A Sea of Promises is Chapter 8 in A Plague Tale Requiem. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 8: A Sea of Promises.
Sub-Chapters and Objectives:
- Celebration of the Brighter Days
- Talk to the Others
- Explore the Boat with Hugo
- Talk to the Others
- Talk to Sophia to Dock
- Enter the Village
- Look Around for Information about the Island
- Follow the Parade
- The Deal
- Escape from the Count’s Soldiers
- Stopping Arnaud
- Escape from the Falconer
- Find Arnaud
- Guests
- Follow the Count and the Countess
Celebration of the Brighter Days
Hugo and Amicia have set sail for La Cuna, the island of Hugo’s dreams. With the siblings are Arnaud and Sophia, the smuggler captain of the boat.
Talk to the Others
Amicia and the others are now in the open sea, enjoying some quiet. For this objective, approach Arnaud and then Sophia will ask for your and Arnaud’s help. Go to the side opposite Arnaud’s and pull the rope bay holding /
Now approach Hugo to automatically talk to him. Now press /
again and Hugo will join you in exploring the boat.
Explore the Boat with Hugo
Go upper deck and talk to Sophia so that Hugo can ask his question.
Now we can spend some time exploring the boat. You can enter the cabin and optionally interact with the bed, the map, the crossbow, and the items on the shelves or continue down to the cargo hold where you can interact with a compass.
Talk to the Others
Now go back up to Sophia and talk to her for a new cutscene. After piloting the vessel for a while, Hugo asks for attention again. La Cuna appears in the distance. Hugo knows he’s going to die, but Amicia reassures him that everything will be fine and that she’s happy to be there with him.
Sophia, telling us we’re about to make land, asks us for our help.
Talk to Sophia to Dock
Talk to Sophia at the helm and you’ll automatically trigger a cutscene and dock. The village we’ve docked at is under the Count’s law, so we can expect a few soldiers moving forward. However, for now, the town of the island is celebrating the Brighter Days during which every child is a king for the day. A woman welcomes us into the town and crowns Hugo.
Enter the Village
Follow Arnaud through the streets of the village. As we make our way through the village, Arnaud wants to know more about Hugo’s dream.
Look Around for Information about the Island
We’re now at the village market. Take a right as soon as you reach the market and continue through the second archway. You will reach a goat pen you can interact with and unlock Souvenir #13/21: Silent Lucinda.
Return to the market and talk to the spice and fabric vendors, the man in the middle of the market, then the woman and her crowd in the garden.
In here, go past the woman and you’ll find Hugo’s Herbarium #7/12 / Feather #3/7 Black Kite by the tree above the steps.
Now return to the market proper and approach the guard standing by the archway to open up the street uphill.
Continue up the street, go up the stairs, but don’t continue straight ahead just yet. Instead, climb down the stairs on the left and go stand by the stand with the flower crowns. After the man is done talking, Amicia asks him if they can play. Completing this mini-game awards you with Souvenir #14/21 Flower Crown. You can also unlock Perfect Throw here provided you complete all throws successfully. For a successful throw, just release the trigger when the white line goes through the flowers and hits the tarp behind them.
Now backtrack and go up the street and you should see a crowd of people about to start a parade by a white church.
Follow the Parade
Continue along the street, past the smith workshop and the dancers, then approach the fence to witness the parade. You can interact with the woman next to you who will let Hugo throw some flower petals into the parading people.
Continue around the dancers, past the stalls, down and up the stairs. The paraders have now come to a stop. The Count is here!
Arnaud expects Hugo to hold on to his end of the deal and unleash the rats on the Count, but Amicia won’t allow it. Arnaud then takes things into his own hands and unsheathes his sword, ready to take on the Count.
The Deal
Escape from the Count’s Soldiers
As the Count battles against Arnaud, all Amicia and Hugo can do is run. The camera already points you in the right direction, so just keep running and adjust your course anytime you see incoming guards.
Amicia is adamant about stopping Arnaud before he causes any more damage. Cross the stable until you see a workbench on your right and a wooden door on your left. Right of the door is a hole in the wall you can instruct Hugo to crawl under.
Now place the cart halfway through the workbench and the opposite wall, under the white-painted ledge and climb up. Open the tool chest to find upgrade materials. Continue down the upper level of the stable and jump back down into the square.
Stopping Arnaud
Escape from the Falconer
Awaiting us at the square is a falconer. His falcon reacts quickly to your movements and noises and can one-hit kill you. For this section, you need to stay behind cover as much as possible and use your tools to distract it. The goal is to reach the iron door left of the falconer.
First off, cast a rock at the toolbox on the right.
After you’ve hit it, move forward to the last flowered fence. Now cast an ignited rock at the brazier in front of you and quickly run behind the nearby wooden bench. Now cast a rock at the toolbox on your left and vault over to the flowered fence in front of you.
Now do the same once more, but this time wait for the bird to fly back to the falconer otherwise it’ll kill you as it swoops down to the toolbox.
Now do the same once more.
For the final step, quench the brazier with an Exstinguis rock and vault over and up to the door.
Find Arnaud
Continue forward to find Arnaud battling against the Count. Amicia brings down a wooden pole that knocks Arnaud down and right when the Count is ready to strike down Hugo and Amicia, her wife, Emilie, stops her husband’s killing instinct. Because we helped the Count, he and the Countess invite us to dinner at their palace.
Follow the Count and the Countess
Follow the Count and the Countess inside their palace and help yourself with some dates from the table corner.
Next, follow them into the courtyard where they share more information about the Child of Embers.
In the next part of the garden, approach the stone and prey to it.
When you’re done, reunite with the Counts and follow them upstairs into Hugo’s and Amicia’s new quarters.
In here, Hugo is worried as to whether Arnaud will be killed or not, but the Count reassures him that they can both testify at the trial if they so desire.
This concludes Chapter 8 “A Sea of Promises” in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Now Chapter 9 “Tales and Revelations” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Requiem check out the full A Plague Tale: Requiem Walkthrough.
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