A Plague Tale Requiem has 104 Collectible Locations. This collectibles guide shows all locations in chronological order for 100% game completion and all trophies.
- 21 Souvenirs
- 12 Hugo’s Herbariums (5 Flowers, 7 Feathers)
- 10 Secret Chests
- 16 Knives (needed to open Secret Chests)
- 24 Tool Chests (needed to craft Upgrades, an extra 10 Tools come from Secret Chests for 34 total)
- 16 Old Protector’s Items (in Chapter 9) – in the video guide they are counted as 1 trophy
- 4 Chapter-Specific Trophies
- 1 Secret Armor (makes New Game+ easier)
None of the Collectibles are missable! You can get them via Chapter Select at any time. They also carry over into New Game+. You can keep track of Souvenirs and Hugo’s Herbarium via the Codex Menu and in Chapter Select. They have unique names in the Codex to easily identify what you are missing. The other Collectible types cannot be tracked anywhere so if you miss one it’s best to replay via Chapter Select immediately to not lose track.
“Souvenirs” are conversations triggered by inspecting certain items and in some cases from minigames or walking along side paths. What the trophy list calls “Flowers” & “Feathers” are called “Hugo’s Herbarium” in-game, they are little item pickups. Secret Chests are workbenches that require a knife to open. Knives are mandatory to open the Secret Chests, so you need them too. Tools are found in bigger than normal chests, they are needed to upgrade your equipment for several trophies. Old Protector’s Items are exclusively found in one section of Chapter 9, all close together.
IMPORTANT: The Knife spawns are based on the game difficulty. More spawn on Narrative difficulty (Easy). Fewer spawn on higher difficulties. For this reason it’s recommended to play on Narrative difficulty. This guide shows all possible spawns (all of them spawn on Narrative difficulty), but at higher difficulties some won’t be there. DON’T USE THE KNIVES ON ENEMIES! Knives are one-use only and if you waste them on enemies you won’t be able to get the Secret Chests. Sometimes you will automatically use a Knife to defend against a killing blow, if this happens restart the checkpoint immediately! You can check in your inventory if you still have the knife (bottom right corner). If you arrive at a Secret Chest but don’t have a Knife you must replay via Chapter Select from the last Knife Location onward.
If you are stuck in any chapter refer to A Plague Tale Requiem Walkthrough.
Chapter 1: Under a New Sun
- Souvenirs: 0
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 0
- Secret Chests: 0
- Knives: 0
- Tool Chests: 0
- Trophies: 1
Trophy: Perfect shot – Shoot all the pine cones
Sub-Chapter: A long journey
Objective: Defend King Hugo’s Kingdom
In Chapter 1, after you finish playing hide and seek with the two boys, you will go to the river with Hugo. There he will throw pine cones in the water and you must shoot them all with your sling. The very first pine cone can’t be shot, you only pull out your sling after it sinks. But after that one you must shoot all the rest. Stand behind the tree branch on the left side of the river, the one Hugo mentioned marks the border of his “kingdom”. From there look upriver, hold /
for 1-2 seconds to aim and
to shoot. The trophy unlocks after the cutscene where the other boy throws a big stone in the river that splahes Hugo. If you failed, you can quit out to the Main Menu and replay the first subchapter. Unfortunately, choosing “Restart section” via the pause menu won’t work because it makes an autosave immediately after the pine cone minigame. That’s all for this chapter, there are no Collectibles in this one, only this trophy.
Chapter 2: Newcomers
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 0
- Knives: 0 (1 automatic from story, not collected)
- Tool Chests: 0
Souvenir #1: Best player
Sub-Chapter: Arrival in the town
Objective: Walk to the House
From the start of the chapter head straight, keep going up the path until Amicia says “The house with the weather vane, that’s ours!”. Then you enter a big tent at the market square. A woman in a blue dress stops you to offer hairstyling services, after talking to her take the path to her right, then talk to the lady selling flowers outside the tent. After Hugo finishes talking to the flower lady, go left, then take the next right to find a man offering a pot-throwing minigame. Finish the minigame by throwing pots at the bottom of the stacked paper cubes so that they collapse. Then the man will announce you were the best player of the day and you get the Souvenir.
Souvenir #2: Be at peace
Sub-Chapter: Confrontation in the stands
Objective: Follow the Order’s Symbols
After an enemy encounter where you see the 1st archer in the game, you will be prompted to open the skills menu to proceed. Then the next room you enter is a cellar with lots of flies and dead bodies and Lucas says “What is this place? A hospital?”. Here, go up the right staircase to find a dying woman upstairs, interact with her for the Souvenir.
Hugo’s Herbarium #1 (Flower 1/5): Arrowhead
Sub-Chapter: Ignifer
Objective: Reach the South Tower
After Amicia and Lucas escape the underground section with the rats via an elevator with a brazier on it, they will go outside to the town. Here you will walk through a little garden (default story path) and Lucas sits down at a plant automatically. Inspect that plant, it’s the first flower for Hugo’s Herbarium. Remember that the 5 Flows & 7 Feathers all count under the 12 “Herbarium” entries in the Codex.
Chapter 3: A Burden of Blood
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 0 (1 automatic from story, not collected)
- Tool Chests: 2
Tool #1
Sub-Chapter: The gate
Objective: Exit the City
After you unlock the ability to craft Extinguis, use it on the next 3 enemies to extinguish their fires and let the rats eat them. After going up a staircase, you must light a brazier to get rid of rats. Immediately after this, when you go up the next staircase there’s a side room with a big chest that contains a Tool.
