Here you can find a full Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Walkthrough for 100% Completion. This includes every miscellaneous trophy & achievement and will help you get through the game in case you get stuck.
There are 10 Chapters in total. 5 for each game of the collection: Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations 1 & Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 – Prosecutor’s Gambit.
A playthrough per game takes around 5 hours if you have “Text Skip” enabled under “Options” -> “Gameplay” and 10+ hours if reading all text normally. This walkthrough contains what is needed to complete both games. Here is a list of what you need to know about the guide:
- You don’t have to talk to any people, nor do you have to inspect/examine anything else that is not listed in this guide.
- It’s possible on most investigations to do things in a different order, the order does not matter, it’s important to do everything that is listed.
- If you have to select an answer that is not listed below, then the answer does not matter and you can select anything.
- If you don’t skip text, then some things you have to select during a conversation can take time to appear.
There is Chapter Select from the beginning. For trophies, you have to play on “Autoplay”, make sure to have this enabled. You can find this under “Options” -> “Reader”. Trophies do not pop on Story mode. Also make sure to have the HD art style enabled for Everything Old Is New. Once you got the trophy you can change back to the old style if you wish. You can find this setting under “Options” -> “Art Style”
Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations 1
Episode 1: Turnabout Visitor
- Combine ‘Crime Scene: My office’ + ‘The office key’
Begin Investigation
- Inspect Gun
- Inspect Body
- Examine Wallet
- Examine Body
- Examine the pile of books next to the body
- Combine Logic “Victim was a detective” & “Revolver”
- Examine where the rounds are stored.
- Inspect the picture on the wall with the jacket.
- Scroll over bullet hole, press
on the bullet hole to ‘deduce’ > press
on “Victim’s Revolver” to ‘present’.
- Examine the keypad from the safe.
- Scroll over bullet hole, press
- Press
and combine Logic “The killer’s goal” & “Wiped fingerprints”
- Combine Logic “Motive: Theft (?)” & “Signs of a struggle”
- Click on the bullet hole, then deduce the bullet hole with
and select the “Crime Scene Notes”.
- Select “The order of the files”
- Inspect the empty book space on the bottom right
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Mr. Portman starts:
- Highlight statement “But thanks to that, you didn’t notice the bloody letters his body was hiding.” & present the “Stolen File”
- A second argument against Mr. Portman starts:
- Press this statement “It’s pretty obvious that Ms. Byrde snuck into your room using the master key.”
- Ask for more details.
- Highlight statement “Her intent? From the messed-up shelves to the wiped-down safe, I’d say thievery.” & present the “Secret Safe”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe by pressing
and select “Anything of interest?”, this unlocks
Friendship… or Pity?
- Talk to Ms. Byrde and present the “Master Key”
- Select “Used the master key?”
- Select “Forgetful Mr. Portsman”
- Combine Logic “Master key was stolen” & “Used the master key”
- Examine the couch on the bottom left and pick up the book beneath it.
- Examine the door to the right “1203” and deduce from the doorknob, present “Mr. Portsman’s Office”
- Select “Prints on the doorknob”
- Present “Maggey Byrde”
- Examine the note under the door.
- Examine the basketball hoop
- Examine door “1202” to the left and inspect the doorknob
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Mr. Portman starts:
- Highlight statement “Besides, how, may I ask, do you propose I unlocked your door and got in here?” & present the “Master Key”
- Present “Maggey Byrde”
- Present “Basketball Hoop”
- Highlight statement “I had the girl open my office door.” & present the “Mr. Portsman’s Office”
- Present “Note Left by Victim”
- Press all four statements here.
- Combine Logic “Mr. Portsman’s alibi” & “Another handgun”
- Combine Logic “Files in disarray” & “Another visitor”
- Press this statement “And when Jim came to deliver some evidence to me, I was down at Criminal Affairs”
- Highlight statement “He brought me two items, a gun and a pendant, that are related to yesterday’s case.” & present the “Note Left by Victim”
- Examine the blood on the other side of the videotape.
- Present “Srolen 0-Series File”
Episode 2: Turnabout Airlines
- An argument against Ms. Teneiro starts:
- Highlight the statement “… it was you, standing there, with fresh blood dripping off of the murder weapon.” & present the “Travel Wallet”
- Examine the “KK” logo on the wallet.
- Highlight the statement “You were out to steal Mr. Hick’s money, weren’t you?” & present the “Crime Scene Notes”
- Move the cursor to the money on the lower and press
- Once you can walk around, walk all the way to the left to reach the crime scene.
Begin Investigation
- Examine the elevator with the body.
- Examine the piggy bank next to the hand of the body.
- Examine the piece of paper that is sticking out of victim’s pocket.
- Move the cursor to the victim’s neck chain and press
, present “Photo of Mr. Hicks”
- Examine the bloody part of the victim’s hair.
- Examine the blood with the broken glass in front of the elevator.
- Present the bloody footsteps.
- Combine Logic “Blunt force drama” & “Murder weapon: Capt. Ugo”
- Combine Logic “Where was the killer?” & “Elevator”
- Combine Logic “In the elevator with Hicks?” & “Spilled grape juice”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Mr. Lablanc starts:
- Press this statement “I am certain I saw Mr. Hicks enter that elevator!”
- Highlight the statement “The only person inside was that Mr. Hicks man!” & present the “Grape Juice Footprints”
- Press this statement “I was always checking the time, over and over again.”
- Press this statement “The movie I wanted to see would not start, so I checked my pocket watch many times.”
- Highlight the statement “My watch is set to my destination’s time. I always set it when I board the plane.” & present the “Sky Magazine”
- Present “Captain Ugo Piggy Bank”
- Walk into the store to the right of the elevator with the body.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the broken display.
- Inspect the two suitcases.
- Combine Logic “Tiny captain’s hat” & “Murder weapon: Capt. Ugo”
- Examine the broken display again and press
, present “Captain Ugo Piggy Bank”
- Combine Logic “Suitcase” & “Turbulence”
- Present the left wheel on the left suitcase.
- Examine the purple wheel.
- Examine the handle.
Investigation Complete.
- Present “Crime Scene Notes”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe and ask him both questions.
- Enter the plane again with Detective Gumshoe.
- Before doing anything else, go straight upstairs and interact with the chessboard in the middle of the gangway. This unlocks
A Prosecutor’s True Passions
- Go back downstairs and talk to Mr. Lablanc.
- Present him “Bloody Cloth”
- Talk to Mr. Lablanc and select “Rhoda Teneiro”
- An argument against Franziska starts:
- Highlight the statement “The scene of the crime was here, in the very lounge the body was discovered.” & present the “GoYou Suitcase”
- Present “Grape Juice Footprints”, then present the drag marks.
- Highlight the statement “You prepared yourself and acquired the piggy bank before the plane hit that turbulence.” & present the “Captain Ugo Piggy Bank”
- Enter the blue door next to the police officer.
- Talk to Ms. Teneiro.
- Present her the “GoYou Suitcase”
- Talk to Ms. Teneiro and select every available question.
- Present the price tag on the suitcase.
- Select “the in-flight shop.”
- Present “Rhoda Teneiro”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Talk to Franziska
- Examine the open suitcase on the bottom
- Combine Logic “Interpol” & “Profile on Franziska”
- Talk to Franziska
- Examine the suitcase next to the stairs
- Combine Logic “Broken glasses” & “Glass shards”
Investigation Complete.
An argument against Franziska starts:
- Press this statement “But the point to keep in mind is the keycard that allows the elevator to come down here.”
- Press this statement “Further, there is the matter of the key to the display case that held the murderous bank.”
- Select “The body”
- Combine Logic “Capt. Ugo piggy bank” & “Cause of death”
- Combine Logic “Weapon couldn’t be found” & “A sizable weapon”
- Select “Don’t have evidence to show”
- Select “Free fall”
- Present Evidence “Refueling in Zheng Fa”
Begin Investigation
- Examine the large box behind the bedsheets and to the left of the suitcases.
