Makino Kurumazuka is a Kofun (dungeon) in Izumi Settsu region of Assassin’s Creed Shadows. It can only be done as Yasuke, who is unlocked after finishing Act 1 in the story. Naoe can’t interact with the objects needed for this Kofun.
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Guide
Important: This Kofun can only be done as Yasuke, the male Samurai character. He is unlocked after finishing Act 1 in the story (after Main Quest: Mibuno Showdown). Naoe, the female shinobi, can’t interact with the objects of this Kofun. So even though it’s in the first region you can’t do this till later in the story.
Makino Kurumazuka Kofun is located in Izumi Settsu > Yawata Plains.
- As Yasuke, pick up the explosive red jars outside the Kofun entrance. Carry one of these downstairs to the wall that’s blocking the entrance. Then shoot the explosive jar with a bow or teppo (rifle). You can also hit the jar with a melee attack, but should switch to the lowest difficulty in case it kills you. Bow/Teppo can be bought from
Gear Vendors, and also from quest rewards and loot chests.
- Now enter the tomb, take the path on the right, push the shelf forward (only Yasuke is strong enough to push shelves, Naoe can’t).
- Follow the linear path into the next room, there you find another shelf. Pull the shelf towards you and then push it to the side to open the path.
- Follow the linear path until you go up some stairs, then immediately turn left to find 2 red explosive jars. From the jars turn around 180°, place one in front of the destructible wall and blow it up (shooting it or attacking with melee weapon).
- Take another jar from the same spot, carry it through the wall you blew up and upstairs to another destructible wall. Use the jar to blow up this wall too.
- Now go through the destroyed wall and follow the path. You’ll swim through some water, then go up some stairs. At the end of the path you see another destructible wall across a gap where the floor is missing. Turn to your right to find destructible wooden boxes, you must destroy them with melee attacks. Behind the boxes are explosive red jars. Take one and throw it across the gap to the destructible wall (L2 + R2 / LT + RT to aim and throw).
- From across the gap you can shoot the explosive jar to blow up the wall. Then go through, turn left and crawl through the opening in the wall. Then you must drop down into a big room.
- In the big room on the right you find another shelf. Push it towards yourself to bring it to the big room where you landed. Push it to the wall opposite of where you landed (facing where the “N” is on compass). Then climb up the shelf and from there you can climb the wall out of the room. Follow the path to the next room.
- The next room has two shelves. Push them aside so you can walk through the path behind the shelf that’s blocking the path. At the end of the path you find another two shelves and a red explosive jar. Push the two shelves to the side, then carry the red jar downstairs – you return to the room where you previously pushed two shelves.
- Above the two shelves you will see a wooden platform. Push one shelf towards the side with the little rock that has a small wooden platform on it. The other shelf you must push to the opposite end of the roof where a bigger opening/cliff is at the top of the room. Carry the red jar with you, jump on the first shelf, then jump onto the wooden platform, then jump to the second shelf. From there you can throw the explosive jar to the cliff at the side of the room where a breakable wall is. Then shoot the jar to blow up the wall. Then jump from the shelf to the now open wall and go through. If the shelf isn’t close enough to the cliff you won’t be able to throw the jar far enough, in which case you must climb back down and push the shelf further.
- The now-open path leads to the legendary chest, open it to finish the Kofun.
That’s the Kofun done. For all other Kofuns check out Assassin’s Creed Shadows All Kofun Locations.
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