A Plague Tale Requiem has 24 Tool Chest Locations. Finding Tools is required to upgrade your equipment. For trophies & achievements you must fully upgrade all 5 pieces of equipment which cost a total of 30 tools. It transfers your progress into New Game+ so you can get more tools there. You also get 1 Tool from each each of the 10 Secret Chest, which is a different Collectible type needed for trophies & achievements. So in total there are an additional 10 Tools from Secret Chests, which together with the 24 Tool Chests makes 34 total that can be found in one playthrough.
Unlike other Collectibles, Tools are technically “missable” because you can’t simply get them via Chapter Select and have them count for later Chapters. The reason being that it resets your progress to what it was at the start of the Chapter and you’d have to replay all Chapters from there on to update your progress in later Chapters. Luckily, everything is carried over into New Game+ so it’s not a big deal if you miss a few of these. You can get another 24 in New Game+, which is more than enough to upgrade everything.
» For All-in-One Collectible Guide including all other types see: A Plague Tale Requiem All-in-One Collectible Guide.
Chapter 1: Under a New Sun
Chapter 2: Newcomers
Chapter 3: A Burden of Blood
Tool #1
Sub-Chapter: The gate
Objective: Exit the City
After you unlock the ability to craft Extinguis, use it on the next 3 enemies to extinguish their fires and let the rats eat them. After going up a staircase, you must light a brazier to get rid of rats. Immediately after this, when you go up the next staircase there’s a side room with a big chest that contains a Tool.
Tool #2
Sub-Chapter: At the edge of the city
Objective: Reach the herbalist’s forest
In a rat-infested village with many enemies roaming about. In the last building on the left is a big chest that contains a tool (before 3 enemies come out of a big gate). You can light up the torch near it to cross over safely.
Chapter 4: Protector’s Duty (1 Hugo’s Herbarium, 2 Souvenirs)
Tool #3
Sub-Chapter: The Tar Workshop
Objective: Get Back to Lucas
In the tar workshop, where you unlock the craftable tar in your item wheel. After reaching the end of the room where you reunite with Lucas, go up the ladder where Lucas was, then go across the platform with the Keg that Lucas used for Tar. A chest is on the other side containing 1 Tool.
Tool #4
Sub-Chapter: The mass grave of the marshes
Objective: Get to Joseph at the pontoon
In a big enemy area after a cutscene. There’s a big bonfire in the middle of the area, lots of enemies around it (you have to pass by it so it’s impossible to overlook). To the left of the big burning bonfire is a building with an archer on it. Inside that building is the tool chest. Throw a tar pot near the chest and light it on fire to get rid of the rats (don’t throw it directly at chest to not burn yourself on the way there). You can also sling tar into your fire to strengthen the radius.
Chapter 5: In Our Wake
Tool #5
Sub-Chapter: On the river
Objective: Cross the construction site
You will get to a point where you must help Lucas by shooting a barricade with your sling, then lighting a haystack on fire so that he can reunite with you. Where the haystack hangs is a chest with a Tool in it. Shoot the haystack with fire and open the chest quickly before the fire goes out.
Tool #6
Sub-Chapter: Reaction ferry
Objective: Find a way to reach the boat
After shooting the counterweight to get rid of the metal chain blocking the river, you can crouch under the same house where you shot the counterweight. There’s a hole on the side of the house, it leads to the other side where you find a big chest with a Tool in it.
Chapter 6: Leaving all Behind
Tool #7
Sub-Chapter: Connection
Objective: Find a way out
After entering the quarry, take the right path, at the dead-end command Hugo to crawl under the wall ( +
) and he’ll open the door for you. There’s a big chest behind the door containing a Tool. A Pyrite is also next to it.
Tool #8
Sub-Chapter: The orches
Objective: Reach the building
After exiting the quarry in the next enemy area, on the hill in the middle of the enemy area. You can climb up the ledges around it.
Tool #9
Sub-Chapter: Hunting Lesson
Objective: Exit the dye works
After learning how to control rats, in the next outside enemy encounter. Take the path on the right, there’s a hut on the right side of the path where two burning torches are. Inside is a locked door. Go behind the house and shoot your sling through the window to hit the lock on the inside of the door. Then go back to the main entrance, now you can open the door to find a big crate with Tool Crafting Pieces inside.
Chapter 7: Felons
Tool #10
Sub-Chapter: Passage in the caves
Objective: Reach the shipwreck
While pushing the burning brazier cart in the caves, there’s a big chest on the left of the cave section with a tool inside. Must shoot Ignifer slingshot at the brazier in front of the chest to scare the rats away.
Tool #11
Sub-Chapter: The fishing village
Objective: Reach Sophia’s boat
During the fishing village enemy encounter, there’s an interactable rope-pull on the upper level on the right side where the houses are. Interacting with it collapses a big platform with a chest on it. It’s surrounded by rats but you can use Hugo’s ability with +
to steer the rats away, then can reach the chest with 1 Tool and 10 Crafting Pieces inside.
