The De Rune Legacy is Chapter 1 in A Plague Tale: Innocence. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Chapter 1 “The De Rune Legacy”.
- Progress through the Forest
- Gather Rocks for the Sling
- Shoot at the Apples
- Follow Lion
- Sneak Up on the Young Wild Boar
- Shoot at the Wild Boar’s Head
- Find Lion
- Find Beatrice in Hugo’s Quarters
- Find Hugo
- Get Out of the House
- Follow Beatrice
- Escape the Inquisition
Progress through the Forest
Amicia and her dad are in the forest for the daily battue. Follow your dad into the woods until you reach your first sling training ground.
Gather Rocks for the Sling
Pick up the rocks near the trunk nearby and approach the apple tree to start slinging.
Shoot at the Apples
Press and hold and release when the hit-mark turns yellow. Your dad gives you 10 seconds to knock down all apples. Try and knock as many as you can before the time is up, but don’t stress too much if you don’t. While this is part of your training, hitting all apples within the 10 seconds is NOT required to unlock
More Practice.
Follow Lion
Meanwhile, your dog, Lion, has smelled something and has gone after it. Follow him and the on-screen prompts to get further down into the forest. As it turns out, Lion has spotted a wild boar.
Sneak Up on the Young Wild Boar
Listen to your dad’s instructions and use the tall grass to remain undetected and approach the wild boar.
Shoot at the Wild Boar’s Head
As it is your sole inventory item for now, Amicia should already have rocks equipped. You can find rocks laying around the area. While invisible, aim for the snout. Amicia’s dad congratulates her on her slingshot, but the wild boar isn’t knocked out yet and Lion goes after it.
Find Lion
Lion has scurried too far away and Amicia is worried. Traverse through the woods and the muddy waters until you reach a hole in the ground. Shortly after coming across the carcass of the wild boar, be ready to witness a heart-wrenching cinematic. Afterward, we’re back at the de Rune estate with our Amicia still visibly shocked at the loss.
Find Beatrice in Hugo’s Quarters
Before heading inside the quarters, there’s quite a few things we need first. As you as control Amicia, head right and on your left you’ll see stables. Climb the ladder that you’ll find inside the third stable to discover a collectible (Gift 1 – Duck Whistle).
Now go back to the main area of the estate until you face a big door made of steel. Head right and walk until you reach a small area with some carts under a roof. In this area you can complete your training by throwing more rocks with your sling, thereby unlocking More Practice.
Now head back to the main area and enter the quarters by gaining access through the church.
Before heading upstairs, there’s one collectible we need to find. As soon as you enter the quarters, head right and enter the kitchen.
Enter the area on your left and climb up the ladder. Turn around and keep walking until you can find a collectible (Curiosity 1 – Spices).
Now go back to the entrance to the quarters and climb the spiral stairs.
Enter the area in front of you, then head left through the first door and on the bed you’ll find a new collectible (Curiosity 2 – Tablecloth).
Now open the door on top of the spiral stairs. Here, we’ll meet Amicia’s mother, Beatrice, who is busy finding a cure for Hugo and doesn’t seem too interested in spending time with her daughter. Meanwhile, some Inquisitors have reached the farm and trouble is brewing. Time to find our little brother, Hugo.
Find Hugo
From the mother’s quarters, go through the door to the left of her desk and you’ll enter a new room. Keep going straight. Hugo is playing under the tent in the corner.
Meanwhile, in the courtyard, the Inquisitors are looking for Hugo for some unknown reason and they seem to be stopping at nothing. Amicia’s dad is beheaded and we need to get out of the house to avoid getting spotted.
Get Out of the House
Follow the on-screen prompts to call Hugo to you who will stick with you as you try leaving the place. Head back from the way you came from and hide behind the desk to avoid the incoming guard.
Exit from the main door when he’s not looking. Make your way towards the spiral stairs, always being careful at avoiding guards.
Sneak past the guard on the ground floor as they kill an undefended woman and head for the kitchen.
Wait until the man killed by a spear drops to the floor and sneak past the guards when they are by the fireplace torturing another civilian and continue on to the back and make your way to the room with another fireplace and a pot.
To leave the quarters, interact with the door. As a guard is about to kill both Amicia and Hugo, Beatrice rescues you.
Follow Beatrice
After leaving the house, you need to follow Beatrice as you sneak past a series of guards. The key to successfully complete this area of the game is to stick close to Beatrice as much as you can and listen to her saying when it’s safe to go or not. For the first area, crouch in the tall grass and follow Beatrice.
In the second area, wait until Beatrice walks past a guard and follow her to a nearby wall you and Hugo can climb over.
In the third area, grab the rocks on the bench and aim for the metal armour pieces in the middle of the yard to distract the nearby guard. The guard will walk over to investigate the noise, leaving you a chance to continue.
After hitting the armour, keep following your mom and grab additional rocks if you need them.
To distract the next guard, do the same you did for the previous one. Aim at the metal sheets hanging from the distant scarecrow-looking vane and throw your rock.
Keep following Beatrice as she hides behind some hedges. Next to it is a bench with some pots atop. Grab one and hold to select from your inventory. Aim as shown in the picture below to distract the guard and be able to walk forward.
You’ll eventually reach a locked door. Fortunately, there’s a crack in the wall next to the door which is big enough for Hugo to crawl through. Let go of Hugo by pressing and he will go to the other side of the wall to unlock the door for you.
In the next area, sneak through the trees once the guard walks by and your mom crouches onwards. Climb the open window and listen to Beatrice reminding Amicia that she needs to help Hugo climb over fences and windows as he is too weak on account of his health problems.
Grab Hugo and climb the nearby fence, then quickly hide in the tall grass again. Let go of Hugo and climb the wall when the guard doesn’t look.
While hiding in the grass opposite you, grab a pot if you need one and throw it in the area in the picture to distract the guard.
When the guard isn’t looking, hit to call Beatrice and Hugo to you. Throw another pot if necessary so that you have enough time to keep moving forward. Stick by Beatrice and throw a rock at the scarecrow-looking vane to distract the next guard. The guard will walk towards the vane but it will still be unsafe for you to cross. Wait until he turns his back to avoid being caught.
A new cinematic will play out during which Lambert, the estate’s caretaker, will help us out.
Beatrice tells us that Hugo needs healing and the only man able to cure him is Father Laurentius. An Inquisitor, Lord Nicholas, has heard us though, and in order to save her children, Beatrice decides to sacrifice herself. While Hugo is not looking, Beatrice is killed by Lord Nicholas. Get ready to run for your lives.
Escape the Inquisition
For this quick, fast-paced section, hold and keep following the path. It’s quite linear. There’s only a crossroads. Head left here.
Once you reach the river, Chapter 1 will end.
This concludes Chapter 1 “The De Rune Legacy” in A Plague Tale: Innocence. Now Chapter 2 “The Strangers” starts.
For all other chapters in A Plague Tale: Innocence check out the full A Plague Tale: Innocence Walkthrough.
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