Souvenir #3: A Grave
Sub-Chapter: The gate
Objective: Reach the herbalist’s forest
After leaving the city you come to a little wooden area. Where you find the first workbench there’s a fenced garden on the right. Shoot the garden gate from the right side using the slingshot. Now enter the garden and interact with the grave to get the Souvenir.
Tool #2
Sub-Chapter: At the edge of the city
Objective: Reach the herbalist’s forest
After the souvenir you will have to go down a ladder, then you enter a rat-infested village with many enemies roaming about. In the last building on the left is a big chest that contains a tool (before 3 enemies come out of a big gate). You can light up the torch near it to cross over safely.
Hugo’s Herbarium #2 (Flower 2/5): Chamomile
Sub-Chapter: At the edge of the city
Objective: Reach the herbalist’s forest
After fighting many enemies in a rat-infested village, you will come to the herbalist’s hut. BEFORE entering the herbalist’s hut, go left to the end of the path. There’s a big tree with several flower pots hanging from it. Shoot down the flower pots with the sling. Hit the metal chain just above the flower pots, you can shoot them easily from behind the tree. Then you can pick up the Chamomile from the pots.
Secret Chest #1
Sub-Chapter: The Warehouse
Objective: Escape the fort
Inside the warehouse, after getting back your sling and knife, it’s directly across from where you picked these up (top right corner of the warehouse). It’s in plain sight and hard to miss. The Secret Chests are all locked and require 1 breakable knife to open, they contain a workbench and a lot of crafting parts. There are 10 of these “Secret Chests” (workbenches), so going forward always keep 1 knife for opening these. Never break the knives on enemies.
Souvenir #4: Our home
Sub-Chapter: The Warehouse
Objective: Escape the fort
Inside the warehouse, after getting back your sling, go up the ladder again and turn to the left. Shoot down the hatch and cross it. Now just pick up the map.
Chapter 4: Protector’s Duty
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 1 (Narrative Difficulty)
- Tool Chests: 2
- Trophies: 1
Hugo’s Herbarium #3 (Flower 3/5): Gentian
Sub-Chapter: Night Work
Objective: Reach the order’s boat
When you reach the beach where lots of big ships are docked, go to the right side of the beach to find this purple flower, near the end of the path.
Souvenir #5: Silk treasure
Sub-Chapter: Night Work
Objective: Reach the order’s boat
From the last flower location turn around and keep following the normal path forward, you can only go in one direction to advance. Always keep going straight, you’ll squeeze between some boxes, then go up a ladder, then keep going straight. DON’T INTERACT WITH THE HATCH THAT HAS A /
PROMPT! Go straight until the very end of the path, there’s a hole in the wall, crouch under it. Behind it is a crate you can move to the wall across from it to climb up, leading to a balcony. There you find the silk, interact with it. If you’ve reached an enemy encounter you’ve gone too far, in this case quit to main menu and replay the sub-chapter.
Knife #1
Sub-Chapter: Risky itinerary
Objective: Reach the order’s boat
From the Silk treasure you must backtrack through the hole in the wall and now interact with the hatch to advance to the next enemy encounter. At the start of the encounter you can find a knife sticking out a wooden fence in the middle of the area, in the outside area before engaging the enemies. Don’t use the knife, you need it to open the Secret Chest collectible. Keep in mind that this, like many other knives, only spawn on NARRATIVE DIFFICULTY! The knife won’t be there on higher difficulties or in New Game+. So if a knife doesn’t spawn for you, change the difficulty via the Gameplay Settings and replay the last Sub-Chapter to make it spawn.
Secret Chest #2
Sub-Chapter: Risky Itinerary
Objective: Reach the order’s boat
After the 1st enemy encounter of this chapter, you come to a rat-infested area. When you can push a cart with a burning brazier on it, push it to the left end of the area where a ladder is, then climb up the ladder to find the locked workbench chest on top. As usual you need a knife to open it, one was found during the previous enemy encounter, see above.
Tool #3
Sub-Chapter: The Tar Workshop
Objective: Get Back to Lucas
In the tar workshop, where you unlock the craftable tar in your item wheel. After reaching the end of the room where you reunite with Lucas, go up the ladder where Lucas was, then go across the platform with the Keg that Lucas used for Tar. A chest is on the other side containing 1 Tool.
Souvenir #6: A grain of sand
Sub-Chapter: The Tar Workshop
Objective: Reach the order’s boat
After exiting the tar workshop, continue along the scripted path until you see a coffin blocking up a crack you can squeeze through. Don’t squeeze through just yet. Instead, look at the fallen structure opposite it and you should spot a chain you can destroy with your sling. Destroying the chain opens up a path leading you to the Souvenir’s location. At the end of a jetty you can look towards the castle and press /
to trigger a conversation.
Trophy: Mercy – Don’t kill the guard on the docks
Sub-Chapter: Obligatory cooperation
Objective: Reach the order’s boat
You will come to the docks where you must cooperate with a soldier to advance. There’s a wheel on the left you can spin, a lot of rats in the area below with a green pit, and a drawbridge on the right side. Do the following:
- When standing at the interactable wheel on the left, you must shoot the drawbridge on the right with your sling, hit the metal chain above it to make the drawbridge fall down.
- A soldier comes walking out the building. He will talk to you briefly, then he goes across the drawbridge and uses the wheel on the other side to lift the boat in the middle. Then a moving platform will come to you, with another wheel and a big barrel on it.
- Turn the wheel on the platform to funnel tar from the barrel to the pit below. Then shoot it with Ignifer slingshot to light up the tar below.
