Alan Wake 2 contains 8 Writer’s Journey Video Locations. All Videos are needed for the The Trail of the Writer trophy/achievement. Four of the videos are highly missable, while three of them are story-related and cannot be missed.
Writer’s Journey Videos are videos triggered when getting in close proximity to the relevant TV. These will start without interaction, and they will register as soon as they start, so you do not need to watch them if you don’t want to.
This guide uses the in-game chapter names as displayed on the save game (which are different from the chapter names in trophy/achievement list). They are exclusively found in Alan’s story sections. None of them are in Saga’s story sections.
Collectible Overview:
Initiation 1: Late Night
Writer’s Journey Video 1 – The Dark Place
Automatic story-related item, unlocks automatically at the end of the chapter during the final cutscene.
Writer’s Journey Video 2 – Writing
North of the ringing payphone, walk up to the TVs at Vision TV Shop to trigger it. This will also appear as an unmissable video at the end of Initiation 2: Casey, so if you miss it here you will get it later.
Initiation 2: Casey
Writer’s Journey Video 3 – Murder Sites
Automatic story-related collectible, cannot be missed. It unlocks while playing through the subway section, there will come a point where you must walk through a break room to advance (can’t be missed), at this point you are given the Video automatically.
Initiation 4: We Sing
[MISSABLE] Writer’s Journey Video 4 – The Dark Presence
North of the payphone, walk up to the TVs at Vision TV Shop to trigger it, same location as the second video in Initiation 2. This will be available from now until the end of Initiation 5: Room 665 when you go to enter Parliament Tower, but after that it won’t appear in future chapters!
Initiation 5: Room 665
[MISSABLE] Writer’s Journey Video 5 – Visions
Inside Room 101 of Oceanview Hotel, which is locked. The key for it is found in the Ballroom break room. This is only available until you end the chapter by entering Parliament Tower, so make sure to get it before you leave the hotel!
Initiation 7: Masks
[HIGHLY MISSABLE] Writer’s Journey Video 6 – Drowning
After reaching the Janitor’s Room, where the Janitor awaits you, go through the door behind him, down to the basement. At the end of the stairs turn right, enter the door at the end of the right path, hold /
to use the Light Shift. Step outside this room and turn to your immediate right, where there was a brick wall before you can now go downstairs. Go to the Workshop in the basement and use Light Shift there to make a Shoebox appear. You HAVE TO interact with the shoebox and pick up Alice’s Photographs from it. This is necessary to trigger the Video at the end of the chapter. Now go back up one floor and proceed to the TV at the end of the level, in the north-west room on the map. Interact with the TV, it will show the black screen “End of Part”. After this screen it will show the new Video “Drowning” in the bottom left of the screen. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE TV UNTIL YOU COLLECTED ALICE’S PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE SHOEBOX! If you didn’t collect Alice’s Photographs from the Shoebox you won’t get the video and it will have been missed. You can reload one of the previous Autosaves if you missed it. Check the TV in Alan’s Writer’s Room to confirm it counted correctly.
Initiation 8: Zane’s Film
Writer’s Journey Video 7 – Stop Writing
In the break room to the right of the Concession Stand.
[MISSABLE] Writer’s Journey Video 8 – Initiation
When you enter the movie screen and need to find the projector room, during the third loop of the area this will be behind a door you have to open to progress. Make sure to walk in and trigger it, as simply opening the door is enough to continue progressing but won’t trigger the video. Make sure to trigger it before leaving this room!
That’s all of the Writer’s Journey Videos in Alan Wake II. For all other Collectible Types refer to Alan Wake 2 Collectible Guide.
Immie says
Are you sure Drowning isn’t missable? Because I got all of them except that one and I’m on Initiation 8.
Archavia says
Did you leave the studio before going through the basement to collect the photos from the shoebox? It seems that might cause it to be missable on the current patch. I suspect something must’ve changed with one of the patches as when I did it initially I finished the chapter before grabbing the photos, but after going to grab them and leaving the video still played. Will double check it and confirm it as missable.
Immie says
I couldn’t respond to your messages. Yes, I left before picking up the pictures because I wasn’t paying attention. I returned after Initiation 8 to retrieve them. However, the journal still didn’t appear for me. I’m using version 1.000.005, and I’m also encountering issues with the stash. I’ve collected all the stashes and lunchboxes, but it’s stuck at 97%. The recent patch may have caused some problems.
Immie says
Wait. There’s more than one shoe box? Maybe that’s the problem.
Denver L Walker says
Did you ever figure this out? I think I’m having the same issue.
Immie says
I’m blind that’s not a second one
Bailey says
Its saying there are 9 videos to get the trophy…is the last one story related?
IX says
For me drowning also does not appear after I got to the end of initiation 8.
Srad77 says
Drowning video is not working for me. I can’t see the photos in the shoebox ?
Marcus G says
same here. The video didn’t play while exiting the room. What a bummer I don’t have an earlier save…
Irwynn says
In collectibles section it said there are 9 of them.
Emanuel says
Drowning is missable on current patch. Had to backtrack to the studio to get the photos at endgame (missed getting them in the previous missions) and nothing triggered afterwards.
Ep says
I’m guessing the ninth one is a story related one
Stemachine says
Oh man I’ve missed 2 of these which is so annoying as I was on for the platinum before that