In the Shadow of Ramparts is Chapter 9 in A Plague Tale: Innocence. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 9 “In the Shadow of Ramparts”.
Amicia has decided to risk her life for her little brother Hugo and has gone to the town nearby to retrieve the precious book of alchemy, the Sanguinis Itinera, from the university. Getting through town will not be a walk in the park. The city is crawling with Inquisitors and rat-infested areas.
Follow Melie
Before following Melie who will help us into the city, we need to grab a collectible (Herbarium 6 – Lavender) that’s located right at the start of the level, behind a tree and by a fallen trunk.
Follow Melie up the hill and ask her to lockpick the door for you.
After Melie has opened the door for you, Amicia will part ways with her and hopefully see her again soon. Time to get going. From now on, remember to pick up as many crafting materials as possible. This chapter has lots of good stuff.
Find the University
Climb up the stairs and then turn right to go up a new set of spiral stairs the will lead back outside.
The Univeristy is way off in the distance, but there’s too much light, not a good sign.
Reach the University
Go down the only available path until you see two guards. Crouch down the stairs to avoid getting spotted and hide behind the fences. Then, wait a minute or two. The two guards will leave the area, so no need to engage.
Next, continue to the next available section and hide behind the wooden fence. A guard shouting “Last call” will walk through a swarm of rats with a torch. First, cast Ignifer at the unlit torch when the guard’s not looking and then, in order to clear your path, cast Devorantis at the guard’s helmet to melt it and then a rock to knock him out. Some rats will scurry over to the guard’s body, others will be distracted by the torch’s light. However, to make it 100% safe to cross, grab a stick from the pile and light using the torch you lit.
Make your way amongst the rats and then climb the white-painted fence.
Continue on until you spot another guard. Have the rats get rid of the first guard by throwing a rock at his lantern.
As for the second one, use Devorantis and rocks to eliminate him. Then, if necessary, grab a stick from behind the fence next to you, use the nearby torch and make your way across.
Get up the stairs, climb up the white-painted fence, through the scaffolding and then back down the roof.
If you want to venture yourself into the swarms of rats, know that on the left of this area is a chest with crafting materials. Otherwise, climb down the ledge to continue forward. In the next section a woman is being threatened by an Inquisitor. Enter the building to be stopped by some more rats. Use your sling to bring down the overhead corpse and attract rats to it.
As soon as you do that, a guard will enter the room to investigate the noise. Quickly equip a rock to destroy his lanterns to have the rats munch him. Before heading up the stairs, there’s a collectible (Curiosity 17 – Sheepskin) we need to grab. Climb the fence to the left of the room and open the chest in front of you to get the collectible.
Then, on the upper floor, enter the room on the right, and then open the door to get back outside.
In order to make our way across this area, first we need to shoot down two courses hanging above us. This will attract the rats to a specific point and will give us safe room to crawl through and out of the holes.
In the next section use Devorantis and rocks on the guard in the distance and then Ignifer to light the nearby torch.
Climb over the wooden fence and then up the wall to grab a stick.
Use the torch you’ve just cast Ignifer at and light the stick to get through the hole on the left. When you exit back out, dispose first of the guard with Devorantis and rocks and then use Ignifer on the nearby torch to proceed.
Walk under the fence, keep walking straight and you’ll get to the cemetery.
Since we can’t access the area through the main gate, go right and use the light beam to get the rats out of the way and make it across.
Then, enter the building and go upstairs. Simply redirect the beam of light towards the hole in the wall to have the rats kill the guard and create a way for you to continue to the next room.
Here, use the light beam one more time to scare the rats away and be able to climb over the fence.
As you approach the window a new cutscene will start. During the cutscene, the Inquisitors talk about a new type of ammunition, Odoris, that distracts rats into a specific point for a limited amount of time. To create Odoris you need a material called Episanguis and then mix it with Sulfur. Climb down the window and enter the gate in front of you. Go to the pit on the right and cast Ignifer at the torch north of you.
Climb down and get some Episanguis. Craft Odoris and throw it as shown in the picture below to be able to reach the white-painted wooden fence and climb back up. Remember to be quick as Odoris’s effect only lasts for a couple of seconds.
After unlocking Episanguis, Alchemy upgrades become available, but, as explained in the Trophy Roadmap, you should ignore these if you want to rely on sufficient materials to completely upgrade your Sling and Equipment. Next, craft more Odoris and throw it into the rats to free the path. Then, quickly run to the next source of light.