- Stay on the platform and command Lucas to turn the wheel on the left by looking at it and pressing
, this will lead you to the next section ahead (Lucas stays behind for now).
- There you can get off the platform and onto the balcony on the left. Command Lucas to let go of the wheel by looking at him and using the same button prompt as before.
- Step on the movable platform again, turn the wheel to make tar come out, light it up with Ignifer (if Lucas didn’t let go of the wheel the tar may not splash into the pit correctly).
- Command Lucas to turn the wheel again. This time you also interact with the wheel on the balcony, thus lifting up the 2nd boat blocking the path.
- Once the movable platform has passed under the boat, let go of the wheel and command Lucas to also let go of his wheel. Step on the movable platform again, turn the wheel to make tar come out, light it on fire with Ignifer slighshot.
- Go back to the start of the balcony, stand at the edge closest to where you came from. Because all 3 tar pits are lit, Lucas wants to come over to you, but the rats are still blocking his path. You must craft Tar and use the slightshot to shoot it into the first fire pit. This will make the fire burn brighter to get rid of the rats, then Lucas can move across.
- Interact with the wheel on the balcony again to lift the boat for Lucas so he can cross over.
- Go down the stairs to reunite with Lucas at the end of the path.
- The soldier will be standing on the balcony above. Shoot the metal chain on the drawbridge to his left so he can cross over.
- The soldier will go downstairs and stand in front of you. Here the important part for the Mercy trophy starts! While the soldier is standing still and talks to you (before he starts to hunt you), shoot the soldier with Ignifer slightshot. This will make his clothes burn but doesn’t kill him. Now also shoot him with Tar slingshot which will make the fire brighter and gets rid of the rats. Quickly run behind the soldier and to the left where a torch is. From there go up the stairs on the left and open the metal door. The Mercy trophy unlocks as soon as you interact with the door. If you fail you can restart the section or let the rats kill you to retry as often as you need.
Knife #2
Sub-Chapter: The mass grave of the marshes
Objective: Get to Joseph at the pontoon
During the next enemy encounter you reach a big burning bonfire in the middle of the area. About 20 meters before the bonfire is a tree stump with a knife sticking out of it.
Tool #4
Sub-Chapter: The mass grave of the marshes
Objective: Get to Joseph at the pontoon
Same enemy area as the Knife. To the left of the big burning bonfire is a building with an archer on it. Inside that building is the tool chest. Throw a tar pot near the chest and light it on fire to get rid of the rats (don’t throw it directly at chest to not burn yourself on the way there). You can also sling tar into your fire to strengthen the radius.
Chapter 5: In Our Wake
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 2
- Tool Chests: 2
Souvenir #7: The stag’s roar
Sub-Chapter: On the river
Objective: Find a way to reach the boat
After exiting the boat, follow the only path forward uphill into the forest. In the forest, when the path splits up take the right path. Just walk along this side path and you’ll hear a stag bellowing, Lucas and Amicia will have a conversation about it which gives you this Souvenir. There’s nothing to interact with, simply walking on the side path is enough. If you reach a tree branch in front of a crevice you can interact with, you have gone too far and must backtrack to find the side path.
Tool #5
Sub-Chapter: On the river
Objective: Cross the construction site
You will get to a point where you must help Lucas by shooting a barricade with your sling, then lighting a haystack on fire so that he can reunite with you. Where the haystack hangs is a chest with a Tool in it. Shoot the haystack with fire and open the chest quickly before the fire goes out.
Knife #3 + Souvenir #8: Huuuugooooo!
Sub-chapter: On the River
Objective: Cross the construction site
Immediately after the previous Tool & reuniting with Lucas, don’t continue just yet towards the braziers. Instead, if you look behind and above you, you should see a ladder behind held by a chain. Destroy the chain and then keep climbing up. At the top, approach the braided fence and together with Lucas you’ll be able to holler at Hugo.
Secret Chest #3
Sub-Chapter: Reaction ferry
Objective: Find a way to reach the boat
After using the moving platform to get across the river, shoot the counterweight to rip off the chain that’s blocking the river. Then the fence on the side will get destroyed, allowing you to explore the beach. Go behind the house where you just shot the counterweight, there’s a ladder behind it that leads upstairs to the attic. The secret chest is in there. You need the knife from the previous Souvenir location to open it, if you missed the knife you must replay Chapter 5 from the start via Chapter Select in order to open the Chest with it.
Tool #6
Sub-Chapter: Reaction ferry
Objective: Find a way to reach the boat
From the secret chest backtrack to the start of the beach, you can crouch under the same house where you shot the counterweight. There’s a hole on the side of the house, it leads to the other side where you find a big chest with a Tool in it.
Hugo’s Herbarium #4 (Flower 4/5): Anemone
Sub-chapter: Bridge under construction
Objective: Find a way to reach the boat
From the previous collectible’s location, continue along the river bank until you reach the bridge. Here, position yourself as in the 1st screenshot below and shoot down the chain to release a small drawbridge. Then, use the crank to get up the ledge and keep going until you can find the flower on the edge of the cliff.
Knife #4
Sub-Chapter: Grapples
Objective: Get rid of the bandits
After finishing the boat ride, when you first get to carry the crossbow, a knife is straight ahead of you on a fallen tree. During an enemy encounter when an armored soldier attacks you and you get a tutorial prompt for using the crossbow.