- Talk to Mr. Lablanc
- Combine Logic “Smuggling” & “Value piece of art”
- Talk to Mr. Lablanc
- Examine the eyes of the statue.
- Deduce from the eyes and present “Photo of Mr. Hicks”
- Examine the cloth on the bottom of the statue
- Deduce from the cloth on the bottom and present “Cargo from Zheng Fa”
Investigation Complete.
- Present “Borginian Cloth”
- Select “Ms. Meele’s testimony”
To be continued.
An argument against Ms. Melee starts:
- Press this statement “And from 5 to 6, I was, um .. in the flight attendants’ room all by my lonesome self.”
- Raise an objection
- Present “Suitcase Receipt”
- Press this statement “She’s the one in charge of the elevator keycard and the shop, you know.”
- Highlight the statement “All I’m in charge of are the attendants’ room and some Borginian stuff.” & present the “Alif Red Certificate”
- Present “GoYou Suitcase”
- Select “Where the murder took place”
- Present “Missing Cell Phone”
Go upstairs into the flight attendant’s room.
- Open the closed locker.
- Examine the camera on the back of the phone.
- Examine the boxes on the bottom right of the photo.
- Present “Borginian Cloth”
- Present the Bedsheet box.
Episode 3: The Kidnapped Turnabout
- Talk to Kay
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the phone on the ground
- Inspect the blue head with sunglasses
- Inspect the beam next to the blue head
- Inspect the pink head in the box
- Examine the key on the left side
- Inspect the photo rally sign “Blue Badger Photo”
- Inspect lockers on the left side
- Talk to Kay
- Inspect the door and examine the ladder in the ground
- Examine the trapdoor
- Combine Logic “The beam I was tied to” & “Open floor panel”
- Examine the newly revealed door
- Combine Logic “Tiny key” & “Underground entrance”
- Combine Logic “Underground ladder” & “Lockers”
Investigation Complete.
- Talk to Kay and Detective Gumshoe
- Talk to Mr. Ernest
Begin Investigation
- Talk to the guy in the blue costume
- Present “Badger Photo Rally”
- Combine Logic “Costumes” & “A 2nd Blue Badger”
- Inspect footprints in front of the two officers
- Combine Logic “What kind of shoes?” & “Costumed escape”
- Inspect footprints again
- Open the garage next to the officer in the blue costume
- Examine the pendant around the victim’s neck
- Deduce from the pendant and present “Preliminary Findings”
- Examine the blood on the shoulder
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Press this statement “Not unless you’re a member of law enforcement like Officer Meekins, isn’t that right?”
- Highlight the statement “Officer Meekins ambushed the victim in this garage and killed him here with his gun!” & present the “Preliminary Findings”
- An argument against Officer Meekins starts:
- Highlight the statement “I also went looking for kidnappers while selling dreams in the Blue Badgermobile, sir!” & present the “Blue Badger Mobile”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Talk to Ema
- Examine the pink badger mobile
- Talk to the pink mascot, and after the unmasking talk to the woman.
- An argument against Oldbag starts:
- Press all statements
Begin Investigation
- Examine the blue body
- Present Mr. Deacon’s Murder Notes”
- Combine Logic “Victim was kidnapper?” & “Why is there no blood?”
- Talk to Ema
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Oldbag starts:
- Press all statements
- Highlight the statement “As I was resting, I happened to glance over and I saw two men facing each other in that area.” & present the “Victim’s Costume”
- Inspect the stage
- Combine Logic “Stage was packed up” & “In the shadow of the stage”
- Inspect the red person
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Highlight the statement “And when the victim finally showed, he shot him from on high!” & present the “Mr. Deacon’s Murder Notes”
- Select “The killer’s & victim’s locations”
- Highlight the statement “The three marks are indicative of the Blue Badgermobile.” & present the “Blue Badgermobile”
- Present the single visible tire on the badgermobile.
To be continued.
- Go to the right and exit the area, talk to the guy and his daughter to unlock
The Blue Badger’s Daddy
- Walk to the right and walk onto the bridge to unlock
Wright Over Here!
- Go back to the left where the crime scene is,and talk to Mr. Ernest.
- Talk to Ms. Paups.
- Select “Kidnappers’ Hideout”
- Talk to the officer in blue uniform on the left side and enter the hideout.
Begin Investigation
- Examine the three cups of coffee on the table
- Examine the key above the cups
- Examine one of the chairs
- Inspect the blue box on the bottom
- Inspect the door on the right side
- Examine the door handle
- Examine broken sword
- Combine Logic “Folding chairs” & “3 cups”
- Combine Logic “The door leading outside” & “Broken prop sword”
- Talk to the guy in the costume
- Present the pink costume in the box on the bottom right
- Combine Logic “Unaccounted for Bad Badger” & “Costume Pieces”
- Deduce from the right hand of the costume and present “Blue Badger Bible”
Investigation Complete.
To be continued.
- Examine the pendant.
- An argument against Ms. Paups starts:
- Press this statement “… Mr. Deacon turned on me, and tried to kill me!”
- Raise an objection
- Present “Mr. Deacon’s Pendant”
- Present “Ms. Paups’s Pendant”
- Present “Colin Devorae Dossier”
- Present the word “daughter” in the fifth row
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Highlight the statement “And the two of them made good use of their meetings to plan this little kidnapping.” & present the “Stolen Costumes”
- Present profile “Lance Amano”
- An argument against Lance Amano starts:
- Press this statement “I made my escape and ran away from that room as fast as I could.”
- Highlight the statement “The door leading outside was locked tight, so I had to use the underground passageway.” & present the “Broken Prop Sword”
- Present “Love Letter”
- An argument against Ms. Paups starts:
- Press this statement “But that Badger pointed his gun at me, aiming to shoot me dead!”
- Highlight the statement “But that Badger pointed the gun in his left hand at me, aiming to shoot me dead!” & present the “Colin Devorae Dossier”
- Select “Both are correct”
- Present “Bad Badger’s Head”
- Present “Proto Badger”
- Present “Missing Model Gun”
- Press this statement “He had tied Mr. Deacon securely to the beam in the room next door.”
- Highlight the statement “The captive had a Bad Badger’s head on, so I’m absolutely sure it was Mr. Deacon.” & present the “Bad Badger’s Head”
- Select “Miles Edgeworth”
- Examine the revolver on the belt, the bullet wound and the mirror shards in the head of the costume
- An argument against Lance Amano starts:
- Press this statement “Make no mistake. There are fingerprints on that murderous gun.”
- Raise an objection
- Present “Victim’s Costume”
- Present “Victim’s Costume” again and present the gunshot wound on the belt
- Present “Haunted House”
- Present “Mirror Fragments”
To be continued.
- Present the green “B”
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the blue badger costume
- Present the “Broken Prop Sword”
- Select “Test with Luminol”
- Deduce from the sword and present “Colin Devorae Dossier”
- Present “Broken Prop Sword”
- Walk all the way to the left and inspect the blue badger on the window. here deduce from the costume and select “Blue Badger Bible”
- Inspec the mirror next to Ms. Paups
- Combine Logic “Blue Badger in reverse” & “Mirror shards”
- Present “Gatewater Land Pamphlet”
- Select “Move the mirror-wall”
- Present the grey area on the left side
- Present the same area as above again
- Present “Victim’s Costume”
Episode 4: Turnabout Reminiscence
- Talk to Manfred von Karma
- Talk to Detective Badd in front of the door
- Talk to the girl next to Detective Badd
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the bags on the ground
- Inspect the Handgun from the body
- Inspect the knife
- Inspect the ink stain on the left hand from the body
- Inspect the gunshot wound
- Inspect the knife
- Inspect the pen in the breast pocket
- Inspect the knife wound
- Inspect the tea set on the table
- Combine Logic “Neat and tidy table” & “Plastic bags strewn about”
- Combine Logic “Ink stain” & “Fountain pen in pocket”
- Look through the open window
- Inspect the TV
- Deduce from the gun and present “Mr. Faraday’s Fountain Pen”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Franziska starts:
- Press this statement “And Mr. Rell, while on the brink of death, stole Mr. Faraday’s knife and stabbed him.”
