Juggernaut is a main boss in Armored Core VI during Main Mission 08: Operation Wallclimber. He is a heavily armored boss at the end of the mission.
It’s all a matter of having the right build and strategy for the fight.
Juggernaut Boss Build
All of the required parts are available by the time you reach this boss. If you don’t have these parts unlocked, quit out and farm “Mission 6: Attack the Dam” for money. This mission gives around 170,000 COAM and only takes 90 seconds. You can also sell existing parts at the same price you bought them. Recreate this exact build:
- R-Arm: SG-026 HALDEMAN – Shop: 75,000 COAM – Purchaseable after completing Chapter 1: Missions 6 & 7
- L.Arm: HI-32: BU-TT/A – Story related, obtained at the start of the game
- R-Back: BML-G1/P20MLT-04 – Story related, obtained at the start of the game
- L-Back: BML-G1/P20MLT-04 – Story related, obtained at the start of the game
- Head: Whatever has the highest AP rating (HD-012 MELANDER C3 if you have the Pre-Order DLC, otherwise use whatever is available)
- Core: DF-BD-08 TIAN-QIANG – Shop: 390,000 COAM – Purchaseable when shop is first available after Mission 2: Destroy Artillery Installations
- Arms: Whatever has the highest AP rating (AR-012 MELANDER C3 if you have the Pre-Order DLC, otherwise use whatever is available)
- Legs: Whatever has the highest AP rating (LG-012 MELANDER C3 if you have the Pre-Order DLC, otherwise use whatever is available)
- Booster: BST-G2/P04 – Shop: 72,000 COAM – Purchaseable when shop is first available after Mission 2: Destroy Artillery Installations.
- FCS: FCS-G1/P01 – Story related, obtained at the start of the game
- Generator: AG-J-098 JOSO – Story related, obtained at the start of the game
- Expansion: Nothing
Juggernaut Boss Easy Strategy
The boss is heavily shielded from the front and immune to most attacks. His weak spot is on the back. The key is getting behind him to attack. Fly up with /
and land behind the boss. Attack with the left hand melee blade for massive damage and with the right hand shotgun to deal good damage at close range. Fire the shoulder weapons whenever they are ready.
For the first half of the fight a teammate will be with you. He will distract the boss so it’s easy for you to get behind him. When the boss is at about half health the teammate goes away and you’re on your own. This is where it gets harder. The boss will often drive away when you try to get behind him and there’s nothing you can do about it. When he does it quickly fly towards him with (Left Stick). Either dodge around his side (
) or fly over him and land behind. Quickly land melee and shotgun attacks to stagger him. When the stagger bar at the top of the screen turns red, he will be stunned and takes increased damage. Unload all of your attacks while he’s staggered, just press all attack buttons quickly (including shoulder weapons).
The boss is weak against melee attacks. Since melee requires you to be close to the boss it’s best paired with a shotgun. The other parts don’t matter too much here, you won’t have many parts available at this point in the game anyway.
Next Bosses: Mission 01: Illegal Entry > Mission 08: Operation Wallclimber > Mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint > Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086 > Mission 14: Ocean Crossing > Mission 27: Destroy the Ice Worm > Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence > Mission 40: Shut Down the Closure Satellites
For everything else needed to obtain 100% completion refer to Armored Core VI Strategy Guide.
NovaBear says
The MELANDER C3 parts are NOT “story related”. you have them unlocked early because you pre ordered the game. For those that did not pre order they will not have access to these parts until later in the game.
PowerPyx says
Is this 100% confirmed? The other C3 Parts too? All I can find is a DLC item on Xbox Store that mentions it. It doesn’t say anything about it on PSN Store / Steam. It also didn’t download separate DLC for me and didn’t say in-game that these were from a pre-order bonus so I can’t confirm this or when the part would be unlocked without pre-order.
Regardless, the head absolutely doesn’t matter for this fight. Head parts’ main function is Scan Distance. Use whatever head you want, the main thing for the builds are the weapons and later on using the highest AP parts possible.
Blotch says
Melander C3 parts are only available at the start of game if you’re pre ordered otherwise unlock later in game. Guide should be updated to avoid confusion for those that didn’t preorder.
PowerPyx says
After which mission do they unlock without the pre-order? I must’ve had the preorder DLC as for me they unlocked after Mission 1.