In A Plague Tale Requiem you can start “New Game+” (New Game Plus) after finishing your first playthrough. However, this function is a bit hidden so this quick guide will explain how to do it:
- From the title screen press Circle (PlayStation) / B (Xbox) to go back to the “Select a Slot” screen.
- Scroll over your current save and press Triangle (PlayStation) / Y (Xbox). In the bottom right corner it should also say “Create NG+” on your completed save.
- It will create a new NG+ save in a free slot. It will keep your existing save slot from the first playthrough, it doesn’t overwrite your old save. This allows you to still go back via Chapter Select to grab missing Collectibles.
- Load your newly created NG+ save slot to start a new playthrough. It transfers all your progress, Collectibles, Upgrades, Skills etc. that you had at the end of your first playthrough.
If you want to fully max out all Skills, then doing a New Game+ playthrough is mandatory. That’s because you can’t max out all skills in a single playthrough. Which means it’s also necessary if you want the platinum trophy or 1000 Gamerscore. Luckily all your Skill progress is carried over. But remember you can’t view your Skill Progress until halfway through Chapter 2. You also don’t start with all weapons, you will get back your weapons when they unlocked in the first playthrough, due to story reasons (otherwise it would be a bit game-breaking).
Keep in mind there is no New Game++ at the time of the game’s release (perhaps some day later through a patch). On your New Game+ save there will be no option to create another NG+ to carry your progress into a third playthrough. If you don’t finish maxing out all skills on your NG+ run you will need to redo the 2nd playthrough and focus on the missing skill.
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