Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated Platinum Difficulty: 5/10
- Approximate time to Platinum: 50-60 hours
- Offline Trophies: 55 (1
, 1
, 7
, 46
- Online Trophies: 0 (the online trophies from PS3 version were removed and replaced with DLC trophies)
- Missable Trophies: 0
- Minimum Number of Playthroughs: 1
- Difficulty Affect Trophies: No
- Cheats Disable Trophies: Yes (Animus Data Hacks)
- Glitched Trophies: Nothing Yet (in original PS3 version “An Extraordinary Man”).
Welcome to the Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered Trophy Guide! This is a PS4 Remaster of Assassin’s Creed III that originally released on PS3 in 2012. This installment of Assassin’s Creed focuses on Connor Kenway, a half-English and half-Native American. The game itself is set and based on the American Revolution, which took place from 1753 to 1783. Like the previous games in the series, you will also follow the journey of Desmond Miles in the present day, as he continues to relive the memories of his ancestors through the Animus.
There are various new features in this installment, including hunting, naval warfare and crafting. Integral to the latter is Assassin’s Creed III’s answer to the Villa and town-building of the previous games; the Homestead. This substantial mechanic sees you start off with a derelict manor, but then by recruiting various professionals to your cause, it develops into a fully-fledged Homestead. These recruits in turn provide you with items relevant to their skill-set. Completing subsequent missions for each person grants you higher quality items to craft better weaponry and accessories, as well as more expensive luxuries which you can sell to shops around the map to gain cash.
The game is a largely straightforward Platinum, with a few tough mission objectives required for 100% sync.
Step 1: Play through the main story and complete DNA sequences with 100% Sync
The first step is to simply play through the main story in the game, completing all the DNA sequences with 100% Sync. You can revisit any of the missions within sequences at any time, but it is recommended that you try your best to achieve 100% in your first play-through, so you don’t have to replay lots of missions at the end. All of the other trophies can be obtained after you’ve finished the main story as the game remains in a free roam state after finishing the final sequence and mission. Some miscellaneous trophies may come naturally during this first step, but it’s recommended that you focus on these during Step 2.
One thing we would suggest is to keep an eye on the challenges for the four societies. Try to work towards as many of them as you can during your first run to save you time, rather than farming them at the end of the game. For a list of these, see “In Good Standing” description in the trophy guide.
By the end of Step 1, you should have the following trophies:
- Rude Awakening
- Mystery Guest
- How D’ya Like Them Apples
- Heroes are Born
- Criss Cross
- The Day the Templars Cried
- Tea is for Englishmen
- The Whites of Their Eyes
- Caged Wolf
- Daddy Dearest
- Two if by Sea
- Grim Expectations
- The End is Nigh
- Difficult End
- The Sum Of Truth
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
- Perfectionist
- Fin (This should be your last trophy before moving onto the next step)
Step 2: Clean up the remaining miscellaneous trophies in Free Roam
The next step is to focus on obtaining the collectibles and completing any necessary side quests/missions. This will reward you with the remaining miscellaneous single-player trophies for the game. Remember, you can use the DNA Tracker to revisit any sequences or missions where you feel you can attempt a particular trophy. To access this feature, press to open the pause menu, then go to the Animus DNA Tracker tab.
You probably won’t get all of the combat trophies naturally, so you can either farm them as you go along, or complete them at the end of the game. Luckily, they can all be done quickly by reloading certain missions which provide handy scenarios for the trophies. Again, see the relevant descriptions for details on each of these trophies.
By the end of this step, you should have the following trophies:
- House Party
- A Complete Set
- Patent Not Pending
- Original Gamer
- Bring Down The House
- Kidd Gloves
- All Washed Up
- Entrepreneur, not Pirate!
- Tumblehome
- By Invitation Only
- In Good Standing
- Man of the People
- Monopoly Man
- Blowing in the Wind
- Spit Roast
- Circus Act
- Predator
- Prince of Thieves
- Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye!
- Jager Bomb
- Magna cum Laude
- Coureur des Bois
- Eye Witness
- Multitasking
- Completionist (This is likely to be your final trophy to complete Step 2)
Step 3: “An Extraordinary Man”
The earliest you can start scanning people on your Homestead for “An Extraordinary Man” is Sequence 6.
In the PS3 version this was known to be glitched (still undergoing confirmation in the Remaster)! It is strongly recommended that you do not do anything towards this trophy until you have every other single player trophy (listed in Steps 1 and 2 above). Then, back up your save file so that if you have problems with the trophies, you can try again by reverting to your old save. Just to clarify, you can still accept the Encyclopedia mission from Achilles, however we advise that you do not begin scanning any of the workers / residents prior to this step.
By the end of this step you should have the following trophies and every single-player trophy:
- An Extraordinary Man
Step 4: The Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy DLC – 100%
Go for 100% completion in the Infamy expansion. See trophy Frontiersman.
Step 5: The Tyranny of King Washington: The Betrayal DLC – 100%
Go for 100% completion in the Betrayal expansion. See trophy The New Tea Party.
Step 6: The Tyranny of King Washington: The Redemption DLC – 100%
Go for 100% completion in the Redemption expansion. See trophy If I Can Make It There.
Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered Trophy Guide
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Master Assassin Get every trophy. |
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Earn all other Trophies in Assassin’s Creed 3 Remaster to unlock Platinum. | ||
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Rude Awakening Re-Enter the Animus. |
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You will get this trophy right at the start of the story, after completing the Animus tutorial as Desmond. | ||
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Daddy Dearest Complete Present – Stadium. |
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Story related and can not be missed. You will unlock this trophy after completing the short Desmond mission, which takes place upon completion of Sequence 8. | ||
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Criss Cross Complete Present – Skyscraper. |
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Story related and can not be missed. You will unlock this trophy after completing the short Desmond mission, which takes place upon completion of Sequence 5. | ||
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The End is Nigh Complete Present – Abstergo. |
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Story related and can not be missed. You will unlock this trophy after completing the short Desmond mission, which takes place upon completion of Sequence 10. | ||
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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Open the Temple Door and learn Desmond’s fate. |
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You will receive this trophy upon completing Sequence 12 and placing all 3 power sources into the podiums around the cave. | ||
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Mystery Guest Complete Sequence 1 & 2. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 1 & 2 to get this trophy.
Sequence 1:
Sequence 2:
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How D’ya Like Them Apples Complete Sequence 3. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 3 to get this trophy.
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Heroes are Born Complete Sequence 4. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 4 to get this trophy.
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The Day the Templars Cried Complete Sequence 5. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 5 to get this trophy.
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Tea is for Englishmen Complete Sequence 6. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 6 to get this trophy.
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The Whites of Their Eyes Complete Sequence 7. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 7 to get this trophy.
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Caged Wolf Complete Sequence 8. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 8 to get this trophy.
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Two if by Sea Complete Sequence 9. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 9 to get this trophy.
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Grim Expectations Complete Sequence 10. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 10 to get this trophy.
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Difficult End Complete Sequence 11. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 11 to get this trophy.
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The Sum of Truth Complete Sequence 12. |
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Complete all of the following missions in DNA Sequence 12 to get this trophy.
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Perfectionist Complete 100% of all main mission constraints. |
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For this trophy, you will need to achieve 100% sync in every main mission in the game. This trophy is solely for the 12 main DNA sequences, which includes all the missions listed in the spoiler tags above. No side-missions are required for this trophy. 100% sync means not just completing the mission, but achieving all optional objectives which pop up on-screen at different stages of the mission. To further complicate matters, all extra objectives must be done in one playthrough of that mission.
