Broken Horn is the 50th main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the Broken Horn main mission.
- Region: Harima
- Questboard Category: Shinbakufu > The Ox > Bessho Harumasa
- Quest Giver: Available automatically after completing the quest Of My Enemy
- Requirement: Available immediately after completing the quest Of My Enemy
- Recommended Level: 27
- Reward: 2000 EXP, 3 Mastery Points
- Quest Description: The horn-helmed brute known as the Ox is Bessho Harumasa, a former retainer of the Bessho clan fanning the flames of rebellion from the safety of Miki Castle.
Return to Nakamura Tadashige
You can track this quest using the Objectives Board. Scroll to the Shinbakufu and select the quest underneath The Ox (Bessho Harumasa).
Head to Miki and speak with Nakamura Tadashige.
He asks if you are ready to fight the Ox:
- [We are ready.]
- [We need more time.]
In order to progress to quest, you must choose “We are ready.”
This is the first time the game presents you with four choices in a dialogue option:
- [The Tsuno wishes to fight.]
- [He will never get justice.]
- [It’s about more than the Tsuno.]
- [Justice is not our goal.]
Just like most dialogue choices, this one does not affect the progress of the quest.
After that, choose which character you want to play as.
Reach higher ground
Head forward and assassinate the two enemies in front of you.
Climb up the scaffolding to the next level.
Kill the teppo-wielding guards
Start going along the wall to the left. Take out the first two guards in front of you.
Just to be safe, turn right and take care of the guard just across the path.
Then, take out the guy to your left that stands in front of the western path.
Turn around and take out the last two guards.
Look for Yasuke
Climb up the stairs by the fence and look over the wall.
A cutscene offers you a dialogue option:
- [No one thing guides my blade.]
- [Conviction also guides my blade.]
This choice doesn’t matter. Then you choose which path to take to reach the Ox.
Yasuke’s path
Defeat the Tsuno
If you play as Tasuke, you fight the Tsuno. He comes with 4 other enemies. Take them out and then focus on the Tsuno.
Assassinate the Ox
Run up the path a little ways, taking out a few bad guys.
Eventually, you make it to the courtyard with the Ox. Defeat his henchmen and then take him out. He uses a lot of heavy attacks, so be wary.
Then you choose whomever you want to play now that the quest is done. Choose whomever you wish.
Naoe’s Path
Secure the area
There are six enemies in this area to take out. Crouch and then head right toward the sole guard. Take him out.
Then, backtrack a bit to the tall grass. Call over the two nearby guards one by one and take them out.
Head to the north end of this building and whistle for this guard to come around. Take him out.
Check which way the guard out in the open is standing. If he’s facing you, go to the west end of the shed to lure the nearby guard.
If that guard looks away, sneak up on the guard by the west shed and take him out.
Whistle here again, and the guard finally comes to investigate. Take him out.
Finally, take out the last guard in the middle of the area. He might be looking at you or away from you. Avoid his gaze and sneak around to end him.
Talk to the deserter
Head inside the building and talk to the deserter.
Reach Yasuke’s location
Leave the house and approach the gate in front of you.
Assassinate the Ox
Run forward and open the door.
Jump across the gap and then climb the wall.
The easiest path to assassinate the Ox is to start to the right. Take down the guard by the scaffolding.
Then go around the scaffolding and hide behind some lumber there. From there, call the nearby guard and take him out.
Then, crouch into the gap in front of you. Wait for the Ox to get near.
Eventually, he starts walking away. Get out there and assassinate him. Enemies will start noticing you, but they will not yet draw attention.
Then you get a dialogue choice:
- [We have freed your people.]
- [We will restore order.]
- [Say nothing.]
None of these choices changes the outcome.
Then another choice pops up:
- [The Tsuno did not have to die.]
- [The Tsuno could not be saved.]
Then you choose whomever you want to play now that the quest is done. Choose whomever you wish.
This finishes Broken Horn in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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