Under a New Sun is Chapter 1 in A Plague Tale Requiem. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 1: Under a New Sun.
Sub-Chapters and Objectives:
- A Long Journey
- Follow King Hugo
- Hide from Lucas the Perfidious
- Scare Lucas the Perfidious
- Reach the Castle
- Stand Behind the Log
- Defend King Hugo’s Kingdom
- Follow the River
- Attack the Castle
- Hives
- Find a Way Out of the Castle
- Dreaming of Elsewhere
- Follow the Bird
- Lies
- Reach the City
- Raging Fire
- Find the Others
- Save Beatrice
A Long Journey
France, County of Provence, June 1349. Six months have passed since the events of A Plague Tale Innocence when the Inquisition tried to claim Hugo’s power. Our characters, Hugo and Amicia, now in a lush and ancient part of the French countryside, are now seemingly enjoying their hard-earned peace, together with Lucas, their alchemist apprentice.
Follow King Hugo
After the initial cutscene, follow Hugo down the hill and then /
sprint when you’re given the chance until you reach the ruins.
Here, approach Hugo to grab his hand and trigger the next objective.
Hide from Lucas the Perfidious
Time for some hide-and-seek. When Lucas starts counting down, you need to find a place to hide. Hiding behind one of the ruin walls is enough as long as you’re not in Lucas’ line of sight. Then, keep following the on-screen prompts which will teach you how to crouch ( /
Be aware that sprinting while in stealth mode acoustically alerts surrounding enemies who will come looking for you in the exact spot where they’ve heard a sound. This, depending on the situation, can also be used to your advantage. You can also watch the edge of the screen, when an enemy is near you there will be a glimmer in that direction, indicating a nearby enemy. You can also angle the camera around corners to see Lucas while he can’t see you.
Scare Lucas the Perfidious
After staying hidden from Lucas for a while, you will trigger the next objective which will ask you to approach Lucas from behind to startle him. Follow Lucas around and study his movements carefully. When he stands still you will have an opportunity to safely give him a jolt. You can circle around him by going through the holes in the ruin walls or by climbing over the broken walls.
Reach the Castle
Lucas will head off to resume his studying. We’re now free to reach the castle above the ruins. Simply walk down the trail until you reach a small stream.
Stand Behind the Log
Approach the broken log on the river bank.
Defend King Hugo’s Kingdom
Hugo wants to play a game. He will throw pine cones in the river and wants Amicia to shoot them. This is a little tutorial how aiming with the sling works. The trophy Perfect shot also takes places here (shoot all the pine cones).
The very first pine cone can’t be shot, you only pull out your sling after it sinks. But after that one you must shoot all the rest. Stand behind the tree branch on the side of the river, the one Hugo mentioned marks the border of his “kingdom”. From there look upriver, hold /
for 1-2 seconds to aim and release the button to shoot. After a short while, another boy called Tonin joins in. Keep shooting the remaining cones before they sink at the end of the river.
The trophy unlocks after the next cutscene. If it doesn’t unlock, you can quit out to the Main Menu and replay the first subchapter. Unfortunately, choosing “Restart section” via the pause menu won’t work because it makes an autosave immediately after the pine cone minigame.
Follow the River
After defending Hugo’s Kingdom and saying goodbye to Tonin, continue on by walking along the stream, following the occasional tutorial prompts.
Attack the Castle
When possible, hold to sprint towards the castle walls. The entrance is gated, but there’s a gap we can sneak through next to the gate. Go up the stairs and continue on until you trigger the next objective.
Find a Way Out of the Castle
Walk across the workshop to find a door. Open it to reveal a large field of burned beehives. Continue on until a new cutscene starts. Afterward, a bloodthirsty masked man wants to kill us. You have to run away from him. Hold down to approach the iron door in front of you. However, this door is locked, so we must run through the opening in the wall to the right.
Now keep running along the linear path until you automatically crouch in a patch of grass. Follow the on-screen prompts to stay crouched and remain hidden from the mysterious masked men. When the two men are far enough away, you’re safe to cross to the next patch of grass.
You can also use Amicia’s audio cues as a reference to know when it’s safe to continue.
While in the last patch of grass, Hugo will notice a way forward through the hut window. Wait until the man that was squatting down near a dead body runs towards the back of the hut. Only then is it safe to climb through the window.