Do not worry if you miss one though, as every mission is replayable. Furthermore, the checkpoint system in this game is very friendly in this regard. If you see the red notification that you have failed an objective, pause the game and select “Reload Checkpoint” (not “Restart Memory”) and you will be able to re-attempt the objective(s) until you complete them all. There are only a couple of missions that are likely to cause a bit of trouble, particularly the chase scenes where you are not allowed to shove anyone in your path. Thankfully, these have been made easier with a patch which reduces the number of NPC’s in your way. Once you’ve have achieved 100% for all the sequences and missions, the trophy will pop. |
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An Extraordinary Man Complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man. |
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First you must complete all of the Homestead missions in order to recruit every available worker for your Homestead. To complete this trophy, you will need to reach at least Sequence 6, where Achilles gives you a quest to “scan” the workers whilst they perform three various activities related to their profession. Simply target them with ![]() Blacksmith (Da):
Doctor (Ly):
Farmers (Pr & Wa):
Huntress (My):
Innkeepers (Ol & Co):
Lumberers (Te & Go):
“I had the hardest time waiting for the lumberers to both use the saw for my final scan of them, but you are able to scan his wife (Di) using the butter churn as one” – Thanks to Bsfoerwgho for the tip. Miner (No):
Tailor (El):
Woodworker (La):
You can always check in the logbook to see which activities you have already scanned. If you are missing any by the end of the game, visit a city or ride around the frontier on your horse for a few minutes and return to the Homestead to see if the residents you need are performing any other activities. |
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Patent Not Pending Craft one of Franklin’s inventions to decorate your Manor. |
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There are two stages to this trophy. Firstly, you need to unlock a recipe for an invention by collecting all 4 pages of one Almanac volume. There are 36 pages in total, 20 in Boston and 16 in New York. To collect a page, you will need to chase after it by free-running when it blows away.
Secondly, you must have the supplies and the appropriate artisan to craft the recipe. Artisans can be recruited via the Homestead missions. This trophy is much easier when the Homestead residents are levelled up (by completing various side-missions for them) and have access to better materials. Finally, go to either the Accounting Logbook in the Manor or any book in a General Store and craft the item. It will automatically be added to your Manor and the trophy will unlock. |
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House Party Recruit any of the Artisans and see them settled on the Homestead. |
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Before you can attempt to earn this trophy, you first have to complete the mission “River Rescue” in DNA Sequence 5. Once you reach this part of the story, you will have access to “Homestead Missions” which involve influencing and recruiting settlers in the area. You can identify them by an icon on the map titled “Homestead Mission”.
One of first missions will involve helping a woodworker called Lance who is in danger. In order to complete this side mission, you must simply kill the people who are harassing him up on cliff overlooking the Manor. Upon saving him and completing the side mission, the artisan will now join your Homestead, and be at your disposal to craft woodwork items. The trophy will pop shortly after completing the side mission. |
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A Complete Set See all the optional characters settled at the Homestead. |
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For this trophy you need to have the following characters settled on your Homestead. Their job title and where they can be initially recruited are also noted below.
You are only required to complete each characters initial mission denoted by the “Homestead Mission” icon on the map. You do not need to finish each of the characters individual side quests for this trophy. Note – Please see “Completionist” for an in-depth guide of all the Homestead Missions (required for 100% Sync) |
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Original Gamer Win a game of Fanorona, Morris and Bowls on the Homestead. |
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For this trophy, you must win each of the three games mentioned above. Please note that winning Fanorona and Morris on the ship in Sequence 1 and then winning Bowls on the Homestead will not count. All three games must be won on the Homestead. You must initiate and win each of the three games outside of a mission for it to count towards the trophy. Also please be aware that winning Bowls at the harbour will not count towards this trophy. You must win a game of Bowls at the main Homestead. Note – You will need to complete the Level 3 mission for the lumberers before you can play Bowls, as this particular mission is basically an introduction to the game. Remember that winning a game of Bowls within this mission will not count towards the trophy. You must initiate another game outside of the mission for it to count. Here is a summary of the rules and aim of each of the games. Fanorona
The key to getting this trophy is practice and learning your opponent’s moves. As every game plays differently, there is no step-by-step guide. However if you make use of the java programs stated above and/or take a look at the video below, you shouldn’t have any problems obtaining this trophy. |
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Bring Down the House Explore Fort Wolcott. |
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Fort Wolcott is an off-map area in the game, as you won’t explore the area during the main story. In order to gain access to the fort, you first must complete the initial mission aboard the Aquila (“The Hard Way”). This is the last mission in Sequence 5, so it will actually be during Sequence 6 when you can first attempt this trophy. In addition you must have collected at least one Peg Leg Trinket (which is marked by a goblet icon on the map) and returned it to Peg Leg, who is sat in a chair in front of the pier in the Homestead (where the anchor icon is). Once you have spoken to Peg Leg and he has revealed Fort Wolcott as a location, you can use your ship to reach Fort Wolcott by selecting it from the location map when you speak to any Harbourmaster. The trophy will pop upon completing the mission in the fort. |
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Kidd Gloves Uncover the mystery of Oak Island. |
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This trophy is similar to “Bring Down the House”, except that you must find all of the 24 Peg Leg Trinkets and have completed the four previous missions associated with this side-quest. This can only be achieved after Sequence 8, as there are Trinkets to be found in New York. Once you have returned all Trinkets to Peg Leg at the Homestead and completed all 4 previous missions, you will have access to an area known as Oak Island. You must complete the main objectives in the mission and find Captain Kidd’s Treasure to earn the trophy. |
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All Washed Up Complete all Naval Missions aboard the Aquila. |
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Once you have completed the main story mission aboard the Aquila in Sequence 5, you will unlock Naval Missions. There are 4 of these to complete (“The Chase”, “The Rescue”, “French Involvement” and “Biddle’s Hideout”) and they must be done in sequence, although they can be replayed later if you fail to get 100% sync. To initiate them you will need to talk to any Harbourmaster, labeled by the anchor symbol on the map.
The basic premise of these missions is to destroy the enemy ships, before they sink you. Please see below a list of the fundamental controls you need to be aware of when sailing the ship:
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Entrepreneur, not Pirate! Complete all 12 Privateer Contracts. |
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These missions, like the Naval Missions, can be found by going to the Harbourmaster (shown by the anchor map icon). They are shorter than the Naval Missions, and have the purpose of eliminating piracy on your trade routes to reduce the risk of sending convoys to the main cities. | ||
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Tumblehome Upgrade the Aquila. |
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Upon unlocking the Naval Missions in Sequence 5 after you first use the Aquila, go to a Harbourmaster and look at the book to the left of him. The book lets you purchase upgrades. The majority are quite expensive, but by Sequence 5 you should have enough money to purchase the “Extra Cannon”, which costs £2500. Please refer to the video below for assistance on how to earn this trophy. Note – Upgrading the Aquila also counts towards the 100% Data Sync. Therefore you must fully upgrade the vessel by purchasing all available upgrades. See below for a full list of upgrades. All Aquila Upgrades (Total = £104,500)
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By Invitation Only Be invited to join a Club. |
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To unlock this trophy, you need to be invited to join one of the four clubs in the game. To obtain an invite, you need to perform an activity related to that club:
This trophy is practically unmissable and you should get it at the start of Sequence 5, when you first encounter a cougar in the Frontier. This is a scripted event that requires a simple QTE to kill it. Skin it, and you will receive an invitation to join the Hunting Society. |
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In Good Standing Complete all challenges for any of the Clubs. |
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This trophy is likely to be time-consuming. There are 4 Clubs in the game: Boston Brawlers, Frontiersmen, Hunting Soceity and the Thieves. You must finish all levels of challenges and complete the side-missions associated with one particular Club. To check which challenges are available and those you have completed, access the “DNA Progress Tracker” and look them up under the individual Club DNA strand. All Clubs must be completed 100% for the “Completionist” trophy anyway, so you will get this trophy on the way to achieving that.
Below is a complete list of all the challenges: Boston Brawlers: Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Boston Brawlers side-missions:
Frontiersman: Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Frontiersmen side-missions:
Hunting Society: Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Hunting side-missions
Thieves Club Challenges: Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
(There are no side-missions for the Thieves Club.) Note – It seems that if you talk to Washington before unlocking the second tier of Frontiersmen challenges, then the game will bug on you. However, there is a fix, which is to reload Sequence 9 Memory 1 (“Missing Supplies”) and talk to Washington twice there. Thanks to Zanish09 for bringing this bug to our attention, and to jamesdevil for providing the fix. |
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Man of the People Liberate all districts in Boston OR New York. |
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This trophy has a number of steps. Firstly, you need to liberate all 3 Districts in either New York or Boston. This is done by first completing 6 quests in all areas of Boston and West New York, and 9 in North and East New York. These quests are in sets of 3, and usually involve menial tasks and killing guards.