Chapter 6: Leaving all Behind
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 3
- Tool Chests: 3
Hugo’s Herbarium #5 (Feather 1/7): Jay
Sub-Chapter: Towards the sea
Objective: Find a way towards the coast
Shortly after the start of Chapter 6 you come to a big open field. After walking forward in the field, Amicia will challenge Hugo to a little race to the big tree in the middle of the field. Hugo will be the first there and finds some feathers on the ground. Interact with Hugo to get the Collectible.
Souvenir #9: Imagine you’re flying!
Sub-Chapter: A pilgrim road
Objective: Ask for the way to the coast
When you arrive at the camp where a woman greets you, go along the left side, there’s a side path between the tents that leads to a swing. Interact with the swing. Hugo will push you on the swing for a little while, the Souvenir unlocks after that.
Tool #7
Sub-Chapter: Connection
Objective: Find a way out
After entering the quarry, take the right path, at the dead-end command Hugo to crawl under the wall ( +
) and he’ll open the door for you. There’s a big chest behind the door containing a Tool. A Pyrite is also next to it.
Knife #5
Sub-Chapter: Connection
Objective: Find a way out
After the first group of enemies in the quarry, after you go through a door to escape them there’s a knife sticking out of an old mine cart (2nd enemy group in quarry).
Knife #6
Sub-Chapter: The orches
Objective: Reach the building
Immediately after leaving the quarry, there’s another enemy encounter, go straight ahead and climb up the white ledge to find a supply crate, with a knife next to it.
Tool #8
Sub-Chapter: The orches
Objective: Reach the building
Same area as the knife, on the hill in the middle of the enemy area. You can climb up the ledges around it.
Secret Chest #4
Sub-Chapter: Call of the rats
Objective: Find a way out of the building
After getting the knife, leave this enemy encounter via the door at the end of the area at the building. Immediately after you’re inside this building, crouch under the shelves in the right corner (there’s a piece of tarp hanging from the shelf, it’s a slightly hidden path). After crouching through you will find the Secret Chest. Use the knife you found in the previous encounter to open it, as usual it reveals a workbench and some upgrade parts. DON’T GO THROUGH THE NEXT DOOR TO A ROOM WITH BURNED CORPSES YET.
Souvenir #10: Which colour do you want?
Sub-Chapter: Call of the rats
Objective: Find a way out of the building
After the Secret Chest, return to the corridor and exit through the door at the end. In the next room you will learn a new ability to defeat enemies. Then the room gets infested with rats. Light the fire sources by shooting them with Ignifer slightshot, throw a fire pot to jump down the ledge, then grab the torch to get upstairs past the rats. In the next room is a workbench, climb the ladder next to it, then crouch through a hole in the wall upstairs, then drop into the small room below. Hugo will offer to change your bandage. Interact with him to get this collectible.
Knife #7
Sub-Chapter: Hunting Lesson
Objective: Exit the dye works
After getting the Souvenir, go back to the room with the workbench and exit through the metal door. The next area has another enemy encounter, a knife can be found on the right side, at a wooden cart where some rats are. You can hold , aim at the rats and press
on them to steer them to an enemy, then the area is clear for you to pick up the knife.
Tool #9
Sub-Chapter: Hunting Lesson
Objective: Exit the dye works
Same enemy encounter as the knife. Take the path on the right, there’s a hut on the right side of the path where two burning torches are. Inside is a locked door. Go behind the house and shoot your sling through the window to hit the lock on the inside of the door. Then go back to the main entrance, now you can open the door to find a big crate with Tool Crafting Pieces inside.
Chapter 7: Felons
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 2
- Tool Chests: 2
Knife #8 + Hugo’s Herbarium #6 (Feather 2/7): Black headed gull
Sub-Chapter: Arrival at the beach
Objective: Cross the beach
Shortly after the beginning of the chapter you will reach a beach. After walking a few steps, Hugo will charge into some seagulls, right after that you will see a little house on the left. Enter it, a knife is on a mattress. Then through the left window. At the end of that path after the window you will find the feather on the ground.
Tool #10
Sub-Chapter: Passage in the caves
Objective: Reach the shipwreck
While pushing the burning brazier cart in the caves, there’s a big chest on the left of the cave section with a tool inside. Must shoot Ignifer slingshot at the brazier in front of the chest to scare the rats away.
Souvenir #11: The Survivor
Sub-Chapter: Passage in the caves
Objective: Find the smuggler’s hideout
After exiting the rat-infested cave, you will come outside to another beach with a workbench on the left. Past the workbench you can climb the cliffs on the left, leading to a shipwreck above the workbench. Inspect it to trigger the Souvenir.
Secret Chest #5
Sub-Chapter: More Rats
Objective: Find the smuggler’s hideout
After an enemy encounter in a cave, when you reach the end of the encounter (after there are no more rats in your way) go right to crouch into a boat. It has the secret chest on it. As usual it requires a knife to open, one was found with the Herbarium at the start of Chapter 7. DON’T INTERACT WITH THE COFFIN THAT’S BLOCKING THE PATH WHERE A LIT TORCH IS – the boat is to the right of the coffin.
Knife #9
Sub-Chapter: The combat according to Arnaud
Objective: Reach Sophia’s boat
When you go outside and reach an enemy encounter at a beach, you get the ability to command Arnaud to attack enemies. Here at this beach is a knife, on the right side by a shipwreck, check the rocks before the shipwreck.
Souvenir #12: The first men
Sub-Chapter: The fishing village
Objective: Reach Sophia’s boat
After the enemy encounter at the beach, you will have to push a coffin aside to squeeze through a gap to enter the next area. Here, before the next beach encounter, turn left and climb up the ledges, leading into a cave. Take the torch from the right side of the cave, walk to the end of the cave. There’s a cave painting on the wall, inspect it for this Souvenir.
