Wake Up Call is the 7th main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Wake Up Call main mission.
Pick up the bokken
Approach Nagato, but be wary that he attacks very quickly.
The prompts appear, but you only get half a second to dodge. You can more easily do this if you go straight for the bokken and press /
to dodge right into it. Press
to pick up the bokken when you’re close enough.
Guard Break Nagato
Get in range of Nagato, and then hold /
until your weapon flashes and let go of the button to guard break. Do this four times.
Deflect Nagato’s Attacks
The parry prompt appears for longer than it did in the first step of this quest. When it does, press /
to parry. Do this four times.
Duel with Nagato
Use what you have learned to beat Nagato in a duel. You do not take any damage during this duel, so you cannot lose. Deal with a few exchanges, and a cutscene plays.
Follow Nagato
Head west with Nagato along the path. To make things easy, hold /
when near Nagato to automatically follow him.
Talk to Matsu
When Nagato leaves, head southwest across the wood bridge and follow the path.
Eventually, the path curves up a hill to a house. Press Triangle next to Matsu to talk to her.
Find Matsu’s troublemaker
When you regain control, go forward up the path from Matsu’s house. When you reach a fractured tree, climb up said tree and cross the gap.
Jump to a second tree and follow the branches northerly to reach the tower.
Jump to the bamboo awning and then climb the tower.
Step out onto the perch to see Matsu’s troublemaker below.
Jump forward to land in a hay stack below you. Then approach the fallen deer. Examine it.
Hunt down the troublemakers
When you regain control, follow the path northwest into the woods.
The path quickly curls southerly and leads you to poachers at a campfire.
You face a dialogue choice here:
- [You’re thieves!]
- [You could have asked for help]
No matter which option you choose, you must still fight the poachers.
Defeat the outsiders
Use what you learned from your training with Nagato and fend off the poachers. You only need to defeat one of them to end the fight.
Report back to Matsu
When you regain control after the cutscene, follow the path up the hill in front of you.
You come to a T intersection. Head right to go further up the hill. This leads you back to the tower you just leapt from.
Jump through the gap in the fence, then jump across two successive gaps to find yourself near Matsu’s house once again.
Open the door and then sit immediately inside the door.
You face a dialogue choice here:
- [You are strong.]
- [You need rest.]
Just like the first dialogue choice, this choice does not change the outcome either.
Eventually, Nagato approaches with another dialogue choice:
- [I’m scared for you.]
- [I’ll go with you.]
This dialogue choice also does not affect the outcome.
When you awaken, a strange man, Sorin, prompts a dialogue choice:
- [I won’t run.]
- [You can’t keep me here.]
This choice does not affect anything.
After a short scene, Junjiro, a young boy, prompts a dialogue choice:
- [It’s all right, you can speak.]
- [Spit it out.]
- [Say nothing.]
This choice doesn’t change the outcome. After that, another dialogue choice from Sorin:
- [Junjiro has nothing to fear from me.]
- [As long as he’s not an enemy.]
This also doesn’t change the outcome.
This scene transitions back into the quest, “An Unpayable Debt“.
This finishes Wake Up Call in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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