- Highlight the statement “They struggled, and Mr. Rell used the last of his strength to counterattack Mr. Faraday.” & present the “Det. Gumshoe’s Testimony”
- Select “Yes, something is off.”
- Present “Crime Scene Notes”
- Select “The order the bodies fell”
- Press this statement “… which indicates that they attacked each other at the same time.”
- Highlight the statement “That fact indicates that they attacked each other at the same time from close range.” & present the “Handgun”
- Select “Neither man”
- Present “Plastic Bag”
- Select “Motive for the murders”
- An argument against Ms. Yew starts:
- Press this statement “Well? How’s that for a “perfect explanation”?”
- Raise an objection
- Select “Motive for killing Mr. Rell”
- Highlight the statement “There’s no one out there with a motive to kill both Mr. Faraday and Mr. Rell.” & present the “KG-8 Incident Overview”
- Talk to Ms. Yew
- Present the “KG-8 Incident Overview” to Ms. Yew
- Select “Through the victim”
- Talk to Ms. Yew
To be continued.
- Enter the courtroom to the right and interact with the bench to the left and right and also interact with the judge’s bench from behind to unlock
Behind Each Bench
- Go back to the previous room and talk to Ms. Yew
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe
- Present “Det Gumshoe’s Testimony” to him
- Leave the room through the left door and enter the hallway
Begin Investigation
- Talk to the judge
- Talk to Detective Badd
- Select “Time he heard the gunshot”
- Interact with the window on the left
- Examine the pink piece of plastic
- Examine the cactus
- Head down and examine the handprint
- Examine the ants on the ground
- Inspect the left vending machine
- Combine Logic “Pink piece of trash” & “Windowsmill cactus”
- Combine Logic “Swiss roll crumbs” & “Vending machine”
- Interact with the left vending machine and Deduce from the Swiss Rolls and present “Annual Bonus Envelope”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against the Judge starts:
- Highlight the statement “But when I was about to exit the restroom, he had completely disappeared!” & present the “Det. Gumshoe’s Fingerprints”
- Press this statement “However, that doesn’t mean that the Detective was sitting there when I looked!”
- Highlight the statement “Let’s see … I looked into that hallway about 20 minutes before we were to reconvene.” & present the “Det. Badd’s Testimony”
- Present “Balloon Piece”
- An argument against the Detective Gumshoe starts:
- Press this statement “From that time on, until I heard the gunshot, I was in that hallway the whole time!”
- Highlight the statement “And until I heard the gunshot, I didn’t take a single step away from the Lobby No. 2 door.” & present the “Det. Gumshoe’s Fingerprints”
- Present “Swiss Roll”
- Talk to the little girl and present here the “Swiss Roll”
- Talk to the little girl and select “Your father”, then present here the “Promise Notebook” to unlock
Promises 6 and 7…?
- Talk to the little girl again
- Present “Promise Notebook”
To be continued.
- Talk to Detective Badd
- Inspect the left bench with the evidence, examine all 4 pieces of evidence
- Present “Yatagarasu’s Key”
- Examine the bottom of the key
- Talk to Detective Badd
- Present “Yatagarasu’s Key” to Detective Badd
- Talk to Detective Badd
- An argument against the Detective Badd starts:
- Press this statement “… I heard the gunshot … right before the trial was about to reconvene”
- Highlight the statement “… I didn’t hear any other strange sounds … until that gunshot …” & present the “Balloon Piece”
- Combine Logic “Lobby No. 2 window” & “Dissipating the smell”
- Combine Logic “Open windows” & “Very loud television”
- Combine Logic “Missing evidence” & “Gunshot could be heard”
Begin Investigation
- Examine the VCR under the TV
- Deduce from the window and present “Surveillance Video”
- Select “When the crime took place”
Investigation Complete.
To be continued.
- An argument against Ms. Yew starts:
- Press all statements
- Present “Surveillance Video”
- Select “The window was open”
- Present Profile “Calisto Yew”
- Highlight the statement “You argue that the window was opened, however, do you have proof it was I who did that?” & present the “Ms. Yew’s Perfume”
- Press this statement “After all, I don’t even know where the knife that was used to kill him came from.”
- Highlight the statement “There was a key in his evidence bag, but you can’t kill anyone with a simple key!” & present the “Yatagarasu’s Key”
- Present Profile “Yatagarasu”
- Present “Swiss Roll”
Episode 5: Turnabout Ablaze
- Inspect the left table
- Talk to the Steel Samurai
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the left table
- Talk to the Steel
- Inspect the dead body
- Examine the key that is sticking out of the pocket and inspect the bottom of the key
- Examine the dagger
- Inspect the golden statue in the middle
- Inspect knives on the wall
- Inspect the big motive on the wall
- Inspect the safe
- Talk to Mr. Palaeno
- Combine Logic “Motif on knife handle” & “Butterfly of Babahl”
- Combine Logic “Locked safe” & “Key used at Embassy”
- Examine the piece of paper sticking out of the back of the safe
- Select “it has two compartments”
- Deduce from the keyhole on the left side and present “Yatagarasu’s Key”
- Examine the top of the key
- Examine the piece of paper
- Talk to Franziska
- Combine Logic “Franziska’s return” & “Stealing of secret”
- Talk to Franziska
- Inspect the safe and deduce from the papers, then select “Cohdopian Paper Document”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Ms. Shih-Na starts:
- Press this statement “Furthermore, this girl claims to be the Yatagarasu.”
- Highlight the statement “She wanted to steal documents regarding smuggling, so she killed Mr. Coachen for the key.” & present the “Yatagarasu’s Key”
- Highlight the statement “The knife with the butterfly handle is the murder weapon, which the killer was holding.” & present the “Babahlese Knife”
- Examine the center of the knife
- Examine the flower symbol
- Present “Embassy Guide”
To be continued.
- Talk to Franziska
- Talk to Mr. Palaeno
- Talk to Detective Badd
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the body
- Examine the mask
- Examine the piece of paper in the right-hand
- Examine the sword
- Inspect the table next to the fireplace
- Inspect the window on the right side
- Inspect the set of knives on the top left side of the room
- Deduce from the spear tip and present “Steel Samurai’s Autograph”
- Inspect the golden statue in the middle
- Deduce from the statue and present “Photo with Steel Samurai”
- Talk with Larry (Steel Samurai)
- Talk to the Pink Princess
- Talk to the old lady again and present her “Lady’s Undershirt”
- Talk to old lady
- Combine Logic “Smoke from chimney” & “Used the fireplace”
- Combine Logic “Undershirt from next door” & “Shared chimney”
- An argument against Larry starts:
- Press this statement “So then, I wanted to play Santa and decided to give it a try.”
- Raise an objection
- Present the profile “Ex-Security Lady”
- Present “Stand-In Request”
- Highlight the statement “But why would I ever put myself through so much humiliation on purpose?” & present the “Letter from a Stalker”
- Present the name “Windy” on the first line
- Present “Steel Samurai’s Autograph”
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Press this statement “Beside him was the Samurai Sword… glittering red, and offering up the scent of blood.”
- Highlight the statement “I suspect he beat the victim to death with that thing.” & present the “Samurai Spear”
- Press this statement “We searched the Embassy, top to bottom, but the victim’s blood is only on that weapon.”
- Raise an objection
- Present “Allebahst’s Primidux Statue”
- Examine the sword and shield of the statue to unlock
Lang Zi Says!
- Examine the handprint on the bottom of the statue
To be continued.
- Examine the ladder on the left side, this is one part of
Ladders and Step-Ladders
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe
- Talk to Mr. Palaeno
- Present “Allebahst’s Primidux Statue” to Mr. Palaeno
- Enter the building on the bottom of the screen, then walk through the corridor to the left side and exit the building to enter the Rose Garden
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the pool
- Inspect both statues in this area
- Talk to Detective Lang
- Present the male statue on the left side
- Present the female statue on the right side
- Present the left hand of the statue
Investigation Complete.
