In Our Wake is Chapter 5 in A Plague Tale Requiem. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 5: In Our Wake.
Sub-Chapters and Objectives:
- On the River
- Free the Boat
- Find a Way to Reach the Boat
- Cross the Construction Site
- Reaction Ferry
- Clear a Path for the Boat
- Bridge Under Construction
- Find a Way to Reach the Boat
- Help Lucas
- Ambush
- Get Rid of the Bandits
- Clear a Path for the Boat
- Get Rid of the Bandits
- Grapples
- Get Rid of the Bandits
- Free the Boat
- Run from Arnaud
- Reach the Boat before Arnaud
On the River
Safe and sound after the destruction of the red city at the hands of a distraught Hugo, our beloved characters are being escorted to Marseille by captain Joseph, where they hope to get answers on Hugo’s curse. During the journey, Hugo still dreams of the island and the phoenix and insists on going there as he feels that it could heal him. Amicia, still somehow grappling with her seething anger, reassures Hugo that she’ll be there for him. However, Beatrice and Amicia disagree on how to handle Hugo’s curse moving forward.
Free the Boat
There’s some debris in the river that has clogged the hull that we need to remove to continue. Climb out the boat and push it together with Lucas.
Find a Way to Reach the Boat
Releasing the boat from the clog causes it to start sailing again, but Amicia and Lucas are not on it. We can regroup with the others downstream, but we first need to find way around the river. Follow the path up the cliff until you get to a split. We need to make a slight detour to the right for a Souvenir.
Open up the chest and keep going forward until you hear a stag bellowing. Lucas and Amicia will then have a conversation about it and Souvenir #7/21 Stag’s Roar will automatically unlock. After the Souvenir, continue on the main path and squeeze through the crevice. We’re now at a huge nautical construction site that we need to cross.
Cross the Construction Site
Climb down the ledge and new swarms of rats will infest the area. Before continuing, turn around to find a chest with materials. Now cast Ignifer at the hanging hay bale and quickly run to the ledge in front of you to climb it.
Instruct Lucas to operate the crane and this will move the hay bale in a position that will allow Amicia to cast Ignifer at it. However, the fire is not bright enough to give Alicia and Lucas enough room to make it across. So, cast Tar at it and you’re good to go.
Open up the chest and then interact with the second crank to move the crane in Lucas’ direction, allowing him to come across as well. When the hay bale is in the correct position, Lucas will automatically cast Stupefacio at it and cross over.
Now instruct Lucas to operate the crank again and when the crane stops, light up the hay bale with Ignifer and then with tar.
Then instruct Lucas to let go and follow the hay bale as it moves, thus creating a path amongst the rats.
However, the fire goes off, but Lucas comes to our rescue. He will give us pyrite, allowing us to strike the ground with and whip it at the rats and continue along to the next set of stairs to the left.
Here, open up the chest. Now, operate the crank and keep holding /
until you no longer can. Then let go and quickly cast Ignifer at the hay bale. As it moves, run across to the other side.
From the new platform. grab a stick and throw it at Lucas. He will grab it, ignite it and reach the second platform.
Now ignite the hay bale and then cast tar at it. Quickly drop down, open the tool chest on your left and then climb back up again.
You should now be on a new platform with a workbench. Before interacting with it, there’s some upgrade materials for you to grab on a crate nearby. Now interact with the workbench to see if there are any available upgrades. Backtrack a bit and shoot the ring near Lucas’ location to open up a ledge, then ignite the hay bale again, allowing Lucas to get across and regroup with Amicia.
Now don’t continue just yet towards the braziers. Instead, if you look behind and above you, you should see a ladder held up by a chain. Destroy the chain and then keep climbing up.
At the top, approach the braided fence and together with Lucas you’ll be able to holler at Hugo, thereby unlocking Souvenir #8/21 Huuuugoooo!.
Turn around and there is another Knife here under the shed. If you kept the knife from Chapter 4 you won’t need to pick it up, but if you accidentally used the knife, you can pick up this one for the next Secret Chest.
Now descend, grab a stick, ignite it and proceed to the two braziers down below. Lastly, move the beams to crawl to the other side.
Reaction Ferry
Clear a Path for the Boat
The boat is stuck and we must now clear up the path. Before doing anything else, open up the chest on the pier for some materials. Operate the crank only to realize that the chain is jammed, requiring us to find an alternative solution yet again.
Opposite the crevice we came in from is an opening you can crouch under, leading us to a cart.
Go around the cart and instruct Lucas to pull it.
This reveals a hole in the ground that we can use to go under the pier.
Wade through the mud and interact with the corpse to free the wheel operating the chain.
Lucas will automatically operate the crank above and move a platform closer to Amicia for you to use and go back up. From the platform, instruct Lucas to let go of the crank and you will move to the other river bank.
