A Burden of Blood is Chapter 3 in A Plague Tale Requiem. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 3: A Burden of Blood.
Sub-Chapters and Objectives:
- Crossing the Town
- Follow Lucas to the Butchers’ District
- Butcher’s District
- Exit the City
- Rodric’s Tool
- Exit the City
- The Gate
- Exit the City
- Reach the Herbalist’s Forest
- Use the Workbench
- At the Edge of the City
- Reach the Herbalist’s Forest
- Save the Herbalist
- Reach the Herbalist’s Forest
- At the Herbalist
- Find and Rescue Lucas
- Survive the Assault
- In Prison
- Escape from the Dungeon
- Escape the Fort
- The Warehouse
- Find the Belongings
- Escape the Fort
- Find a Way to Create a Diversion
- Use the Ballista to Create a Diversion
Crossing the Town
Magister Vaudin, the exalted alchemist, has agreed to examine Hugo and find out why the Macula, Hugo’s curse, has awakened again. Hugo, however, doesn’t seem to be reacting well to the Magister’s treatment and is having seizures. Beatrice informs us that a specific plant, called nightshade, might help reduce the tremors Hugo is experiencing, but is sold by a herbalist located in the butchers’ district, a perilous area filled with enemies and rats.
Follow Lucas to the Butchers’ District
After the initial cutscene, follow Lucas who seems to know the way to our destination. As we make our way through the town, Amicia will notice that everybody’s gone as a result of Hugo awakening the Bite.
Butcher’s District
Exit the City
We are now in the butchers’ district, with a foul stench pervading the area. Keep going downhill, walking past the stands, until you reach a small crowd protesting against the closing of a street.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to proceed any further and we must find another way to get in. Luckily for us, Lucas spots a back alley, but we need a way to squeeze through. Go back up the street just a bit to spot a crevice in between some wooden beams you can squeeze through.
Then, slide down the slope, only to end up in a stinking pit of butchered carcasses and flies. Wade through the water and climb back up again. Then, squeeze through the beams behind the wooden cart and open up the chests for new upgrade materials.
Then, together with Lucas, push the cart off the slope to create a way forward.
However, this causes the rats to hurtle through the ground. Ignite the first brazier and the one below the hanging pig carcasses, then cast an ignited pot halfway through the two braziers to make it across safely.
Rodric’s Tool
Exit the City
On the other side, shoot the ring to drop the carcass and then cast a rock at the nearby saltpeter bag to create a cloud that quenches the flame nearby. This will cause the rats to scurry over to the meat, allowing us to proceed further.
Now, push the cart inside the house and park it next to the brazier. Then, shoot down the carcasses in the room, then push the saltpeter cart near the fire source and lastly trigger a cloud of saltpeter by shooting a rock at the cart itself.
Now it’s safe to cross and climb up the ladder. Grab the upgrade materials from the chest in the room, the knife from the butchered big head, then exit the room and we’ll be threatened by a soldier.
Get rid of him with headshot, only to find out that the soldiers are slaughtering the townsfolk, purging everybody that could be affected by the Bite. New swarms of rats will soon come bursting from the ground, with Lucas coming to our aid with some saltpeter, allowing us to craft Exstinguis, a new ammo type that douses lanterns, braziers, and torches, enabling us to use rats to our advantage and eliminating enemies in our path. As per instructions, hold /
to open the selection menu, then press: right: twice and hold
to craft some Exstinguis.
Now aim at and shoot the torch to put it out, resulting in the rats rampaging towards the soldier. Do the same with the torch carried by the second soldier.
Immediately after, douse the torch carried by the soldier upstairs as well as the lantern.
Then, continue to the left of the alley. Here, grab a stick from the stash in the corner and enter the side room. Open the chest for materials and ignite the stick using the torch. Then, climb through the window and make it upstairs to the next brazier.
The Gate
Exit the City
From here, open up the chest for materials and cast Ignifer at the nearby brazier.
Continue up the stairs and open the big chest, revealing a Tool, needed for upgrading Amicia’s equipment at dedicated workbenches.