- Exit through the bottom of the screen, and exit the building through the right side, now follow the way and enter the building
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the desk and examine the ink
- Talk to Mr. Palaeno
- Go back to the desk and examine the slightly open drawer
- Deduce from the brown piece and present “DeMasque II’s Note”
- Talk to Mr. Palaeno
- Inspect the clock on the right side
- Inspect the green flames
- Present “Silhouette Lantern”
- Present “Babahlese Ink”
- Present “Counterfeit Bills”
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe
- Combine Logic “Bilateral symmetry” & “Connected fireplaces”
- Deduce from the logs and present “Amb. Palaeno’s Testimony”
- Combine Logic “Revolving fireplace used?” & “Missing ashes”
- Combine Logic “Escaped through revolving fireplace” & “Shih-na’s location”
Investigation Complete.
To be continued.
- Present profile “Shih-na”
- Present “Photo of Yatagarasu”
- An argument against Shih-na starts:
- Highlight the statement “Although I was in the next room, I was unable to catch a glimpse of the Yatagarasu.” & present the “Revolving Fireplace Wall”
- Press this statement “We searched the Embassy, top to bottom, but the victim’s blood is only on that weapon.”
- Present the “Revolving Fireplace Wall”
- Highlight the statement “… and we found not a single suspicious thing in Mr. Coachen’s office.” & present the “Counterfeit Bills”
- Present “Wire”
- Present the green “S”
- Select “Coat”
- Present “Babahlese Ink”
- Select “Burn the coat”
- Present “Ms. Yew’s Perfume”
- Select “Neither person”
- Present “Babahlese Knife Handle”
To be continued.
- Present the flag on the car
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Highlight the statement “Somehow, these two objects were able to penetrate the two countries’ impenetrable security.” & present the “Babahl’s Primidux Statue”
- Present “Photo of Yatagarasu”
- Present “Allebahst’s Primidux Statue”
- An argument against Franziska starts:
- Press this statement “After all the preparations were in place, I was called back to Ambassador Alba to his office.”
- Press this statement “When I arrived, Ambassador Alba was watering the flowers on the windowsill.”
- Highlight the statement “There were four large passionflowers in full bloom in the flower box.” & present the “Passionflowers”
- Examine one of the flowers
- Select “Show evidence” and present “Hair Sticks”
- Present the crossbow
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Press this statement “So Babahl’s statue was draped in the Yatagarasu’s clothes, and then shot over here?”
- Press this statement “Even if you fried the arrows from this side, they wouldn’t go far with a statue tied to them!”
- Highlight the statement “If it wasn’t a statue that was tied to the arrows, then what did the crossbow launch…?” & present the “Wire”
- Select “Rotary motion”
- Present the ceiling fan
- Present “Crossbow Arrows”
- Present “Allebahst’s Primidux Statue”
- Examine the head of the statue, then examine what you just found
- Use the trump card
- Present the right hand with the card
- Examine the blood on the back of the card
- Present the breast pocket
- Present the medal from the reflection of the backseat
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the painting next to you
- Examine the flower with the missing piece right above the red rose
- Deduce from the same flower and present “Allebahstian Knife”
- Combine Logic “Renovations” & “Coachen’s counterfeiting op.”
- Select “Quercus Alba”
- Combine Logic “Agitated Alba” & “Motive to kill Coachen”
- Present “Theatrum Neutralis”
- Select “5:23 PM”
- Examine the push cart
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Ambassador Alba starts:
- Press this statement “Under your hypothetical scenario, Mr. Coachen and I were fellow smugglers.”
- Highlight the statement “In that case, what motive would I have had to kill my co-conspirator?” & present the “DeMasque II’s Note”
- Highlight the statement “The last time I met with Mr. Coachen was here at the Theatrum Neutralis.” & present the “Commemorative Photo”
- Highlight the statement “There is no way for me to have transported his body from the theater to Babahl!” & present the “Pushcart”
- Present “Notes on Coachen’s Body”
- Examine the blood inside the cart
- Press every statement
- Select “bilateral symmetry”
- Present the grey area on the “Babahlese Secretariat’s Office” side
- Present “Fires in Babahl”
- Present “Fountain Spouts”
- Present “Pick”
- Present “Allebahstian Knife”
- Press this statement “I do remember the contents of the show very well, though. Is that proof enough for you?”
- Highlight the statement “One of the scenes was of his never-before-seen “Early Summer Rain Jab” move.” & present the “Samurai Spear”
- Select “You saw it.”
- Present “Pushcart”
- Combine Logic “Samurai Dogs” & “Body in the pushcart”
- Combine Logic “Hinomaru Dogs” & “Samurai Dogs were removed”
- Examine the red dot on the flag
- Present profile “Quercus Alba”
- Present profile “Amb. Alba’s Wound”
- Present “Yatagarasu’s Key”
Ace Attorney Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 – Prosecutor’s Gambit
Episode 1: Turnabout Trigger
- Talk to the two securities
- Combine Logic “President was shot at” & “Event security”
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the right side of the platform
- Examine the big samurai balloon in the water
- Examine the big flag
- Examine the green hole on the upper side of the flag
- Combine Logic “Popped balloon” & “Flag with bullet hole”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Ms. Lloyd starts:
- Select “What is it that you do?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “What was that about “scoops”?”
- Select “Where you at the scene of the crime?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You heard gunfire, did you?”
- Select “Where’s the record of your reporting?”
- Select “You must have a record of your reporting!”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Play me that tape!”
- Present the first dot on the left side of the stairs
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the signpost next to you to unlock
Fond Memories, Detective
- Inspect the trash can
- Inspect the symbol in front of the bag
- Inspect the laser pointer from the front of the gun
- Examine the bullets from the back side of the gun
- Talk to the man above the trash can
- Talk to the cameraman next to the van
- Deduce from the red dot on the president’s head and present “Newspaper Clipping”
- Combine Logic “Red “birthmark”” & “Laser sight”
- Select “Before the shooting”
- Present the laser on the lower right side
- Select “After the shooting”
- Present the red hooded person
- Inspect the Samurai Dogs’ stand
- Inspect the stand above, then examine the red hood under the stand
- Examine the red button between the hat and the flagpole
- Examine the inside-out sleeve on the red coat
- Combine Logic “Red button” & “Raincoat sleeve”
- Examine the zipper on the bottom of the red coat
- Examine the blood
Investigation Complete.
- Select, let the man blather on
- An argument against Mr. Doe starts:
- Highlight the statement “But you have no proof that this person is injured as you claim.” & present the “Red Raincoat”
- Press this statement “I was as surprised as anyone when his bodyguards sprang into action and the shots rang out.”
- Highlight the statement “The bodyguard on the left — Bastian Rook, was it? — was especially quick to respond.” & present the “Security Plan”
- Present “Ms. Lloyd’s Tape”
- Present profile “Tabby Lloyd”
- An argument against Ms. Lloyd starts:
- Highlight the statement “Guess the picture musta been taken while I was in one spot, and the tape’s from when I was in another.” & present the “Ms. Lloyd’s Tape”
- Present the raised arm of the president
- Select “John Doe”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the body
- Examine the gun
- Examine the open briefcase
- Examine the gunshot wound
- Inspect the wall of monitors
- Examine the left monitor on the middle row
- Inspect the desk on the right side
- Examine the vest
- Examine the blue folder
- Deduce from the red symbol and present “Security Plan”
- Combine Logic “Bullet through the body” & “Bulletproof vest”
- Combine Logic “Rook’s gun” & “Six-shot revolver”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against President Wang starts:
- Select “So who will take over the case?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Explain to me why I’m off the case.”
- Select “Are they related to our current location?”
- Select “Are things getting too hot for you?
- Select “You’ve overplayed your hand.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Does that rule really apply here?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “She fired at you from outside the plane?”
- Highlight the statement “Then — BANG! — a shot rang out, and a plain, unblemished balloon of red exploded nearby” & present the “Steel Samurai Balloon”
- Select “Yes, it does.”
