captain’s Key from the War Captain enemy in this area. Then head up the tower to where the treasure is. From the room below, destroy the wooden panel on the ceiling and climb up to the chest.
Gear #27: Magister’s Vambraces – Superior Bracers – Raven Gear
The Wealth is in the village of Buckingham.
The door to the church is locked. Find the key, just outside on a bench in front of the locked door.
Once inside, look up to see a ladder that is out of reach. Shoot the pulley to lower it, then climb up to the floor above.
You’ll find the Magister’s Vambraces in a chest in the corner.
Gear #28: Magister’s Robes – Superior Torso – Raven Gear
This wealth is in the Leah Villa Garrison, behind a breakable wall. Behind the building with the breakable wall is a building with a barred door.
To gain access to that building, go past the barred door, and climb the ladder to the south.
At the top of the ladder, look to your left to see a movable barricade. Slide the barricade to the left to reveal a window you can use to get inside the building.
Once inside, smash the lock on the door, then pick up one of the fire pots that are in the room.
Go back to the breakable wall and destroy it with the fire pot. Inside, you’ll find a loot chest with Magister’s Robes inside.
Gear #29: Magister’s Trousers – Superior Pants – Raven Gear
This Wealth is in Oxenforde.
Look up at the tower in this area, and shoot out the stained glass window above the beam with an arrow.
Climb up and go through the broken window. Look up and you’ll see a breakable panel in the ceiling that you can shoot with an arrow. Climb up to the floor above.
There will be a movable barricade in front of you, but there is an obstacle blocking it from moving. Look up to see a breakable pulley attached to a chandelier. Shoot the pulley to drop the chandelier which will destroy the obstacle behind the barricade.
Push the barricade into the room, and climb over some obstacles to reach the chest.
Gear #30: Shishi Guard – Superior Light Shield – Wolf
This Wealth is in Cyne Belle Castle. You must advance the Oxenefordscire until you conquer the castle. Then you can enter the main room through the big castle door (ground floor).
Gear #31: Brigandine Cape – Superior Cloak – Bear Gear
At the bottom of the cliff face, you’ll see a boat loaded with oil jars propped up next to a breakable wall. Shoot the oil with an arrow to blow open the wall.
Once inside, follow the path, smash the rickety wooden wall and at the end of the passage you’ll find the chest.
Gear #32: Brigandine Helm – Superior Helm – Bear Gear
In a cave in Wenlocan outpost. The way to the chest is blocked by a movable boulder.
Gear #33: Sarcophagus Shield – Superior Heavy Shield – Wolf Gear
This ingot is in Dhustone Quarry. Near one of the prisoner cages is a crack in the cave wall. Go through the crack to find a flooded area you will have to swim through.
The gear will be on a platform above and behind you as you surface.
Gear #34: Brigandine Trousers – Superior Pants – Wolf Gear
Part of the Dover Fortress “Raid”. Near the docks will be a blocked floor tile that you can blast open. You will find a cache of fire pots just down the stairs from there that you can use to clear the rubble.
Drop down, and smash through a wooden wall to find the chest.
Gear #35: Brigandine Armor – Superior Torso – Wolf Gear
This gear is in the Cantebury Cathedral, behind a barred door. To break the lock, climb up the shelf full of scrolls below the balcony and shoot through the wooden railing.
Go through the now unlocked door, and follow the passageway down the stairs to find an area with a broken floor you can blast through. This can be done with a fire pot, but there really isn’t one conveniently nearby in this area. Instead, use Ability #27: Incendiary Powder Trap to destroy the rubble.
Drop down to find the chest.
Gear #36: Brigandine Gauntlets – Superior Bracer – Wolf Gear
Find this chest in a house in Beamasfield, with two locks protecting it. The first key is just one house over.
To steal this key, you will have to climb in through the window.
The second key is in a nearby logging stand.
Get both keys, then climb up and unlock the chest.
Gear #37: Battle Sparth – Superior Dane Axe – Bear Gear
In an enemy camp, the chest is locked. The key is held by the guard sitting right next to it. Kill him to retrieve the key and unlock the chest.
Gear #38: Galloglach Bracers – Superior Bracers – Wolf Gear
Gear #39: Longbow – Superior Predator Bow – Wolf Gear
In an underground section. The cave entrance is shown by the cave icon on the map, just north-east of Lincoln near a pool of water on the map that’s called “Roaring Meg’s Spring”.
Gear #40: Galloglach Trousers – Superior Pants – Wolf Gear
First section of the castle, in a small guarded area.
