The Lord’s Favor is the 1st main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Lord’s Favor main mission.
When first starting the game you will be booted into the new Animus Hub. From the Memories section select Assassin’s Creed Shadows to start a new game.
New Game Settings:
If you’re going for trophies/achievements it’s recommended to start the game with Guided Exploration = Off (default setting). One trophy Scouting Mission (gather information using a scout) is not obtainable with Guided Exploration mode turned on, because the gameplay functionality to use scouts is unavailable in guided mode. When Guided Mode turned off you’ll automatically unlock the trophy during a tutorial after the Prologue that introduces you to Scouts.
The game gives a somewhat misleading warning and says that playing in Guided Mode disables *some* trophies, but in reality it only affects this one trophy. Everything else is still obtainable in guided mode. The best approach is to play up to the point where you earn the Scouting Mission trophy. After that you can turn on Guided Mode in the gameplay options at any time, as it doesn’t affect any other trophies/achievements. During the Prologue there are still waypoints for everything so there won’t be any difference between the modes initially. Of course you can also stick with Guided Mode = Off for the whole game, with the walkthrough here you’ll find everything easily.
For difficulty it doesn’t matter what you pick, all trophies/achievements are obtainable on “Story difficulty” (easiest setting). If you play in Canon Mode also doesn’t matter, but for the best experience and for this walkthrough we recommend Canon Mode = Off. If you turn it on it will remove all dialogue choices. Immersive Mode makes characters speak in their local language (mostly Japanese and some Portugese), you can keep this turned off if you prefer everyone to speak in your selected game language.
- Difficulty = Any (Story will suffice for trophies/achievements)
- Guided Exploration = Off (*can turn it On after earning
Scouting Mission)
- Canon Mode = Off
- Immersive Mode = Off
Follow Akechi Mitsushide
After the opening cutscene, you will play as Yasuke. This is a very short and self-explanatory opening quest. Simply follow the group of men in front of you until you reach the temple where a cutscene starts.
Here you are introduced to Oda Nobunaga. Yasuke and Father Valignano have a meeting with Nobunaga to request free movement for the European priests. If you play with Canon Mode turned off (recommended), you get to make your first dialogue choice here. What you say doesn’t really matter (as is the case with most choices), it only affects the next line of dialogue.
- I understand you well = Everyone is shocked to hear the black samurai speak their language. Nobunaga accuses Father Valignano of deceiving him, because he said the black Samurai doesn’t understand their tongue. Nobunaga sends Valignano away and speaks to Yasuke alone. This also skips the second set of dialogues.
- [Say Nothing] = Nobunaga sends Valignano away and speaks to Yasuke alone. This gives a second set of choices “I was following Valignano’s orders” / “I am still learning your language and customs”. What you say doesn’t matter, either way Nobunaga is intringued by you.
Either way, Nobunaga sends Valignano away and wants to speak to Yasuke alone. Then Valignano returns and Nobunaga grants his request.
After the cutscene you get a short animus transition screen, then the next quest “Spirit of a Warrior” begins immediately with a large battle.
This finishes The Lord’s Favor in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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