- Present “Bullet Trajectory”
- Present profile “Bronco Knight”
- Present “Kay’s Photographs”
- Present the striped gold & brown flag on the right side
- Select “Is not the assassin”
- Combine Logic “Knight’s position” & “Knight shot the balloon”
- Combine Logic “Assassination attempt” & “Change of plans”
- Present “Bulletproof Attache Case”
- An argument against President Wang starts:
- Highlight the statement “That single, killer shot… was fired by the gun you found in the trash can!” & present the “Revolver”
- Present profile “Bronco Knight”
- Select “Not in my possession”
- Present “Security Monitors”
- Press “There’s no denying it — forensics proved that the gun and the bullet are a match!”
- Select “The gun”
- Present profile “Bronco Knight”
- Highlight the statement “The bullet that killed Rook was fired from the gun you found in the spectator area.” & present the “Mr. Knight’s Revolver”
- Highlight the statement “So what proof do you have that I switched the original gun out for mine, huh? None! That’s what!” & present the “Mr. Knight’s Revolver”
- Select “Fingerprints”
- Examine the bullet chamber
- Examine the loaded bullets
- Present “Calling Card”
End of Episode 1: Turnabout Trigger
Episode 2: The Captive Turnabout
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the sheets next to the cage
- Examine the cage, hook, sheets, and rope
- Inspect the body
- Examine chessboard
- Examine the pink glove and examine the blood on the fingers
- Examine the sheet covering the leg
- Examine the turquoise shirt
- Examien the right hand of the body
- Combine Logic “Bloody tarp” & “Pile of tarps”
- Select “The murder weapon”
- Talk to Mr. Fender
- Pick any option
- Inspect the body again, and deduce from the pink glove and present “Door Sensors”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Mr. Carcerato starts:
- Select “Tell me about your day so far.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “I thought you took it easy?”
- Select “What were you doing?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “How do you know my profession?”
- Select “What was it like around here?”
- Select “Well? Answer me!”
- Select “Don’t play dumb!”
- Select “You were exercising!”
- Select “”Already”, you say?”
- Highlight the statement “Leastways, I tried to. Barely got to the count of two before somebody screams, “WHAT THE–! AAAAAAH!”” & present the “Mr. Knight’s Body”
- Select “There is a problem”
To be continued.
- Talk to Simeon
- Present “Pocket Chess Set” to Simeon
- Talk to Simeon
- Talk to the prisoner in the right cell
- Inspect the right green door
- An argument against Mr. Sahwit starts:
- Select “What’s your connection to this incident?”
- Select “A good person who’s in prison?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “”The person who found the body”, you say?”
- Select “Tell me about the day of the incident.”
- Select “What were you doing?”
- Select “Where they screaming?”
- Select “Tell me about the day of the incident.”
- Select “How were the things in the prison?”
- Select “You said you heard a scream!”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “A scream would certainly frighten them.”
- Select “When did you hear the scream?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You weren’t actually at the show, were you?”
- Select “Who did you hear screaming?”
- Select “You weren’t at any show!”
- Select “Wait, it wasn’t the victim who screamed?”
- Select “Because you’re the one who found the body!”
- Highlight the statement “I don’t remember how, but I found myself in front of the door to the other workshop.” & present the “Door Sensors”
- Press this statement “That’s how I was able to peek through the window, and into the workshop next door.”
- Select “There is a problem”
- Press this statement “I also saw that black dog, his mouth clamped tight around the man’s throat!”
- Highlight the statement “I remember seeing his ring gleaming as it caught the light If featured a snowflake motif in relief.” & present the “Mr. Knight’s Body”
- Present “Workshop A”
- Present “Rubber Glove”
- Enter the cell to the furthest right
- Talk to Kanis
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the desk
- Examine the paper
- Deduce from the chessboard grid and present “Dog Chess Piece”
- Inspect the mirror in the upper left corner
- Inspect the bed
- Examine the newspaper
- Examine the dust on the floor next to the bed
- Combine Logic “Torn newspaper” & “Wiped floor”
Investigation Complete.
- Present the detention center
- Present “Wiped Floor”
- Talk to the guard in front of the lockers
- Talk to the guard in front of the trophy case
- An argument against Eustace starts:
- Press all statements to unlock
A Winner’s Education
- Highlight the statement “Mr. Saint’s fingerprints were right there, all over the victim’s chess set!” & present the “Pocket Chess Set”
- Examine the latch
- Examine the green panel
- Press this statement “It must have been hidden inside the chess set! That’s what I think, anyway.”
- Select “There is a problem”
- Present “Prison Search”
- Present “Security Gates”
- Present “Security Camera Footage”
- Press all statements to unlock
To be continued.
- Talk to Mr. Saint
- Talk to Regina Berry
- Talk to Mr. Sawhit (lower right corner)
- Present “Rubber Glove” to Mr. Sawhit
- Inspect the electric fence
- Talk to Ms. Laguarde
- Examine the well in the upper right corner
- Select “Missile”
- Examine the chisel in front of the chessboard
- Examine the four chisels on the right side
- Examine the chessboard
- Examine the black boxing bag
- An argument against Judge Gavelle starts:
- Press this statement “He assaulted an innocent guard and stole his keys.”
- Press further
- Present “Mr. Knight’s Cell Key”
- Present “Wiped Floor”
- Present “Tunnel Prints”
- Select “The dog jumping on somebody”
- Present “Maximum Security”
- Present “Black Dog”
- An argument against Kanis starts:
- Highlight the statement “I never knew this Knight. I had no contact with him. No connection whatsoever.” & present the “Chess Diagram”
- Present “Pocket Chess Set”
- Select “Sure, why not”
- Stop the video at 6:42:21 zoom into the picture and examine the shadow on the lower right screen (you might have to press
to get the shadow in the right position)
- Select “A bear”
- Stop the video at 6:42:24 and examine the man in the mirror
- Present “Missing Guard Uniform”
- Present profile “Rocco Carcerato”
- Present “Rubber Glove”
- Present the time stamp on the video (doesn’t matter which time it is)
- An argument against Carcerato starts:
- Press this statement “I had me a guard’s uniform, a hole dug, and a plan in place. So I went for it on the day you found the guy.”
- Highlight the statement “Once I was outta that tunnel and all dressed up, openin’ the cell door shoulda been a piece of cake.” & present the “Mr. Knight’s Cell Key”
- Present “Wiped Floor”
- Present “Mr. Knight’s Body”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the well
- Examine the weight, rope, and pulleys on the sheet
- Examine the cover on the well
- Inspect the elephant on the left side
Investigation Complete.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the stage
- Examine the cart next to the elephant cage
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe
- Combine Logic “Items around the well” & “Mr. Saint’s big moment”
- Combine Logic “30-pound weight” & “Pulling force”
- Select “How heavy it is”
- Combine Logic “Azea the elephant” & “Disappearing apples”
- Combine Logic “Insufficient weight” & “Metal detector”
- Walk with the metal detector to the lower left side of the screen and examine the little shield next to the water
- Inspect the well and deduce from the rope, present “Mr. Saint’s Trick”
- Present “Rope”
- Present “Mr. Knight’s Body”
- Present “Bloody Tarp”
- Combine Logic “Body used as weight” & “Basket of apples”
- Present “Security Camera Footage”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Judge Gavelle starts:
- Highlight the statement “We both know the only one who could have dropped the body down there during the show is Mr. Saint.” & present the “Mr. Saint’s Trick”
- Press this statement “The only person who had the opportunity to do that is Simeon Saint.”
- Present “Security Camera Footage”
- Present “Breakers”
- Present profile “Fifi Laguarde”
- Present “Mr. Knight’s Body”
- An argument against Ms. Laguarde starts:
- Press this statement “Check if you like. You won’t find a record anywhere of my having entered or left the prison proper.”
- Present “Yard”
- Select “An accomplice”
- Present “Mr. Sahwit’s Bracelet”
- Select “There’s definitely more”
- Press this statement “But whatever the sordid details, it was him. He stabbed the poor man to death.”
