The Hoarder is an optional quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Hoarder mission.
- Region: Yashamiro
- Questboard Category: The Corrupt Daikan > The Hoarder > Izumi Bunzo
- Quest Giver: Available automatically after completing the quest The Wheel Unmasked
- Requirement: Available immediately after completing the quest The Wheel Unmasked
- Recommended Level: 24
- Reward: 2000 EXP, 2 Mastery Skills
- Quest Description: Izumi Bunzo, hidden master of the artisan guilds of Yamashiro, has been denied his audience with the Wheel and ordered to return to his guilds and better prove himself.
Assassinate the Hoarder
To track this quest, find it on the Objectives Board. Scroll to the Corrupt Daikan and select The Hoarder.
Izumi Bunzo can be found on the main road in northern Kyoto.
His estate is hostile, but it’s not well-protected.
Sneak in, take out any guards in your way. Then, assassinate The Hoarder.
This finishes The Hoarder in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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