Chapter 8: A Sea of Promises
Tool #12
Sub-Chapter: Stopping Arnaud
Objective: Escape from the Count’s soldiers
When you have to push a cart to climb up a barn with donkeys in it (normal story path), the chest is found after climbing up on the right side.
Chapter 9: Tales and Revelations
Tool #13 & Tool #14
Sub-Chapter: Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
In the big outside free-roam area, follow the bird statues until you reach windmills on a hill (from where you came from it’s in the back right corner of the map). Inside the windmills you can find levers to turn them on/off. You must have turned off Windmills 1+2 & turn on Windmills 3+4 (3 is on by default, no need to go inside). After doing this, go down the path between Windmills 2+3 that has 3 stone arches and leads into a cave. The cave door should now be opened if you turned the correct windmills on/off. At the end of the cave is this secret armor and also 2 Tool Chests. The armor gives you faster health recovery if you take damage, very useful for New Game+.
Tool #15
Sub-Chapter Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
After getting the secret armor go back outside. After the windmills, look in the sky for kites flying in the air. Go to the building where the kites are attached to, climb to the roof. On the roof there’s a hole, shoot the sling through it to hit a box on a chain inside. Climb down the roof, onto the balcony (not the ground), then shoot the slingshot twice through the window to hit the metal hooks on the gate. Now you can enter and find a Tool Chest inside.
Tool #16
Sub-Chapter: On the mountain
Objective: Find a way around the checkpoint
Once you left the big open area with the previous collectibles, you will on a path to the mountain. After a little walk you will reach a checkpoint blocked by some goats, you now have to turn to the left climb up the little mountain/hill and follow the path, you will come across a broken building, inside that building is a goat. Behind that building is a grass that needs to be burned, now let hugo crawl in and he will open the door. You can now interact with the chest with the tool inside.
Chapter 10: Bloodline
Tool #17
Sub-Chapter: Slavers
Objective: Reach the fort
In the first enemy encounter, you will come to a point where you must use the rope-crossbow to tear open a door. On the building with the anchor point is a tool chest (you have to go there for story purposes to tear open the door). It’s in plain sight and hard to miss.
Tool #18
Sub-Chapter: Approaching the fort
Objective: Reach the fort
During the next enemy encounter, follow the paved path in the middle until the 2nd ruined building on the right side. In that building is a knife (ground floor) and a Tool Chest (upper floor).
Tool #19
Sub-Chapter: In the courtyard
Objective: Reach the inner courtyard
In the next enemy section (2nd section of rat-infested courtyard), a chest is in the left corner at the start of that section. It’s surrounded by rats, to get there you must enter the building on the left, grab a stick, light it on fire, walk outside and grab the yellow Odoris crystals from the walls, craft Odoris, shoot it to lure rats away, then the path to the chest is open.
Chapter 11: The Cradle of Centuries
Tool #20
Sub-Chapter: Rat tank
Objective: Explore the rest of the underground area
When you have to push a burning cart. Push it until the path is blocked, then you must climb up the ledge to the right to blow up an explosive barrel, which clears the blockade. Afterward, you can push the cart forward and there’s a Tool Chest on the left. There may be rats in front of it but you can throw Ignifer or Odoris to get rid of them (or throw tar into the brazier cart).
Chapter 12: The Life We Deserve
Chapter 13: Nothing Left
Tool #21
Sub-Chapter: Grief
Objective: Find a way to the surface
After starting the chapter and walking a short distance forward, you will get another cutscene. After this you will enter a room. Immediately turn right to find an open doorway that leads to the chest.
Tool #22
Sub-Chapter: Fresh Air
Objective: Reach the port
When you reach an area with human enemies, there’s a Tool Chest in the center of the area, guarded by a shielded enemy.
Tool #23
Sub-Chapter: Ruined village
Objective: Reach the port
In the next enemy encounter, in a church.
Chapter 14: Healing our Wounds
Chapter 15: Dying Sun
Chapter 16: King Hugo
Tool #24
Sub-Chapter: Marseille
Objective: Find Hugo
At the very start of the chapter, in the building straight ahead of where you start, next to workbench.
Chapter 17: Legacy of De Rune Family
That’s all of the Tool Chests in A Plague Tale Requiem. For all other Collectibles see A Plague Tale Requiem Collectibles Guide. Remember, you also get an extra 10 Tools from Secret Chest Collectibles.
Barry says
I’ve been following this to a T and also using a YT guide for the secert chest and as of right now at chapter 11 where you bust the floor map and go down stairs and then light up the Temple. I’ve come to another tool chest not mentioned in this guide, it’s the 3rd one (chest with a tool) so far I’ve found. Just FYI something isn’t right here. Maybe they have extra sprinkled around throughout the chapters?
Andre Linoge says
There is another tool in chapter 9 in the part where we are not allowed to hurt or be seen by guards. Great guide tho, helped a lot.