Tool #11
Sub-Chapter: The fishing village
Objective: Reach Sophia’s boat
During the fishing village enemy encounter, there’s an interactable rope-pull on the upper level on the right side where the houses are. Interacting with it collapses a big platform with a chest on it. It’s surrounded by rats but you can use Hugo’s ability with +
to steer the rats away, then can reach the chest with 1 Tool and 10 Crafting Pieces inside.
Chapter 8: A Sea of Promises
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 0
- Knives: 0
- Tool Chests: 1
- Trophies: 1
Hugo’s Herbarium #7 (Feather 3/7): Black kite
Sub-Chapter: Celebration of the brighter days
Objective: Look around for information about the island
After getting off the boat and reaching the island, you’ll briefly have to talk to Arnaud, then you reach a market square. Go to the left end of the market square, there’s a garden, and a woman who thanks her helpers for doing a good job with the decorations. Past the woman, at the end of the garden there is a little path on the left side that leads to a tree with feathers on the ground. Interact with the feathers for this Herbarium entry.
Souvenir #13: Silent Lucinda
Sub-Chapter: Celebration of the brighter days
Objective: Look around for information about the island
From the garden where you found the Herbarium, go directly across to the opposite side of the market. There’s an archway, go through it to find some goats in the alley. Interact with them for this Souvenir.
Trophy: Perfect throw + Souvenir #14: Flower crown
Sub-Chapter: Celebration of the brighter days
Objective: Look around for information about the island
From the previous Souvenir, go to the exit of the market (normal story path, can only go one way), then at the first opportunity go down the first staircase on the left (instead of heading straight). There you find a little market stall with a vendor offering a pot throwing minigame, that’s the “Crowns game” required for the “Perfect Throw” trophy / achievement. You must throw all 4 pots through the hanging “crowns” AND hit the colored tarp behind each (from left to right: 1) Yellow > 2) Purple with Green > 3) Orange > 4) Brown). If you hit the wall behind the crowns, but not the colored tarp, it may not unlock the trophy correctly. After finishing the minigame you also earn the Souvenir.
Tool #12
Sub-Chapter: Stopping Arnaud
Objective: Escape from the Count’s soldiers
When you have to push a cart to climb up a barn with donkeys in it (normal story path), the chest is found after climbing up on the right side.
Chapter 9: Tales and Revelations
- Souvenirs: 3
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 2
- Knives: 1
- Tool Chests: 4
- Secret Armor: 1 (Faster Recovery)
- Trophies: 1
- Old Protector’s Items: 16
Souvenir #15: A thousand more years
Sub-Chapter: Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
You will leave the castle and meet Sofia again, and as part of the story you will have to follow bird statues. After finding the 1st bird statue (story-related), follow the path to its right straight on until the very end (not the downhill path, but the one going towards houses). Follow the path in a straight line until the end (don’t take a left turn). Go through the backyard of a house, it leads to a river at the edge of the map. There’s a tree upriver at the end of the path. Interact with the tree for the Souvenir conversation.
Secret Armor (Faster Health Recovery) + Tool #13 & Tool #14
Sub-Chapter: Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
Follow the bird statues until you reach windmills on a hill. Inside the windmills you can find levers to turn them on/off. You must have turned off Windmills 1+2 & turn on Windmills 3+4 (3 is on by default, no need to go inside). After doing this, go down the path between Windmills 2+3 that has 3 stone arches and leads into a cave. The cave door should now be opened if you turned the correct windmills on/off. At the end of the cave is this secret armor and also 2 Tool Chests. The armor gives you faster health recovery if you take damage, very useful for New Game+.
Tool #15
Sub-Chapter Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
After getting the secret armor go back outside. After the windmills, look in the sky for kites flying in the air. Go to the building where the kites are attached to, climb to the roof. On the roof there’s a hole, shoot the sling through it to hit a box on a chain inside. Climb down the roof, onto the balcony (not the ground), then shoot the slingshot twice through the window to hit the metal hooks on the gate. Now you can enter and find a Tool Chest inside.
Knife #10 + Secret Chest #6
Sub-Chapter: Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
Still in the huge exploration area, head towards the mountain with the two big peaks. Just before heading up the path to the mountain, on the left is a ruined tower. Shoot through its window to hit the lock on the door. Then you can enter the door, directly behind it is a knife (if you already have a knife, then pick it up after opening the Secret Chest). Climb up the ladder to find a Secret Chest and break it open with the knife. The next Souvenir is on the rooftop of this tower.
Souvenir #16: Nice screeching
Sub-Chapter: Exploration
Objective: Follow the bird statues
On top of the tower where you found the secret chest. There you get a /
button prompt when overlooking the area to trigger a conversation.
Souvenir #17: Tramontane + Tool #16
Sub-Chapter: On the mountain
Objective: Find a way around the checkpoint
Once you left the big open area with the previous collectibles, you will on a path to the mountain. After a little walk you will reach a checkpoint blocked by some goats, you now have to turn to the left climb up the little mountain/hill and follow the path, you will come across a broken building, inside that building is a goat. Behind that building is a grass that needs to be burned, now let hugo crawl in and he will open the door. You can now interact with the chest with the tool inside and then interact with the goat, the goat will now be free and you will get the souvenir.