Once all 6 missions are completed, visit the Liberation Contact in the area and he will provide you with a short mission where you kill a Templar using a new Assassin ability. Once you do this, the District will be liberated and the contact will join you as an Assassin. Then, once all 3 Districts are liberated, you unlock the final Liberation Mission for the whole city, which involves assassinating a target in a restricted area. Once the job is done, you will earn this trophy and prices in shops across the area will be considerably cheaper. |
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Monopoly Man Send a convoy to Boston, New York and the Frontier. |
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Sending convoys to different areas and trading is one of the games key money-making mechanics. For this trophy, you must first reach New York in Sequence 8, and then unlock at least one General Store in New York, Boston and the Frontier before anything else. Then, go to the Accounting Book at the Homestead and open the trading menu. Choose to send a convoy to a store in each area (remember to press ![]() Note – The convoys don’t actually have to reach the cities for the trophy to unlock, as it will do so as soon as you press |
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Blowing in the Wind Retrieve every page for one of Ben Franklin’s Almanacs. |
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This trophy requires you to only complete one chapter of Franklin’s Almanacs. This means that you only need to find the 4 pages in one District of either New York or Boston.
To retrieve a page, you need to do a small bit of free-running to catch up to a page, as they blow away once you approach. If you synchronise at the viewpoints, the map icons showing the Almanac pages will appear on the mini-map. To make this even easier, purchase a map of any District at a General Store and collect all the Almanac Pages in that area. Note – Please see “Completionist” below for locations of all the Almanac pages (required for 100% sync) |
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Completionist Complete ALL progress tracker grid entries. |
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This is by far the most time-consuming trophy and probably the last one you will unlock before the Platinum. Aside from needing 100% sync on every main story mission, you will need 100% sync on EVERY side mission and obtain every collectable.
Note – In order to achieve 100% sync, you must complete all of the main and optional objectives for any given sequence or mission. To check your progress, press Missions
Please see below for a collection of videos and walkthroughs to help you reach 100% sync in the game. Alternatively, you can use the labeled maps found in the spoiler tabs below to find all of the collectibles in each region. |
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Multitasking Complete 50% of the Progress Tracker entries. |
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See “Completionist”.
You’ll need to reach 8535/17070 (50%) sync score to unlock this trophy. |
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Spit Roast Perform a double assassination using a musket. |
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Most enemies use muskets as their primary weapon. You can pick up weapons from dead enemies. There are also weapon stands in every major city and you can get a musket from there. The double assassination has to be a melee kill! Shooting won’t work because the bullet does not penetrate the human body and can only kill one enemy per shot. Look for two guards that are standing right next to each other and line them up before you go for the kill. Also make sure that your musket is loaded! You might not be able to trigger the double assassination if there isn’t a bullet in your musket. |
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Circus Act Kill 15 guards with a single cannon shot. |
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This can be done during DNA Sequence 10 – Memory 3 (Battle of Monmouth). Right after the sequence starts you will be in control of a cannon and have to fight off some enemies. Aim slightly to the left and as far back as you can. Shoot into the approaching group of soldiers and you should get the 15 kills on your first shot. If you miss the shot you can either restart the checkpoint or wait for another group of soldiers. |
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Predator Hang 5 enemies by using rope darts. |
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Rope Darts can be bought at any general store. To hang enemies you need to climb a tree branch or a wooden beam, equip a Rope Dart and throw it with |
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Prince of Thieves Loot a convoy without killing any of its guards. |
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A convoy is a horse-drawn carriage that is guarded by some soldiers and a drummer. They can only be found in the Frontier area. There are fixed spawn points for them, but they can also appear randomly at any daytime and weather condition. One of these convoys has a 50% spawn chance in front of the Templar Fort that is located in the south-western corner of the map. There is a harbor nearby that can be used as a fast travel station. If the convoy doesn’t spawn you can travel to another map and return later. To actually loot the convoy without killing anyone you just have to use your fists instead of lethal weapons. This will knock your enemies out and not kill them. You can also use smoke bombs to stun the soldiers and finish them more quickly. Once all guards are defeated you have to interact with the back of the carriage for some nice loot. This technique can also be used to farm money quickly! Be careful that you do not accidentally throw enemies against objects (e.g. the carriage or a tree) and do not kick unconscious bodies. Both of these actions count as a kill and will prevent you from unlocking the trophy / achievement. The guards still have to be moving a little bit when they are on the ground. The safest way is to use no counters at all, just normal strikes. Don’t worry if you have captured the Forts already. There will be fewer convoys then, but they still spawn from time to time. |
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Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye! Block a firing line 5 times by using a human shield. |
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Enemies will sometimes go into a “firing line” formation to shoot you with their muskets. You can avoid getting hit by grabbing a nearby enemy. There will be a tutorial for this maneuver at the end of Sequence 2 – Memory 5. Press |
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Jager Bomb After becoming fully Notorious, kill 10 Jagers before losing your notoriety. |
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A good place to do this is at the end of DNA Sequence 5 – Memory 2. Memories can be replayed by going to the “DNA Tracker” menu in the pause screen. You will have to climb to a rooftop and after a cutscene you will automatically get full notoriety. There will be lots of Jagers on the streets then. Jagers are more agile and stronger than normal enemies. They usually wear a black uniform, have a sword, a pistol and grenades. Counter their attack with |
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Magna cum Laude Have a Trainee reach the Assassin Rank. |
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The first thing that you need to do for this trophy is to recruit a Trainee. See “Man of the People” for more details on how to do that.
Anyone who has played previous games in the series such as Brotherhood or Revelations should know how the following steps work. Once you acquire an assassin, hold Simply do this periodically every time they have completed/finished a particular mission and they will earn XP. Your assassin will need to earn 1100 XP to reach Level 11 (Assassin Rank). The trophy will pop when your first assassin reaches this rank/level. Note – If your assassin fails a mission, they will not be lost forever like in previous games. They will simply be unavailable for five minutes before they recover. |
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Coureur des Bois Exchange undamaged pelts at all different general stores. |
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To earn this trophy you must exchange/sell at least one undamaged animal pelt to every general store in the game. The only way you can acquire undamaged pelts is by killing an animal with your hidden blade. There are a total of 9 different general stores which are scattered across different regions in the game. There are 3 stores in Boston, 3 in the Frontier and a further 3 in New York. If you are having difficulty locating any of the stores, please refer to the list and video guide below. Boston
Frontier Stores
New York
Note – There is no way of checking which general stores you have traded at in-game, so feel free to use this list to track your progress. |
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Eye Witness Witness a predator killing an enemy. |
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Predators are Bears, Bobcats, Cougars, Wolves, Foxes. There are a bunch of scripted events in the Frontier area where one of these animals kills a hunter. They have fixed locations and can happen at any daytime. Go to the Packanack hunting zone on the western part of the map. There is a road going from north to south. Follow the road until you come to a restricted area (highlighted in red). Go up a hill to the west and you will encounter several bobcats, as well as two hunters. You may not be in open conflict with any of the hunters or animals! Otherwise, they won’t attack each other. Don’t shoot or harm the bobcats, they might run away. If you cannot get this done on the first try then get yourself killed and everyone will respawn. Just wait until one of the hunters runs into a bobcat and keep watching. |
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Fin Complete each of the epilogue missions unlocked after the credits roll. |
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This is story-related and can not be missed. After sitting through the credits (which are unskippable), there are 3 short Epilogue “missions” to play, one in each area. It would be more accurate to describe them as cut-scenes rather than missions. Once you’ve watched all 3, the trophy will unlock. | ||
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Uniquely Familiar Receive an unexpected gift. (TOKW: Infamy) |
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This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. You will receive this trophy halfway through Mission 2: “Warn The Village”.