Gear #41: Galloglach Armor – Superior Torso – Wolf
In an enemy area. The chest is inside a hut, but the hut locked. The key is held by one of the enemies here. Use Odin’s Sight /
to identify the right enemy.
Gear #42: Oaken Kite Shield – Heavy Shield – Raven Gear
Use an Explosive Arrow (using Ability #27: Incendiary Powder Trap) on the wall to blow it up.
Gear #43: Hidden Ones’ Hood – Cloak – Raven Gear
You will collect this piece of Wealth as you find a way to enter the door which has Essexe Wealth #7 (Ingot). Follow the directions above to find this piece of Wealth as well.
Gear #44: Galloglach Helm – Helmet – Wolf Gear
Go towards the exact location of the marker and you should reach a slightly elevated area with two enemies. Here there’s some metal bars on the ground you can shoot the door lock through.
Gear #45: Spartan Shield – Superior Light Shield – Bear Gear
Under the bridge, on one of its sides is a wall you can blow up. Use Ability #27: Incendiary Powder Trap to fire an explosive arrow and reveal the access point to the chest you can slide under.
Gear #46: Galloglach Cape – Superior Cloak – Wolf Gear
The chest is inside a small hut, but the door is locked. The key is near the cages found in the proximity of the hut (use Odin’s Sight /
to scan for the key icon nearby).
Gear #47: Mentor’s Robes – Superior Torso – Raven Gear
In Guildford, reach the scaffolding area on one of the church’s sides. Use the lift to go up then shoot the load down. Enter the church and go down the ladder. Now shoot the wooden barricade on the floor. Go down, open the door and move the obstacle on the left to reach the chest area.
Gear #48: Mentor’s Vambrace – Superior Bracers – Raven Gear
Use the underground passage in the area (see cave entrance icon on map). Air assassinate the enemy and slide under the crevice on the right of the room (not the one next to the enemy you just killed). After sliding a third crevice, blow up the wall (using Ability #27: Incendiary Powder Trap). Keep going until you find a wooden barricade you can destroy, beyond which is the chest with the Gear piece.
Gear #49: Thegn’s Bracers – Flawless Bracers – Bear Gear
Use the key you’ve acquired from the enemy that had Eurvicscire Wealth #12 (Ingot) to enter the inner part of the fort from the door in the screenshot below. This Gear piece is on your right in a hut.
Gear #50: Flawless Dane Axe – Lagertha’s Axe – Wolf Gear
At the location, blow up the wall as shown in the screenshots below.
Gear #51: Flawless Torso – Thegn’s Heavy Tunic – Bear Gear
At the location, swim underwater as shown in the screenshot below. You should see an opening leading even deeper. Keep swimming down the main and only path and you will eventually get to it.
Gear #52: Sagittarius Bow – Superior Hunter Bow – Wolf Gear
From Jorvik Wealth #1‘s location (Ingot), retrace your steps and shoot an arrow through the bars opposite the entrance to Jorvik Wealth #1 to break the door lock. Now, retrace your steps to the room with the oil jars to enter the room with the Gear piece.
Gear #53: Spinning-Death – Superior Flail – Raven Gear
Near the collectible’s location is a building with an open roof. Climb it and then drop down to the ground floor. Dispose of the enemies and then open the door to access the chest.
Gear #54: Fyrd Axe – Superior Bearded Axe – Bear Gear
At Forseti’s Rest, south-west Jorvik. Enter the longhouse from the entrance shown in the screenshot below. Here, behind the statue, is an obstacle you can move. Climb on it to get to the small area with the key. Grab the key and climb the statue to shoot the wooden barricade down. Return to the same area you picked up the key in, but this time move the obstacle just enough to make to the ledge above. From here, continue on to the chest.
Gear #55: Hidden Ones’ Robes – Superior Torso – Raven Gear
In the same room where you picked up the key to unlock Jorvik Wealth #8 (Ingot) chest (credits to Dylan for submitting the location).
Gear #56: Aella’s Bardiche – Superior Dane Axe – Raven Gear
Enter Jorvik Theatre. Left of the tables area is a wooden barricade you can destroy that reveals a wall crevice. Squeeze through it to collect a key. Now, right opposite the wall crevice, straight ahead is a wall you can blow up (using Ability #27: Incendiary Powder Trap). Move the platform and unlock the door to access this piece of Gear.
