Sweet Lies is an optional quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Sweet Lies mission.
- Region: Wakasa
- Questboard Category: The League > Oni-yuri > Sweet Lies
- Quest Giver: Oni-yuri
- Requirement: Becomes available during Act 2
- Recommended Level: 38
- Reward: 1000 EXP,
The Toxin Master
- Quest Description: There is a rumor in Wakasa about a strange girl who wreaks havoc on the lives and stomachs of others.
Meet with Nagahide
This quest starts by going to the “!” icon in the north of Wakasa province.
Find the poisoned food (4)
The poisoned food is on the east end of Tsuruga.
Enter this house on the south side of the main road.
Interact with the bowls on the back wall.
Leave through the back door and approach the next building.
Interact with the bread on the left of the room.
Then, interact with the stove on the right.
Finally, go through the back door. Interact with the dead body.
Return to Oni-yuri
Head north a bit to find Oni-yuri interacting with some thugs.
This presents a dialogue choice. Depending on which choice you make, you might get one more dialogue option. Either way, though, the outcome of the quest remains the same no matter what dialogue choices you make.
[Oni-yuri is suspicious]
- [Oni-yuri cannot be trusted.]
- [Oni-yuri is innocent.]
[There is still no evidence.]
This finishes Sweet Lies in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. You also unlock The Toxin Master.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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