At the beginning of the mission, you will need to follow your mother back to your village. Once you reach there, a cutscene will play and she will reward Ratonhnhaké:ton with the hidden blades. Once the cutscene is over, you will have to defend your village from attack with your new weapons. This trophy will unlock as soon as this battle starts. |
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A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Kill 25 enemies while staying cloaked. (TOKW: Infamy) |
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During Mission 3: “Sky World Journey”, you will unlock the “Wolf Cloak” ability. When activated this will turn the player invisible and cause you to be able to walk much faster, but will drain your health at the same time. Wolf Cloak can be assigned to your Quick Select menu on the D-Pad by holding ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There are a few things to bear in mind when you are using the Wolf Cloak: 1: You must use the Hidden Blades to kill enemies without being detected. If you use the tomahawk you will be discovered. 2: At no point press 3: Bear in mind that your health will deteriorate surprisingly fast. To recover it, hide in long grass or a haystack and deactivate Wolf Cloak with You will need to kill 25 enemies whilst invisible. This will come very quickly as you can easily kill quite a few guards in the last three missions with the Cloak, and also there are many enemies to kill whilst traveling between missions. Attack Convoy missions are also great for this, as you can sneak up behind the guards at the back of the convoy and kill them without being detected. Once you have killed all the guards walking behind the convoy, deactivate Wolf Cloak to get your health back (you won’t be seen as the cage is in the way) then activate it again and kill the guards in between the two cages. Replenish your health again and then activate the Cloak and kill the guards walking in front of the convoy. Note that if you attack a group of guards and are detected, none of your kills in that group will be counted, even if you killed a couple of guards. You must either kill the whole group without being detected or just kill a couple and run off without being chased. If you wish to kill a whole group but find your health running out, kill as many as you can then run and hide to recover your health before heading back to finish them off. |
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Frontiersman Reach 100% synchronization in the Frontier. (TOKW: Infamy) |
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In order to achieve 100% synchronization and unlock this trophy, you will need to accomplish the following:
Nothing in this list is challenging at all, so you should have no problems. The side-missions are in abundance in the Frontier and randomly generate as you travel. As mentioned in the Roadmap, traveling between the 3 towns in the middle of the Frontier Map either on foot or by horse seems to generate more side-missions than other areas. There are an infinite amount of these side-missions, but you will only need to complete 5 of each for the trophy. Note that opening all Treasure Chests is not required for this or any other trophy. Similarly, progress in the main game’s version of the Frontier does not count towards this trophy; it’s a completely separate entity. You can check how many of each type of mission you have completed, as well as your total sync %, in the DNA Tracker in the Pause menu (press MAIN STORY MISSIONS Mission 1: Awaken Kill 5 Bluecoats at the church while remaining undetected. The mini-map is your best friend for this objective. Always keep an eye on it for the red dots which indicate an enemy position. When you get this objective, run up the tree in front of you and do a Leap of Faith into a haystack. Make sure that you have no weapons equipped by selecting your fists from the quick select menu (you are unarmed by default, so you shouldn’t have to press anything). Run ahead of your mother into the haystack ahead of you. Press Prevent any Bluecoat reinforcements from reaching Concord. This objective will appear when you are told to use the cannon in Concord. To fire press :x:. Remember to aim slightly ahead of the soldiers, as there is a second delay between firing and the shell landing. Enemies will come from three areas: the rooftop to the right of you, the field across from the road and down the main road from the left. The only ones you need to worry about are the enemies marching down the road, as the enemies on the rooftop and in the field will stay there. After you fire one shot at the enemies on the road, you will have a few seconds before they come back. Take this opportunity to fire on the enemies on the rooftop to the right. They will come back later but ignore them after this point, as they won’t damage you enough to kill you. Now, you want to aim your cannon on the main road directly in front of the wall where the guards in the field stop at. Fire when the guards come along the main road and are about one second away from that point. You will not only wipe out the group on the road, but the group in the field too. Occasionally two guards will ride down the road on horses so be sure to fire when they are a bit further back, the reason being they move quicker than the marching guards. Do not permit any Bluecoat runners to light a fuse. For this objective, you will be in the middle of a huge fight in Concord. The key to achieving this objective is listening to your mother and watching the mini-map. She will say variations on “someone is trying to light a fuse!” and a large red dot will appear on your map (much larger than the normal soldiers). Don’t bother with any of the other guards round the town, as they are busy fighting others and won’t harm you. When a new torch-bearing soldier appears, he will run towards one of the houses to light some explosive barrels. Intercept him along the way by equipping your tomahawk and attacking him. You should only have to press Mission 2: Warn The Village There are no bonus objectives for this mission. Note that after you receive your Hidden Blades and the Uniquely Familiar trophy, you will be in a battle. You cannot win this battle no matter how hard you try, so just let yourself be defeated. Mission 3: Sky World Journey Don’t touch any rocks during slides. After following the wolves for a short while, you will slide down a slope. The area around you is very white, but in the distance you should be able to see the large grey rocks approaching as you slide. Move left or right with Kill the Elk without alerting it. This is basically unmissable, as the game tells you to do exactly this. Use your Wolf Cloak ability by pressing Mission 4: One-Man Wolf Pack Kill 2 Bluecoats with a single arrow. This is easier than it looks. Once you search the area for the clues, a cutscene will play. Once it finishes, this objective will come up. You should see 2 Bluecoats run up the steep hill in front of you. Follow them up there until they stop running and they will stand in single file in front of you. Equip your bow and target the first guard, then hold down Kill the runner by calling the Wolf Pack. Again, this is another objective heavily emphasized by the game. After the cutscene, the guard will run off. You are told to follow him and use the “Call Wolf Pack” ability to take him down. Run after him for a short while until he is within targeting range, then press Mission 5: Path Of Revenge Use no stalking bushes during the eavesdrop. For this objective you are not allowed to use any of the tall grass or bushes to hide in. However you can use other hiding spots and you will need to, since you will be in Wolf Cloak mode to avoid detection and will need to recover health. To start off, use your Wolf Cloak ability and jump into the haystack within the eavesdropping circle. You will automatically deactivate the Cloak so your health will recover. Once the guards start to move off, press Mission 6: Justice Served Free the bear without killing or alerting the guards. Again the game will tell you to use Wolf Cloak to do this. Once you see the cutscene showing you the cage, equip your Wolf Cloak and walk around the guards ahead of you to the cage. Before you interact with it (by holding Stay undetected in the fort. This is again much easier than it appears due to the Wolf Cloak ability. Use it to move from bush to bush (un-equipping it and recovering your health when you do so – you’ll never be discovered). You don’t have to kill any Bluecoats, just move towards the orange circle on your map within the fort and go up the ramp. Use Eagle Vision to find Arnold and walk up to him with your Wolf Cloak ability activated. Make sure your Hidden Blades are equipped and press SIDE-MISSIONS 5 Attack Convoys Convoys spawn randomly in the Frontier but obviously they can only be found on roads. The long road from the west to the east of the Frontier in the middle of the Map is the best place to find these, as they spawn quite frequently. Note that the convoy you rescue during the DLC story does not count towards the 5 missions needed. When you are running round the map you will get a notification informing you that an enemy convoy is nearby, shown by a small red rectangle on the map. Run over to it and there will be 10 Bluecoats guarding the two cages – three each marching in front and behind and 4 in the middle between the cages. Simply kill them all (using your Wolf Cloak works a treat here as you can hide behind the cages for cover to replenish your health) and free the prisoners from the two cages by going up to each one and pressing :o:. If you are having trouble finding multiple convoys, luckyegg has provided an excellent tip. When you come across a convoy and free the prisoners, wait until you get a notification saying “Mission Complete”, then Pause the game and select “Quit”. Now Load the DLC from the Main Menu again, then you will appear back in the same location and a convoy will spawn right in front of you. I have also confirmed that this works 100% of the time. 5 Help The Hungry Again, these spawn randomly but most frequently in the towns and also the caves on the borders of the Frontier. To “feed” the citizen you will need to have Raw Meat in your inventory. To get this you will need to skin the wolves which attack you around the Frontier. You will encounter many of them during your travels, defeating them is a simple matter of completing a two-button QTE and then pressing When you are notified of a starving citizen nearby, locate him on your Map and then approach him and press Similar to the “Attack Convoy” missions, if you want to get the missions out of the way quickly, feed a starving citizen and then Pause and Quit. Load up the DLC and you will spawn right next to the same starving citizen, allowing you to quickly complete the mission again. Thanks again to luckyegg for the tip. I stumbled upon a very quick method to finish these 5 missions, entirely by accident. Strangely you only to defeat two of the three wolves to get the “Mission Complete” notification. Therefore kill two of them then when you see the notification, let the third wolf maul you by not pressing any buttons during the QTE. You will die very quickly and then respawn right next to the same citizen in need of help. Simply defend him again and repeat until you have completed 5. This should take you only a couple of minutes. 3 Memory Artifacts There are three “Lucid Memory Artifacts” to find around the map. The first one is available right at the beginning, whilst the last two are only available at the end of the story. When you get within their general vicinity, the symbol for the artefact will appear on your Map. When you find the artefact, interact with it by pressing 1. When you are travelling to your second mission, this will already be on your map and is directly en route to the mission marker. It is located on a table inside a burnt-out house in the eastern town of the Frontier. 2. Available only when the story is completed. When you complete the story, the game will automatically back you out to the Main Menu. Boot up the DLC again and you will spawn a village in the north of the map. You will be close to a river. Follow it east a short way and the artefact will be on the riverbank. 3. Available when the story is complete. On your map, in the middle of the Frontier on the western edge, there is a large fort (where you earlier completed a mission). In the middle of this fort, inside one of the small guard tents, you will find this fragment on a table. When all three are collected, a symbol on your map will appear in the south-eastern corner. This is the location for a video which sheds some light on the fragments, however, it is not required to watch this video for the trophy. |
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West Point Payback Defeat Benedict Arnold. (TOKW: Infamy) |
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This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. You will receive this trophy upon completion of Mission 6: “Justice Served” and thus the end of the story.