Leave the room and continue upstairs and two more soldiers holding torches will appear. When the two soldiers come to a halt, craft a pot of Exstinguis and cast it at them to create a cloud of saltpeter.
As the rats munch on their dinner, climb back down into the street to continue forward. The portcullis is shut though and we must find another way through. Enter the solely available door and go upstairs to activate the crank that raises the portcullis.
Then, quickly run back down and cross the gate. We’re finally outside the city.
Reach the Herbalist’s Forest
Jog down the road to find two houses on your right. The first house on the right has a locked garden gate that can be opened from one of the two sides of the fence by destroying its chain.
Once you have, enter the garden and interact with the grave to unlock Souvenir #3/21: A Grave. Now enter the abandoned forge and approach the workbench to use it.
Use the Workbench
Workbenches allow Amicia to upgrade her sling, alchemical skill, gear and instruments. Being the sling your primary tool of attack, we suggest you prioritize it, but it doesn’t really matter as you need to max them all out for trophy purposes. So, choose whichever and continue forward.
At the Edge of the City
Reach the Herbalist’s Forest
Leave the forge by means of the ladder found near the workbench and exit back out. Ignite the lantern and enter the hamlet in front of you.
There’s a spearman trying to kill you here, so make sure to quickly eliminate him.
Now grab a stick from the stash, ignite it using the torch in the hamlet and make it across to the brazier near the slaughtered cow carcass.
From here, ignite the torch near the window of the hamlet on your left and enter it.
Open the chest and continue forward. Immediately outside, use Exstinguis on both the bonfire and the torch held by one of the guards to have the rats kill them immediately.
Now ignite the bonfire again and from here look at the wooden barn nearby where you can shoot through a hole in the facade to drop down an animal carcass for the rats.
Next, approach the next bonfire and you should have a small church in front of you. From here you should be able to douse the brazier near one of the guards.
Next, grab a stick, ignite it and go in the direction of where the guard was and light up the brazier you just doused.
Near this brazier is a chest with some materials if you’d like, but to access it you’ll have to ignite a pot. Next, enter the church and come out of the other side, making sure to open the chest opposite the exit.
Kill the incoming guard holding a spear and ignite the lantern outside to make it across and open a new chest.
Save the Herbalist
As you approach the end of this area, you should notice three more people coming out a gate. One of them is in a robe, he’s the herbalist. Saving him is an optional objective. However, there are no consequences whether you save him or kill him. He doesn’t show up again during the story. To save him, light up the torch at the gate he’s coming from. Headshot the unarmored enemy and lure the armored one to you, then use Extinguis on his torch as he passes through the rats. The trick is to shoot the torch by the gate when the Herbalist is walking next to it, otherwise the rats will eat him (because you kill the two enemies holding torches, which kept the rats away from the Herbalist too). If the Herbalist dies, Lucas will make a negative comment about it, but other than this line of dialogue there’s no consequence.
Reach the Herbalist’s Forest
Once all guards have been dealt with, in the last building on the left is a Tool Chest.
Next, shoot the saltpeter stash near the wooden cart where the herbalist was to douse the fire and attract the rats to the bodies.
Now, light the bonfire again and grab a stick from the stash.
Light it up and make it to the lantern near the wooden door and then climb over the trunk and squeeze through the crevice at the end of the trail.
We’ve now reached the herbalist’s hamlet. Before entering his hut, check out the pots hanging from the big oak on the left side of the area. One of these pots has a flower in it. Shoot it down with your sling to collect Hugo’s Herbarium #2/12 Chamomile.
Now you can resume the search for nightshade. Check the different plants outside the hut and then, when prompted by Lucas, open the door and go inside. Approach the window to trigger a new cutscene. Amicia is not in the right mental state to go on and something is clearly happening to her.
But because we have our trusted alchemist Lucas by our side, he volunteers to take her place and continue the search for the nightshade plant. However, Lucas gets caught and Amicia must go to his rescue.
