Newcomers is Chapter 2 in A Plague Tale Requiem. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 2: Newcomers.
Sub-Chapters and Objectives:
- Arrival in the Town
- Walk to the House
- To the Arena
- Find Vaudin
- Find the Florist
- Find the Florist’s Husband
- Reach the Arena
- Find a Way Inside the Arena
- Arcades
- Find Vaudin
- Confrontation in the Stands
- Follow the Order’s Symbols
- Underground
- Reach the South Tower
- Lower the Central Platform
- Explore the Alcoves
- Get Sulphur
- Get Alcohol
- Regroup with Lucas
- Craft some Ignifer
- Light Up the Central Brazier
- Ignifer
- Lower the Central Platform
- Exit the Arena’s Underground Areas
- Gladiators
- Reach the South Tower
- Find Vaudin
- Put the Symbols in the Right Order
- Find Vaudin
Arrival in the Town
Hugo, Amicia, Lucas, and Beatrice are now at the doorstep of the red city, granting us protection thanks to the supervision of the Count of Provence. This city is also home to the esteemed Magister Vaudin, a key figure in unearthing the mystery behind Hugo’s curse.
Walk to the House
From the city gates, walk up the street, feel free to interact with the various stands and townspeople. You’ll eventually reach a lady selling flowers who will talk to Hugo.
After Hugo’s done talking to her, take the path on the right until you can talk to a man for a pot-throwing contest. Completing this mini game will earn you Collectible Souvenir #1/21 Best Player.
Now we can resume our walk to the house uphill. When you come to a little theater play, Hugo will want to watch and Amicia puts him on her shoulders. Afterward, keep walking up the alleyways.
You’ll eventually meet up with Lucas again and be able to enter the house. At the house, Hugo takes a nap but has another nightmare that has seemingly woken the Macula again. Amicia, together with Lucas, must track down Magister Vaudin who will help us shed light on Hugo’s curse.
To the Arena
Find Vaudin
Continue down the town hill, following Lucas, until he questions a guard on Vaudin’s whereabouts. He directs us to a florist in the marketplace.
Find the Florist
Continue down the path leading to the marketplace and speak to the florist that you will have met earlier on your first marketplace visit.
Find the Florist’s Husband
We will now have to track down her husband who we are told knows about Magister Vaudin’s whereabouts. The husband is wearing a brown tunic and can be found at one of the downhill exits from the marketplace, raking leaves on the ground.
Reach the Arena
Go downhill until you reach the gates to the arena only to be locked out by the guards. As Lucas suggests, we need to find a way around it.
Find a Way Inside the Arena
Continue on past the stables and up the stairs to find a door you can break into.
Upon entering the arena, Amicia and Lucas learn that the Bite is spreading because of Hugo being there. Time to resume our search for the Magister.
Find Vaudin
Continue on until you reach a new door.
Confrontation in the Stands
Follow the Order’s Symbols
Open the door, take the cart from the right and push it towards the ledge at the end of the area.
After parking the cart you can climb on top of it and pull yourself up the ledge. Continue forward until you can crawl under some barrels. A guard with a helmet will show up, but because Amicia’s sling is ineffective against enemies with helmets, we can only sneak past him.
So, stay crouched, enter the door and drop down to hide in the patch of grass.
Grab a pot from near the wooden fence and cast it at the toolbox to lure away the guard and continue on.
As soon as you get past him, enter the first opening on the left and enter the door to your right.
Making sure there are no guards in sight, make it across to the other side until you see some stairs on your right. However, there’s a guard here that needs distracting, so lure him away by hand-throwing a rock at the toolbox near him (or throw a pot). Now continue up the stairs and open the door.
You’ll reach an area with a lot of dead bodies. Here use your sling to cast a rock at the ring holding the crate with the dead bodies. When dropped down, the crate will land on a set of wheels, making it possible to move it around.
Push the cart near the opening in the wall that Lucas pointed out when entering the area.
Continue on until you can grab and knife and open a new door.
We’re now inside the arena. Climb down and hide immediately behind a wall as new enemies will appear. You can either sneak past everyone in stealth or kill the unarmoured enemies and stun the others to escape. If you want to do it in complete stealth, the path on the left is easiest and you can throw a pot to distract the last enemy. The exit is upstairs, behind the archer you must go through a door where an armored enemy is. If you want to play aggressively, an easy method to finish any encounter is to kill unarmored enemies with the rock sling, then lure the armored ones away from the exit, stun them with melee attacks and quickly run over to the exit. You can also stun the armored enemies in melee and then hide so they’ll lose sight of you. Escape isn’t possible while being chased by an enemy close behind you because the enemy will pull you back when trying to use the door. But if enemies are far enough, even when in combat, you have enough time to use the door. Luckily, your health recovers automatically after a while if you are hit (it takes longer to recover on higher difficulties).
After exiting through the door you’ll be safe. Before continuing, the game wants you to open the Skill Menu, do so before following Lucas.
Continue on until you see a set of stairs on your right.
Then, go right again until you see a dying woman. Interact with her to obtain Souvenir #2/21: Be at Peace. Now, retrace your steps and this time go left up the stairs and open the door at the end.
Reach the South Tower
We now need to reach the south tower inside the Order’s compound. Start by climbing down the scaffoldings and trigger a new cutscene revealing the instability of the wooden structures.
Lucas and Amicia will drop down into a pit of dead corpses and swarms of rats who make quick work of a bystander.
As soon as you see a massive wave of rats coming your way, prepare to run for it.
Exit the Arena’s Underground Areas
When Lucas closes the door behind you, grab the torch from the wall to your right and move around with it, creating a path amongst the rats. (Note: there can be a bug that causes the torch to not have an interaction icon, if this happens you can replay the Sub-Chapter via Chapter Select to fix it). You will eventually reach a brazier you can light up.