- Highlight the statement “I expect Kanis used the chisel that was hidden in that chess set, don’t you?” & present the “Pocket Chess Set”
- Press this statement “And after we talked, I had him taken back to his cell straight away.”
- Highlight the statement “I’m no angel. I have my grudges against Kanis. But Knight had nothing to do with that animal!” & present the “Chess Diagram”
- Select “In order to get Kanis transferred”
- Present “Mr. Kanis’s Bells”
- Select “Object”
- Present the “Yard”
- Present the alligator on the lower left side
- Present “Pocket Chess Set”
Episode 3: Turnabout Legacy
- Select both options
Begin Investigation
- Examine the moon teapot on the right side, this is part of
Like Father, Like Son
- Talk to the cook Mr. Gusto on the upper right side of the room
- Examine fingerprints on the frame
- Examine the lower left side of the frame with the missing part, then present it.
- Inspect the chest
- Examine the outline of the body
- Move the cursor to the right and examine the broken stand
- Deduce from the head of the outlined body and present “Crime Scene Notes”
- Combine Logic “Sound of something breaking” & “Broken stand”
- Combine Logic “Damaged creations” & “Why did it break?”
- Talk to the officer on the left side, in the middle of the stream
Investigation Complete.
An argument against Detective Badd starts:
- Highlight the statement “And why he smashed in the lid of the treasure chest… so the body was on full display.” & present the “Crime Scene Notes”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the ladder on the lower right side of the room, this is the second part of
Ladders and Step-Ladders which should unlock now if you did the first part.
- Inspect the temperature panel on the upper left side of the room
- Inspect the entrance of the castle
- Examine the bottom of the gold rocks and the hexagon pedestal on the outside
- Combine Logic “Hexagonal indentations” & “Rock crystal stands”
- Combine Logic “High temperature” & “Runny cream”
- Examine the blue rolls
- Inspect the entrance again
- Examine the blood on the left golden rock
- Deduce from the right rock and present “Contest Rules”
- Inspect the fairy on the upper right side of the room
- Combine Logic “Blunt force trauma” & “Bloody lamp”
- Combine Logic “Scone’s rulebreaking” & “Fake confections”
- Talk to Ms. Scone
- Combine Logic “Confectionery research” & “Lack of knowledge”
Investigation Complete.
An argument against Mr. von Karma:
- Highlight the statement “And that is why there was no piece of evidence on the scene that pointed to a particular suspect.” & present the “Luminous Cloth”
- Present “Frame Finger Marks”
- Present “Fake Confections”
To be continued.
- Inspect the ice block on the right side
- Inspect both ice blocks in the middle
- Inspect the temperature panel on the upper left side of the room
- An argument against Larry starts:
- Select “Why are you here?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “So you’re here for the Gemini sculpture?”
- Select “What did you do once you got here?”
- Select “You didn’t get a pamphlet?”
- Select “You didn’t pay upon entry?”
- Select “Ms. Bound wasn’t at the reception desk?”
- Select “You know a lot about the Winter Wing…”
- Select “Did you enter the Winter Wing?”
- Select “You mean you didn’t go in?”
- Select “The victim prevented you from entering?”
- Select “What did you see in the Winter Wing?”
- Select “So what became of your sketch?”
- Select “So you saw something”totally terrifying”, did you?”
- Present “Gallery Pamphlet”
- An argument against Eustace starts:
- Highlight the statement “And the gas the victim was poisoned with is made from Ubiquium, which, as we know, is found in paint.” & present the “Poison Gas Ingredients”
- Present “Pisces Statue Sketch”
- Present the pink area on the bottom left
To be continued.
- Present profile “Carmelo Gusto”
- Present “Seal”
- Present profile “Judy Bound”
To be continued.
- Present “Mr. Tangaroa’s Teapot”
- Select “A famed sculptor!”
- Present “Instant Camera”
To be continued.
- Talk to Mr. Tangaroa
- Present “Chocolates” to Tangaroa
- Talk to Mr. Tangaroa
Begin Investigation
- Talk to Ms. Bound
- Talk to the officer on the fountain
- Present profile “Artie Frost”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Mr. von Karma starts:
- Highlight the statement “It was simply a matter of coincidence. They both happened to be taking part in the same contest.” & present the “Semifinal Entries”
- Press this statement “It seems they were helping one another right up until the day before the final.”
- Highlight the statement “The two cooperated until the day before the final, then decided to compete on their own merits.” & present the “Ms. Scone’s Statement”
- Select “Make the ice the day before the final”
- Combine Logic “Blood in the fountain” & “Missing victim’s blood”
- Combine Logic “No autopsy report” & “Body moved aside?”
- Present “Victim’s Blood”
To be continued.
- Present Profile “Artie Frost”
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the tea table on the lower left side
- Examine the moon teapot, this unlocks
Like Father, Like Son
- Talk to Ms. Bound
- Inspect the brown stain above the teacart
- Talk to Larry on the lower right side of the room
- Present “Ceramic Fragment” to Larry
- Talk to Larry
- Combine Logic “Switched teapots” & “The tea smells different”
- Combine Logic “Teapot’s leftover aroma” & “Minty fragrance”
- Inspect the tea table again
- Deduce from the white cloth and present “Larry’s Sketches”
- Inspect the fountain
- Talk to Ms. Scone
- Present her “Luminous Cloth”
- Talk to Ms. Scone again
- Talk to Mr. Fender
- Talk to Ms. Bound
- Combine Logic “Bound’s actions” & “In the ultimate cookbook”
- Inspect the trolley next to Mr. Fend
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Mr. von Karma starts:
- Press this statement “To that end, I collected as many Paul Halique pieces as I could from around the world”
- Highlight the statement “I was able to create replicas for the Winter Wing based on photos of the sculptures he made.” & present the “Gemini Case Analysis Results”
- Press this statement “Later, around when your father arrived, I began to make the rounds and serve tea to everybody present.”
- Select “This was the moment”
- Present the side of the teacart
- Present “Lift Cart”
- Present “Winter Wing Photo”
- Present the left figure on the left sculpture
- Present “Luminous Cloth”
- Present “Larry’s Sketches”
- Select “On Ms. Bound’s person”
- Select “Find the true killer”
- Select “Make the accusation”
- Present profile “Carmelo Gusto”
To be continued.
- An argument against Gusto starts:
- Press this statement “Her plan to poison and kill Mr. Gusto today was her attempt to frame him for Mr. Frost’s murder.”
- Highlight the statement “We have therefore determined that there is no need to investigate either case any further.” & present the “Gemini Case Analysis Results”
- Combine Logic “Murderer’s motive” & “Cooperation ended?”
- Combine Logic “Remaining” & “Wanted the cookbook?”
- Combine Logic “Afternoon tea” & “Timing of the murderer”
- Select “Why did you collaborate with Mr. Frost?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Wake up!”
- Select “Did you want more than just the title?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “So you were interested in the book, too?”
- Select “Did you need it to help you make your sweets?”
- Select “You know more than you’re letting on.”
- Select “Did you know what the book was really worth?”
- Select “Except, you know that’s not what’s really in there!”
- Select “You needed medicine, didn’t you?”
- Select “Tell me more about your son”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “So he wasn’t to sick to join you?”
- Select “Was the book necessary for him to get better?”
- Select “But you cared about Mr. Tangaroa’s work!”
- Select “What was the name of your son’s condition?”
- Select “But it wasn’t life-threatening, was it?”
- Select “Did he have a taste disorder?”
- Select “You were sick yourself, weren’t you?”
- Select “But weren’t you working with Mr. Frost?”
- An argument against Gusto starts:
- Press this statement “If it didn’t taste good in the final, that’s on me. What can I say? I lacked training.”
- Select “Ask about the semifinal”
- Highlight the statement “The only difference between the semifinal and the final was that Frost wasn’t helping me.” & present the “Family Photo”
- Select “To taste your creations”
- Present “Salt Lamp”
- Select “To obscure the time of death”
- Press this statement “The statute of limitations for murder in this country is fifteen years.”