Approach the pit and cast Odoris slightly to the right of the swarm of rats. Then, quickly get across and stop at the beam of light.
Use the beam and point it on the muddy uphill path.
Then, quickly run uphill to reach the second beam of light. There’s a cart on the other side of the gate, but first we need to trap the rats in the area to get out of here unscathed. First, move the beam of light to the right to make sure all rats move to the left.
Then, throw Odoris to the left of the area as shown in the picture below to trap all rats into a specific point. Then, quickly move the beam of light to the same area you threw Odoris to trap the rats once and for all. The whole area should be cleared now.
Now, before operating the cart, there’s a collectible (Curiosity 18 – Piece of Transis) we need to get. Behind the cart is a white-painted climbable wall. Climb it and drop down to access a new area. Inside the tomb to the left is the collectible.
Now retrace your steps and move the cart downhill to access the upper ledge.
Now climb the cart and ledge to continue forward. Go along the only available path, climb the wooden fence and walk across the field of corpses. The Inquisition used the rats to get rid of the sick. How… ruthless!
When you can run again, hide behind the fence and use Odoris on the guard nearby using +
to attract the guards to him. As they eat him, you can move on.
Continue on to get to a new area patrolled by another guard. When the guard moves, hide behind the fence and use either Devorantis and a rock to knock him out yourself or a pot and Odoris to first distract him and then have the rats eat him.
Now cross the bridge and get rid of the guard by the river using a rock. The second guard will investigate. Dispose of him using Devorantis and rocks.
Now, before continuing, we need to make a slight detour for an Alchemist Cart (2/5). After disposing of the two guards, turn left as shown in the picture below, climb the wall, and craft Luminosa to eliminate the swarm of rats. Now, simply enter the cart and the game will save your progress.
Now, retrace your steps and use the beam of light to trap the rats and then climb the fence. We’re finally about to enter the University.
Enter the University
Here, start by unchaining the rat cage you see hanging from the crane in the middle of area. Two guards gone!
Then, cast a rock at the lantern of the guard on the right of the area to have him exposed to the rats. Have him spot you and when he gets in the area shown in the picture below cast Odoris to attract the rats to him.
Then, quickly dispose of the guard behind you by using any means necessary.
Then, finally dispose of the last guard standing by the stairs.
Now, before entering the University, we need to grab one last collectible (Gift 9 – Chessboard) for this chapter. Use the pictures below to know where you need to go, but be careful because you need to get rid of two guard in quick succession first.
Throw a pot to distract them both, then quickly use a rock to kill the one without helmet and a combination of Devorantis and rocks to kill the one wearing one.
Then, access the table to grab the collectible.
Now, we can enter the Univeristy. We have two options here. You can either use the safer side entrance or use the less safe main entrance which is guarded by two enemies but will unlock the chapter-specific trophy The Hard Way. To access the main entrance, I found useful to have the guards spot me and then have them follow me to the previous rat area. Then, here I used Odoris to let the rats eat them.
Once both guards have been eliminated, you can enter the University from the main door, thereby finishing the chapter and unlocking the trophy.
This concludes Chapter 9 “In the Shadow of Ramparts” in A Plague Tale: Innocence. Now Chapter 10 “The Way of Roses” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Innocence check out the full A Plague Tale: Innocence Walkthrough.
Leo says
Just how exactly are we supposed to fully upgrade our stuff i have uppgraded my sling ot max then finished the game but when i chapter select lvl 9 both those upgrades are undone
Bailey says
You can’t level select as it undoes your upgrades from when you last played that level so you can’t play chapter 14 then go back to chapter 11. You’d have to play them in sequence 10,11,12 etc.
Jeffrey John says
I missed the trophy “the hard way”, I didn’t notice that I need to enter the main door. But instead I entered at the back door. Oh well I’ll just repeat the chapter after I finish the main story.
Ecostar says
It’s worth mentioning that you don’t have to kill the guards at the front entrance to achieve the “hard way” trophy. I got both guards to chase me to the lower area, tried to kill them, failed, and then just said “hell with this” and ran back to the front entrance. I wasn’t sure if I would get the trophy or not, but it logged as an achievement, so I got the trophy without actually killing the guards.