Assassin’s Creed Shadows has 36 Temple locations. Each Temple requires you to find a few Lost Pages (Scrolls) within the temple area.
On the map they are indicated by white question marks which turn into orange temple icons when going near them. Hold L2/LT to look for the scrolls, they will appear as white dots. When you look from a rooftop you can easily spot the white dots from far away. They also make a sound when you go near them. You can turn up the volume and listen for them. Each of them rewards you with a knowledge point and XP. You also find various materials and gear chests in the temples.
All of them are still obtainable after the story in free-roam, nothing is missable.
Izumi Settsu
Temple #1: Gansenji Temple
Sub-Region: Izumi Coast
The first scroll is on a platform on the roof of the main temple building.
The second is in the north-west corner of the temple on a rock.
Temple #2: Makinoodera Temple
Sub-Region: Kawachi Heights
The first scroll is next to a candle post:
The second is on the second floor of a burnt out building:
The third is in a burnt out bulding behind a crate.
Temple #3: Tennoji Temple
Sub-Region: Osaka
The first scroll is upstairs in a building missing its roof.
The second is outside the eastern walls of the temple on a grave.
The third is inside a tree stump in the north-west of the temple.
Temple #4: Tenryuji Temple
Sub-Region: Arashiyama
Scroll #1: On a platform on the roof of the temple’s south-westernmost building.
Scroll #2: On a rock in the middle of the pond in the south-west of the temple complex.
Scroll #3: On a window ledge on the middle floor or the temple’s northern building.
Temple #5: Toji Temple
Sub-Region: Kyoto
Scroll #1: On a rock in the middle of the pond in the east of the temple complex.
Scroll #2: On a platform on the roof of the temple’s south-westernmost building.
Scroll #3: On a tree branch in the north of the temple complex.
Temple #6: Honnoji Temple
Sub-Region: Kyoto
Scroll #1: On a platform on the roof of a building towards the south of the temple.
Scroll #2: On a rock next to a flag, west of the center temple building.
Scroll #3: On a platform on the roof of a building at the north edge of the temple.
Scroll #4: Crawl underneath the building in the east of the temple complex to find this.
Temple #7: Shokokuji Temple
Sub-Region: Kyoto
Scroll #1: On the top floor of a collapsed building in the south of the complex.
Scroll #2: On the top floor of a collapsed building in the east of the complex.
Scroll #3: On a platform on the roof of a building at the north edge of the complex, right below the viewpoint.
Temple #8: Kinkakuji Temple
Sub-Region: Genbu Highlands
Scroll #1: Near the east entrance of the temple, next to a lamp.
Scroll #2: On top of the central building on a platform.
Scroll #3: On a small island in the middle of the large pond to the west, on a lamp.
Scroll #4: In the small building at the north-east edge of the complex, next to a wicker basket.
Temple #9: Kuramadera Temple
Sub-Region: Genbu Highlands
Scroll #1: Climb or fast-travel to the viewpoint at the top of the temple and it’s right next to the base of the spire.
Scroll #2: South-west of the viewpoint, underneath the giant tree in the complex.
Temple #10: Ginkakuji Temple
Sub-Region: Hills of Meeting
Scroll #1: On a rock on the small island in the middle of the central pond.
Scroll #2: On a tree branch in the north-east of the complex.
Temple #11: Kiyomizudera Temple
Sub-Region: Hills of Meeting
Scroll #1: In the north-west, on a tree branch.
Scroll #2: In the very south of the temple on a rock in the pond.
Scroll #3: East of the pond, on a wooden barrier.
Temple #12: Tofukuji Temple
Sub-Region: Hills of Meeting
Scroll #1: North-west of the complex, behind a pillar next to the giant bell.
Scroll #2: South of the complex, on a lamp in the pond next to the bridge.
Scroll #3: On a platform on rooftop of a building in the north-east.
Temple #13: Byodoin Temple
Sub-Region: Ogura Pond
Scroll #1: On a platform on a rooftop in the west of the area.
Scroll #2: In a wooden pavillion to the north of the complex.
Temple #14: Miidera
Sub-Region: Mouth of Seta
Scroll #1: On the top of the tall central building, below the spire.
Scroll #2: On a platform on the roof of the building to the south.
Scroll #3: On a rock in the north corner of the complex.
Temple #15: Sokenji Temple
Sub-Region: Azuchi
Temple #16: Isakiji Temple
Sub-Region: Azuchi
Scroll #1: In the center of the temple, exactly where the map icon is. On the roof.
