Alan Wake 2 contains 6 Koskela Brother Commercial Locations. All Commercials are needed for The Koskela Brothers trophy/achievement. The first commercial is missable and must be gotten before the end of Return 3: Local Girl. The final commercial is past Saga’s Point of No Return at the end of Chapter “Return 6: Scratch”. The other 4 commercials can be gotten at any point before passing the Point of No Return.
Koskela Brother Commercials are videos triggered when getting in close proximity to the relevant TV. These will start without interaction, and they will register as soon as they start, so you do not need to watch them if you don’t want to.
This guide uses the in-game chapter names as displayed on the save game (which are different from the chapter names in trophy/achievement list). They are exclusively found in Saga’s story sections. None of them are in Alan’s story sections.
Collectible Overview:
Return 1: Invitation
[MISSABLE] Koskela Brother Commercial 1 – Adventure Tours
Inside the police station, in the employee’s lounge. Simply walk into the room to trigger it. You can get this now or until the end of Return 3: Local Girl, but after that point you will not be able to trigger this commercial!
Return 3: Local Girl
Koskela Brother Commercial 2 – Coffee World
In the lobby of the Elderwood Palace Lodge. This will trigger automatically as you leave so you cannot miss it.
Koskela Brother Commercial 3 – Ahma Beer
Inside Oh Deer Diner. If you don’t get it here, it will also play on the TV at Suomi Hall at the end of this chapter, or in the Elderwood Palace Lodge in future chapters.
Koskela Brother Commercial 4 – Parade Floats
Inside the Lighthouse Trailer Park, enter the first trailer on the left. This commercial will trigger once inside.
Return 5: Old Gods
Koskela Brother Commercial 5 – Bright Falls Blend
Inside the Valhalla Nursery Home, inside the Rec Room. In order to trigger it, you will need to walk into the Lounge and then back out.
Return 8: Deerfest
[Semi-Missable] Koskela Brother Commercial 6 – “Return” Review
Once you’re back in Bright Falls, enter the Oh Deer Diner to trigger this final commercial. If you interact with the bookstand at the end of the road before going into the diner this is technically missable (but if missed can replay from the mandatory manual save the game forces you to make at the point of no return).
That’s all of the Koskela Brother Commercials in Alan Wake II. For all other Collectible Types refer to Alan Wake 2 Collectible Guide.
Bood says
Please tell me Koskela Brother Commercial 5 – Bright Falls Blend is unmissable because I’m unable to get it from the start of the chapter is turned off 🙁
Archavia says
It should work, just make sure to walk into the Lounge to trigger it.
ACE says
Its glitched i wachted it but is not registered
Kevin says
I’d argue that Commercial #6 “Return” is missable. You get one chance to go in the diner during deerfest and if you grab the book before doing so you’re chased and locked out of the area for good. Had to finish the game and reload an earlier save from a couple hours prior to get it
Beb says
Same thing happend to me, I realize I made a mistake after 2 autosaves were made so I was screwed and had to redo Saga’s episode 7 and Alan’s episode 7 and onward again so it was a real pain… I would even say this is HIGHLY MISSABLE.
Troy Muni says
Yup, I just came here and realized it after reading both of your comments Really should’ve been mentioned in this guide. Not worth the hassle for me to replay it though, since I’m bought this on Epic game store to play on PC. I don’t care about trophies/achievements, I just wanted to trigger everything because the game is so good.
PowerPyx says
If you keep the Manual Save the game forces you to make at the Point of No Return you can always replay from there, so it’s not “completely” missable. Maybe semi-missable as you’d have to replay a chapter. I’ll add a note.
Troy Muni says
Actually wait a minute – i just noticed that you trigger the last commercial as Alan, not Saga, so I still have a shot at it lol
Jammer says
The last patch bugged these collectibles, they don’t count even in the mind place …
AlterMeister says
Yh same for me… Guess I have to put the game on hold for now…..
Enio says
Coffee World is not being recorded after watching it as of v1.000.012. Hope they fix it
J says
Coffee World commercial is bugged as of the 1.00.12 update. Very frustrating.
vladiator says
coffee world is bugged wont register stuck at 5/6
Diggler says
Good news, the newest Patch 1000013 fixed the Coffee World Video bug.
G says
Just to clarify. If I have 7/8 commercials registered but missed the first one can I just replay Chapter 1 to trigger the trophy or it wouldnt work and I have to collect everything starting from commercial one again?