Gear #57: Thegn’s Breeches – Flawless Pants – Bear Gear
This Wealth can also be found in Aelfwood, just to the West of Glowecestrescire Wealth #5 (Ingot). At the waypoint, you will find a locked door. The enemy with the key is actually on the ground level above you. Climb up, kill him, and collect the key. Head back down to the locked door to unlock it and open the chest at the bottom.
Gear #58: Hidden One’s Leggings – Flawless Pants – Raven Gear
From the location of Glowecestrescire Wealth #8 (Ingot), head back into the room where you picked up the vase and pick up another one. Continue onwards and use it on the next barricade to get access to the second chest in the Temple. Use your Odin’s Sight to see in the dark.
Gear #59: The Morrigan’s Guard – Flawless Light Shield – Raven Gear
This piece of gear can be found in the South-East corner of the area, just outside of Glowecestre at Belas Knap. This chest is actually locked behind a tomb, so you need to find three keys to open it first. All three keys are in caves within a hill.
The First is embedded within the hillside, you will find a cave with wooden blockades. Destroy them with your weapon and continue down deeper. Behind a vase you will find the key for the door ahead.
Opposite of where you just picked up the key, head South and look for a cave embedded within the same hillside. Move the stack of junk to find the key behind.
Now, head East slightly to find the final cave with the key inside.
From that cave, head North and look for a blocked off cave entrance. On the level above, you will find a shrine with some exploding vases next to it. Pick one up and carry it to the door, throwing it at the rubble. Head down into the tomb and use all three keys to open the chest.
Gear #60: Mentor’s Cloak – Raven Gear
This Wealth is also found in the same camp as Snotinghamscire Wealth #8 (Ingot). It can be found in the small hut, just North of the larger one.
Gear #61: Mentor’s Mask – Raven Gear
This Wealth can be found in Sherwood Hideout. Go to the southern side of the camp and climb through the gap in the fence. Turn to your left and head inside the building to find the chest.
Gear #62: Suttunger’s Claw – Flawless Dagger – Wolf Gear
Access this underground area from the nearby access point (stairs icon). Once downstairs, dive into the water and start swimming down the main and only path. Once you re-emerge, you should see an obstacle in front of a locked door and a wall crevice straight ahead of you. Turn left and destroy the wall with an Incendiary Arrow (using Ability #27: Incendiary Powder Trap). Then, climb up to get your Gear piece.
Gear #63: Mentor’s Trousers – Flawless Pants – Bird Gear
Enter the building with the chest.
Gear #64: Thegn’s Great Helm – Flawless Helmet – Bear Gear
For this chest we need three keys.
First key: from the Minster’s central aisle, go right to enter an area with lots of writing desks. Go right again, climb up the gate, then drop down to collect this key.
Second key: atop the steeple. Destroy the crates to slide under and collect this key.
Third key: from the Minster’s central aisle, look up. You should see a it on a wooden beam. Climb up to collect this key.
Once you have all 3 keys, go back outside, shoot at the coloured, glassed window above the entrance, climb through it and collect your Gear piece.
Gear #65: Thegn’s Cloak – Flawless Cloak – Bear Gear
Enter the building with the Gear piece and climb up. Destroy the wooden barricade and enter the room to find an obstacle you can move. From here, shoot the door lock and enter the room to find the chest and collect your Gear piece.
Gear #66: Death Skald – Flawless Light Bow – Bear Gear
This piece of gear can be found at the very South of the region, on the Isle of Whit, at the Eastern edge at Brerdinges Roman Ruins. Jump into the ocean and swim down into the ruins beneath the surface. As you enter, look up to your right to see a gap in the wall. Go through the gap to find the chest on your right.
Gear #67: Soldier’s Flail – Flawless Flail – Wolf Gear
This Wealth can be found in the West of the region, in the town of Chepeham. You must advance the story in Hamtunscire until it takes you to the backroom in the longhouse at Chepeham. You can’t get this gear before then. Once you can enter the room climb up the right side, use Odin’s sight to scan for a destructible hook on the upper floor and shoot it with the bow. This will destroy the floor under the wealth chest so you can climb up.
Gear #68: Vordr’s Bite – Flawless Dane Axe – Bear Gear
At the North of the outpost, you will find a ladder leading down to a crypt. Move the two stacks of items down here out of the way, so that you can get to the barrier behind. Climb back up and pick up one of the exploding vases in the area. Head back to the barrier and throw the vase at it.
In the room, destroy the vases and boxes and move the stack of items out of the way. Behind this stack, you will find the chest.