After freeing the bear from captivity, you will need to use your Wolf Cloak to sneak into the fort. Once you do so, go to the orange circle on your map and go up the ramp in the area. Scan the surroundings with Eagle Vision |
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Frequent Flyer Use Eagle Flight to travel 1 km. (TOKW: Betrayal) |
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During Mission 2: “Sky World Journey”, you will obtain the “Eagle Flight” ability. This ability allows you to aim at ledges and buildings with the ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You will almost certainly earn this trophy without even trying, as 1 km really isn’t that far. I got this trophy during Mission 3 whilst playing naturally, as most of the distance is already covered in the ability’s tutorial in Mission 2. If for some strange reason you haven’t unlocked this by the end of the story, you are free to roam around in Boston post-game. You will get this in a matter of seconds using the ability to fly across the rooftops. |
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The New Tea Party Reach 100% synchronization in Boston. (TOKW: Betrayal) |
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In order to reach 100% synchronization in Boston, you will need to complete all of the following:
None of these side-missions are particularly challenging in their own right but be prepared to fight many guards at once. Unlike the sparsely-populated Frontier of the first episode, Boston is densely-packed with guards. If they so much as see you running around, you will be attacked. Therefore, during the vast majority of these missions, you will have to kill many more guards than originally shown to complete these missions, particularly during the “Attack Convoy” scenarios. There are far fewer hiding places, so even Wolf Cloak cannot help you much as there is nowhere to hide and regain your health. Fortunately, unlike in Episode 1, these side-missions spawn in the same location every time. Once you complete one, simply leave the immediate vicinity before returning by which time the mission scenario will have regenerated. You can check how many of each type of mission you have completed, as well as your total sync %, in the DNA Tracker in the Pause menu (press 4 Attack Convoys When you are running round the map you will get a notification informing you that an enemy convoy is nearby, these are displayed as a small red rectangle on the map. Run over to it and there will be 10 Bluecoats guarding the two cages – three each marching in front and behind and 4 in the middle between the cages. The best tactic to start you off is to employ one of your Animal Powers. If you choose to use the Wolf Cloak, activate it and take out as many as you can before your health deteriorates. If you use Eagle Assassinate, perch yourself on a ledge above the convoy and take out a group of two Bluecoats to thin the number of guards. Either way, a load of other guards are going to join in, meaning you will have to defeat all of them before you lose your notoriety. Once you do, free the prisoners from the two cages by going up to each one and pressing :o:. See the map below for a guaranteed spawn point of this mission. 5 Help The Hungry To “feed” a citizen you will need to have Raw Meat in your inventory. These can be obtained either by looting chests. pickpocketing from the people around Boston or from your time in the Frontier. I already had the maximum of 10 in my inventory from Episode 1 and they carry over here. When you are notified of a starving citizen nearby, locate him on your Map and then approach him and press See the map below for a guaranteed spawn point of this mission. 4 Rescue Civilian When running around Boston, you will be informed that Bluecoats are about to execute a civilian. Get there as quickly as you can and take out the guards surrounding the citizen. There are usually only 2 or 3 that need to be killed for the mission to count as completed, but it is extremely likely that a bunch of other guards will see you and come rushing to attack you. Either fight them off or run away and become anonymous again. See the map below for a guaranteed spawn point of this mission. 2 Wolf Rescue The Wolf Rescue missions involve you defending a citizen from three wolves. To defeat them, run up to the citizen and stab as many of the wolves with your hidden blades as you can before they attack you. You can also just stand there and let all the wolves attack you anyway. Either way, you will need to engage in a QTE, whereby you need to press two buttons to defeat each wolf. You have plenty of time to press the buttons and the first button is always 3 Memory Artefacts There are three “Lucid Memory Artefacts” to find around Boston. The first one is available right after Sequence 4, whilst the last two are only available at the end of the story. When you get within their general vicinity, the symbol for the artefact will appear on your Map. When you find the artefact, interact with it by pressing 1. After Sequence 3 ends you will be on a rooftop. Directly on your route to the mission marker for Mission 4, this fragment will be in your path in the form of a musket on a rooftop. See the map below for the precise location of this fragment (it is the South-Easterly one). 2. Located in the far north of Boston, this artefact will be in the form of a hat on a wooden table underneath an awning. See the map below for the precise location of this fragment (it is the one in the north). 3. The final fragment is located in the Mid-Western part of Boston and takes the form of a crate in the middle of a huge group of guards. Your best bet is to sneak past them with your Wolf Cloak ability and interact with the artefact, otherwise you face a massive fight before you can become anonymous. When all three are collected, a symbol on your map will appear in the North-East of Boston, out to sea on the Aquila. This is the location for a video which sheds some light on the fragments, however, it is not required to watch this video for the trophy. |
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Blindsided Defeat Putnam. (TOKW: Betrayal) |
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This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. You will earn this trophy upon completion of Mission 9: “Escape To New York” at the end of the story.
After you have defended your fellow soldiers from the waves of enemies and they have boarded the Aquila, Putnam will appear holding your friend Kanen’tó:kon hostage at knife-point. You will have to use one of your Animal Powers to kill Putnam. Either use your Wolf Cloak ability to become invisible and then run to him and stab him or, even easier, use Eagle Assassinate. This is done by equipping your Eagle power, holding |
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Aftershock Kill 125 enemies using Bear Might. (TOKW: Redemption) |
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During Mission 2: “Sky World Journey”, you will obtain the “Bear Might” ability. This ability allows you to pound the ground by pressing ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You will almost certainly earn this trophy without even trying, as you get to try out the power during the tutorial in Mission 2, and then on a couple of further occasions in the story. You will also encounter a large number of guards in New York who will attack you. Every time you get a few bunched together, use this power to clear them out and work towards this trophy. If you want to get this trophy as quickly as possible, you can do so in Mission 2: “Sky World Journey”. As soon as you obtain the ability, you will come to a section where Washington sends a huge number of guards running towards you. Kill all of them with Bear Might, then pause the game and select “Reload Checkpoint”. Kill all of them again, and it should be enough to earn you this trophy. |
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If I Can Make It There Reach 100% synchronization in New York. (TOKW: Redemption) |
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In order to reach 100% synchronization in New York, you will need to complete all of the following:
None of these side-missions are particularly challenging in their own right, but be prepared to fight many guards at once, as often when trying to clear out the enemies needed for the mission, many more join the fray. Bear Might comes in extremely handy here, as it can wipe out large groups of enemies at once. Fortunately, side-missions spawn in the same location every time. Once you complete one, simply leave the immediate vicinity before returning, by which time the mission scenario will have regenerated. You can check how many of each type of mission you have completed, as well as your total Sync %, in the DNA Tracker in the Pause menu (press MAIN STORY MISSIONS Mission 1: Dark Waters Successfully brace when attacked – #/5 When this mission starts, head towards the enemy ships and when you reach them set your sail to “Stop” and don’t move. Let the four ships around you come to you and attack you. Once an enemy ship is by your side, they will launch a broadside at you, which is indicated by the section of ocean between the side of their ship and yours being covered by a red marker. To brace from an incoming attack, press Do not hit any rocks in the minefield. This one is much easier than it appears. There are only a couple of rocks to dodge and they are easily visible. Do not shoot the mines as you will desynchronise, and try to stick to one side of the minefield to minimize your maneuvering. Swap between “Stop” and “Half Sail” if you need to increase or decrease speed and make turning easier, but never go to “Full Sail” or you will likely lose control. Captain Faulkner will warn you when a “rogue wind” is coming, but these affect your ship minimally if you are travelling slowly, so you shouldn’t need to worry. Destroy 80% of Washington’s armada in the upper bay. This objective should not cause you any trouble if you have finished the naval missions in the main