Halfway through the platform you just rode and the end of the structure is a hole in the ceiling exposing a chain that can be shot off. This will destroy the chain, but also the pontoons for Amicia to reunite with the others. Time to find another alternative solution.
Bridge Under Construction
Find a Way to Reach the Boat
With the structure destroyed, we’re free to explore the bank. First off, go around the structure, squeeze through the fence and climb up the ladder where you’ll find Secret Chest #3/10. You’ll need the knife we found on the tree stump in Chapter 4 to hijack it. If you’ve used it on an enemy, you’ll have to replay from the related sub-chapter in Chapter 4 to open it.
Go back down and retrace your steps, flanking the side of the structure. Halfway through, on the facade, you should see a hole you can crouch under leading you to a tool chest for materials.
Now resume jogging along the river bank until you reach the bridge. After going up the ramp, make a slight detour to the left for some upgrade materials in a broken wheelbarrow. Then, stand in the location shown in the screenshot below to destroy a chain that releases a small drawbridge.
Now climb up the structure using the cart, walk across the drawbridge and up the cliff.
By the edge of the cliff you’ll find Hugo’s Herbarium #4/10 Anemone.
Now get back down and move the cart near the other ledge and continue forward.
Drop down and go under the ledge you’ve just jumped down from and shoot the chain to release a small drawbridge leading back to the other side.
Now operate the crank to move the hanging platform to the other side, go back to the other side, and place the cart on it.
Then, operate the crank again to bring the moving cart to your side and push it next to the white-painted ledge to climb forward.
After climbing, a new cutscene reveals Lucas being chased by some bandits. As Lucas struggles for his life, Amicia will automatically come to his rescue by manning a Joseph’s crossbow turret.
Help Lucas
Use the crossbow turret to eliminate the two bandits, then follow the tutorial to ignite the bolts and cast them at wooden items to clear up a path for Lucas. So, selection menu, then
. Now you can fire an Ignifer bolt at a wooden item to create a permanent fire source. Shoot three bolts, each of which landing on the three crates on the bank. This way Lucas can safely get across and reunite with us.
Get Rid of the Bandits
We’re now ambushed by other ambits. Keep using the crossbow turret to eliminate whoever is in your path during the final stretch of the boat ride. Eventually the boat will get stuck on a shipwreck.
Clear a Path for the Boat
Now ignite a bolt to remove the shipwreck and allow the boat to continue forward.
Get Rid of the Bandits
More bandits will now show up, some of them near tar pots that you can light up using fire bolts if you so desire. This ensures a chain reaction and kills all enemies standing close to each other in one go.
The worst seems to be behind us, but an unexpected turn of events forces a stubborn and resolute Amicia to keep fighting, automatically manning Joseph’s crossbow.
Get Rid of the Bandits
Shoot the first bandit and then proceed to the log in front of you to pick a knife.
No need to fight the incoming bandits. Simply run up the hill and climb the ledges to trigger a new cutscene.
Free the Boat
Amicia will try to cut the rope that keeps the boat tied to a tree, but she’s interrupted by Arnaud. There’s nothing we can do against such a powerful enemy but run.
Run from Arnaud
Simply run away from Arnaud, pressing /
when prompted to bolt over hurdles or
to squeeze through crannies. After sliding down the slope, keep running along the cliff and then into the woods, and lastly, into a cave.
Reach the Boat before Arnaud
After reaching the cave, we can overhear Arnaud threatening to kill Amicia’s family and we must get back to them before he does. There’s no right or wrong path to take here as they all lead to the Order’s boat. It’s just a matter of choosing the path of least resistance. So, kill enemies when needed, but otherwise keep running along the emptier paths. We will eventually catch up with Arnaud, but he strikes us down, rendering Amicia unconscious.
Hugo wants to help and so unearths rats from the ground, saving his sister.
But they don’t board the boat, disillusioning Beatrice. Now, leaving all behind, it’s just Hugo and Amicia against the world. Time to find that island.
This concludes Chapter 5 “In Our Wake” in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Now Chapter 6 “Leaving All Behind” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Requiem check out the full A Plague Tale: Requiem Walkthrough.
Dusan says
After you cross the river on the platform, there is a knife by a small pile of logs towards the collapsed bridge, which you can use for a secret chest. It is before JUST UNDER BRIDGE.
BodyChipper says
At souvenir #8 there are upgrade materials on a cart at the far end of the upper cliff area with the windmill/waterwheel thing as well.
BodyChipper says
There is also an additional knife along the stone wall to your left when walking away from the building with secret chest #3. It is with some timber logs piled up with an axe in a nearby stump.
Haris says
Wow thank you so much I was about to follow the article and go back to chapter 4 – you saved literally hours for me.