The Ravens’ Spoils is Chapter 5 in A Plague Tale: Innocence. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 5 “The Ravens’ Spoils”.
Amicia and Hugo succeeded in escaping the fire and hordes of rats from Laurentius’s farm. Alongside them is Lucas, Laurentius’s apprentice alchemist who volunteered to use his knowledge of alchemy to facilitate Amicia’s and Hugo’s journey to the Chateau. As they get across the lake, Amicia asks Lucas what Hugo has in his blood. Lucas says that Hugo might be affected by the Prima Macula, a rare condition running in the blood of certain families that seems to have awoken in Hugo’s blood when the Great Break, the plague, burst. As we continue our journey, the Prima Macula will play a major role in Hugo’s life.
Follow the Aqueduct
Time to make our way towards the aqueduct. That seems to be the safest and fastest way to get to Chateau d’Ombrage. The first thing we need to take care of is a collectible (Herbarium 3 – Gladiolus). Start walking in the direction of the aqueduct and when you get close to it, take a left and do quite a lot of backtracking to get to the Herbarium’s location. The path is linear and at the end of it is the collectible. Use the pictures if you need to.
Now, Retrace your steps and continue on below the aqueduct until you get to a huge battlefield.
Cross the Battlefield
Scattered across the battlefield are countless corpses of people who died in battle or fell victim of the plague. Amicia, Hugo, and Lucas don’t have much of a choice, they must cross. Keep going straight on, following the torches and shortly after the place will be teeming with rats. Light the brazier under the fallen trunk and do the same for the one nearby. Keep running from one torch to the next, using Ignifer on them when necessary.
Continue on until you reach a big wooden structure with two maneuverable handles. Look up and use Ignifer on the top of the big wooden post, then use the handles with Lucas to bring it down in order to create a path for Hugo. Hugo will go and grab a stick for you. Use the brazier near you to light the stick and continue on.
You’ll reach some grass. Hide in it to avoid being spotted by the nearby guard. Equip a stone and aim for the lantern to make the guard drop it. The guard will get killed by the rats and as they devour the body you have free room to continue.
Cross the bridge and in the next lit area equip Ignifer to light a brazier. Move next to the brazier and equip a rock to disengage the chains and allow the drawbridge to drop and kill the rats beneath. A guard gets alerted. Equip a rock and headshot him. Enter the wooden tower and stock up on crafting materials.
To continue, climb up the ladder and cast an Ignifer projectile onto the brazier on the cart in the distance. Then, go back down and grab a stick. Light it using the nearby torch and make your way to the cart.
Now, the main path is on the right but we first need to head left for a collectible (Curiosity 9 – Wheat Flail). Approach the cart and push it leftward. If the guard holding a torch spots you, stop pushing the cart for a moment, equip a stone and headshot him. You must be quick. Then move on, the collectible is in a chest next to where the guard is. After grabbing the collectible, let the rats kill you to easily go back to the cart. Don’t worry, the collectible is saved.
This time, push the cart rightward. You will alert a guard no matter what you do. Stop pushing the cart for a moment, aim at his lantern and continue on until the cartwheels will get stuck in the mud.
New guards are patrolling this area, but in order to continue we need fire. Sneak up behind the guard and do nothing. As he starts walking, following him by crouch-walking. Try to stay as close to the light emitted by his torch as possible. Then, grab the torch from the wall and return to Hugo and Lucas to prevent them from panicking.
Then, continue to the left until you reach a second mounting spot for your torch and a ledge you can climb over.
In the next section, stay close to the light and equip your rocks to shoot down the cadavers for the rats.
Before heading inside the wooden structure to the right, head left and the end of the trail you will find a collectible (Curiosity 10 – Oliphant).
Then, enter the wooden structure.
Here you will find a soldier begging for help. This is our opportunity to unlock the chapter-specific trophy Savior. First, grab the torch from the mounting spot and continue on until you cross the first opening. Look to the left and you’ll see a new mountain spot for the torch. Place it here because if you simply walk towards him with the torch, the rats will eat him. Then, equip an Ignifer projectile and aim at the lantern next to him. By doing so, you will save the soldier and to thank you for your generosity he will not sound the alarm.
Now, grab the torch one more time and make your way to the end. You will lose the torch and in the next area a new puzzle awaits us. Hide behind the wall and use the new Inventory item that Lucas gives you, Somnum. Mix it together, then silently approach the guard from behind and hit when prompted. Then, use Ignifer on the nearby torch and approach the new contraption.
The area is swarming with rats, so we need to create a path forward. Have Lucas use the handle to bring down the swing and then move closer to it with Hugo.
A moment after the mechanism’s ropes have bent, Lucas will release and the device is going to start swinging. Use the momentum to make it across and climb the stairs.
Next, use Ignifer to light the torch across the gate and then instruct Hugo to crawl through the hole and grab a stick for you. Grab the stick and use the nearby torch to set it on fire.
Quickly go down the stairs and head right. Amongst the rats is a collectible (Gift 5 – Ballastella) next to a sword. Use the picture for help.
From the collectible location, light a stick and then retrace your steps. Take another stick from up the stairs, and ask Hugo to activate the contraption one more time. As the device swings, go back to him with your unlit stick.
Set the stick on fire and move on through the stone archway. When you reach the first torch, drop the stick and run from one torch to the next. Meanwhile, a huge explosion destroys part of the aqueduct.
Go up the road and cast Ignifer at the nearby haystack. Run towards the log and climb over.
Then, unchain the cart and follow it as it descends amongst some more rats. As you follow it, make sure Lucas keeps up with you.
A new guard is patrolling the battlefield now. Equip a rock and cast it at his lantern. After killing him, one of the doors from the wooden tower above will open. To make it across the sea of rats, equip a rock to unchain it.
Turn 180° and cast Ignifer at the torch behind you, then grab a stick and light it up using the last torch available before the rats.
At the end of this section is a wall you can climb over, but only after supporting Hugo through another one of his fits.
For the next section, we need to sneak past another series of guards. Wait until the road ahead of you is clear of enemies and then crouch-walk behind the wall to continue unseen. The best way to get past this area is to ignore all the guards completely and just eliminate the one standing in your path with Somnus. Again, ignore all other guards.
Just continue on to another wall to climb. As we approach the end of the level, a guard has spotted two raiders who manage to escape. Amicia wants to follow them, but while they escape Hugo trips and Amicia is caught in her attempt to save him. Once Amicia is knocked unconscious, Chapter 5 will end.
This concludes Chapter 5 “The Ravens’ Spoils” in A Plague Tale: Innocence. Now Chapter 6 “Damaged Goods” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Innocence check out the full A Plague Tale: Innocence Walkthrough.
Rodney Arnold says
“Turn 360° and cast Ignifer at the torch behind you”…..
A 360 degree turn would face you in the same direction you started. I beleive u meant 180 degrees.
PowerPyx says
You are correct, this has been fixed. Well spotted, thanks for reporting =)
Aeon says
You can also Turn the card Just around the little stone Tower if you keep left after collecting the Sickle.that way you don’t have to discontinue your Game.
Marc says
The curiosity we collect that supposedly should be a wheat flail is, in fact, a sickle.
Natalie says
I thought it was me going mad, I kept wondering where the wheat flail was ??
Danielle says
You aren’t the only one lol I was wondering what the hell a wheat flail was until I saw the sickle, they could’ve just said that instead but they wanna be all fancy about it ?