Ireland – Dublin
Ireland – Meath
Gear #69: Cú Chulainn Shield – Superior Heavy Shield
Enter the cave under the waterfall to reveal a chest. To access this chest, you need to collect 5 Uí Néill artifacts. You can find the 5 Uí Néill Artifacts all across Ireland (Artifact Collectibles marked by white dots on map). Follow our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Artifact Locations Guide for Ireland and you’ll get them while completing the different territories.
Gear #70: Celtic Bracers – Superior Bracers – Bear Gear
Inside one of the huts is a wooden barricade you can shoot down. Crawl under the passage to find the chest.
Gear #71: Druidic Armor – Superior Torso – Raven Gear
Once you get to Boyne Tombs (circular hilly structure), look for a door you can blow up on one of its sides. Blow it up with an explosive arrow and head inside. Once inside, use your Odin’s Sight to locate a key. That’s what we’ll need to unlock the chest with the gear piece. Collect the key and head down below to unlock a door inside. After opening the door, look to your right to find an opening you can slide under and reveal the chest.
Ireland – Connacht
Gear #72: Ceremonial Sickle
This chest is located in an alcove in the Druid-infested campsite. Wipe the enemies out before opening this chest which despite its three locks, doesn’t need any keys to open.
Gear #73: Celtic Armour
Use your Odin’s Sight to locate the Chieftan holding the key in this area, then climb up to the hut and open the door to find this chest.
Gear #74: Druidic Breeches
The entrance to this cave is approximately 75m due east of the Wealth icon (shown by player indicator location on second screenshot) . You’ll need to use your Incendiary Powder Trap Ranged Ability to break open the wall here. Head through and jump down the ledges until you reach the next floor. Head through the archway and you’ll see a wooden crate blocking a crack in the wall. Break it and squeeze through, head forwards and slide under a gap. Kill the Druids in here and open the chest.
Gear #75: Celtic Breeches
The entrance to this Wealth is approximately 20m southwest from the chest. Outside in the main courtyard you’ll see two pushable block shelves, one narrow and one wider. Push the narrow one forwards and then the wider one to the left to gain access to the tunnel where the chest is.
Ireland – Ulster
Gear #76: Druidic Helmet
Located in the main building in Movilla Abbey. To access this room, you’ll need to go outside the Abbey and fire an arrow through the window at the block barring the door.
Gear #77: Celtic Cloak
Located in a small red tent within the enemy camp.
Gear #78: Celtic Helmet
Directly above the symbol on ground level of the enemy camp is a small red tent with a grated iron floor. Shoot the barred door from here, then head to the steps going downwards 15m north of the symbol. Go down these steps, turn right and find the door you have now unbarred. The chest is inside.
Gear #79: Druidic Cloak
Loot the chest inside the Doon Fort.
Gear #80: Druidic Bracers
In Donegal, this Gear will be in a house but the door is barred. Climb onto the poles around the back of the house to then climb up to the open window here. Climb through and open the chest.
That’s all of the Gear Wealth Collectibles in AC Valhalla.
For all other Collectible Types check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Collectibles Guide.
zerotrees says
Magister’s vambrances in Buckingham
zerotrees says
At the church. While the boots are in Oxenfordscire. Church also.
zerotrees says
*Oxenforda the port.
StuntedWriter0 says
Thegn’s Cloak is in Wincestre.
Sophie Lewis says
I’ve killed everyone at the Cyne Belle Castle but I can’t find a way inside. I tried looking it up online thats how I found this page, but I have killed all the guards and The doors still won’t open.
Grimm says
Hey PowerPyx !
Actually, on Ubi Connect, we have a challenge with this : “Wield the Swordfish.”
Did you find any weapon with this name ?
Blub says
I have read that you get it by completing all fish deliveries
Codfin says
Would also like to know if you found the Swordfish
PowerPyx says
Haven’t found it yet.
CasuallyChallenged says
This guide says “that is all the gear in the game, but you are missing an entire section for “Ledecestrescire” and there is one there I can’t figure out how to get to at “Offchurch”
PowerPyx says
I’m not sure what you mean. All Gear Wealth Chests from Ledecestrescire (and all other regions) are in this guide
shyhhau says
hi do you find the swordfish to complete the challenges?
Grimm says
nobody knows actually :/
Grimm says
About Swordfish : We need to clean all the fishing quest in the fishing hut.
Herp Derp says
The one in Calleva Outpost is Drekar Shield. You get Vordr’s Bite from a hunting challenge.