Phidias is a Character in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and offers a few Side Quests. This walkthrough shows how to complete them.
Recommended Level: 35+
Starting Point: Valley of Olympia, Elis
Requirements: having freed Phidias in Athens, Attika
Reward: 100.000+ XP, 3.500+ Money, a piece of legendary gear
Quest Names:
- Art Leading Life
- The Message, the Stick, and the Artist
- The Kytheran Statue
- The Samian Statue
- The Thasian Statue
- Pieces of the Puzzle
- Journey’s End
The Message, the Stick, and the Artist Location
After having freed the Artist Phidias from his arrest and possible execution in Athens, we can meet him again in Olympia in his new workshop. Still paranoid, he asks if we were followed. He has received information about clues hidden on giant God’s statues all over Greece and wants us to find these messages.
The first one – a Statue of Zeus – is direct across his workshop. Climb it, retrieve the message from his chest and head back to Phidias.
The Kytheran Statue
The Statue of Aphrodite is actually the eastern-most fast-travel-point of the Kytheran Islands. The clue is on its backside.
The Samian Statue
The Statue of Poseidon takes up almost half an island. It is located between Samos & Chios. The clue is on its trident.
The Thasian Statue
The Statue of Theagenes is on the Agora in the City of Thasos on the island of the same name. The clue is on its backside.
Pieces of the Puzzle
When having obtained all clues from all statues, it is time to return to Phidias’ Workshop in Olympia. When we arrive, we’ll see that his paranoia had a reason. He had enemies and is found dead in his home. Time to see, what all the fuzz was about. Loot him and you will obtain this map as well as the final Quest of this Questline.
Journey’s End
Our Quest-Marker will now point to the eastern part of the island Lemnos. The hidden treasure will be inside a Fort there. The enemies will likely be level 46 and above – you might want to consider that before heading in.
If you enter the area of interest, you will be confronted with a small puzzle. This is where the looted map from Phidias’ body comes in handy. You will have to press the buttons in the mentioned order. Facing inside the room, you want to start on the left side with the two outer buttons as seen below…
…and continue on the other wall with the two inner buttons.
This will open up the closed door. Looting the chest inside completes this mission.
This concludes the Side Questline of Phidias in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (ACOD). For all other side quests check out the full Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Side Quests Walkthrough.
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