- Select “His training in Zheng Fa”
- Highlight the statement “I later went to Zheng Fa to train, and I finally became the best in the world.” & present the “Statutes of Limitations Book”
- Select “Raise an objection”
- Present “IS-7 Incident Case File
- Select “Suspect Data”
- Present “Chocolates”
Episode 4: A Turnabout Forsaken
- Talk to the mysterious girl
- An argument against Kay starts:
- Press this statement “I don’t remember… I… I just.. don’t remember anything………”
- Press this statement “But… from under the cherry tree… I think I saw… something red…”
- Highlight the statement “But… there was someone walking toward me… from beyond the concession stand…” & present the “Bigg Building Pamphlet”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the statue of Lady Justice
- Examine the blood
- Talk to the officer
- Inspect the body
- Examine the notebook
- Examine the blue card
- Combine Logic “Room security” & “Keycard”
- Examine the left hand of the body
- Examine the blood stain on the upper body
- Examine the pink flower
- Examine the head
- Examine the candle holder on the lower right side
- Deduce from the flower and present “Magenta Flower”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Eustace starts:
- Highlight the statement “She snuck into the Committee chamber looking to do some of her trademark great-thieving!” & present the “Keycard”
- An argument against Judge Gavelle starts:
- Highlight the statement “The letter she kept safe in her left chest pocket, which spells out the name of her killer.” & present the “Coroner’s Findings”
- Present “Keycard Record”
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the cherry tree
- Talk to the old lady and the nurse
- Inspect the railing in front of the guy on the left side
- Go to the right side of the area
- Talk to Kay
- Combine Logic “Railing” & “The moon”
- Combine Logic “Where Kay was standing” & “Where Kay fell”
- Inspect the cherry tree again
- Examine the hatch on the lower left side
- Inspect the TV screen next to Kay
- Deduce from the lit-up floor and present “Bigg Building Pamphlet”
- Combine Logic “Down the hatch?” & “Is there a 51st floor?”
Investigation Complete.
To be continued.
Begin Investigation
- Press
and talk to Ema Skye, this unlocks
Glasses Battle
- Inspect the big statue in the middle
- Inspect the table with the toys on the left side
- Examine the purple start
- Deduce from the purple star and present “Candelabrum”
- Inspect the stuffed animal
- Inspect the shelf with the masks
- Deduce from the empty spot and present “Jammin’ Ninja Mask”
- Inspect the table with the money
- Combine Logic “Price tags” & “Lots of money”
- Talk to the brown-haired girl
- Present her the “Coroner’s Findings”
- An argument against Ms. Hart starts:
- Select “Let’s talk about this reasonably.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “She was your apprentice.”
- Select “Tell me what you know”
- Select “I know your apprentice pretty well.”
- Select “You have a scoop of some kind, don’t you? “
- Select “Is it related to the auction?”
- Select “So you did heard the sound of something, then?”
- Select “Is it related to an incident of some kind?”
- Select “You sneaking in is a problem!”
- Select “So your scoop is about a murder?”
- Select “But you did hear something, didn’t you?”
- Select “Were you really “in the middle” of the scene?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Tell me more about the incident.”
- Select “I thought you were “honester” than everybody?”
- Select “You can prove it, can you?”
- Select “There’s something you are not telling me!”
- Select “You’re definitely still hiding something!”
- Combine Logic “Auction entry and exit” & “Disappearing victim?”
- Spray the upper left side of the ladder
- Inspect the box with chains below you
- Spray on the right side of the box
- Inspect the elevator
- Spray in the middle part of the step
- Combine Logic “Hidden body” & “Clothes box blood”
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Franziska starts:
- Highlight the statement “The blood on the floor of this room proves my theory! Game, set, and match, Miles Edgeworth. Q.E.D.” & present the “Elevator”
- Select “The weapon was removed here”
- Press this statement “The killer lay in wait for the victim in the storeroom where the exchange of illicit goods was to take place.”
- Highlight the statement “I believe we can reasonably assume that the murder took place after the auction had concluded.” & present the “Ms. Hart’s Statement”
To be continued.
- Talk to Judge Gavelle
- Inspect the bed, toilet, desk, mirror, and the cell bars
- An argument against Excelsius starts:
- Select “Why the rush to arrest Kay?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “”Coming along nicely”…?”
- Select “You were the one calling the shots, weren’t you?”
- Select “I don’t need that badge anyway!”
- Select “How much time did you spend investigating?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “”The decision has been made”…?”
- Select “That you planned to have here arrested!”
- Select “I still have questions!”
- Select “What grounds did you have?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You are hoping to avoid talking about the case.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “I still have questions!”
- Select “Who gave the order?”
- Select “You remembered all the evidence pretty well!”
- Select “You, of course!”
- Select “You seem to know an awful lot about the case.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “But you keep saying how busy you are…”
- Select “Did you see exactly where she was found?”
- Select “Tell me what you know about Kay.”
- Select “Yet you know every other detail about the case!”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “”Load her down with”…?”
- Select “Kay is innocent!”
- Select “Except I know it wasn’t here!”
- An argument against Judge Gavelle starts:
- Highlight the statement “After she emerged onto the viewing platform, that’s when Ms. Ringer was attacked by Ms. Faraday.” & present the “Ms. Hart’s Picture”
- Present the blood on the left hand
- Select “Survived the attack”
- Highlight the statement “That’s right. They’re from when she was stabbed in the chest by a three-armed candelabrum.” & present the “Red Raincoat”
- Present “Coroner’s Findings”
- An argument against Excelsius starts:
- Press this statement “Think about it: The suspect herself has already said she did it.”
- Present “Yatagarasu Pin”
- Examine the horn
- Present “Coroner’s Findings”
- Present the word “burn” on the last row
- Select “The ringleader was the killer
- Present “Committee Chamber Blood”
- Select “I don’t”
- An argument against Ms. Niedler and the old lady starts:
- Press this statement “”Me writin’ something wrong is about as likely as” — OUCH!””
- Highlight the statement “I diligently dictated that report to Florence. Anythin’ after that, weren’t nothin’ to do with me. ” & present the “Coroner’s Findings”
- Select “She is a co-conspirator”
- Select “Maintain attendee numbers”
- Present “Clothes Box”
- Select “She had stolen the victim’s clothes”
- Select “The auctioneer’s hammer”
- Present “Ms. Hart’s Statement”
To be continued.
- An argument against Excelsius starts:
- Press this statement “But we never really had any personal interactions. At least, none that I remember.”
- Press this statement “Why, I didn’t even know about the burn mark on her hand.”
- Highlight the statement “Although, I suppose she was always wearing gloves. Perhaps it was to hide that burn.” & present the “Broken Plushie”
- Select “The murderer had a burn mark, too”
- Present “Ringleader’s Appearance”
- Present “Nurse Niedler’s Statement”
- Select “Your memories of two different locations”
- Present the cherry tree
- Present “Victim’s Letter”
Episode 5: Turnabout for the Ages
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the right fence twice to unlock
Wright Over There!
- Talk to Ms. Lotta on the bottom
- Talk to the assistant next to the stairs
- Combine Logic “Side gate chain cut” & “Combination lock”
- Talk to Detective Lang
- Inspect the body
- Examine the body itself
- Examine the brown area around the body
- Deduce from the horn and present “Creature Feature Flyer”
- Talk to the assistant again
- Combine Logic “Dented fence” & “Broken horn”
- Combine Logic “Was he stomped on?” & “Taurusaurus head”
- Inspect the stairs
- Examine the monster’s head
- Examine the broken table
- Talk to the kid
- Inspect the sheet on the lower right side
- Inspect the movie crane
Investigation Complete.
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Highlight the statement “And then she pushed him. And he landed right here. This all happened the night before last.” & present the “Behind-the-Scenes Photo”
- Present “Movie Set Locks”
- Highlight the statement “There’s no other way he could have gotten down from the top of a building that high.” & present the “Bigg Building”
To be continued.
- Talk to Franziska
- Talk to Fender
- Present profile “Eustace Winner”
- An argument against Judge Gavelle starts:
- Select “What did you talk to the president about?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You helped us this morning!”