game. The problem that a lot of people seem to be having is triggering the end-of-mission cutscene before 80% of the ships are destroyed. This is because when the second wave of ships come, they are off in the distance and if you go towards them, the mission will end once you pass an invisible point in the sea. What you need to do is stay in the exact same spot as you start off in. Destroy the mines with your cannon Mission 2: Sky World Journey Do not touch the ground. After you remove the first golden spear from the giant bear, you will have to travel across various glitchy Animus platforms to get to the other spears. Simply use Eagle Flight to traverse across them, and when you reach the bear, jump off onto its fur with Do not take damage from Washington’s guards This is the objective where you can keep using Bear Might and reloading the checkpoint to farm the Aftershock trophy. Keep running towards the large image of Washington and spam Bear Might with Mission 3: The Parting Of The Blue Sea Kill 50 Bluecoats: #/50 This is another extremely simple objective. A lot of enemies will already be grouped together, so go into the middle of them and use Bear Might to wipe them out. Use Eagle Assassination on the snipers on the ledges above to stop them taking pot-shots at you. If your health gets low due to overuse of Animal Powers, just kill enemies as normal, chaining kills until your health returns. The mission will end once you are told to destroy the front gate with Bear Might, so make sure you’ve killed 50 Bluecoats before you do so. Mission 4: Feeding The Masses Kill Fitzwilliams while remaining undetected. There are a couple of ways to do this. Firstly, use Eagle Flight to get on top of the wall above you next to the gate. You can then choose to either drop down, equip Wolf Cloak and assassinate him whilst invisible, or use Eagle Assassinate on him by highlighting him and holding Do not let the cart’s state dip below 50%. This is the hardest bonus objective in this DLC, so it might take a few tries. Equip both your Hidden Blades and Eagle Flight and be ready for the first two guards to appear together in front of you. When they do, aim towards them and hold After this, two guards will attack the cart from the ground, whilst another sniper will do so from above. Eagle Assassinate the one on the ground nearest to you, then aim upwards at the sniper and Eagle Assassinate him. Then the last guard should have climbed onto the cart by now, so Eagle Assassinate him from above. Further down the road, you will come to some explosive barrels that you will need to use Bear Might on to destroy. Before you do so, you will be attacked by a large group of enemies. Take them out using a combination of your normal weapons, Bear Might and Summon Wolf Pack (hold Perform 3 Double-Eagle Assassinations. See above. Mission 5: One Step At A Time There are no optional objectives in this mission. Mission 6: The Signal Save at least 3 firing squad victims. When you approach the marker from the rooftops, you will see the victims tied up in front of a row of soldiers. Eagle Assassinate a couple of them from your vantage point and the rest of the guards will attack you and leave the victims alone. Simply kill them all (Bear Might works well here), and then free the victims. Reach the tower using only chained Eagle Flights. After the cutscene, you will see a tower in the distance that you must reach. To chain Eagle Flights, you must aim towards the next ledge and press Kill 5 guards with one use of Bear Might. Instead of destroying the rubble at the bottom of the tower, run around the camp until you get a group of guards following you. There are loads of enemies, so getting 5 together in a group should be really easy. Once you have a group, use Bear Might in the middle of them and you will easily accomplish this objective. Mission 7: Halls Of Injustice Do not kill any animals in Washington’s zoo. After you use Bear Might to bust through the wall and kill the Bluecoats on the bridge, you will have to analyze three clues. One is on the side with the bear, and the other two are on the bobcat’s side. To avoid being attacked by the animals, drop to the floor where they are roaming and immediately activate Wolf Cloak with :tr:. Run over to the clue whilst invisible and activate it, then change to Eagle Flight to get back up to the bridge. Do the same on the other side and you will complete this objective. Open the throne room door in under 1 minute. Once you activate the pedestal in front of the stairs, you will have one minute to solve the puzzle to open the throne room door. The puzzle is fairly easy; there are three pieces to move with the Mission 8: Inevitable Confrontation There are no optional objectives in this Mission. SIDE-MISSIONS 3 Attack Convoy When you are running round the map you will get a notification informing you that an enemy convoy is nearby, shown by a small red rectangle on the map. Run over to it and there will be 10 Bluecoats guarding the two cages – three each marching in front and behind and 4 in the middle between the cages. The best tactic in this Episode is to run into each group and activate Bear Might. This will wipe out most of the guards very quickly and means you won’t have to fight a large group at once. Just pick the remaining guards off if there are any survivors. Once they are all defeated, free the prisoners from the two cages by going up to each one and pressing See the map below for a guaranteed spawn point of this mission. 3 Defend Civilian The Defend Civilian missions involve you defending three citizens from a group of Bluecoats. To defeat them, either start from a vantage point and Eagle Assassinate a couple of guards below you or equip your Wolf Cloak ability and stab as many guards as you can before your health depletes. Summoning your Wolf Pack will also help you to thin the guards out quickly. Do not use Bear Might as this will kill the civilians too, thus failing the mission. Once all the guards are dead, you will have completed the mission. See the map below for a guaranteed spawn point of this mission. 6 Help The Hungry To “feed” the citizen you will need to have Raw Meat in your inventory. These can be obtained either by looting chests, pickpocketing from the people around New York, or ones carried over from the previous Episodes. When you are notified of a starving citizen nearby, locate him on your Map and then approach him and press See the map below for a guaranteed spawn point of this mission. 3 Rescue Civilian When running around New York, you will be informed that Bluecoats are about to execute a civilian. Get there as quickly as you can and take out the guards surrounding the citizen. There are only 2 that need to be killed for the mission to be completed, so this is really easy. The quickest way to complete it is to Double-Eagle Assassinate the two Bluecoats from above. 3 Lucid Memory Artefacts There are three “Lucid Memory Artefacts” to find around New York. When you get within their general vicinity, the symbol for the artefact will appear on your Map. When you find the artefact, interact with it by pressing 1. This will be easiest to get during Mission 6: “The Signal”, as it is in the same camp where you have to use Bear Might to bring down the tower. You will see the symbol on your map appear nearby, so go there and between some tents on a wooden table will be a part of some Assassin’s armour. Interact with it to find this artefact. 2. In the north-eastern area of the map, there will be a white church. Climb to the top of its steeple and you will find an object that looks like a ring or a bracelet on top of a crate. 3. North-west of Washington’s pyramid will be a few blocks of burnt-out houses. In the middle of these is a gallows with some rope nooses hanging down. Climb to the top of the gallows to find this final artefact. When all three are collected, a symbol on your map will appear in the east of New York, out to sea on the Aquila. This is the location for a video which sheds some light on the fragments. However, it is not required to watch this video for the trophy. |
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First in the Hearts Defeat George Washington. (TOKW: Redemption) |
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This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. You will earn this trophy upon completion of Mission 8: “Inevitable Confrontation” at the end of the story.
Once the cutscene on top of the pyramid finishes, the boss battle will commence. Defeating Washington via conventional purposes won’t work, so you will need to use your Animal Powers here. Washington will stand in the middle of the area with golden spheres moving slowly around him. If you approach him normally, he will knock you back with his scepter. Therefore, equip your Wolf Cloak with Once he knocks you back, you must repeat the above process again. Eventually, a small scene with some dialogue will play. You are then told to use your Bear Might power on the corners of the stained glass floor. Once you have used Bear Might on three corners, a cutscene will initiate, during which this trophy will pop. |
PowerPyx says
In cooperation with Darth_Krid & GlennThomas, we teamed up to reorganize the old PS3 guide for the PS4 Remaster.
In the new trophy list the Online Trophies have been removed and replaced with DLC trophies. Updates to the Roadmap have been made accordingly.
It’s still undergoing confirmation if “An Extraordinary Man” is glitched like it was in the PS3 version.
Happy trophy hunt from Darth_Krid, GlennThomas & PowerPyx 🙂
thelegofan1210 says
This is how your trophy guides should be. You tell us which trophies we get in each step.
darren wright says
You powerpyx and your team are legends your guides are spot on . I try to do stuff on my own anf fail miserably like Brexit but when I need a helping hand your always there..on my 87 plat now and most are down to you peeps..cheers rkid
MidnightDragonDX says
For Coureur des Bois, you can also use arrows (the game says you can’t, but not true), snares, and poison darts for an undamaged pelt.
