Alan Wake 2 contains 28 Words of Power Locations. Finding one of these collectibles unlocks the Carry His Words trophy & achievement. The rest isn’t needed for any trophies or achievements but each unlocks upgrades for Alan. They are optional to collect. They also get marked on the map when finding their maps (which are also pointed out in the guide below).
All of them can still be found before Alan’s Point of No Return at the end of Chapter: Initiation 8: Zane’s Film. Before this point you can still backtrack and collect any Words of Power you have left. In Alan’s Mind Place you can see which ones you have found and which are remaining.
They look like yellow word circles. Simply aim your flashlight at them from close range to “collect” them. This guide uses the in-game chapter names as displayed on the save game (which are different from the chapter names in trophy/achievement list). They are exclusively found in Alan’s story sections. None of them are in Saga’s story sections.
Collectible Overview:
Initiation 2: Casey
Word of Power 1 – Words of Fix
After obtaining the flashlight/revolver (story-related main objective, unmissable), interact with the lamp in the same area by holding to steal the light. This opens a new path on the left under the lamp, follow this until you see a yellow “word circle” above a door, aim the flashlight at it to collect it.
Word of Power 2 – Words of Lamp
From where you found the flashlight/revolver be sure to take the light with you from the lamp. Then backtrack through the alley and go to the map location named Caldera St. Station (north of the area). Here use the light on the lamp on the right, above the staircase leading up (not the subway leading down). This clears the rubble, now go upstairs and climb up the ladder to the 2nd roof. On this roof is a door you can pass through, exit on the other side and follow the path until you see yellow arrows, they point towards the Word of Power. Aim at it with the flashlight to collect.
Map – Words of Power Locations
In the room with the Sheriff, will update the current map with locations. Circles on the map indicate Words of Power and small squares are supplies.
Word of Power 3 – Words of War
Continue down to street level and climb a ladder to another scaffolding on the right side. Follow this around to find the Word of Power between two air vents.
Word of Power 4 – Words of Gun
Use the lamp on the taxi to turn it into a police car and kill the enemies that appear, then enter the area they came from and look up to the left to spot it.
Word of Power 5 – Words of Action
Go down Draft Street and turn around. Look up to spot this underneath the train tracks.
Word of Power 6 – Words of Fix
Head west through the plaza to Wheeler Street and you will find this Word of Power outside the studio in a corner.
Word of Power 7 – Words of Gun
Once inside the subway, you will use an Echo to change the scene. Afterwards, head right to find this inside the train door.
Word of Power 8 – Words of Aid
Opposite the break room inside the subway, next to a train.
Word of Power 9 – Words of Lamp
After grabbing the light, go into the room next to you to find it behind a shelf.
Map – Words of Power Locations
After using the light to go downstairs, go right into the next room with the Sheriff to find it next to him.
Word of Power 10 – Words of War
Go up the ladder and turn around, then crawl under the scaffolding. The Word of Power will be on the ceiling above you.
Word of Power 11 – Words of Action
After using the Torchbearers Echo to get access to the burned train, climb down the ladder and go behind you instead of down the stairs. Around the corner will be a wood pallet, shoot it to reveal the word.
Word of Power 12 – Words of Fix
Go down the stairs to the next room and this will be on the wall to the left through the gate. Beware of enemies.
Word of Power 13 – Words of Lamp
Once you enter Shrine St. Station after doing some light shifts, go into the water on the left and this will be on the tunnel wall.
Word of Power 14 – Words of Gun
Now go through the train on the right to find this word on the train next to you.
Word of Power 15 – Words of Action
After entering the room on the other side of Shrine St. Station, this is immediately in front of you.
Word of Power 16 – Words of Fix
After going up the stairs, this Word of Power will be visible through the fence in front of you, right next to a break room.
Initiation 5: Room 665
This chapter begins after the cutscene in the alley.
Word of Power 17 – Words of Aid
Once you reach the rooftops, you will crawl under a cardboard hut. Walk to the corner and turn left to spot this Word of Power.
Word of Power 18 – Words of Lamp
Climb up the ladders to where there’s a light shift available and look at the water tower to your right. The word is on the tower.
Word of Power 19 – Words of Gun
Go down the stairs on the left and then go around and under the stairs. Look underneath the stairs to spot this.
Map – Words of Power Locations
Now go down the ladder to reach another room with the Sheriff and this map.
Word of Power 20 – Words of Aid
After going down the elevator, this is found outside in the small alley to the northwest, up on the wall.
Word of Power 21 – Words of War
Once you reach the Second Floor, go into Room 224 and there’ll be a wooden panel in the next room. Shoot it to access the bathroom and find this on the wall.
Word of Power 22 – Words of War
In the Second Floor Hallway, look through the glass above the left door leading to the stairwell to spot this Word of Power.
Map – Words of Power Locations
Inside Room 209 with the Sheriff. In order to unlock the door, grab the key from Room 206.
Word of Power 23 – Words of Stuff
Inside the Ballroom, above the bar.
Initiation 8: Zane’s Film
Word of Power 24 – Words of Fix
On the wall directly upstairs from the break room.
Word of Power 25 – Words of Action
Through the bathroom on the other side, on the roof of the back room.
Word of Power 26 – Words of Stuff
Once on the rooftop, head towards the Spotlights and turn around to spot this to the right.
Map – Words of Power Locations
Go through the gate then go down the stairs and you’ll be able to walk under where the gate was to reach the room with the Sheriff.
Word of Power 27 – Words of Lamp
Turn around and exit the door you came through, then look up to spot the word on the water tower.
Word of Power 28 – Words of Aid
To the left of the Poet’s Cinema there is a blocked tunnel, enter it and Words will be under the ceiling on the left wall near the tunnel entrance.
That’s all of the Words of Power in Alan Wake II. For all other Collectible Types refer to Alan Wake 2 Collectible Guide.
J Dog says
Can’t backtrack to Word of Power 13 – Words of Lamp and others – pathway to the abandoned station and shrine station blocked after finishing the chapter (post ritual)? Any ideas?
Mr. Scratch says
I have the exactly same problem. The only word of power I didn’t get
VANzerFrost says
Initiation 8: Zane’s Film
Word of Power 28 – Words of Aid
To the left of the Poet’s Cinema there is a blocked tunnel, enter it and Words will be under the ceiling on the left wall near the tunnel entrance.
CosmoVamp says
I think there was one outside of poets cinema near the climbable ladder out on the street
Alex says
Anyone know how many there are? Is it possible to upgrade Alan in a single playthrough? Also Saga?
Mike says
Not possible.