While in the hut, proceed to the next door. Open it, but don’t continue just yet or you’ll be spotted. Instead, wait until the masked man goes past the other red-hooded bandit and stay hidden behind the wall. While hidden behind the wall, follow the on-screen prompts to learn how to throw a rock by hand. Hold /
to open the selection menu and then select Hand Throw Rock with the right stick. Now hold
to aim and
to throw the rock at the toolbox.
This will create an acoustic distraction for the red-hooded bandit, allowing you to continue forward. While crouched, hug the wall and hide in the next patch of yellow grass, away from the murderer and make your way up the wall while he’s checking out the pots and carts in the corner.
Go up the small hill and crawl under the wooden beehives.
Now wait until the masked man walks away and then you will automatically resume your crouching. However, you’ll be bothered by bees which alerts the masked man. Follow the tutorial to distract him when he approaches, by doing a quick rock throw with /
. While he’s distracted, you’re safe to continue on, still crouching down through the patches of grass.
Continue down the hill until you reach a fence with a collectable pot sitting atop a barrel. Grab it and equip it from your selection menu to use it as a way to alert enemies away from the path you need to tread. Cast the pot in the area behind the red-hooded man to make him turn around, then continue on under the cart.
Continue on to the door, but it’s locked, forcing us to find an alternative route. Left of the locked door is a small wall crevice Hugo can crawl under. To have him do that, hold /
and then press
while the camera is facing the crevice. From the other side, Hugo will unlock the door for us.
The area is now safe and we’re free to walk through the pig stable. As we make our way out, we’ll spot two bandits trying to strangle Tonin.
Hugo tries to stop them, but the two men retaliate. As Amicia is tied down, Hugo will use his power to kill the two men.
Dreaming of Elsewhere
Follow the Bird
Using his abilities casts Hugo into an alternate dream reality where he’s washed up on an island and welcomed by a phoenix.
Follow the bird until you can climb up an opening in the rocks. Keep following the phoneix through the poppy fields and head for the weeping willow.
Reach the City
Hugo awakens on a cart, back with Lucas, Amicia and Beatrice. They are headed for the city, there’s an alchemist who’s been studying Hugo’s curse “the Macula” for years and can shed some light on why Hugo is affected by it.
However, as we make our way to the city, we’re getting stalled by two men who are looking for Hugo because he killed the two boys earlier, something Hugo thought was only a dream but actually was real. When they find out he’s in the cart, Amicia will be separated from the group and will need to survive without her equipment.
Stay hidden in the grass until both men leave and then continue on.
Raging Fire
Find the Others
Continue through the next set of patches, perusing the men’s movements and planning your moves accordingly. Use the patches on the left of the area to hide in a broken, wooden hut where you can grab a pot. You can hand throw rocks at the equipment boxes to lure enemies with the sound of the impact. You need to head down the hill, there’s an enemy patrolling, you can safely climb down when he’s walking up the hill. Alternatively, throw the pot to make him look away.
After escaping the encounter, you will automatically be spotted and the next patch of grass is set ablaze in an attempt to burn you. No time to use stealth here because of the fire drawing closer. Run through the field and over the window and then up and down the roof.
After recovering your sling, kill the incoming enemy and then use your sling to kill the alerted ones as you keep going down the hill.
Save Beatrice
After killing an enemy with stealth, keep running through the burning field to save Beatrice from the clutches of an enemy. As Beatrice gets strangled, aim your sling at the man’s head to get rid of him and save Amicia’s mother.
It’s over, everyone’s safe.
This concludes Chapter 1 “Under a New Sun” in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Now Chapter 2 “Newcomers” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Requiem check out the full A Plague Tale: Requiem Walkthrough.
RatMonkey says
I had trouble unlocking the perfect shot achievement. I found it only unlocked on a normal game. When I tried to do it on NewGame+ it would not unlock! So, if it’s not unlocking, make sure you’re not on NG+
HorusDeathtouch says
The perfect shot trophy is more difficult than it needs to be. I took me 3 tries, because the sling can sometimes glitch and if you miss a single shot you aren’t given enough time to shoot them all. First try a stone missed even though I wasn’t doing anything different, and on the second try, a stone hit a pinecone, but it didn’t break.