A Feline’s Footfall is a Main Quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the A Feline’s Footfall Quest.
Region: Asgard
Quest Giver: Ivladi
Requirement: Advance through Chapter 3 of the Asgard story
Recommended Level: 90
Reward: Cat’s Footfall (Quest Item)
Mission Info: Ivaldi requires the root of a mountain to forge the magical cord, Gleipnir.
- Collect a Cat’s Footfall
- Ivaldi’s riddles are in your inventory quest items
Starting Location: A Feline’s Footfall
The quest is automatically started when you have to go to Ivaldi’s Forge in Chapter 3 of Asgard (part of the main questline, unmissable). You get 2 new quests from Ivaldi in your quest log “Taking Root” & “A Feline’s Footfall”. There will also be some hints for each quest in your inventory under the quest items.
Make sure to track the quest in your quest log. Then fast travel back to the viewpoint in the north / middle of Asgard (where you started in Asgard). Jump from he viewpoint into the pond below, then climb up the walls in front of you. See the exact quest start marked below, that’s where you’ll find the first cat statue (can use raven from viewpoint to see outline of quest area).
Collect the first cat statue (by climbing to it). It will disappear and respawn further down a platforming section, similar to how flying pages work. Your goal is to follow the cat. When you reach it, it will always respawn a little bit in front of you to show you the way. You can press /
to scan for it to see it highlighted in blue. When you’ve made it all the way to the end you get the Cat’s Footfall quest item.
Cat Locations:
- 1st cat was already shown above, it’s on the wall straight in front of the central viewpoint of Asgard. Can use your raven to mark the quest area.
- 2nd cat is on the platform to pillars to the side.
- 3rd cat on path to zipline.
- 4th cat in front of zipline.
- 5th cat on the zipline (use zipline to collect).
- 6th cat requires you to drop from the zipline to a pillar.
- 7th cat on a pillar just across.
- 8th cat on a golden “helmet” structure to the left of last pillar.
- 9th (last) cat on the jumping point. Jump down from where the cat sits to the haystack below to collect the Cat’s Footfall.
Upon picking it up the quest will end.
This finishes A Feline’s Footfall quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (ACV). You must also do the quest Taking Root to get the remaining material for Ivaldi.
For more guides check out the complete Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Jose says
Exactly what u need to do.
Matthew says
Finally THANK YOU! I couldn’t see it on the pillars