A Way Out Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: between 3-7 hours if you complete the whole story once, less than 1 hour if someone invites you to all trophy specific chapters
- Offline Trophies: 14 (1
, 10
, 4
, 0
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: None. The game has chapter select
- Glitched trophies: None
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty levels
- Minimum Playthroughs: None if someone invites you to all the trophy specific chapters. 1 if you start it fresh
A Way Out is a solely co-op based third person view adventure game by Hazelight Studios (The makers of “Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons”), published by EA. It’s not possible to play the game in single player, you have to get yourself a couch co-op partner in real life or a friend from PSN to play it. You can always see what your partner is doing as the game is only being displayed in split-screen.
Only one of you needs to actually buy the game, as the client can simply download the trial version of the game to join the hosts game, however they won’t be able to unlock trophies that way. You have to own the game in order to earn trophies. Luckily you don’t have to redo all the trophies after buying the full version of the game, as it is all saved in-game (in case you did complete the whole thing with the trial version).
All of the trophies will unlock for both players if someone fulfills the requirement, except for 2 of them. More about those in the guide.
Step 1: Enjoy yourself
Play through the game without looking at this guide or trophy videos on YouTube. Enjoy this amazing game! If you don’t want to go in completely blind, have a look at the trophy list and try to guess what you have to do for some of them. All of them a written in a very cryptic way and you won’t be able to just guess what you have to do for most of them.
Step 2: Chapter Select
Now it’s time to head over to chapter select to get all the trophies you might have missed in your fun playthrough, which could potentially be all of them since the game has no story related trophies. Following this guide it should take you less than an hour to wrap this step up and to get you the platinum. Congratulations on your platinum!
Complete Video Guide
If you are unsure about any trophy you can refer to the video below, it contains all trophies in the game in chronological order:
A Way Out Trophy Guide
rilk1977 says
Jeanmi96, great guide!!!. Congrats!!!
Could the platinum be obtainable with 2 controllers but only one player?. I mean…one person controlling both characters at the same time…
dannyX27 says
Probably not as there are some things that need to be dine together like the in sync trophy
Jeanmi96 says
Thank you mate, appreciate it! 🙂
About your question though, I’m sorry to tell you but no way. You could control both characters for about 70% of the game, but there are scenes where both players have to do something so you don’t fail. There is a chapter where both of you are on bikes or driving a truck while the other one is in the back shooting at cops. There is no way you’d make it past those scenes without a second person playing the game with you.
Michael ONeill says
Anyone having an issue with the home-run trophy?
Big D says
Need to hit it more then 200 feet
Mad_rydah says
Great game love it pretty easy platinum too add me on psn mad_rydah
This game gave me my 106th plat
D says
Am I missing it or did you not include how to get Take It For A Spin?
PowerPyx says
You’re missing something. It’s in the guide 🙂
Use your browser’s built-in page search to search for a word or phrase (CTRL+F on PC and type the trophy you’re looking for to search the page).
Rob says
If anyone wants to co-op plat this please add me!
Many thanks!
Xeneise_gonza says
Anyone still want to do this? send me friend request
Billiamwpc says
Looking for co-op? send me friend request
edd435x says
If anyone would like to play from start to finish and get the platinum with me add me on PSN = Edd435x