Spring and Fall is the 45th main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Spring and Fall main mission.
- Region: Harima
- Questboard Category: Shinbakufu > The Noble > Ukita Naoie
- Quest Giver: Available automatically after completing the quest A Peculiar Guest
- Requirement: Available immediately after completing the quest A Peculiar Guest
- Recommended Level: 25
- Reward: 2000 EXP, 3 Mastery Points
- Quest Description: The daimyo of the Ukita clan has been conspiring against Lord Hideyoshi He is a shrewd, conniving man who would ot hesitate to put his own son in harm’s way to further his political goals.
Warn Kuroda Kanbei
You can track this quest using the Objectives Board. Scroll to the Shinbakufu and select the quest underneath The Noble, who is now identified as Ukita Naoie.
Head west of the Himeji Castle to speak to Kuroda Kanbei.
This area is hostile, but you will not find any resistance here.
Kuroda Kanbei presents you with a dialogue choice:
- [We are ready.]
- [We need more time.]
In order to progress the story, you must select “We are ready.”
At the end of the next cutscene, you get to choose to play as Yasuke or Naoe. You deal with a lot of enemies along the way, so be mindful of this when you choose your character. There are several other points during this quest when you get to chance characters, so bear that in mind.
Otherwise, feel free to choose whomever you wish.
Reach the honmaru gate
When you gain control, head straight into the castle.
You cannot go up the ramp to the left nor through the gate to the left. So, go down the path to the right.
Continue east. You’ll know you’re going the right way when shinobi meet you.
Continue up the path. At this intersection, head through the door at the top of the stairs in front of you. If you are Naoe, you can also just scale the wall.
Keep heading east until the path curves north, taking out enemies as you go. A couple allies join you in the fight.
Fend off the next bunch of enemies. Then, charge through the blocked door in your path.
Kill all the enemies at the gate
When you charge through, you now need to deal with three enemies, one being an elite, Ukita’s Lieutenant. Take them out.
When done, interact with the door to go in.
Here, you get another chance to switch characters.
Secure the honmaru
There are several enemies in this area. All of them need to be taken out before you fully secure the honmaru.
Once you take down the last one, you get a cutscene, followed by a chance to switch characters again.
Climb the tenshu to assassinate Ukita Naoie
Climb up the tower. As Yasuke, just cut your way through each room and go up any ladder or stairs you find. As Naoe, sneak your way up the structure, assassinating as you go.
When you eventually find Ukita Naoie, you again get a choice to fight as either character. Since this is open combat, Yasuke is a much easier option.
You get a dialogue option shortly after that:
- [We fight now.]
- [Finish reading.]
The choice doesn’t affect the story path, but you get a little extra sentimentality if you let him finish reading.
During the fight Ukita Naoie throws a smoke bomb, and two shinobi join the fight. Take them out before focusing again on Ukita Naoie. If the fight drags on for longer, he will throw another smoke bomb to spawn more shinobi. If you are underleveled and he has a skull icon, this is a challenging fight. If you get stuck here you can quit out of the quest in the pause menu and continue leveling up by doing side content.
After the fight, you get a choice about how to handle Ukita Naoie:
- [Kill Ukita Naoie.]
- [Spare Ukita Naoie.]
No matter which option you choose Ukita Naoie ends up dying. He either dies immediately by your hand, or bleeds out if you choose to spare him.
After that, another dialogue choice appears:
- [His life for you life.]
- [Do not be seduced by power.]
- [Your father recited a stanza.]
Each option has a different statement you give to Ukita Himie, but the quest continues the same way no matter which you choose.
You then get another chance to choose which character you play as.
This finishes Spring and Fall in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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