Continue along the path until you can see a hole in the wall you and Lucas can climb up. Place the torch in the holder and climb up the wall.
In the new area, grab a stick, light it up and proceed to the nearby brazier to light it as well. Remember that sticks only last a few seconds, so you have to be much faster going from one fire source to the next, otherwise you’ll be dead.
When possible, try to identify where the next possible fire source is and walk towards it in a straight line as mentioned by Amicia.
From the second brazier, look up and to the right to find a third brazier that can be dropped down using your sling.
Now, as usual, grab a stick, light it up, but this time throw the blazing stick at the brazier itself to set it on fire. Now climb up the ladder.
As you and Lucas walk across a wooden beam, the beam will give way.
Grab a stick and light it up to make it across the rats and light up a new brazier.
Light up a new stick and cast it at the brazier on the other side of the room to light it up for Lucas.
Now grab a new stick but don’t light it, then throw it over to Lucas ( +
). If the stick is lit it will go out before Lucas can use it, hence you must throw one that isn’t lit. Lucas will light it himself and come back to us.
Once Lucas is back with us, climb up the ladder and continue on to the next door and the linear path until you find a room with an elevator and a brazier in the middle.
Lower the Central Platform
Reach the crank upstairs and activate it to lower the platform.
However, we don’t have anything to light it up, so we must find the right materials to craft Ignifer. Fortunately though, interacting with the crank has opened up two alcoves with the materials we need.
Explore the Alcoves
Facing the crank and the elevator, we will explore the left alcove first.
Get Sulphur
Climb up the ladder and approach the crank.
Instruct Lucas ( +
) to activate it for you so you can walk across.
Grab the cart and push it on the elevator and then command Lucas again to let go of the crank.
Push the cart and place it next to the white-painted beams to be able to climb on top and grab 4x sulfur from the chest.
Get Alcohol
Enter the opposite alcove and shimmy along the wall.
Then, cast a rock at the ring that holds the two white pieces of meat to lure the rats away, allowing you to drop down and climb up the ladder to where the chest is.
Regroup with Lucas
With both materials at our disposal and ready to be used to craft Ignifer, we can now regroup with Lucas.
Craft some Ignifer
To craft Ignifer, /
open the selection menu, press
and then hold
to craft.
Light Up the Central Brazier
Now we can light up the central brazier and scare away all the rats downstairs, but that’s not enough as we still need to lower the platform a bit more to access it.
Lower the Central Platform
Facing the crank upstairs, let’s enter the left opening. Use Ignifer to light up the brazier and the torch on the right.
Next, we need to combine the effect of Ignifer with a pot. Open the selection menu to hover over the pot and to switch to Ignifer pot. Now aim and throw the pot so that it lands halfway through the brazier and the torch, thus lighting up the area for you to cross safely.
Next, cast a rock at the white meat to lure the rats towards it, allowing you safely climb up the stairs and interact with the crank.
The crank is too heavy though, so we need to interact with a second one to be able to lower the elevator. While Lucas mans the one we’ve just found, we need to find and operate the second one. Climb down and go to the other opening. As usual, ignite the brazier.
Then, look up and to the right to find a second brazier you can shoot down and then ignite it.
Next, throw an ignited pot halfway through where you are and the ladder to safely reach and climb it. And lastly, operate the crank to lower the entire platform.
Exit the Arena’s Underground Areas
After using the crank quickly run to the elevator and stay on it. Wait while the elevator takes you upstairs to the exit.
Reach the South Tower
Continue along the linear path until you reach a small and abandoned garden. Here you can pick up Hugo’s Herbarium #1/12 Arrowhead.
Then, continue down the path, making sure you open the two chests for materials.
One is found on the right after leaving the garden, the second one after climbing up a ladder.
After getting the chests you can squeeze through the gap at the end of the area. You will reach a wide open area with several patches of grass. A bigger enemy encounter takes place here. During the section with the patches of grass, you can easily sneak past everybody. Then, continue towards the ruins of the arena until rats come hurtling from the ground.
Here, facing the ruins, head left to find a stack of sticks.
From here, you can see two doused lanterns across the swarms of rats that can be ignited with Ignifer.
Then, grab a stick from the nearby stash and light it up to make it across the first lantern.
Then, grab a new stick and continue on to the next lantern, making sure to make a detour up the ledge when you see the brazier. Here you can open up two chests for materials.
Once you’ve opened up the two chests, go back down the nearby stairs where you can grab a stick to ignite using the nearby brazier or torch.
Climb up the stairs until you see a new brazier that you must light up in order to descend into the new area.
Next, ignite the two braziers found left and right of the door. These two braziers will be helpful in a bit.
Now, go up the stairs and make your way around the ramparts to then go back down where there’s a new lantern to ignite.
With the lantern on, climb down the stairs and grab a stick, but don’t ignite it. This stick is needed to get across the rats and reach the two braziers we lit up earlier on.
So, make your way back and get across to open the door.
Find Vaudin
Walk across the nave and towards the lodge to trigger the next objective.
Put the Symbols in the Right Order
Left and right of the Order’s symbols in the middle are four bells you can interact with. You need to cast a rock at either side of each bell to reveal the correct symbol and complete the sequence. Each time you rotate the bell to the right symbol, Lucas will give you confirmation that it is. The order, from left to right is the symbol that looks like a “5” > crossed “0” > “0” with a line pointing down > “o” with two snakes.
Find Vaudin
Now you can resume your search of Vaudin by going up the stairs. Vaudin is in his study, and though somewhat reluctantly, he agrees to see Hugo.
This concludes Chapter 2 “Newcomers” in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Now Chapter 3 “A Burden of Blood” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Requiem check out the full A Plague Tale: Requiem Walkthrough.
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