Stairway to Olympos is a Side Quest in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. This walkthrough shows how to complete the quest.
Recommended Level: 35+
Region: Pilgrim Hill, Kythera Island
Requirements: having finished A God Among Men & Left to Dye
Reward: 8.000+ XP, 1.300+ Money, a piece of epic gear
Trophy: Eye on the Prize
- Reach the Cave of the Forgotten Isle
- Talk to Empedokles
- Open the Gate to Olympos
- Kill the Cyclops
- Acquire the First Civilization Artifact
Stairway to Olympos Starting Location
After having freed self-proclaimed God Empedokles earlier and having done a small errand for him, he reveals a secret location where we have to meet. That would be the Forgotten Isle south of the Region Phokis.
Reach the Cave of the Forgotten Isle
Fast-travel as close to the Island as you can and sail over there. The Cave-entrance would be at the top of the hill – simply jump in the dark depths.
Our new acquaintance is already waiting for us to enter the chamber of the First Civilization. Not sure, how he knew about this, but we’re glad that he does.
Once the door opens, he is very excited, until…
…he receives a quick death by a giant Cyclops. Time to get our swords out.
Kill the Cyclops
Generally, you want to face this boss-fight like any other bigger fight. By waiting for his moves/attacks and dodging yourself . This way, he will be facing away and be vulnerable to attacks. Melee-damage which can be dealt over time like poison or…
…fire is always good to have equipped. This way, damage can be dealt to him, while actually dodging his attacks and being defensive yourself.
Make use of your overpower-attacks +
every time your adrenaline bar is filled enough to deal some good damage to him.
Depending on how defensive you play, the fight takes roughly 3-5 minutes in total. Once he is down, loot him for a special artifact and a well-deserved trophy.
This concludes the Stairway to Olympos Side Quest in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (ACOD). For all other side quests check out the full Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Side Quests Walkthrough.
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