Secret Chest #7
Sub-Chapter: On the mountain
Objective: Find a way around the checkpoint
After the souvenir you will climb up to another ledge, halfway on the path you can climb up on the left (see image below). If you no longer have a knife you must replay the chapter, there was one in the tower with Secret Chest #6 (even if you only open 1 chest per run via chapter select it still counts both in the trophy tracker).
Hugo’s Herbarium #8 (Feather 4/7): Barn owl
Sub-Chapter: Entering the sanctuary
Objective: Find a way around the checkpoint
There will be 2 stealth sections on your way to the sanctuary (you are not allowed to get spotted or killing anyone). After the second stealth section you will be inside a tower. You have to go all the way to the top, DO NOT USE the exit halfway through the tower. At the top you can climb up on the left, at the end of the path is the feather on the ground.
Trophy: Old Protector – Interact with all the old protector’s items in the sanctuary
Sub-Chapter: Phoenix
Objective: Explore the sacred quarters
This takes place after going through the ritual. You will enter a series of rooms with optional interactable objects on which you can press /
. There are 16 Old Protector Items, interact with all for the trophy.
Room 1:
1. Tent (right corner)
2. Small People Dolls (left corner)
3. Bed (left side)
4. Little Horse (center)
Room 2:
5. Toy Chest (right side)
6. Armor (across from entrance)
7. Weapons Rack (right corner)
8. Wax Tablets (right corner)
(Nothing Here)
Room 3:
9. Black Powder at Alchemical Machine (right side)
10. Dark Flask (right corner)
11. More Flasks (right corner)
12. Small Flask (left side)
13. Cooking Station (left corner)
14. Lab Table in Middle (after Hugo walks to it)
Upstairs (interact with everything BEFORE talking to Sophia):
15. Scrolls on Shelf (left corner)
16. See-through Floor to look at Room below (center) – trophy unlocks after this
Chapter 10: Bloodline
- Souvenirs: 1
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 2
- Tool Chests: 3
Tool #17
Sub-Chapter: Slavers
Objective: Reach the fort
In the first enemy encounter, you will come to a point where you must use the rope-crossbow to tear open a door. On the building with the anchor point is a tool chest (you have to go there for story purposes to tear open the door). It’s in plain sight and hard to miss.
Hugo’s Herbarium #9 (Feather 5/7): Raven
Sub-Chapter: The old temple
Objective: Reach the fort
After finishing the first enemy encounter you come to an old temple. Here you must command Sophia to interact with a wheel while you use the rope-crossbow on a chandelier to smash open a door. After this there is a paved path straight ahead, and a path in the grass on the left. Take the left path with grass on it and follow it till the end where you can jump down to the cliffs. At the end of the cliffs are the feathers.
Souvenir #18: A rag doll
Sub-Chapter: Approaching the fort
Objective: Reach the fort
After the next cutscene, Hugo will run across a field. Go talk to him, then enter the ruins next to him. Immediately after entering, turn left and use your grappling hook to open a wall. Climb up the wall, immediately turn right to find a tree, interacting with it gives the Souvenir.
Knife #11 + Tool #18
Sub-Chapter: Approaching the fort
Objective: Reach the fort
During the next enemy encounter, follow the paved path in the middle until the 2nd ruined building on the right side. In that building is a knife (ground floor) and a Tool Chest (upper floor).
Secret Chest #8
Sub-Chapter: In the courtyard
Objective: Use Sophia’s prism
When you have to get through a rat-infested courtyard, Sophia will use her crystal to light the way. After lighting up the 2nd brazier, there is a tower in the right corner of the area. Command Sophia to use her crystal from the 2nd brazier +
and walk over to the tower entrance. The chest is upstairs in that tower. (To get back out go downstairs and command Sophia to use her crystal on the fire again).
Tool #19
Sub-Chapter: In the courtyard
Objective: Reach the inner courtyard
In the next enemy section (2nd section of rat-infested courtyard), a chest is in the left corner at the start of that section. It’s surrounded by rats, to get there you must enter the building on the left, grab a stick, light it on fire, walk outside and grab the yellow Odoris crystals from the walls, craft Odoris, shoot it to lure rats away, then the path to the chest is open.
Knife #12
Sub-Chapter: The chapel
Objective: Survive the Assault
After the chapel (crypt) there will be a big enemy encounter where you fight waves of enemies. During this encounter, in the right corner is a knife (don’t break it so you have it for the Secret Chest in next chapter).
Chapter 11: The Cradle of Centuries
- Souvenirs: 2
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 1
- Tool Chests: 1
Hugo’s Herbarium #10 (Feather 6/7): European goldfinch
Sub-Chapter: Byzantine technology
Objective: Explore the underground area
Inside the underground area, after blowing up the first door using an explosive barrel. In the next room, on the right side there’s another explosive barrel behind a wall. You can blow it up with Ignifer slingshot (don’t blow up the gate on the left side of the same room yet). Behind it is the feather collectible.
Knife #13
Sub-Chapter: Byzantine technology
Objective: Explore the underground area
From the feathers go to the previous room with the workbench, crouch through the hole in the left wall, behind it you can shoot Ignifer slingshot at explosive barrels to blow open the gate. Go through the gate, in the next corridor turn right to find a skeleton with a knife sticking out of it.
Souvenir #19: The Chateau d’Ombrage
Sub-Chapter: Defence system
Objective: Explore the underground area
After you blew up a wall with a wagon full of explosives, you will reach a big open chamber with burning carts you can push. Take the cart on the right, push it halfway in the direction of the bridge. When you reach a big rock, push the cart to the right until it can go no further. You will see a chest. Use Sophia’s prism crystal (aim at brazier and +
), then jump down the ledge left of the chest to find the Souvenir on a table. (To get back to the cart you need to use Pyrite or throw an Ignifer pot).