At the Herbalist
Find and Rescue Lucas
From the starting point, stay crouched and keep going until you see a set of stairs on your right. Study the movements of the patrol guard and when he’s not looking, continue on to the next patch of plants.
You should now see a guard holding a spear who can be taken out with a headshot.
From the same bush, try to kill both guards patrolling the flower field upstairs. Before continuing upstairs, there’s a chest on the left side.
Now go upstairs or use the white-painted ledge to reach the field of white flowers. Sneak past the guards and greenhouse to find a door that leads you to Lucas. Upon entering the room, you’ll notice Lucas being repeatedly struck by a guard who can be headshot.
Survive the Assault
Shortly after regrouping with Lucas, you’ll be ambushed by several guards. Cast rocks at the saltpeter sacks or kill the incoming guards with headshots.
When a shielded enemy joins in the ambush, you must shoot the saltpeters sacks to blind him. This will make his head immune for a one-shot kill.
The rest of the incoming enemies will be holding spears, easily killed with a headshot. However, Amicia, prey to her new wrath, keeps ignoring Lucas’ advice to just leave, resulting in their capture.
In Prison
Escape from the Dungeon
Lucas and Amicia are now in prison. Amicia is troubled by her homicidal instincts, but Lucas is there for her, providing a new solution for a getaway.
Exit the prison cell and approach the fire in the middle of the room. Hold /
while pointing the camera at the fire itself and press
to have Lucas execute Stupefacio.
Once the guards are blinded, start running upstairs. However, Amicia’s equipment was sequestered by the guards and now needs to be collected. Climb through the window to access a rooftop overlooking the fort.
Escape the Fort
Take a right on the rooftop and shimmy along the wall, then climb up the wooden ramparts.
There’s an archer enemy that cannot be taken down as Amicia is without her gear, so crouch past him and climb through a new window, then down a ladder.
Stay crouched and when you see a brazier, have Lucas cast some Stupefacio ( +
), allowing us to proceed.
Enter the tower and climb yet through another window. Continue along the scripted path until you can drop down a white-painted ledge, then through a window and immediately crawl under the table to avoid getting spotted by the guard coming down the stairs.
When Amicia says it’s safe to go, start crouching all the way upstairs and open the door.
Sprint along the ramparts until you can see an opening on your left. Climb down through it to access a depot.
The Warehouse
Find the Belongings
Climb down the ladders and go all the way to the back of the depot to retrieve your equipment. You will also obtain a knife which is needed for the Secret Chest 1/10 directly opposite the location where you reacquire Amicia’s gear. Secret Chests provide rare and useful upgrade materials and act as workbenches as well, but can only be opened using knives, so make it a point to never use them during encounters.
Escape the Fort
Regroup with Lucas in front of the door and open the door. However, there are too many guards, so we need to find an alternative way to escape through a diversion.
Find a Way to Create a Diversion
Luckily, Lucas points out that he can use his stash of Stupefacio with the ballista inside the warehouse. Now we only need to bring it down.
Use the Ballista to Create a Diversion
First off, climb back up the ladder and shoot down the ring to release the ramp. This gives you access to Souvenir #4/21: Our Home.
Next, grab the cart by Lucas’s position, pull and push it left of the workbench, below a white-painted ledge.
Climb up and operate the crank. However, the ballista is too heavy and if the crank is released, the ballista goes back up. Instruct Lucas to man the crank and break the chain to release the ballista when the ring is exposed.
Lastly, push the ballista to the door.
Lucas will now replenish the ballista with Stupefacio and instruct Amicia to charge it. So, interact with the crank on the left side of the ballista. Then, press /
to let go.
Amidst the racket, Amicia and Lucas are now able to escape and return to Hugo, Beatrice and Magister Vaudin.
This concludes Chapter 3 “A Burden of Blood” in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Now Chapter 4 “Protector’s Duty” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Requiem check out the full A Plague Tale: Requiem Walkthrough.
Relyks2000 says
It says to pick up the knife by the hog but the inventory for knives (1) is already full from one picked up earlier in the game.