A Promise is the 73rd main quest in Assassin’s Creed Shadows. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the A Promise main mission.
- Region: Tamba
- Questboard Category: Templar > Hosokawa Tama
- Quest Giver: Available automatically after completing the quest The Silver Queen
- Requirement: Available immediately after completing the quest The Silver Queen
- Recommended Level: 36
- Reward: 2200 EXP, 2 Mastery Points
- Quest Description: The Silver Queen, Akechi Mitsuhide’s daughter, will deliver Yasuke’s final target to him if he helps rescue her younger brother.
Find Akechi Mitsuyoshi
To track A Promise, navigate to the Objectives Board. Scroll to the Templar group and select the quest under Hosokawa Tama.
Akechi Mitsuyoshi is found in the Kameyama Castle in Kameyama.
Start at the western entrance to the castle. Go up the stairs in front of you.
Go through that gate and climb up the wood boxes in front of you. Then climb into the window.
Once through the window, go up the stairs in front of you.
When you reach the top of those stairs, enter the building on your left.
Inside, interact with the injured woman on the ground.
Free Akechi Mitsuyoshi
From here, go to the tower due east from you. The entrance to the tower is at the base of the tower on the south side.
Walk right in and find the door. Interact with it.
Follow Akechi Mitsuyoshi
The boy leads you out of the tower and goes east. He runs the entire time, even when there are enemies present. He does not stop until he reaches the next clearing.
Protect Akechi Mitsuyoshi
There, you need to clear out the enemies. Once you clear them out, he starts moving again.
He leads you to the next area. If it’s clear, you can even auto-follow if you wish.
When he stops again, go clear out the guards in front of you.
Clear them out, then follow him out of the castle.
Retrieve Mitsuyoshi’s katana
Make your way to the eastern section of the castle.
You are soon ambushed by Baltazar and some additional enemies, including men with teppos. Thankfully, Baltazar is not a complicated or challenging boss.
Leave the castle completely. Then head north to the Atago Shrine.
Due to the high geography, take this path up there.
Interact with Akechi Mitsuyoshi.
Follow Akechi Mitsuyoshi
Use auto-follow if you wish.
In the following cutscene, you get two dialogue choices. Choose whatever options you like, since these options do not change the flow of the quest.
- [I understand why you feel this way.]
- [I am not a threat to you.]
- [Say nothing]
Then another:
- [That’s why I’m here.]
- [You are more capable than you know.]
This finishes A Promise in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
For all other Quests refer to Assassin’s Creed Shadows Walkthrough.
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