Souvenir #20: His toys…
Sub-Chapter: Aelia
Objective: Open the gate
After you passed the bridge in the big open room where you pushed the carts, a cutscene will start. After the cutscene you will be in front of a big closed gate. Turn around, to your left side along the wall is a small door with a red flag, but it’s also closed. Let Hugo crawl into the little hole next to the door and he will open it. The souvenir is on a table in that room.
Secret Chest #9
Sub-Chapter: Rat tank
Objective: Explore the rest of the underground area
After opening the big gate from before and seeing the next cutscene, you will have to go through a rat-infested room. Immediately after the rats, you must climb up two ledges and use your slingshot to break chains so you can squeeze through them. Immediately after squeezing through the chains, turn left to squeeze through a 2nd set of chains, behind which you find the secret chest.
Tool #20
Sub-Chapter: Rat tank
Objective: Explore the rest of the underground area
Immediately after the Secret Chest you will have to push a burning cart. Push it until the path is blocked, then you must climb up the ledge to the right to blow up an explosive barrel, which clears the blockade. Afterward, you can push the cart forward and there’s a Tool Chest on the left. There may be rats in front of it but you can throw Ignifer or Odoris to get rid of them (or throw tar into the brazier cart).
Chapter 12: The Life We Deserve
Chapter 13: Nothing Left
- Souvenirs: 1
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 1
- Knives: 3
- Tool Chests: 3
Tool #21
Sub-Chapter: Grief
Objective: Find a way to the surface
After starting the chapter and walking a short distance forward, you will get another cutscene. After this you will enter a room. Immediately turn right to find an open doorway that leads to the chest.
Souvenir #21: A mess
Sub-Chapter: Grief
Objective: Find a way to the surface
After the Tool, in the next room you enter. On the right side you can shoot your sling through a hole in the metal bars to hit the lock of a door. Go through the door. Behind it is a cart, pull it towards you. Go back out the door and enter the corridor that the cart was blocking. Jump over the little fence, then immediately turn to your right to find another cart you can pull towards you. Behind is a little hole you can crouch through, the last Souvenir in the game is there on a table. It’s just before you have to use your grappling hook to pull down a bigger cart from above. After this you should earn the Immortal memories trophy / achievement if you didn’t miss any.
Tool #22
Sub-Chapter: Fresh Air
Objective: Reach the port
When you reach an area with human enemies, there’s a Tool Chest in the center of the area, guarded by a shielded enemy.
Knife #14
Sub-Chapter: Fresh Air
Objective: Reach the port
Same enemy area as the Tool, in the left-end corner of the area, sticking out of a cart that’s rolled on its side (resource chest in front of it, guard patrolling near it).
Knife #15
Sub-Chapter: Ruined village
Objective: Reach the port
After leaving the enemy area where the Tool was, you will reach a burning village with more enemies. Take the path on the left, through the barn, then through a house (ground floor). You find the knife after passing through the house, on a table with flowers.
Tool #23
Sub-Chapter: Ruined village
Objective: Reach the port
Same enemy encounter as the Knife, at the next group of enemies, in a church.
Knife #16
Sub-Chapter: Ruined village
Objective: Reach the port
From the previous tool, finish the area with the enemy encounter. In the next area you enter a house with a workbench. Climb up the ledge in this house, then drop down the balcony on the left. Immediately after, turn left to see the knife.
Hugo’s Herbarium #11 (Feather 7/7): Greylag goose
Sub-Chapter: Ruined village
Objective: Reach the port
Immediately after the knife, in the next alley, you will find a cart that you must push for story purposes (mandatory to advance). Instead of pushing it directly 180° opposite of where the cart stood, you must push it to where you came from. Then you can climb up and find the feather upstairs. This is the last Feather and unlocks the Ornithologist trophy / achievement. The next Secret Chest is also here.
Secret Chest #10
Sub-Chapter: Ruined village
Objective: Reach the port
From the feather above, turn to your right and open the door. The chest is behind the door. That’s the final Secret Chest and will unlock the Explorer trophy / achievement. If you missed any, you can get them via Chapter Select and it will still unlock when you get the missing one in an earlier chapter.
Chapter 14: Healing our Wounds
Chapter 15: Dying Sun
Chapter 16: King Hugo
- Souvenirs: 0
- Hugo’s Herbarium: 1
- Secret Chests: 0
- Knives: 0
- Tool Chests: 1
Tool #24
Sub-Chapter: Marseille
Objective: Find Hugo
At the very start of the chapter, in the building straight ahead of where you start, next to workbench.
Hugo’s Herbarium #12 (Flower 5/5): Carnation
Sub-Chapter: Marseille
Objective: Find Hugo
Directly after the Tool/Workbench, keep following the linear story path for a few meters. Lucas will stop at some flowers for some dialogue, interact with the flowers for Hugo’s last Herbarium Collectible. This unlocks Herbalist trophy / achievement. If you missed any Collectibles you can get them via Chapter Select.
Chapter 17: Legacy of De Rune Family
That’s all of the Collectibles in A Plague Tale Requiem. For anything else check out A Plague Tale Requiem 100% Completion Wiki & Strategy Guide.
GPAP360 says
How sure are you about the Chest counting if you open it via Chapter Select?
I only opened the first one on chapter 3, then completed the game whitout open anyone more and now when i select the most near point to open the chest the trophy stats on PS5 interface stay on 1/10.