Wild_Dark_Shadow says
And after looking through the internet I found something that can help with Fanorona too. It’s an app for Android that simulates the game: (don’t know if its available on iOS)
The thing here is that this app is not 100% accurate on the moves, but I managed to get the victory with it.
1- Set a game against the app and choose go first;
2- On PS4 set a game and choose go second;
3- For more accurate vision, turn your phone upside down and replicate the moves Achilles do in the app. On the PS4 do the moves the app make against you;
4- By the end of the game (aprox. 3 against 3) continue doing the moves the same way but be aware because the app probably will gave the pegs to eat so the best way here is trying to do moves by yourself and lock Achilles moves.
Hope this helps because this games are really annoying and I remember the first time I’ve tried this on PS3.
About the “Encyclopedia of the Common Man” trophy
For now I’m doing every search with no problem. On PS3 I had problems with the farmers and the Lumberers but by now I have everything except for the Doctor, Blacksmith and Tailor. If those 3 have no problem too, maybe theres no glitch on this version.
(Sorry if there’s any english error but it’s not my mother language)
Kimmuryiel says
that’s how I won Fanorana in AC4 several times, works probably 90% of the time (for best results: set the app on your phone to the highest difficulty level)
Soul of Cinder says
I only have interest in playing Liberation since I’ve never played that game. If I download this remaster and only play Liberation, will there still be a trophy list of ACIII popping up in the trophies list on the PS4 menu, or will it just be the Liberation trophies?
NxtGenesis says
Nope whichever game u start those trophies will pop up in trophies list only.
Wild_Dark_Shadow says
They have changed the Chests system I think. None of them requires to pick the lock and I’m missing two on Boston.
Bought the chest map and collect every single one, even the one in the tavern in the Center district but I can’t find the last one there and in the North district, so I’m locked at 7/8 Center and 1/2 North.
Any help with that?
Alexander Turnowsky says
It looks like that the missing ones will spawn beginning of the sequence 9.
Comment from NogamiSaeko22 in the UbiSoft Forum:
Just to warn you that i’ve reached the beginning of the sequence 9 and the last 2 missing chests finally spawned on the map (one at north east side on a boat and the one near the Hill Fort), both guarded and both with a weapon recipe inside.
AZMade90 says
So are side missions/naval missions required to be full 100 percent synched? Or can we skip optional objectives?
Heartattackguy says
For full sync you need all side content that includes clubs and naval, homestead too I think
Jamescush147 says
Yes everything in the DNA Tracker counts.
Missions like the Benedict Arnold memories or the other single missions dlc does not.
Fat-Westy says
Can confirm delivery requests r glitched f*** u ubisoft
Wild_Dark_Shadow says
And how? Finished mine today without problem, you just need to look for the guys in the right location, or else they didn’t pop in the map
Daniel says
I have platinumed the game and no glitch for me. Could you be more specific
Fat-Westy says
My mistake there’s some delivery request locations that dont appear on the map u have 2 find them yourself
Clyner82 says
I can second that, as the Troy’s Wood delivery request regarding getting wolf fangs, cougar fangs etc doesn’t allow me to hand in the items as there is no interact option with the npc. This has me on 99% and stopping me from platinum
splayzer says
also confirm that delivery requests is glitched. Completed all of them, next day, DNA tracker shows them at 0%… Ubisoft…..smh….
surtur101 says
Beware of the naval mission the Giant and the storm. This incredible pile of steaming s*** of a mission cost me my platinum.
Darth_Krid says
Haha, even that name still brings back PTSD and it’s been 7 years. Guess it hasn’t changed in the Remaster then!
splayzer says
This! Im stuck on the giant storm and the freakin eagle (reduce collisions to two)….cant do it for the life of me….smh…
WhiteWolfDK says
Stuck on this one as well, wish I hadn’t upgraded the ram, so if you haven’t done that yet, don’t because you will sink the frigates so easy when you ram them to expose the powderstorage.
Bradley says
the original gamer trophy is still cancerous. I just cant seem to win fonorona lol. Anyone wanna help me out and do it via shareplay?
This is really frustrating me and i just cant seem to win.
Bradley says
MY PSN is Bradley5314
Wild_Dark_Shadow says
If you have an Android device, search for an app called Fanoroma and simulate the game there. Got mine that way. For iOS I don’t know what’s available
Fat-Westy says
Just thought I’d mention this I’ve just got the an extraordinary man trophy with no issues
Thank you!
Fat-Westy says
Also not sure if this applies 2 all parts of the dlc but you don’t have 2 wait until after the story 2 get all the memory artifacts in the infamy I’ve personally found them all and I’ve only done 4 of the 6 story missions
Liam says
When you say you have to 100% sync I one play through, as in play through the game or mission. As I picked up the bonus objectives on two attempts of a mission only getting one each time but they stacked completing the set.
Darth_Krid says
100% sync the entire game. You can replay missions for the objectives of course.
Jane Cotton says
The Labourers are not doing anything, I scanned Catherine churning but that is about it. Those two lazy arse scots just don’t do anything. They are going to be a pain in the remaster, it was Morris in the original that used to take ages to scan doing stuff, but these two idiots are going to be a pain.
Khalid says
The trophy glitched for me! Ugh I hate Ubisoft! The woodworker says 2/3 but in on the animus database it says 100%
Khalid says
I can’t believe I just got it! I scanned him while fixing the chair and that beautiful sound of the trophy went to my ears like.. never mind hahaha. Thanks Powerpyx you’re truly a legend and those who helped you as well!
Khalid says
A small tip I forgot to mention. You can use eagle vision it makes it easier to know if they are doing or about to do an activity. If they are in gold color, you can scan them. If they are in blue don’t waste your time.
Warriv says
It seems that the woodworker can still completely disappear. And my doctor is also nowhere to be found.
Khalid says
This game is so bugged! Now I can’t get Completionist I am stuck at 99% when I checked the only thing left is Delivery Requests so it was Big Dave’s! All 4 missions are 100% especially The Proper Tools! So when I go to the store to buy both items for him the ebony hammer handle and the other they are locked! What am I supposed to do now? Any help would be appreciated 🙁
Khalid says
Well, I just got the trophy! It was actually one of the citizens who wasn’t showing in the map I found him in Frontier! Now I just wanna finish TOKW and get done with this bugged game!
Chris says
Where is this location?
I have 99% and it shows me on the delivery missions that I only have 66%.
Everything else is on 100%.
On the map is nothing left to do.
Where can I find this last person. I become really desperate now.
Mimura says
I got the UFO side quest glitch………………….awesome :/
Cradical says
Got an issue with the general stores, they are showing up as not visited. I have found all the stores and have sold them all perfect pelts at least 5 times now, no pop for Coureur des Bois. I have completed the entire story line missions, and replayed Seq 5 and it still isnt sorted.
Cradical says
Seems Taverns are also not being recorded lol This game is a buggy mess haha
esden18 says
Same for me, half the stores show as not visited. Also when you zoom out of the map the NY days 3 shops unlocked, but Boston says there’s FIVE when only 3! And Frontier says 4 unlocked. What a buggy mess. Will never be able plat this game despite doing 100%.
Frasier says
Well, I can;t sprint in the game. I found out you can sprint because I couldn’t do the ”tackle a guy from above” optional objective. I search on youtube and everyone sprints. I managed to do it after 3 million times, but now I am stuck on ”Dead Chest Treasure” in the chase to do 3 running assassinations, I can sprint for 1 milisecond, but then I fail the 40m optional objective. I am so pissed!
There is a forum post about this, but they probably won’t do it. This is the only mission I have to do for the main game trophies!!!!
Frasier says
Just bought a new controller, the one I have is day one release, apparently there is a V2 controller now. I read on reddit this MIGHT fix the problem. I’ll keep you updated.
But yes, I ‘jogged’ all the game, and in sequence 6/7 I saw the sprint button should actually sprint
Frasier says
Got the new controller today and I can confirm that is a fix for not sprinting. Apparently there is something with the V1 controller.
Made it on the first attempt now! Heart pounding like crazy lol
Only The Giant and the storm and 1 delivery request (I finished all with a a guide and still at 66% but okay) and then I can finally go to the DLC, of which i read it is also a buggy mess haha
Frasier says
Got 100% on the story. Now the DLC.
Frasier says
Platinum. Finally.
Shahadat says
I have completed every Delivery request but it’s still showing 32% if there’s anything I should know to make it 100% let me know. Currently I’m in Sequence 11.