Scroll #2: Right at the west edge of the temple, near the lake on a rock.
Temple #17: Daikichiji Temple
Sub-Region: Goshiki Outlands
Scroll #1: Towards the north of the temple, on a branch of the huge tree.
Scroll #2: Towards the south-west of the complex in a small ruined building.
Temple #18: Enryakuji Temple
Sub-Region: Mount Hiei
Temple #19: Hagonji Temple
Sub-Region: Lake Biwa
Scroll #1: On the roof of a small shrine just to the east of the temple building.
Scroll #2: On the roof of the main temple building.
No Temples in this region.
Temple #20: Tanjosan Myoyoji Temple
Sub-Region: The Warfields
Temple #21: Aga Hontokuji Temple
Sub-Region: Aga
Temple #22: Mitsunodo Hall
Sub-Region: Engyoji
Temple #23: Kyokaiji Temple
Sub-Region: Kamakura Valley
Temple #24: Todaiji Temple
Sub-Region: Todaiji
Scroll #1: Under the building north west part of the temple.
Scroll #2: On the ground floor of a destroyed building.
Scroll #3: On the ground floor of the fast travel point building.
Scroll #4: On a rock under a tree north part of the temple.
Temple #25: Kofukuji Temple
Sub-Region: Nara Heartland
Scroll #1: It’s right below the fast travel point.
Scroll #2: It’s under the building on the southwest side of the temple. You have to crawl under the building to get it.
Scroll #3: It’s below the roof of the building in the middle of the temple.
Temple #26: Nyoirinji Temple
Sub-Region: Yoshino
Scroll #1: On the roof of a building near the middle of the temple.
Scroll #2: On the very top of the building west side of the temple.
Scroll #3: Directly at the fast travel point.
Temple #27: Gokurakuji Temple
Sub-Region: Onyu Pass
Scroll #1: On top of the main building.
Scroll #2: Inside a little cave behind the main building.
Temple #28: Saifukuji Temple
Sub-Region: Sotomo Gate
Scroll #1: Climb up to the first floor of the entrance to find it.
Scroll #2: Enter the main building and turn left to find it on the ground.
Temple #29: Negoroji Temple Grounds
Sub-Region: Negoroji
Scroll #1: North-east corner of the temple, it’s under the roof.
Scroll #2: Nort-west part of the temple, on the first floor, outside of the building on the ground.
Scroll #3: Near the middle of the temple area, on a little sculpture.
Scroll #4: Under a building in the middle of the temple, destroy some debris on the back side of the building to crawl under it.
Scroll #5: West-side of the temple under the transition between the buildings.
Temple #30: Saika Temple Grounds
Sub-Region: Saika
Scroll #1: South-east side of the temple. between the wall and a rock.
Scroll #2: South side of the temple, below the roof. You have to hang onto the scroll to get it.
Temple #31: Jison-in
Sub-Region: Kinokawa Valley
Scroll #1: South-west side of the temple, under a tree.
Scroll 2: South-east side of the map, next to the bell.
Temple #32: Koyasan Danjo Garan
Sub-Region: Koyasan
Scroll #1: Near the middle of the temple between some trees next to a lion statue.
Scroll #2: Below the fast travel point.
Scroll #3: West side of the temple, on the roof of the small building.
Scroll #4: On the very top of the big building, on the north-west side of the temple.
Temple #33: Kongobuji Temple
Sub-Region: Koyasan
Scroll #1: South-east part of the temple, next to this wood trunk.
Scroll #2: Inside the big building, under the roof. You have to jump on the wall to get it.
Scroll #3: North-part of the temple, next to a little shrine above the big building.
Temple #34: Dojoji Temple
Sub-Region: Sazae Oni Shores
Scroll #1: In front of the building in the middle of the temple area, next to a cairn on the ground.
Scroll #2: Outside on the second floor of the big building.
Temple #35: Sukyoji Temple
Sub-Region: Miyazu Bay
Scroll #1: Turn left when you enter the Shrine area, it’s on the roof of the building.
Scroll #2: It’s on a tree opposite Scroll #1.
Temple #36: Annonji Temple
Sub-Region: The Silver Lands
Scroll #1: It’s in the attic of the broken house, southwest side of the temple area.
Scroll #2: It’s right below the fast travel point.
Scroll #3: Inside the house, southeast side of the temple area.
For all other collectibles check out the Assassin’s Creed Shadows Collectible Guide.
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