- Select “Where’s Mr. Winner?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You’re worried about someone else as well?”
- Select “You’re no servant — you’re a person!”
- Select “Are you worried about Mr. Winner?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “That poor child”? Who do you mean?”
- Select “Are you worried about Taurusaurus?”
- Select “Is there something wrong with where he died?”
- Select “A crew member found him.”
- Select “Who are you worried about?”
- Select “”That poor child” is missing, aren’t they?”
- Select “It’s someone from the movie, isn’t it?”
- Select “Do you know him?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Do you know where he is?”
- Select “Are you a fan?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Did you hear that from Shawn himself?”
- Select “Do you know him?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You must have spoken to him!”
- Select “Do you know where he is?”
- Select “The two of you are very much connected!”
- Select “The person who kidnapped him?”
Begin Investigation
- Inspect the truck on the right side
- Inspect the taxi
- Talk to the police officer
- Talk to the guy in the orange jacket
- Inspect the equipment next to the trailer
- Inspect the trailer
- Talk to the girl in the green shirt
- Talk with the other girl
- Present her the “Behind-the-Scenes Photo” and talk to here again
- Combine Logic “Two men” & “Men in black”
- Combine Logic “Stolen case” & “No Shaun”
Investigation Complete.
- Examine the gloves
- Examine the box behind the gloves
- Examine the shovel on the wall
- An argument against Eustace starts:
- Select “You’re a total failure of a human being” to unlock
How Could You, Sir!?
- Select “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You have to believe in yourself””
- Select “I think you mean “incompetent”.”
- Select “Why were you taken to your own home?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “The owner? Excelsius Winner?”
- Select “Who were you kidnapped by?”
- Select “Your father was behind your kidnapping!”
- Select “Of course not!”
- Select “What did the kidnappers want?”
- Select “That wasn’t your father’s motive!”
- Select “What did they ask you?”
- Select “What is it you remembered?”
- Select “You mean your father?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You wanted your father’s approval?”
- Select “Because you want to be of use to your father.”
- Select “It’s “clear his name”!”
- Select “What connects Laguarde and your father?”
- Select “What else do you remember?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “Where’s the evidence from the case?”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You gave the evidence to your father!”
- Select “He wanted to mess with the trial!”
- Select “Will you walk the same path as your father?”
- Select “Do you mean “the milk of human kindness”?”
- Select “I can be that person for you.”
- Select “Will you continue to work as a prosecutor?”
- Select “Only you can answer that!”
- Select “What do you mean to do now?”
- Select “It’s “clothes make the man”.”
- Select “Bide my time”
- Select “You’ll be a different kind of prosecutor.”
- Select “You’re a total failure of a human being” to unlock
- Inspect the safe on the lower left side
- Exit the room through the ladder
- Select “Listening in on us”
- Present “Yatagarasu Pin”
- Examine the back of the pin
Begin Investigation
- Talk to Ms. Lloyd
- Talk to Mr. Saint
- Combine Logic “Exploding sound” & “Festival at Sunshine Coliseum”
- Talk to Detective Gumshoe
- Walk to the door next to the blonde girl in a red dress
- Examine the milk
- Examine the sign
- Combine Logic “Vehicle activity” & “Garbage disposal area”
- Present the lock
- Combine Logic “Near the Coliseum” & “Garbage facilities”
Investigation Complete.
- Present “Report on Knight”
- Examine the paper
- Select “The newspaper”
- Examine the handprint on the back
- Present “Mechanic’s Gloves”
- Present the A on the fingertips
To be continued.
- An argument against Shaun starts:
- Highlight the statement “It’s not like I haven’t done it before. It was fine. Nothing happened.” & present the “Shaun’s Rehearsal Tape”
- Present “Taurusaurus Head”
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Press this statement “…by dragging it over to the Taurusaurus suit and stuffing it inside.”
- Highlight the statement “The inside of the suit is covered with dirt. It must be from when the body was hidden there.” & present the “Crime Scene Notes”
- Present “Mechanic’s Gloves”
- Select “Concrete”
- Select “Digging something up”
- Present the bag next to the costume
- Present the camera on the crane
- Present the sheets
- Zoom into the upper right corner and present the man
- An argument against Shaun starts:
- Press this statement “… the president was just there, lying next to it.”
- Select “Push him a little more”
- Highlight the statement “I didn’t know he was dead at first. There was no blood, and nothing on his clothes, either.” & present the “President Wang’s Autopsy Report”
- Present “Forged Letter”
Begin Investigation
- Inspect both sets of footprints
- Inspect the body
- Examine the body, cell phone, camera, brick, and flower on the upper left side.
- Inspect the left flower bed
- Inspect the left pillar of the entrance
- Combine Logic “Three footprints” & “Planters”
- Present “Report on Knight”
- Talk to Detective Lang
- Combine Logic “What did Winner dig up?” & “Was Winner involved?”
- Inspect the snowman and the two men standing next to him.
- Examine the handprint on the snowman
- Deduce from the handprint and present the “Bloddy Button”
- Select “The victim’s location”
- Inspect the left footprints and shoes from the body
- Inspect the snowman and examine the gap in the bricks next to him
- Combine Logic “Brick used in murder” & “Missing brick”
- Combine Logic “The body was moved” & “Brick from by snowman”
- Inspect the blue figure
- Present “Mr. Aldown’s Photograph”
- Present the area around the burned left pillar from the entrance
- Press
and select “Switch re-creations”
- Inspect the body
- Inspect and examine the bloodstain
- Deduce from the bloodstain and present “Fire”
Investigation Complete.
- Present “Taurusaurus Plushie”
To be continued.
- An argument against Detective Lang starts:
- Highlight the statement “If Aldown hadn’t been there, there wouldn’t have been a murder. Just a kidnapping.” & present the “Mysterious Bood Stain”
- Present “Child’s Drawing”
- Present profile “Bodhidharma Kanis”
- Select “One was a body double”
- Present “SS-5 Incident Case File”
- Present “Mr. Aldown’s Photograph”
- Present “Monster Footprints”
- Present “Victim’s Shoes”
- An argument against Mr. Kanis starts:
- Press this statement “And if I hadn’t meet my friend the young pup again, they might even have succeded.”
- Select “There is”
- Select “The date”
- Present “IS-7 Incident Case File”
- Press this statement “The pup and I remained in contact even after I was sent to prison.”
- Present “Knight’s Possessions”
- Select “The ring”
- Highlight the statement “I did so used to enjoy tapping out my little letters in braille…” & present the “Correspondence Chess Diagram”
- Present profile “Simeon Saint”
- Zoom into the upper left corner and present the big symbol behind the bars
To be continued.
- An argument against Simeon Saint starts:
- Press this statement “Sure, I went up in the balloon a couple of nights ago. But i was just practicing.”
- Highlight the statement “The last time I took the balloon out on the truck would have been then — the day before last.” & present the “Blue Truck”
- Select “Fingerprint dusting”
- Select “Miles Edgeworths’s”
- Dust the middle of the screen with
then blow with
to reveal the fingerprint
- Present “Sedative”
- Present “Correspondence Chess Diagram”
- Present “Knight’s Possessions”
- Highlight the statement “But it’s the same story as always, I’m afraid — you can’t prove I did anything at all.” & present the “Ms. Lloyd’s Tape”
- Select “Two nights ago”
- Present “President Wang’s Autopsy Report”
- Present “Lion Hot Air Balloon”
- Examine the bullet hole on the bottom
- Press this statement “Then, he pointed the gun at me and fired.”
- Select “There is a problem”
- Highlight the statement “After he shot at me, he escaped through the hatch to the fifty-first floor.” & present the “Ms. Hart’s Statement”
- Present “Lion Hot Air Balloon”
- Highlight the statement “Besides, I thought he was crushed to death by that model monster head?” & present the “Lion Hot Air Balloon”
- Present “Sunshine Depot”
- Present “Lion Hot Air Balloon”
- Present “Bouquet”
- End of Episode 5: Turnabout for the Ages
This finishes the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection.
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