Will check what happends after open the 10 via Chapter Select…
PowerPyx says
On PS5 it 100% counts via chapter select. It’s how I did it myself, got 2 chests via chapter select. Also for a friend of mine the trophy popped when he went back to get missing ones via Chapter Select.
In the trophy tracker it also updates the number when you get them via Chapter Select.
Update: the trophy tracker is now confirmed to be glitched for some players. Reinstalling the game and recollecting your missing ones will fix it.
Kaveman says
I’m playing on the medium difficulty and still found knives as needed in spots that say they won’t be there so they must of updated. Great guide so far. Much appreciated.
Timur Huhua says
I collected all the chests but didn’t get the trophy. The console menu showed only one open chest, although I collected all the other items without any problems. Restarting the chapter and reopening gave nothing. 1 out of 10. I will try a new game + or just go through a new one again.
patrickw says
I’m in a death loop with the save file every time I restart I’m in the same spot and can’t progress, either I die or Arnaud. Looks like I won’t be finishing this game as I tried everything.
PowerPyx says
Replay the Subchapter via Chapter Select, it should fix it.
Jason says
Theres another knife in Chapter 2, handy if you used the first one on a guard. After you arrive topside on the brazier lit elevator and before you go thru the hole in the fence, behind you up the set of stairs and up the ladder is a chest and another knife.
Jason says
Ignore my previous, I see there are a number of knives that you guys didnt show, maybe you’re just showing enough to get the secret chest?
Brint says
On Chapter 4, Knife #1 spawned for me on normal difficulty, but not Knife #2
Great guide as always!
Brint says
And instead I found an additional knife after getting Tool #4 a bit forward on a mass of bodies.
Rudburn says
There is one more Tool chest to be found in Chapter 9 free exploration part. It is located at the top of the guard tower to the left of where the ceremony is held. To access it, you need to climb some cliffs on the left on the tower when facing it.
Rudburn says
Thanks for the guide btw !
Ross says
Do have to play on narrative difficulty to get all the required knives for chests?
PowerPyx says
You still find some of the knives on higher difficulties but some won’t be there. You should still be able to open most chests, then get the rest afterward via Chapter Select on Narrative. The chests count for the trophy via Chapter Select.
FunGamer says
There’s a tool box missing in the guide fyi. Chapter 7 Felons right before Secret Chest #5. If you’re standing at that exact spot, it’s behind us before we climbed up onto the wall to get there. Out by the sea.
In chapter 10 just before Hugo’s Herbarium #9 (Feather 5/7): Raven, there is a Knife upstairs on the first building to the right where you meet the enemies for the first time. There is a fireplace in front of the house. Can’t miss it.
Rudburn says
I just found another Tool chest not mentioned in your guide. In Chapter 11, after entering the underground area and lighting the first brazier, look on the left behind you to find a dark passage leading to the chest.
Mike says
FYI, I found another Tool chest in Chapter 9. After Tool #15, with the house and kites, if you keep going downhill to the left, there’s a sort of arch tower with 2 soldiers standing in the middle of the way inside the tower when trying to enter from the road. They ask if you’re going down to the harbor and you’ll say something like “we were there yesterday”. You won’t be able to progress beyond that tower but if you follow the wall that the tower is connected with to the left and up from where the soldiers are, you’ll be able to climb up a cliff. Walk to the right and you’ll climb down, then up again (now you’re inside the tower), climb up the ladder and the chest is up there. Sofia and Hugo talk about how they’re not supposed to be there once you’re inside the arch tower (around the time when you’re climbing the ladder). Sorry if I didn’t describe the arch tower well but it has a flag at the pointy part of it, if you have trouble locating it. Hope that helps someone!
Nicolomeus says
You can’t replay the chapters for collect the secrets chests. Because if you don’t had a knife to open the chests you will not have one when you replay the chapter.
PowerPyx says
You have to replay from the last knife. If the last knife is in a previous chapter, you must replay from that chapter onward. This is explained in the intro at the top of this guide here – quote: “If you arrive at a Secret Chest but don’t have a Knife you must replay via Chapter Select from the last Knife Location onward”
And yes, you can absolutely use Chapter Select, it’s how I got the trophy myself.
Boobytrap says
I’d like to add that anyone wanting to play on Normal and follow this walkthrough for the knifes, can still easily do so. If a knife is not available, as mentioned in this guide, you can simply switch the difficulty to Easy without having to reload or replay anything. It makes it appear immediately upon changing the difficulty and exiting the settings menu. After collecting it, you can switch back to Normal right away.
Dale2e1 says
not sure if it’s in another comment already but this info would’ve saved me a lot of time
You can use a knife on a secret chest, restart checkpoint or section and ignore the chest, keep your knife, and use it on another chest later. No video evidence of this but I’ve done it myself and the trophy tracker will continue to count when you hit the second, third, etc. chest with the same knife.
I waited until the trophy popped to leave this comment, it definitely works all the way to platinum.
VOSS says
You missed a tool in the Smugglers Hideout in VII – Fellons
Right hand side of the cave, next to the ocean
PowerPyx says
Will check it out, thank you!
Jedi Col says
Chapter 5 has two other knives I found in narrative. Where you yell to Hugo with Lucas on the cliff, it’s in that little building area. And on the river after you break the chain across the river, it’s on the riverbank right next to pyrite on the rocks
Nail says
For Souvenir #19: The Chateau d’Ombrage, you can shoot the wooden crate the skeleton is leaning against with an Ignifer bolt. That will clear the rats and allow you to cross there and back.