Frasier says
I had that a couple of times too. Used multiple guides. You are probably missing a couple.
2 in Boston. 3 in Frontier and 3 in New York.
Those are all 8 delivery requests.
Shahadat says
I found that I missed 1 from Boston and 1 from Frontier. It seems Delivery request doesn’t show up until I visit that place.
Frasier says
Yeah, it is strange that way. It is good you have them now though.
Delsin_Graves says
Got a bug with George Washington. Speak with him after Sequence 9 Mission 1 (when he doesn’t have W icon) and right now I’m stuck. Replay this mission and still nothing.
Frasier says
Finish the game, then speak to him when he does have the W. If that doesn’t work, replay Sequence 9 memory 1.
Oi! says
I’ve got the same problem… echh :/
kantera says
So are there any bugged or glitched trophies in the Remastered version or does everything pop up as intended?
DrJustice says
I just wanted to point out a bug that happened to me on collecting almanacks. I collected all of them and built all the inventions but progress is stuck on 89% Feels really disappointing after finishing everything else. I send tickers to support as well to no avail. (Total sync is stuck on 99%). I basically less then 1% off and I cannot do anything. Double checked all the spots etc. So be carefull guys. I cannot play thru all the missions again since my work and family are killing me.
Gabren says
Thanks, saved me.
Hakeem says
Extraordinary still glitched on remastered versions
Ashkanv2a says
Velt says
Are Benedict Arnold DLC missions necessary for full sync in Remastered?
Kev says
No, thank god
Kimmuryiel says
I have a question that I really want the answer to, about the most annoying feature from the original AC3: does getting all the viewpoints in the remaster uncover the whole map?
I’ve got 90-100% completion in every AC game (except Unity, Origins, and Odyssey because those games drive me up the wall), just need to do 3….but if I still have to run over every damn inch of the map to find all the side crap, I may think better of going for 100% completion in that one.
Reddevil77a says
I did all north new york liberation missions, then the final mission to liberate the area and level up dobby carter until max level 11…
And still im at 90%…im at sequence 10 now and im panicking that there may be a glitch…is there any other mission with dobby or is this a glitch?
Thanks for your help
moonman says
thank you powerpyx for the guide
Matthew344 says
Hello, thanks for this Great Guide. I hope someone may help me.
I have everything done but there is one thing missing. Talking To Washington, but the problem is, that I cant talk to him in 9-1 Even there is a W on the man. Does someone know how to fix or get done with this glitch?
Tim says
Animus Hacks can be used in mission replays to complete 100% sync. The “assassinate anytime” hack makes the hanging mission much easier.
WhiteWolfDK says
Must have been changed because they are not possible to use now, the Hack menu simply isn’t there.
Jags says
For the life of me, I cannot seem to get the completionist challenge achievement on the Ubisoft Club. Before anyone asks, EVERYTHING is at 100% (Main story, homestead, naval, TOKW,) I have all of the PSN trophies, but I just don’t understand why I can’t get the completionist challenge achievement if I’ve literally done EVERYTHING! This is so frustrating! Any help would certainly be appreciated because I’ve just about given up on trying to figure it out, but I’m a perfectionist and it bothers me.
esden18 says
I can’t get the Jager Bomb trophy. Reason being, no matter what massacre I cause in the open, I never hit Notoriety 3. I literally kill 30+ soldiers in the street and maybe I’ll get to lvl 2. Sometimes I’ll be on Not.2 in a restricted area all the while surrounded by and attacking several soldiers and as I move slightly out of restricted into the street, mid-combat, drop to incognito. This is so frustrating!
And Seq5-Mem2 never works: I start out on lvl2 on the roof and only 2 jagers ever come. Drop to street, kill another 20+ soldiers, finally hit Not.3 and then 3 jagers come along that are invincible and I get killed given my health is low at this point. But I’d still be missing 7 jagers anyway.
Any suggestions? Anyone else having issues with the notoriety mechanic?
shads says
do it on sequence 5 – 3 boston most wanted, your wanted level does not go down, just run around find jagers with fancy hats and you got it
R2D2IsASith says
Glitch present and made getting the platinum for me impossible unless I restarted the whole game. It happened after I quit the game during the UFO Frontiersman mission. The search area would not appear and I would be stuck on the “investigate the source of the UFO” objective. Frontiersman symbol would appear at the taverns but there was no one to talk to. Couldn’t complete the mission despite knowing what to do from YouTube video. The mission counts towards the “Completionist” trophy. Not sure if this applies to all side missions or just the UFO one.
Don’t start a side quest (club mission) and quit in the middle. Finish or you’ll be glitched out of the plat and will have to restart the game
ziggurcat says
Spit Roast isn’t working for me – he keeps dropping the musket, and killing with the hidden blade instead.
WhiteWolfDK says
Press attack not assainate, did the same until I realised that og was wrong.
Scott says
Does anybody know if Elks are bugged in Homestead?
I know they are supposed to be west of the farms or sometimes north/north-east of the manor.
*I have tried searching for clues (of which there is none).
*I have tried a bait and hide ( waited for 30 minutes in real-time),
*I’ve tried fast travel to Boston and back.
*I’ve tried advancing a few sequences.
The damn Elks just are not spawning there at all. Has anyone else suffered this issue? I feel it’s going to be the only thing that stops me getting the platinum for this game.
Greed says
So if I collected 2 pages as haytham and when I start as Connor and dna shows 0% sync on almanac pages that means I’m f****d and have to start over?
Kenoobie says
I think yes, dont wanna take any chances so im already starting over because of that..i was already in sequence 4 when i saw the 0% almanac dna tracker..fck ubi for not fixing old bugs..
Kieran Meehan says
If I’ve already got the platinum trophy in Assassins Creed 3 (PS3) can I transfer my save over and auto pop the PS4 version? Or for any other PS3 remaster?
Mad Dog says
I’m playing the Remastered version on PS4. The Completionist trophy just popped for me, before playing any of the Epilogue missions. I had everything else done. The last thing was talking to Washington (Frontiersmen II challenge).
WhiteWolfDK says
Any good ideas on how to get the good doctor start doing other things, her just harvest his herbs and then go to read his book, this has been going on for days both in-game and real-time.
Even tried to shoot some passers-by to see if this would trigger him taking care of them but it didn’t work.
WhiteWolfDK says
Have gotten it now, use the Season Hack to stay in Winter, they do different things, if he doesn’t do some new things, change to summer.
Tedious as f*** but it makes it possible.
indigomaflingo says
Not sure anyone is looking here, but Tyrant of King Washington sequence “One Man Wolf Pack” appears to be bugged for me. Second optional objective always fails. Tried calling the pack as soon as I get control, chasing a bit before making the call, but the second he dies, the objective turns to a red X. I’ve watched god knows how many videos, but it looks like it’s supposed to trigger the moment he gets tackled (before he dies), and it’s just not triggering for me. I don’t see what I’m doing wrong, if anything. = /
Good news is, everything else in AC3 went perfectly (ignoring occasional audio/visual bugs). So at least the majority of the game is fine.
mrjacharles says
As a heads up for the Encyclopaedia of the common man I was having a head trip trying to find the doctor and Lance up until I did an interactive conversation where the two talk about how single they are with Connor. If you’re finding someone in particular isn’t coming up I think the conversations which look like little Wi-Fi icons might be holding you back.
Oh, also time of day does matter. All the lads are at the pub in the evening.
mrjacharles says
For those that get a lucid memory glitch where it says 3/3 on the map but your DNA says 66% an application reset is required. You can still use your save data but you have to make sure your viewing of each lucid memory isn’t interrupted. I had a hell of a time dealing with that in Putnam’s camp, but at least you don’t have to do the story missions all over again.
AbbiNormality says
This is probably a long shot, but I can’ seem to get the Frontiersmen challenges to start despite the fact that I have bene in and out of all three stores in the Frontier. All the others started juts fine it is just this one.
Quill says
Regarding ” An Extraordinary Man” being glitched, can confirm it is NOT glitched on the Remastered version on PS5. Grindy yes but not glitched.
Scan for “Golden Targets” and highlight them for few seconds. If already scanned in that task, you do get notified.
Jason says
A really easy way to get the Eye Witness trophy is to play through the DLC. The first time you summon your wolves to kill an enemy will pop the trophy. I was a bit surprised to discover this as I played through the King Washington DLC before the main game.